Nitro Birthday Madness! Phong Breaks his Power Record! Episode 2

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we need to cook for more than 15 minutes huh marty yes we do we keep shutting it off every 15 minutes we'll never get nowhere yeah you just trying to set the idol [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we mourn a different concept we speak a different language we grow up on a different culture but our dream is for sale dream to go fast we interview the greatest race car your dream my dream together can make this happen ladies and gentlemen welcome to our [Music] world [Music] fong's over here getting injectors in wiring my hand is hurting suck i know yeah he smashed his hand [Music] no excuses he wants to get done the old school ones are very big i tried to clean the stores i'm telling you this is one rad site we got a still over here with moonshine marty and we got fong over here with hot rod nitro burning all motor car got big mike over there his crx just got done 700 plus on that and then we've got honduras over here they're getting ready to strap down in tune too and there's amelia this is awesome man it's like every angle there's something awesome going on now we'll do what we ought to do right he's got to catch up yeah but it's on today we're going to start playing with some nitro we got the 50 50 mix and uh let's say 50 though 50 we're just gonna see how she does and kind of just creep up on it we're not trying to get crazy yet we're just trying to see how it'll do this is still the other head this is not the fancy head yeah so we're gonna try this out looks like you got some shiny itbs on it yeah it's shiny man they look great too and those are available who'd you get those through uh draco tail drake cartel jeremy always hooking it up yeah and what cams do we got in this one can be a map bmf once bmf one yeah okay all right so we got a pretty potent setup and i think we're about ready to get going here so it's going to be epic what do you want to do at the same time same time she wants me to race now you got jamie all hyped up let's go looks like we got a little fuel leak that's coming from this fitting right that's that one that me and tom were worried about they've done that to us before prime it do it again a little bit more tighter oh wait i just saw one drip i just saw one drip right here one drip would be okay yeah i don't know i don't know if it's residual or what but let's have extinguishers though all right we're prepared where's my headphones remember you won't see it burning so you won't see it burning so you got to watch everything around it we're going to 50 50 first yeah yeah this is 50 50 in it this is 50 50. oh and you got to reset up the injectors i already did okay that fired right up okay i think we're third gear with the tires and the ratios yeah the 26s look sick on here dude though they're beautiful put some heat in it yeah go ahead um oh [Music] maybe that's why i didn't have a very good throttle yeah every time he touched it that's a good idea there no choice how much did it take all of it oh all right so fong's got some fuel in this thing and we're ready to try it out so let's put some temp in it what do you say let's make a tug tom do it let's see where to wrap we may just be creeping up on it at first but we'll find it uh um [Music] all right now we've got something to go off of let's look and then start feeding this bomb oh my god all right so we're just going to keep creeping up on this as we go and uh see if we can't find [Music] it that's how we ordered yeah it's not hot okay we need to gap it down tight precision so so we buried the sensors hmm [Music] so [Music] [Applause] whew [Music] i don't know if you guys are used to this or not but i'm not that's my guy you're crying i'm crying yeah okay [Music] oh but i mean that one out try it i don't know you know what i mean yeah oh okay so we're just easing into things uh creeping up on it i'm just trying to find the fuel i got it super duper heavy at first and i'm just trying to familiarize myself with that and then start putting some ignition timing to it too so just kind of balancing things out and learning as we go nitro is pretty fun definitely different what was that 3 80. we just keep creeping up yeah baby yeah we're learning back to back we're going this way we're going up that's awesome man yeah it's fun huh and we're just running away we're just learning like yeah i mean once we have some time in it and really understand what we need to do keep playing with stuff mr important my regular stock vehicles just stand there put in some turbo cars yeah find out what they like man yeah what our duty cycle go to there 58 so it went down because you trimmed it let's check a plug and then maybe we could trim again and add another degree pull that plug again at least that was six one lambda at 42 degrees so we went up four degrees from where we had been yes and it picked up a lot picked up a ton that's all the same stuff all we're doing is micro adjustments and it just says there's gonna be there could be a massive change or you know we could end up here it all depends where the cams are set and obviously i don't think those are they're not right now because remember we hurt the other head these just got thrown in things are not degreed still and we just we're just weighing it right now so yeah there's a brain what's the most na power you've made up here that's the most no before this elevation 355. this elevation is really hard so oh yeah but i think we're learning and this thong's pumped man he's having fun remember to talk about the d.a i i don't know what elevation it is today but we are not at sea level people need to understand that when they're talking about this i think we're up around over six to seven yeah six to seven thousand feet so i'm pleased with what's going on it's fun yeah it's on methanol yeah they're not really hot since you're running this fuel yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna definitely trim it just a little bit and see what we can do i have the raw nitro you want me to add a little more 65 i wouldn't mind they said after sixty percent it goes magic so it's just another fifteen defend well let's try let's try trimming it a touch degree trim and a touch give it a degree we can get close to four hundred it's not like forty two timing and now this explain this end part right here because we talked about that but you can't really show any of it this little end section that was just me having the rev limiter and i hung that on the litter for a minute because 95 hype right now it just holds it one spot it doesn't just doesn't let it go over it doesn't make a big bang just just holds you yeah and then this one you up the limiter and then you got out of it right at the limiter yeah so all right so i'm going to go to 6-2 that was 6-1 63 lambda and i'm going to go probably 45 because the driving is getting a lot better yeah everything is coming around as well i mean we get