How did He SAVE it!! Psca Eliminations! Drag Race Action!

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you ready all right what's going on guys welcome back to BFI speed today is race day with PSTA yesterday we had an awesome day of qualifying and both fields are full we've got the island civic we've got Derek Martin's little hot rod we've got Morgan Orchard and mr. Austin and everybody else out here booster boy Kyle brought out is a little Civic and it's super good to see the hatch again I've kind of missed that car a lot and I'm just cheered up to have a good time today this is gonna be awesome with so much going on in our country right now things things are just wild everywhere it's nice to get away from all that and cut loose a little bit and just blast down the track and have a good time with some friends and good competition so I'm going to bring all the eliminations to you guys we're gonna do some grassroots racing and that have a good time I love watching all these guys get down the track and do what they love to do and then it just pumps me up so let's go guys [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right we got the island Civic you've been flying brother it's fun to watch man yeah just getting faster faster it's so awesome bro yeah yeah and then last time out test I saw you go ten five so it's like you're just making big strides it's awesome to watch Dean well good job you're here in the rounds man it's time to party good luck Thanks we got Morgan he's a little hot rod Derek getting some bugs worked out on his new system the excited bro you ready hopefully floor it and just rip you got it we're ready go vest cost I've got Jesse man I still ride to have you back out here dude it's been way too long no freakin wicked this is the d16 makes all kinds of jam and the day we're just trying to get a to be on get it going heck yeah I'm super pumped stoked to see you guys what's going on dude it's good to see you guys you ready Scott ready man I'm pumped dude is that thing work it's going to be awesome can I steal stuff off it later yeah awesome very cool I'm super pumped to see you guys flying the Utah mafia so rad then there's Travis you ready brother my man flying today we got Josh Scott with the ruble drive civic gunmetal jump on his YouTube check him out dude it's sick man this thing's getting faster and faster sometime 10th ever time mr. MacBride always out here killing it bro good man I heard what the bars a twin eights the other day it's awesome it's pretty sweet I can't wait to see what you do to this weekend it's gonna fly then we got Scott severs and his all-wheel-drive Talan regime oh it's ready to rip hey brother good to see you Oh coming in so you get some washing figured out man keep eating good stuff which means a small housing to get back to living yeah it's been a little bit of work because once it's moving it's moving is the nitrous off of it now no it's on its back to dry but it's I got you well good luck today brother I can't wait to see what you do so guys these guys are ready for battle came all out here from Utah and all over Colorado South Dakota so at Puerto Rico you ready awesome I'm ready to watch so it's awesome so first round Pro imports coming up and these guys are locked in loaded we're into Rick Rude let's go my buddy John Jacobs right in front of me ready to make that hit looks like you might have a single so he might just lay it over but it's gone so he probably whoa his Styles kind of just let it already who we are racing here Colorado today [Applause] you guys know John just recently changed to the Holly Holly Dominator ECU and he's been working hard on getting it all worked out yeah some drive-by-wire kinks and he's been getting this figured out getting faster and faster and faster there we go 524 137 what a pass he drives that car to my shop alright throw a part coming at you I'm gonna be all over the place just because I got to be with certain cars I can't be what stop just what it is so we got all right this third pass on Island Civic and my brother over there is winning nine so these guys are ripping [Music] alright boys get this done [Music] kinda older still its wanna that go ted 28 at 150 we have morgan orchard in the Far Lane number one qualifier and the leader in our point series if Derrick Martin this young kid can't fly we've got a whole new set up and he's kind of learning how to leave with the big turbo we haven't been able to do a lot of testing because of the whole covin you know this been hard so it's drawn by fire dynamics down off the track he's just taking it easy and getting a to be Derek is ready Kevin's helping out looking good doing it she's got a bus to see out here he comes let's go thank God [Music] 1:38 got a little smoke out of Derek's Play everything's okay well check that out all right [Music] got my mad Jesse Capen in the Far Lane and Scott Lou [Music] [Music] he is on a pass 947 162 Jessica 13-3 at 100 miles an hour I think he's first control he's not working my man Scott severs this talent you just changed a bunch of stuff trying to get her down the track again little testing and writing to trying to draw by fire [Music] remarked this can be good Oh Scott's car would come up dang it 11:38 147 josh is gonna take a single and just putz it down oh he got that bad little bug [Music] absolute Ripper [Music] yeah moving now the 9:47 once again all right guys we got the street class for the PFI speed important first round of eliminations sorry I'm running around with my head cut off chasing jammers trying to give me these hot rods reach-around [Music] yeah yeah man we're here [Music] right down the lane 4:47 what's all right be series versus K series are a sex versus semi this will be a sweet matchup [Music] [Music] [Music] red light in the Far Lane caught me off guard whoa 13:02 103 and