Florsheim- one of the most expensive Restoration Iโ€™ve done on Florsheimโ€™s

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AKSiz ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I have to agree on the critiques of this guy's editing skills, also a video like this, would probably do better with no narration. Maybe a bit of text every now and then.

But this was an epic repair and I thought it was worth showing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/albusb ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Great video and a master craftsmen who you can tell takes pride in his work.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Yokohama88 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

how much do those shoes cost?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/bigeoduck ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

How much did that cost?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/tricoloredduck851 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I bought a pair of Florsheims last year that fell to shit in about two months. This was all through completely normal wear, i even avoided wearing them on rainy days. I had previously bought a pair that I loved and lasted me quite a while - I wonder if they have changed something with their production

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AmericanWasted ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

i can understand restoring some bespoke English shoes, but some run of the mill Florsheims?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Moveover33 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I have a pair of Florsheim's that I bought and they lasted about a year. Granted, I put a lot of miles on them. I think I paid $100 or so for them. I can't imagine having paid the money it would take to redo them. I also can't imagine owning a pair of shoes for 25+ years. My soles were worn, but it was the stitching on the leather that fell apart.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mortalwombat- ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 11 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

homie could have bought three or four new pairs of Florsheims with what he paid to have the old ones restored.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/thrifty_rascal ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello this is Steve from Beto's leather works and today's project is this beautiful Florsheim cordovan shoes shell chordoma shoes now we're gonna do is we're going to do a full sole heel on this exactly same way that you see it these are called suicide heels because they get slippery when it's wet outside and on tile floors because of all the nails now most of the time when we restore these we make a little bit of wear wearable friendly but the customer wants it do clean exact like this here's another one this particular one here's an after this is one of my award-winning shoes basically what I did was I reused every single nail that came on with that the original nails okay now why do I mention that because in this one here the customer wants it the same way said save as much as you can of the original items on the shoe he's very attached to this and he bought them brand new and he's had him I think for like 25 years now so we're gonna salvage whatever we can of the original materials well just the nails I think and take them out and saying the tops of the nails to flatten them out so we gonna reuse them again yeah it's gonna be a little bit of work but I think once they once they get done it should be pretty successful just like that one all right let's get started all right so basically now we just got to be careful when we taking something apart to salvage all the nails again we want to use all the nails want to duplicate it just like what you got here and we want to use this you want to save this top left too so we can make a pattern out of it now we're not going to reuse that that cleat we're gonna put a new one on there all that all those nails gonna reuse so we gotta salvage all of them we just have to strain them out a little bit that's all you see those no biggie again that's what the customer's request was now all that work comes that it comes at a cost this is gonna be one of my most expensive repairs on floor chimes [Music] we're going to save this too for the nail patterns there all right let's continue we lost one not good it's over there somewhere I heard it one of the nails just went AWOL all right then look for it let's continue you thought you could get away from me you thought you could run away get back there with your buddies yes we got them all now alright let's continue alright so we've got the welt off the shoe this is the welt okay now could we have not taken it off and done the job yes most of the time I don't do it this way but this is a little bit more detailed restoration so a couple of reasons why I took it off would help if I just show you what the heck I'm doing so first I wanted to get into the nooks and crannies of the uppers to try to clean them when the wealth is on there you can't really get to those little areas there okay second I wanted to risa cure this welt back on there so it'll last another 25 years it wasn't wasn't really loose but it had some couple of areas that were kind of kind of not as tight as it should be so once we get done with it it'll be nice and tight and secured this is the shank this is a fiberglass shank we're going to reuse that okay and we'll fill this in with cork and strain that out and at this stage now I can clean the uppers a little bit and prep it this heel has 69 nails 70 that includes the V cleat they're each heel 70 nails okay and we're going to reproduce that just like the way you see it there now you can just nail it right you can use regular nails like I did this one just practicing a couple years ago now these are square heads okay these are rectangle so these need to be put back in like the Rays of the Sun you see it's got kind of they're angled okay you can't just put them in there and be done with it you could you could do anything you want but at this level we want to make sure we want to do exact same thing just like