Class D Traffic Pattern - Radio Communications

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greetings everyone thanks for joining us this morning on this livestream from gold seal we got an email last week from mark Strickland ground schooled member and he knew we were up here in Atlanta and he said he'd like to see a video of what it's like to go in and out a peace treaty cab airport now PDK is one of the busier class-d airports in the country and they've got parallel runways they've got a crossing runway nine and two seven I'm not even sure if that one's in use right now but it's a it's a busy Airport one thing you have to do when you go to an airport like that is really be on top of your radio you have to pay attention to what the tower controller is telling you and be willing to listen and comply quickly they don't have a lot of room in there now I'm not sure how it's going to be today it might be just busiest could be or maybe will be the only only people in traffic pattern but we'll find out so right now GPS tells us that we're ten miles out the first thing we want to do before we go to any class the airport is to listen to the ATIS get the weather reports so I'll go ahead and flick over to that now and we'll what here with the eight is four PDK has to say the cat P Street our information November 1 5ov every Zulu observation wind variable at five verbal with us one zero the guy clear below 1 2007 two point one six altimeter three zero zero five visual approaches mutilating n departing runway three right and three left that's the theremin actually charlie closed between runway three left and free right runway three right runway hint identifier lights out of service crane 0.4 north of Peachtree has one zero eight eight feet msl flag and lighted crane 0.78 north of peachtree at one one seven zero feet msl flagged it lighted use caution for work in progress at the approach in the firm weight three left and three right use caution for mowers in between the parallel runways drones operating within a five nautical mile radius of the cap a street at or below 400 feet AGL those drones as a dish weather information for the southeastern US available on all Hiawatha plays there are equal to fertilizers aren't effective ifr clearance available on clearance delivery frequency one to five point to advise ground control if IFR or VFR when ready protectee advise on initial contact you have information November information November so that was a mouthful a lot of that stuff was talking about for activities on the ground and things like that but we got what we needed to know we got the letter we know that the winds are variable sky is basically clear we could see that today without even listening to any weather report and that they're using runways three left and three right so we'll be landing to the Northeast on the parallel runways will probably be on the shorter one which will be three left but now that I know have not have November I've been turning circles out here just to make sure I don't get into his airspace before we're ready but now that we've got our we've got two ADIS we're ready to make our call to the tower so we're gonna we're gonna punch the radio over to the tower frequency the once your old way of the departure corridor three right remain left the third quarter at all about now one thing I should have mentioned is before I go to any Airport I mean I could look up the radio frequencies on other j-pop the panel my GPS or on my iPad but I kind of like to do it the old-fashioned way to just as back up I'll write it down on a piece of paper so I've got the traffic pattern all the frequencies that I'm going to need the runway numbers and this just makes the whole the whole trip into the airport a whole lot less stressful so peace treaty cab is kind of interesting their traffic pattern is nineteen ninety-eight feet I guess they figured we're gonna be flying with some real precision we'll just use two thousand feet for our traffic pattern but then we'll be using three left or three right whatever they tell us where we're getting ready to switch back over to the tower frequency of one twenty point nine so let's get this going I got the call for like 75 tango it also verified yeah there's no member that's affirmative skylight November 8 8 7 5 Tiger up on with the Raiders November we'll call you three out right yes sir there's your papa Fox on once you get to the king the Queen will you uh be returning to Cornett or continuing with now I want to turn the volume down he mentioned he's talking to another pilot ask him if we he was referred to the king of the Queen that's a landmark here in the north side of Atlanta it's two buildings at the intersection of a2 of major expressways and they call it the king and queen because they look like the chess pieces on a chess board we've got some pictures of them I don't know if we have a chance to punch him in here during this live stream but that's what he was referring to the king of the Queen I'm gonna I'm gonna turn back here to make sure we don't get too close to his airport before we call him we do have to call him and hear our tail number before we're allowed to enter this Class D airspace so you'll be seeing the Atlanta skyline as we swing back around here to the left and then we'll see if we can get a word in and talk to talk to the tower if you're a left base for only three left when I call him I'm gonna give him a DDA a distance direction altitude and a dose of I tell him our distance where we are in relation to the airport our altitude and the ATIS letter B DAA P Street our skyline for 274 to skylane for 2/7 for two or seven miles northwest 2,800 with November we'd like a couple of touch it goes followed by a departure to the north for 274 to P Street our I bet all right you told me to identify this push the button on the transponder to do that I don't have to verbally respond to that it has set our tale offers so we're we're free to enter his airspace now family for two after I left down where all the way three left alright left downwind for three left four to seven for two we know how we're gonna enter Alan's you get straight to the airport and wait feel that our runway number seven five painting only through likely to land when zero seven zero three traffic three mile final before I like three left I couldn't land only three rights up I think almost love water radio work going on a tree powers here's three nine oh my papa there's three men of my Brown feast our yeah lever mouth to the west with no pepper landing Ursula eleven miles less idea for it through miles left field for a left chapter only three left he'll also be all three well that's our land not my problem so think about these busy class DS you have to really keep your head on the swivel and keep your ears open be aware of where all the aircraft are this is a pretty busy Airport this morning a lot of times it could be even worse they'll be landed parallel parallel runways to airplanes at a time and if that happens you really have to make sure you're on that centerline well the buildings they referring to earlier is the king of the Queen or right down over here off of our 2 o'clock position we're now about four and a half miles from the airport again if you're just joining us where this is a live strength of Gold Seal you're riding along because mark Strickland wanted to see a video of what it was like to land at the busy Class D