his crew is dope [Music] we got Ishmael in the Far Lane that's your ex has been a bracket car all weekend that was Gary 12:9 at 1:47 hey game a chance [Music] all right we got Jamie Langford and the beaters first round [Music] they can catch all the gears this should be a number let's go 10:51 that 139 he's gonna be stoked about that all right my boy Austin with his little D Series you borrowed a turbo for someone and that turbo smokes a little bit but this little single cam can rig he's out here in the street classes his del Sol and gearing up to fly [Music] second now they're going again let's go boys Austin is gonna go through the wind 1292 a 115 his amp to go he's already in the beams he's like I am not messing around no courtesy stage here today he's got some of these guys still learning this and that's okay [Music] mr. boy Kyle with a single and lost this buffer yeah I don't need that Oh both decays and radar it house top bulb on [Music] christop about [Music] Oh could be anybody's race at the top 1187 113 to 12010 to water race and we got Rufus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1095 to 1151 those boys were flying Charlotte exhaust Bros has been smoking in the tires Lyon suppliers Tomlin does he build the baddest exhausted town when he lets those tires smoke a lot [Music] it's for torque in the Far Lane [Music] [Music] gonna get the shift therefore in side by side for is pulling out 11:06 to 11 into 120 good race boys good race teens gotta be stoked oh we got that angry little bug yesterday they're crazy really leave it like that it's gonna be hard to beat took his time on the ships still goes 10 57 124 he's definitely one to look out for here cuz Bradley bone-stock LS engine I know if he's gonna lay it up or if he's gonna rip we'll find out right now oh I hear some rpm [Music] we could definitely use his special work but Brad did not care he's on it and look in the rib 1194 115 and we got Mario this Prelude he's been searching for his 10 you went 11 Oh [Music] in all the [ __ ] do what he needs to will it have enough 11:39 and 127 alright guys that'll do it for this round these guys are ripping and they're here to win so go check out some of them and then we'll be right back back a car today bro she's just keeps flying people also the power is powers been the problem today we're just on the dyno to you it's having a bowl yeah and it jumped it back up where it should be 13 sold I did notice that maybe the size of wire going to something well that looked really good nice on the jib to make sure they know it left really good 139 I know oh man she just jumped on you she was ready to 60-foot I moved the same Oh find a good spot I moved back and then I moved front back like yesterday but I think so I put one more oh yeah like this yeah it just jumped on yeah it was awesome though it sounds good and but hey when I shake the gas like ain't no no we're almost out of gas too but wait a fool gas on it before the pass oh we're using a lot of fuel well next time we'll just get out and test now make it even make it even faster well Derek it left finally what happened at the end there yeah I saw that kind of buck she was pissed alright we'll get her checked out [Music] yeah we definitely add some oil on the pan huh yeah and it's from up high you can see it like a dream Mario creeping and creeping and creeping you left so good that car needs RPM bad is it really battle of the ages are you gonna you got enough to take down a booster boy oh my God he's moving up to 80 700 you probably got it I thought you weren't sure I took it to the limiter in first and walked me out yeah yeah yeah stock trance that's probably idea and I'll give you whatever you ask for bro we gotta take him down Mario taking out the booster boy battle eh what do you think of his uh engine mount he couldn't get into gear so he had to make something it looks pretty good he said that poor Rican mount something quick you got it yeah but it did help him get into gear it's pretty cool yeah man it's progressing / bone-stock this thing just rips an 11 another 11 who just goes and goes it's pretty awesome so far so far I wonder how fast the King goes your mount ours pretty good I'm not scared what do you got next round you might have to you you might have to all else throw things at him yeah awesome I'm just trying to check out a log Aries I got I got a trusty coca-cola so Chris took out his clutch Racing Kyle the booster boy but you were right there brother you came right back with him so that was awesome good jobs that was pretty cool and you're headed into the next round as well next round in the RSX and we're checking the log now trying to get stuff solved try to make this suck Rock okay their pasts I mean either way I'm gonna take for those kids off and 7:44 on a four core yeah and then see if we can actually get control of it because it really hasn't mattered ally changed how the gates of yeah yeah something something I write so that makes sure the one side of the wires got powered that wire does no power this Illinois yes Rosie so you'll have one that goes to be 21 and then one that goes to power and make sure that one's got power if it's got power than should work should work but if it doesn't then their answers go old gunmetal gonna come out swinging this next round hopefully hopefully I'm looking forward to it what you got your food looking good though brother it's everybody check out gunmetal his YouTube channel he's been working on this hot rod for a while yeah man I'm stoked it's ready to see this thing I really want to see you versus bug and wheel stand vs. wheel stand Honda wheelie vs bug wheelie wouldn't it be cool and what's in this since you this was just the rods with rod Springs through Tanner's she still throws down no problem awesome well good luck do you know you got this next round