data and things like that yeah exactly when i hit the brakes that's cool i trimmed this out just that fuzz and i added just a buzz of timing i want to know how far i can go so let's learn so hmm [Music] 34. so i made four more or something yeah okay you know like it looks like it just wants a cam angle right there he's like i got that kind of i know but like that was awesome what was our duty on that so i'm trying to make mental notes of this i think i was 55 so we're still going down yeah because you're trimming it's going down chemistry class time remember don't try this at home it's important very important don't try this at home guys you got to be a professional don't do it at your house do it at your friend's house should we put some in honduras yes go ahead what would happen if we put a little bit in there yes [Music] you're a chemist as well that was though that was pretty good that was eyeball hold up hold on pour this back in first eyeball nitro mix come on man let's go i get crazy with him at home yeah roll it this one's going to be set up again notice the toxic stickers there's no you got a 60 40 shot no we have a 50 50 shot of whose legs blow yeah i know we'll use your gasket pour this back in i mean yeah this is at a bottle five you drink bottle three why are you fifty friends are you busy yeah you want some do you want some three we'll give you some three too long had some three so same timing just a tad richer and if it doesn't feel right i'm out all right let's play does that bother you frank no so [Music] [Applause] so hmm foreign i wanted it to but it was not going to do it so i had to pull don't touch the ball what was the duty cycle 78 okay so 80 percent i knew i saw how much fuel you gave it and how much it was asking for i'm like man it it ate up some of our duty yeah we need the mechanical it's coming that was a lot hold on i ain't the camera right out of gordo's hand all right we're super stoked about the numbers so far and we're still learning we're still creeping up we're having fun this is all at 6 000 plus feet of elevation and uh this is cool pretty stoked for him so let's keep playing away and see what kind of power we can make what was the uh the verdict i didn't turn the camera on fast enough we're out of fuel fuel pumping max out yes [Music] do [Music] up top is just like nothing yeah yeah so we kind of determined the fuel's running away on the top so it's just not enough pump but i think we could probably go a comfortable 58 to 60 percent yeah with what we got or go back to 50 55 and try to make 400 to 420 somewhere in that range yeah that's good enough then yeah and then it's a good start yeah but we can see we're 65 and i can see how to get to 600 now wait for that the head been pro fixed yeah yeah and then on and then we'll degree the cams and we'll get ahead but this right now are you trying to put the mechanical on before we leave or no can we run this like this right well we need to back it down because we're out right now yeah we can back the fuel down we can back the fuel down to 58 60 somewhere around there we can put it on yeah or we put it at 50 50 and just run it the way it is yeah yes we have a tune up for that yeah or we can put the mechanical on it and we can try to yeah just 50 50 yeah that'll probably be closer towards 400 down there yeah that's good for the next event anyway yeah okay awesome so we're uh that's where we're gonna sit for now yeah it's a good start thank you you broke the 449 horsepower all motor baby all motor almost our you know we have a goal of 500 on nitro so we're we're all there we get that we got that so close yeah i see it now more than i did before yeah i see it too and i kind of see the different things we can do um but yeah we're just going to continue to play until we solve how to make it all work yeah yeah we know books we take step by step you know but so far so good yeah happy birthday man that was good we went from what first poll was 330 to 450 horsepower so it's like come on yeah we're fighting that fuel tank is like spot so great yeah yeah like that's the first time i've got to just sit there with you and like go over it it's wicked it's wicked good super easy it does what you know we're asking it too unless you know there's not enough of something if it's not doing what you want it to there's a problem like literally the injectors are they're 80 plus percent and the fuel is just even the pressure's dropping and keep that in mind that's a 520 pound four or 520 pounds injector like oven like give me more fuel yeah you know the futures move too slow and chocolate does its job but the fuel price we probably will need to go bigger lines and everything too when you put the mechanical on that's well yeah yeah but it's coming i mean we're on our way to five 600 horsepower see what we can do one day i think we can i see how i think i see how because it does 65 you know what's 90 like you know so i think we could do it yeah good job guys good job thanks jamie hey anytime bro all right guys jamie and i got everybody out of here got the cars all pushed in and wrapped up for the night what a day bro it was a day and i hope you guys enjoyed the ride and being with us all day it was super fun oh what it was just epic we got the boosted boys back to the airport got them back so you should see some rad content out of them uh us driving the pro front to mcdonald's was super epic and that was day before but it was awesome to do and i can't wait for you guys to see kyle's video and then tinker on fong's car getting honduran back up on the dyno which that will be coming next so super stoked just one thing after another we're just trying to knock them all out and uh you know big mike made some good power he's gonna need a clutch but you'll see you know at this point the video you already saw i said like i'll give it to him but can't keep it so that's where that is he's going to try to get a twin disc i think pretty soon and then kind of go from there so for everybody else you can get a twin disc for a small spline yeah yeah he just didn't think he could get a small spline twin disc for his transmission but we can so um what else happened today you ripped a neon and that was cool too oh yeah and then the the vr4 the gallant i went just checked all the street abilities picking it up tomorrow i think very cool thank you awesome so we've had one heck of a day we got a ton done and uh more to come so it is my birthday and i couldn't think of a better way to spend it than with all my friends ripping cars and having a good time and uh testing some nitrogen yeah it was awesome the whole game yeah super special so we appreciate you guys watching give us like subscribe we'll see you guys all tomorrow thanks a bunch i
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 105,691
Rating: 4.9869752 out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Id: urtxGrbdOyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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