Airport at B Street a cab on the north side of Atlanta so we figured we'd oblige mark I hope you're I hope you're online I hope you're enjoying this perfect a good day for it and might as well take advantage of the of the tower being quiet for a few moments to make a little bit of commentary on our own so we're now three and a half miles out the airport it's straight ahead we're on a 45 or the left downwind for three left so this is a nice bit of real nice entry here little hazy out here but not too bad I can see across the Atlanta skyline down here all the way to the south end of town which is shoot that's a good 20 miles away down to Hartsfield Class B right now we're under the Class B airspace I don't have my sectional or my iPad open at the moment but the Class B starts that's half a mile final only three left you put up for touching goal in zero five you're at eight after departure make a love close traffic all right four to seven for two is cleared number two for the touch you go followed by left traffic for 274 to this week's up I think I lose the power and get down to traffic pattern altitude we've got eight miles to the southwest and a full stop with however another three three five apiece tried it now we've been cleared for number two for that and we left runway so we got to be looking for this number one got a lot of buzzards out here today too I don't want to have a close encounter with November on the left and we can produce a power pitch in the nose up change it my shrimp for a slower air speed on the downwind let's just do a quick Gump check here gas is off both undercarriage is down mixture is rich and I'll push the prop sent to IR p.m. thankfully Bravo chap will crop down feel kinda ground point take that across them at airplane that we're supposed to be number two behind is rolling out of the runway so we are now dunker what for the touch of go on three left takes out the cross and now my grab while you're number two to follow eight they feel down with it $1,000 in Decatur only three left that's a total Ellen 0:07 little an three left number two pylons that's numbers not my brother all right going to second notch 20 degrees of flaps here we're looking real good on a fairly nice close in left base for runway 3 left and we get turned on to final here you'll have a good chance to see the two parallel runways and again if I stop I stop the commentary that's because of listening to the radio and let you listen for the two three three five Romeo fly eastbound interrupt this piece mileage since a three-mile right Chris through my left base runway three right all right gas undercarriage mixture drops forward I want you to do a second go check out final here's a right they were three right left Baker Street slimmer hood let's please overall it's the center line it is a little puppy today we're all sweaty this past midfield left downwind parallel runway let's say let's go to cross right right right there's away three three five review sometime I probably still number one now for the level III left traffic the head to your right mm all right get the airplane trip so much the page trying to decide how it goes yet not dissipate the right rudder all you people thought is my students who fun would be before you know that term anticipate the right rudder Baker has it got the right rudder in their behavior be ready to put it in this main paper want this rollout first traffic here is the power and the FBO right over here 335 right here and we'll go back and make another round parallel runways right out here so it's really important that I stay on this centerline so I don't get blown over well the Brits flew it the other way but I don't want to encroach on this centerline on this runway to my right coming up on 500 feet AGL so right about now I'll start my turn to the left crosswind you already instructed us to do left traffic a 182 assistant 182 hears of a duel a little bit of a power reduction as we get ready to turn on to the downwind there's downtown Atlanta straight ahead and here comes the crosswind right at 2,000 feet like where we want to be okay there's somebody ask where wind chill for is there a day there are four zero at eight I guess it's pretty good office of the direct edge we had on our next one reduce the power here on the downwind so we don't fill them with seven that's us two or three left clear to land right there clip for the off number to watch our profile cleared option number two and after this we'll just apart straight out to the north so when I my brother ground point six and on okay look weirdly up there the option that means we can do anything we want if you have to go show you to the north sep 4 but we're gonna do it another touch it go and then we'll just continue out mark I hope you enjoyed this buddy we gave you everything you asked for [Music] alright go ahead belcheck and we're slow enough now we put the power in one notch flaps 35 with me I'll let that go and we'll start our descent know the lay down the dog that's the whole sort of before we threw that big golfer made this frequency well sort of to us at all right now Stone Mountain the biggest granite outcrop that I'm aware of landmark well-done landmark here in Atlanta so well that's good we're sick your flap your left John found point six other side we're now the lift base cross free lift ground point six on the other side three three five romance boost my power and let's see if we get on a nice stabilized approach here on the extended runway centreline right there and here we are turn it over to it all right we're about a half-mile final four three left now let's see what the but these squirrelly winds will do with us again thanks for riding along with us on this flight today it's our live it's a live stream we do a lot of these we've been doing some from the dc-3 when we depart out of here we'll let you take a quick look at some dc-3 footage as we're as we're heading out but these are a lot of fun to do and send us your send us your comments and your emails and let us know what you'd like to see here we are coming down into the flare we've got a good good air speed we'll just hold her up here a little bit of a bump with the wind okay there's my centreline clean up that includes trim one lunch flaps and put in the power and anticipate the right rudder as always Wayne that was for you anticipate the right rudder all right we're climbing out to the north here not much to see now that we're heading on out of town so maybe we could put in a little bit of a dc-3 footage as we get ready to sign off for this flight as I said we put campers on these airplanes and we took the gold seal dc-3 up the Oshkosh this year ever to go through and we fit sublime streams up there with flight chops a nav we're bad steve-o Knievel's but YouTube personalities that you may be aware of we had a blast having that airplane up there where that historic airplane seeing how much people enjoyed watching it meant flying and it was just pure pure pure pleasure we just loved doing that and doing these live streams in this airplane is a lot of fun too so stay on our YouTube channel we'll be doing more of these watch us on Facebook and as always good flying
Channel: Gold Seal Flight Training
Views: 161,587
Rating: 4.93297 out of 5
Keywords: flight training, dekalb-peachtree, PDK airport, Class D
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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