my competition shoe that's the exact same nails that was like that it was a record the heads of them and were rectangle so when they if you can see that little small okay so it's got to go back in the same way which is tedious work got to make sure that those nails are exactly lined up like a nice pattern it's not just put in there randomly and twist it and turn each way whatever way you know this and put in there so that's why that's why one of this this is one of the most expensive restorations no I'm not going to tell you how much just yet you guys just gonna have to wait all right just wait be patient you got to watch the end of the video to find out what I charged well yeah if I tell you now you're not gonna watch the video all right let's continue see the cork fails over time there's nothing there here it's nothing there so the cork kind of breaks down over time sometimes when we when we resole shoes sometimes it'll look okay but you really need to replace that because some some areas of the the footbed kind of gets collapsed a little bit and it's not the same thickness as it was replace them don't worry I'm not gonna stab myself I'm gonna abs of steel man we talking about careful not to do that it's not a knife it's just the you know blunt just called the heel prior because we stick it underneath the heel and we pry it off and seal prior hey can you guys tell the audio difference I got a little mic hanging above my head look at that and it's picking up pretty good sounds I think tell me if you like it or is it just annoying you to hear everything either way you're gonna listen to it so the reason I cut this what I was cutting here I basically the stitches so I can pick them from top of that wealth don't forget that this is a this is basically an outsole stitch shoe which means that the sole comes on and it's stitched right in order for you to reach stitch it again you got to remove you have to remove the old thread now I've seen some cobblers not do that that's a no-no okay you have to do that that's tedious you see you got to sit there and pick every little stitch that's on there but you know what if it's done properly if it's if it's reached properly and it'll go back into the same holes and it'll look so much better than having two three rows of stitches piled up so what happens is that when you resole the shoe you have to stitch it on there most of the shoes you have to stitch it on then if you don't remove the old stitches off the welt and it piles up on there and then it starts weakening the welt and at some point the welt needs our waste and replacing that as tedious as well because it's all hand stitched back on there so you've got to replace you've got to take it out you you just have to be a good conscience yet you know if you sleep better at night just some people don't have conscious I guess I don't know to eat just to own I know my job and I know I can sleep well at night knowing that I've done the best I could on a project all right well I think you gotta sit here watch me pick these stitches all day all right let's continue see the cork fails over time there's nothing there here it's nothing there so the cork kind of breaks down over time sometimes when we when we resole shoes sometimes it'll look okay but you really need to replace that because some some areas of the the footbed kind of gets collapsed a little bit and it's not the same thickness as it was don't worry I'm not gonna stab myself I'm gonna abs of steel man we're talking about careful not to do that it's not a knife it's just the in a blunt just called the heel prior because we should stick it underneath the heel and it we pry it off and seal prior this little sweet poof hey can you guys tell the audio difference I got a little mic hanging above my head look at that and it's picking up pretty good sounds I think tell me if you like it or is it just annoying you to hear everything either way you're gonna listen to it so the reason I cut this what I was cutting here I basically the stitches so I can pick them from top of that wealth don't forget that this is a this is basically an outsole statue which means that the sole comes on and it's stitched right in order for you to reach stitch it again you got to remove you have to remove the old thread now I've seen some cobblers not do that that's a no-no okay you have to do that that's tedious you see you got to sit there and pick every little stitch that's on there but you know what if it's done properly if it's if it's reached properly and it'll go back into the same holes and it'll look so much better than having to three rows of stitches piled up so what happens is that when you resole a shoe you have to stitch it on there most of the shoes you have to stitch it on then if you don't remove the old stitches off the welt and it piles up on there and then it starts weakening the welt and at some point the welt needs to be waste and replacing that as tedious as well because it's all hand stitched back on there so you've got to Ripley you've got to take it out you you just have to you know good conscience yet you know if you sleep better at night just some people don't have conscience I guess I don't know to eat just to own I know my job and I know I can sleep well at night knowing that I've done the best I could on a project all right well I think you guys sit here watch me pick these stitches all day alright let's continue so I clamped the old base to the new heel base and want to get that exact same size because what I'd like to do is I'd like to put the nails in at this stage here so we've got to have that exact size right or else the nails are going to be offset okay these are new heels and you heel basis okay all the nails have been sanded nice and silvery at the top part it was a lot of nails you know but yeah what do you gonna do jobs a job excuse me now what I like to do is cut out the hole for the V cleat and the V cleat looks like I'm coming I'm coming just like that see it's in the shape of a V hey there's that why they call it a weekly yes V cleat now some floor chimes have it on the outside edge of the heel and some have it in set like that like the original one is see that so we're going to duplicate just like what you see here