Videoguide - Export from Maya Import in Unreal Engine 5, SendTo and FBX Export, Mesh, Materials

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in this quick video guide we're going to see how we can export models from maya to unreal engine and in this case this is unreal engine 5. so first thing you need to do of course is to create a scene in maya and if you're interested in maya you don't know how to use it you can check our video course in the channel and also our other guides about maya same thing about unreal engine so just to do a quick recap you need to download and install the epic games launcher then install the unreal engine from here getting the to the download page and then once you're ready you click to start here and you're gonna see some options you can create this is the first person example map so you can create a basic label that you can use then for this tutorial so i'm gonna export from here from maya you have a couple of options to do that you can go here to file and say send to unity send to unreal in this case we are sending to unreal so i'm gonna then uh have to select if i want to export everything or just the selection so i'm gonna try the selection first so i'm gonna see here i'm gonna type my text as the name for this and you also have options here when you are sending or exporting you can also create your preset if you want now i suggest you do a little bit of tests because sometimes it works and you can export everything sometimes things don't get exported so you just need to decide here a little bit of options and i've also made other exports from for lumion and under software i've created some presets here so once you're ready you go to export selection and then you will find down here the directory so this is this went directly to maya to unreal folder import so be careful where you import and then you can go here you have a couple options as well you can go file import into level and this is where i've stored the file and say open and you can choose a location here let's um well i'm just gonna insert this into generic content and still you have some other selections to do and you can see this is a poly surface and you can import this as a static mesh or skeletal mesh if it has bones and skeletons and okay this is other options like to generate light maps which are pretty important and this is for skeletal mesh and materials as well okay let's go to import once you have run through all those options and there you go now we have some problems here so we have problems with normals and things like that now let's see here it's looking pretty good except these strange effects but again you should always try to figure out what's the problem now if i go here in the content browser i can see the polysurface here and the material so i'm going to click it and drag it inside and probably it's also too small so i'm gonna scale it and it's also oriented not uh in the correct way so some of these you can set it up in the during the import process some you need to figure it out later when you import okay i can see my text there but it's not looking good as in maya so i should see what's happening here maybe there is some issue with this um little chamfer and convex shape here so i think i i would need to re-export or perhaps try to see what's happening here with the smoothing groups so the other way you can export is to go directly to the export selection and if you click on this little square you can set up some options so we can also try with the obj sometimes it it's better so let's try also this and let's go here to another folder i'm going to call this maya text 2 and save it and you can see that with other objects here even more complex i didn't have any issue so i imported this right model this other model here these are from by the way so i will leave a link in the description and this is an object that i have modeled inside maya and looks okay so you really have to work piece by piece now i'm gonna import this as well the other way you can import is directly here in the content browser clicking on import and this time it's located into another folder which is this one here and there you go so i'm going to open it up and again just try to understand what's going on here and let's say import and let's go back here in the content browser and this is the new my attacks which it's looking better i think so if it doesn't work with one method you can always try the other so it depends also on the versions of the software that you are using talking about both maya and unreal engine so this one here looks a little bit better than the one that we imported before there you go and still has some issues there with some polygons so it's really strange but one additional thing we can do here is when we export to either fbx or obj is that we can go into the presets and try to figure out what's causing this issue here so if i go here i can go to geometry maybe we don't have to smooth the mesh or maybe we can try to triangulate and try to understand if this is gonna help us and also here sometimes in animation if you want animated object you can you have to bake animation and so you have a lot of things here to run through but when you're ready you can also save up presets you can call it maya to unreal say okay and you can export again and let's call these maya text tree now again for the other models here is just the same thing should import either for obj and fbx formats okay let's do this last test and go to the text tree and open it up and let's see here and convert scene unit that's that's okay material there is no issue with that fbx information okay looks okay let's import okay now always read here now i've taken off the smoothie group just to see if those were the ones causing the problem and it actually looks better now so as you can see it is just a matter of going through different options test things out and eventually you will find the the problem and this looks much better now okay so this will be all for this video guide i hope you enjoyed and that it will help you working with maya and unreal engine so if you have some more questions you can if you need assistance you can type it in the comments below the video and also if you want you can write your suggestions for other users and also please subscribe to the channel to support us if you want to support us more you can join as a supporter and thanks to that we can make more videos and courses about this really amazing software so thanks for watching and see you in the next video guide
Channel: jbdtube
Views: 26,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: design, free, guide, video, tutorial, help, step, designer, 3D, software, Export from Maya Import in Unreal Engine 5, Mesh, Material, Textures, import, export, model, 3d, scene, easy, quick, fast, setup, manage, manager, game, videogame, asset, prop, assets, props, object, objects, elements, element, create, creation, simple, editor, edit, modify, unreal, engine, Maya, sendto, fbx, obj, videogames, interactive, animation, animate, aniamted, interaction, level, levels, lesson, course, lessons, courses, furniture, furnishing, interior, sento, tool, tools, cad
Id: NNtvw-MOAP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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