VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 30

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Scott Pilgrim I love this movie I think there are three different elements Nico do you know what they are I think I see it thanks to Ray Khan for sponsoring this video stick around to the end to see how you can get 15% off your very own set of earbuds hey what's up welcome back to another episode of visual effects artists react today we've got some pretty sweet looking shots we got some historical landmarks of visual effects we're gonna take a look at and a couple goofs as well seaton watch the video that's what I was gonna say Scott Pilgrim Scott Pilgrim has been so highly requested like forever I love this movie so people remember that there are effects in this movie but that's because it's so like cartoony and comic style for instance this scene right here has a moment where he just like takes him and throws him across the parking lot and into like a castle hey I'm talking to you there's Captain America right there that's not Captain America no it's the Human Torch to quote a friend of mine it's clobbering time [Applause] he just throws him and any cheers feels like yeah dude look at that sick so that's a shot that's hot right there very strange and cool I think there's a few things going on here I think there are three different elements Nico do you know what they are yeah I would say you got a stud man a digital double and then michael cera in the foreground all being stitched together what the magic of computers perfect that was exactly what I was gonna say there's obviously some sort of stunt guy like getting into position and then falling down through that thing let's see if we can see when it goes from the stunt guy to see gwg right there did you see how the rotation kind of went in kisses yeah there's a transition to michael cera definitely like there's a stunt and there's Michael Cera and then somebody's like I gotta fix I gotta connect the two was CG like in the movie 1917 yeah exactly way more janky so okay what frame exactly did he go from the did you double back to me yeah that's true michael cera does look a lot like you there are so many visual effects in this movie too but the cool thing about them is that there's not a lot of computer-generated stuff most of the time there's a lot of like distortion effects and like text on-screen anime lines look at those anime lines there so that fire there how do you think they're getting that how are they making that fire sling gems huh I think it's slim jims so there's something I really like here it's not just CG elements like you know energy looking elements on top of the video take a look at the guitar and see how the guitar smears yes I was I was noticing the same thing so that's really cool because if you've ever tried doing visual effects like you may have a cool laser a factor energy effect and you drop on your footage it doesn't feel like it's part of the footage and things like having distortion where the footage itself is being distorted is a great way to like have things like feel like they're impacting that world because it'd be so easy for this like energy wave just to feel like it's literally a light layer put on top of the film but in this case it's smearing the guitar it's giving the impression of like wind and things like that one other thing that I really appreciate is that they are doing a lot of practical lighting on set to match these effects that are being added in post like their timing and syncing lighting effects on set to later on match the effects that are put into the footage months down the line and that takes planning that takes a vision that's what I think signifies a good director who cares about their their work versus the other people are just phoning it in and they show up on the day and they just yeah put a camera there film the actors done let me talk about how like this you know it's like anime in real life right and we've done our fair share of live-action anime videos so like what does it mean to have live-action anime well obviously there's things like having text on screen and anime lines but when you look at anime it's it's it's drawing from the fact that well no pun intended they're drawings you don't have a lot of frames in your budget you have to basically sell motion and sell a story with the minimal amount of drawings possible so you do things like lines to convey motion and they use just normal zooms and pans to convey motion and that's where the whole like anime blurred background comes into play because you want to show somebody flying at you but you only have one frame that you can have something in a pose and then you just paint one picture of lines and then you just zip it back and forth real quick and so that lets you have motion and kinetic energy while still only having like one or two drawings maybe their mouth is moving or whatever you're swapping that out they emulate that here when they have Scott Pilgrim flying forward with a punch like their bodies are relatively still but the position of their bodies are moving there's a great new thing it's a super cool movie I really watched it pretty recently as well and it's awesome and no one went to see it in theaters so in one of our last videos Clint was like I got a jacked up clip for you and I was like guys that octopus is really jacked up and if you have any other jacked up visual effects clips let us know in the comments below and you did you followed through on it and I went through those comments and someone wanted us to check out this scene from looper I love this movie there's some really good stuff in looper this character is noticing physical changes in his body that are happening in a past version of himself and they're appearing on him in real-time and his nose is gone there's something so like visceral about seeing a chopped-off nose this is so jacked up this chop his leg off his legs disappeared while he was walking yeah super and like he collapsed through where his legs should have been yeah I wonder how they did the legs disappear yeah his legs obviously disappear within his pants and he collapses so it's something that possibly could have just been done practically but it was so well done I'm not sure how they did it I think I see it I think he actually has a leg and I think he falls down and the moaning starts falling down they painted out and they replace it with a cloth simulation they're basically just doing what we did in our short paper cuts we do an effect where I hit them and when I hit the person the person turns into a flat piece of paper it's torn in half and flutters away it's a real person that then he gets erased in the shot and gets replaced in the cloth simulation but in the case of paper cuts it acts like paper route then you know the legs of pants Nico's hunger is that right