you just like that alright let's continue alright basically I mark order weekly it's going to be now this is a little bit not difficult but a little time-consuming because leather the gr leather is so hard it's so dense that you really have to kind of cut it a little at a time just gotta keep at it till you go all the way through all right I don't wanna bore you with cutting in for half hour all right let's continue I have to take the top lift off get that in there not too bad we'll just glue it back on there no worries all right let's continue I have to take the top lift off get that in there not too bad we'll just glue it back on there no worries all right let's continue all right so let me show you over at now we've got the heel attached to the heel base marked all the lines so I made this little tool here it's just a stitch Victor right so I sanded the tip to give it that same shape as the nail it's like a rectangle basically what I'm gonna do is just gonna hammer it down make the pattern now you got to make sure that this is kind of at a right angle can't be you know like this or like that so what I did was I this little other piece here shows me basically the way that's got to be pointed either this way or this way can't be here because then the hole is gonna be vertical we want a horizontal okay now when you look at the heel it's kind of concave like that right it's not flat so what happens is when you hammer this it's hollow in there and you're not gonna get a good surface to hammer on so I made this little filler let's call that I'm gonna put that inside there like that this is a this is a wax beeswax basically so what that does is that when you hammer this in here when the white we know when you've got a wax on there it's easy to it's easy to pull out sometimes it gets stuck the friction now you got to make sure that you're making the holes the right line straight line I should say if one of them is crooked then it's not gonna look good it's just especially if you got OCD oh my god forget about it forget about it then you're gonna take one of those nails you're gonna put them into little slots okay and you're gonna tap it in there and that's why it takes a little bit of time to get it right make sure this is pointing the right direction and we're gonna do that sixty nine times on each heel oh did I tell you guys that this is my favorite shoe well maybe not after this job no it's still my favorite shoe it's just a cool shoe I like it like working on it you know all right let's make those holes a little deeper so the nails will go on there easily [Music] [Music] it's just a tedious job man you know what I like it I think the more details the butter you know what I mean just kind of make sure that I get these needles in the right spots one at a time one at a time so as you can see it is getting there once I'll have them in there I'll fly them I'll hammer flat I'll flatten hammer room all right let's continue you all right we got these done this was the hardest part most time-consuming part now is it like I wanted it not really it's the best I'm going to be able to do now I'd be alright just wish a couple of the nails were a little more straighter and a little more in line with what I was trying to do but they're not I think it'll be okay alright let's continue all right so this is the welt okay now we're going to restage it onto the shoe this is called the jerk needle see that hook at the end I basically go through the hole now we're not creating knee holes right we're going through the same holes that was there before basically you put the needle through okay you got the inside thread right here you hook it like this you pull it out this is what you got here okay and then you run this one through there and you tighten it up I was explaining you guys earlier that there's a machine that does this right Goodyear wilt stitcher unfortunately this is the only machine that I have my hands all the way around think I'm gonna speed this up a little bit for you guys alright let's continue you all right so now that we've got the stitched we'll get to fill that in with cork now cork comes in a couple of different couple of different ways manufacturers will have a cork is what it's called actually it's exactly what it sounds like it's hot cork it's like in a liquid form almost like a peanut butter for me and they're not really liquid and or we have it in sheets like this okay or we have it in pre-cut pieces either way they all do the job they fill in the void okay and basically this cork is if you if you look here you've got a little cavity in there right so the court kind of levels that surface and also gives us some cushion when you're stepping in stepping down so it acts as absorption cushion and we're gonna reuse this fiberglass shank it's still in good shape we'll keep it the same once we put the cork on there with the shank basically we're gonna sand that flush so there's no high spots there's any bump or something you're gonna feel that when you wear it we don't want that that's not a that's not a good thing whenever you get your shoes repaired you're supposed to be able to wear them right it's not supposed to be uncomfortable Comfort shouldn't change it you should get more comfortable so we're getting there slowly but surely now we get redo the other one now now on the uppers here I wiped them down with a little bit of acetone not much and then applied some number not number eight to quarter Michelle quarter and cream quarter been like burgundy color and then with some Venetian cream on there then once everything gets done we're gonna put a couple of more coats on it I'm buffing like crazy I've done yet but you know you get the idea it's looking pretty good can't wait to finish these are look nice very nice all right let's continue oh when we come back well I know it hasn't been much you know what time but we'll make it up the war all right let's continue [Laughter] y'all know what time it is I crack myself up sometimes that loves me I mean if I don't loves myself well so love me well maybe my mama maybe my wife my kids loves me the most song stuck in your head this one always sneaks back I'm not gonna tell you guys what it is because you're gonna have that problem then no all right so we are getting there as you guys can see we've got the mid souls on we record it and I try to use everything that I could the midsole still in great shape so we're going to keep that obviously now we get to paint the bottom of the soles and then stamp them and then glue them so this is what it looks like now and when I get done you'll have that nice pattern on the bottom like like that all right [Music] I'm getting better no I'm not I got a piece of tape on the bottom I got you guys I can do without the tape really I can all right you know I'll know what time it is now don't you all right well I'm gonna make some noise oh now this shoe is not a Florsheim Imperial that's why I didn't put the Florsheim Imperial logo here it's still a floor shine but it's not a Florsheim Imperial okay but gets the Florsheim stamp at the top there I mean they made a bunch of different different styles different kinds already sure there's no scuff marks on here sometimes I sand the surface of my hammer so it doesn't mark up the soles yeah I know the soles are gonna get marked up when it custom wears it but that's not the point point is that it's gonna leave my hands no marks just looking all right huh it's getting there I think the bottom turned out a little reddish then I would have wanted it try to get it in brown shade but I think that'd be all right now we got to put in the press gonna hear a sound that's just the press Oh check this out these are the new heel liners the betos on there and then also the for shine logo not too bad not too shabby I think the guy I'll be happy I wasn't gonna put his name at the shank of the breast of the heel there the toe area doesn't have any dye on it because there's going to be a French tip there the triumph French tip all right first coming again man this is some dense leather should get in the middle of screen huh it's a little pattern tool it's kind of cool all right let's continue [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the true test of stitching Souls is looking at the welt to see if it went in the same holes and sure enough I did I'll continue what sanding makes it really smooth all right let's continue [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're strained out some nails so we're gonna reuse them again this brings back memories of my childhood yeah straining on nails childhood memories growing up a Lebanon I guess in the 70s and we used to we used to collect old old nails and bent nails and [Music] we used to strain them I like this so we can reuse them again now wouldn't you have any Home Depot a hardware store we may do with what we had because you know we did little projects here and there we couldn't go to the store and buy a box of nails that was out of the question so we collected all nails here there construction sites stuff like that so we could reuse them just like I'm doing now forty some odd years later there's a picture of me somewhere as a matter of fact sitting down on my button with a hammer in my hand straightening out nails I gotta find that picture the new 40 so my the years later would be in America and I'm doing the same thing anyway not many fond memories of childhood unfortunately I remember the war pretty well we were in the war for two years or the Lebanon Lebanese civil war started in 75 we left in 77 I've got plenty memories of that we suppress some memories some some things we don't want to think about you know but they're still there all right we are getting there let's continue [Music] soon the tops of these and that's how we recycle nails kids that's coming along okay not too bad well when the finished product will look much better than what this is here made some insoles for - I can't see you know okay this is believers getting on my nerves here well this is surprise I can't show you that you can see that that's Bastille all right we're getting there let's continue you all right welcome back we are done with another project [Music] now the nails gave me a little bit of trouble it's always hard to salvage old dales especially that's small and that old but I think it turned out okay beautiful shoes did I tell you guys how much I love these shoes are they're my favorite shoes I did I didn't tell you guys enough usually in my other videos it's like 50 thousand times that I tell you guys and I did a little surprise for the customer these are basically would lower double to cedar shoe trees and I figured I'd give him a little bit extra look at that now that's a complete project right there now this job cost $900 now this is the most expensive restoration that I've done I did the Florsheim Yuma's about a month ago that was $800 this was $900 the reason for that price was it's so time-consuming to do those heels and it was important that we'd salvage the nails keep them original as possible because that's what the customer wanted I think they turned out pretty good I'm I'm pretty happy with it I think he'll be happy with it too well I hope you enjoyed my video if you have any questions regards to a particular job please email me and betos yahoo.com all right comment all you want share all you want oh this is not this I didn't make this this was a customer gave this to me and but I've ordered some shirts they're on their way so I was thinking maybe $23 a shirt and maybe on the mugs I don't know maybe $14 not much profit margin on the but the shirts yeah I make a couple of dollars so I'll keep you guys posted as soon as that you're ready all right thank you for joining me we'll see you again next time take care
Channel: Bedo's Leatherworks LLC
Views: 1,373,004
Rating: 4.8176975 out of 5
Keywords: detailed shoe repair, repair, doudaklian, bedos, leatherworks, bag restoration, shoe restoration, leather goods, leather restoration, allen edmonds, gucci, tom ford, christian louboutin, men style, style, fashion, designer, woman style, designer shoe, designer shoe repair, Gazizno & Gerling, mens fashion, womans fashion, mens style, womans style, shoe shine, mirror shine, fashion & style, style & fashion, shoe fashion, cobbler, shoe crafting, shoe maker, Florsheim, florsheim shoe
Id: s5so3WN3gB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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