I look this one up you first off that car crash and him coming out our two shots stitched together with a stunt actor crashes the car for real and then they stitched that with another shot of him coming out of the car to transition into this and for this entire take here it's a full-body take and they basically just transitioned the limbs into cloth simulations and paint out the existing limbs okay from it like a filming perspective it's pretty simple there are like tracking markers on his body that they're using for like the animation and stuff like that they set up some witness cameras around there to try and get the animation as smooth as possible that's so well done yeah what's so well done it's it's a really simple execution on set and the effect is really visceral thanks for that jacked up shots and that was pretty jacked up jacked up movies leave them in the comments we're reading them and I'm happy to go through more of these because sometimes the most jacked up shots require the most jacked up the effects [Music] so this is a movie called the abbeys and it came after two Minotaur and aliens and before - - ort so there is a groundbreaking visual effects shot in this movie and it is this like water snake thing they called it a pseudo pod this is a big precursor to the t1000 right here yeah yeah look at that look at that face it's mirroring her face right there good effects are good it just looks weird it's look like the practical light of like the water reflections they're doing all over the place to constantly like motivate the creature [Music] wait why why she just tickled his brain and licked it so I want to explain why this is such a big deal the only other CG character that had ever been done before this was the stained glass man this shot was so groundbreaking at the time they were uncertain if they were gonna be able to do it at all so James came and literally wrote this entire scene to be removed from the movie if it came down to it we're looking through this liquid material this this medium that you can actually see through so there's a couple different things happening one is it's basically refracting everything behind it and is causing the image to like invert and like distort but you're also seeing reflections on the surface of the water and all of that requires imagery to actually pass through it and that's something that had never been done before they weren't sure if they could do this but there was one guy who was like no we got this and his name was John Knoll his name is John like John Knoll is like one of my VFX heroes he's like okay we need to see through the water so he took his camera and he took photos of the set any like every angle possible from every light from every camera like just kind of getting the whole set and he actually stitched all those images together using this program that him and his brother invented called Photoshop yeah that's right John Knoll along with his brother invented Photoshop and what John Knoll did with taking all those photos is it gave the rendering program something to actually project through the water medium itself he basically created the standard of taking photos of the set so that anytime you're having visual effects you can add that stuff back in exactly as it was on set this would certainly be a lot easier to do now however you wouldn't be able to do it without the same principles they used on set to make this film way back in the day you still have to have those methods and procedures involved also this is the first example of like doing like morphing that the digital face there morphs between her face and Ed Harris's face I mean just as a guess if like I was back then and trying to keep this as simple as possible the way you're gonna build these CG faces is probably by making sure there's a uniform amount of vertices between them so that way when you're animating in morphing between the two shapes you can simply just take these two vertices and everything slides in into a new location but the underlying structure of the face stays identical just like everything about it is just like by the books in the best way just kind of blown away and in the back of my head I'm going like James Cameron is the best filmmaker of the 20th century he is straight up also John Knoll if you're seeing this please consider coming on our show we'd love to have you that would be amazing that would be that would be like a dream come true if you or anyone you know knows John Knoll let us know hey guys this episode of VFX artists react is brought to you by ray con earbuds my dad hit me up because he likes to do a lot of like hiking and walking and you know full-on ear covering headphones that get kind of hot and sweaty and so he's like you know is there is there an earbud that you recommend well dad I recommend these guys the every day e 25 I talked to Jake and Jake was like Niko if you do the next integration we'll send a box to your dad so yeah keep an eye on the mailbox in a week cuz I'm doing it there's a bunch of great features that my dad will enjoy such as a sleek design no stems and the wires hanging out my dad loves bass the bass response on these guys is great my dad loves fun colors these guys come in all sorts of colors they can be personalized to match your personality and on top of that my dad likes to listen to lots of music for a long time and the battery life on these guys last for six hours on top that you recharge them four times in their case so if you're looking for a nice pair of earbuds I offer seamless Bluetooth connection and great bass response go to the link in the description below or you go to buy rack on comms left cord or crew type it into your RL manually because I don't know maybe you're a person who likes doing that okay hey everybody thanks for watching this episode of bee effects artists react if there are any clips that you wants to react to from movies please leave a comment down below we'll take the good ones we'll take the bad ones we'll take the weird ones dude someone mentioned to Animorphs we're gonna have to talk about that next time oh yeah we're gonna do Animorphs next time if there's any kooky kids shows that had some badly effects in it let us know I I wish I was there for the beast wars episode because I watched that a lot and I had a lot of Beast Wars action figures and I always wanted to know how they did it yeah you know being on this show then you lot magically know I come here so you guys get make me a better visual text artist Oh
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,608,029
Rating: 4.9619141 out of 5
Keywords: vfx artists, VFX, CGI, visual effects, shot breakdown, behind the scenes, movies, hollywood, Scott Pilgrim, Ramona Flowers, The Abyss, Looper
Id: 1y2xOj4QN6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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