alright well I'm anxious to know this thing does look sweet my man Jesse there's only a few people that got him sick it's funny a lot of times I'm not today but a lot of times I'll wear ones B if I wants to be factory that's my that's my good luck charm but today I'm in the American flag country I'm support I'm frickin fighting that's it what's up guys you're riding the four-wheeler are you guys having fun yeah whoo all right so John found that he has a torn diaphragm here and we're gonna make sure we don't have exhaust coming out here yep [Music] it is well we'll make do with what we got I can't fix it mechanically so I won't get complacent you can only let so much out well shoe it happens bro next time right money we need to stage the bank but hang it oh we don't have one yet I'm saying oh it's rolling you pulled through the brake and qualify we're doing things but then we have no nervous you know oh yeah rounds was not happen it does happen it's racing car we have oh you missed yesterday we have miss out so we have a trailer rolled into our trailer last night oh and you know we were trying to find fires fires yeah living [Music] what can we do you know let's say keep working through it yeah and the car looks beautifully good roof you guys are here so yeah I was hoping to see you ten-thirty out of it this weekend yep it's gonna happen everybody needs to come out support the SA and what's awesome that's it this is the another big part of it the passes are fun but passes everybody eating and killing this is a Chilean Grill in haha you know love the spores that's it man it's rad very cool yeah yeah I was here I was just running around my head cut off I still trying to finish edits to and I was like it's never-ending definitely help yourself alright well I'm gonna put this down neat [Music] all right guys we're for the next round of the pro important they're gonna be awesome man good luck to you guys I think these guys are jammed up ready to rip campus on in this thing because we're in my car whenever I got back from the 9ol over yours Oh further thanks brother love get my tools back happens very rarely Josh Scott [Applause] now [Music] dang it he got in nine four seven Josh goes 947 to 921 what a run [Music] [Music] traps with a single bay take it easy what around erases valve super-stoked for Josh Scott it's got Lou they had one heck of a battle I don't think I caught any of it [Music] traps just take a little breather and Morgan's gonna get a fire run so he's gonna just lay it up and save for the next round so that would conclude this round at the pro imports class that was a quick one Matt Josh's race was good Josh and Scott holy cow they were flying I was awesome what's so good my man Kelly Harvick I hear you're gonna go big [Music] Kelsie's great [Music] tickles superstition I'll check the track make sure he goes right back into the groove doctor just old-time making sure he gets lined up where they wanted Oh [Music] what a race mommy haha yeah that was bullying work yeah son gives you goosebumps donated huh that's the good stuff right on brother alright we're in for the next round of the beautify speed street import class these guys have been putting in work I got my man Emilio ready dog hates first day [Music] all right this little CRX you know I love it so he's got a by run kind of following his progress today perfect putting up a number right now 953 at 157 that's but it works now we got Rufus that ship was perfect good job brother [Music] 79 and 132 - 1110 a 131 that's his first 10 and numbers seem to be working today we've got booster boy cow we got food boy converse is Mario these guys are killing it eight series versus eight series Prelude vs. ek Civic poor Rufus was not ready to go [Music] Wow barýþ 11 1901 30 2012 48 mario takes the win all right we got the bug versus man del Sol who will go in first we all love Daisy bow hair [Music] hey goes 1110 96 miles now all right we got boy torque in the Far Lane the white tiger and we're gonna be yo RSX rolling in getting prepped calm before the storm brace dates bulbs are on well Stacy duel maura torque is out of here flatout line 1078 130 we got Jamie Lankford all right so I got a race Brad for the second round of eliminations [Music] [Music] touches that gear Jamie is Fayed [Music] Oh 1065 at 138 that'll do for this round well we got through that round now get wait for the next one let's go find out how these guys did that was sick Josh oh you were you cut a light you did everything you had to do that's literally that much at the strike at the straight what a run and you put in work it was awesome such a good job yeah man good job gun metal coming out hard brother that 10-7 know you got her dude that was sweet did you shift at the ship lights sorry things happen that's all right the 10-7 was winning by a jump rope that was awesome that's awesome and good job my man John's in the burnout box and getting ready to rip all right man we got my man John Jacobs you get the number one qualifier come on John today a good pass for 61 to a 519 almost got is four we're down to four in the Pro PFI speed import class and I'm pumped put a run around here with my kid cut off so this is normally the the final round is usually the bug in Morgan but now they're faced each other in the semis and this should be fun I was just running brother I'm out of breath but I'm pretty stoked he's usually this is the final Morgan versus the bug and this should be a good race the bugs just went and clicked often I know last pass Morgan didn't 873 but if that bug can keep the wheel down a little bit 60 foot yeah we could see jack see 180 80 a week ago the only difference is he had the bars on he took the bar bars off that gonna be a race - yeah I'm pumped and then Scott Lou versus Travis and those guys are always ripping here we go let's get busy that buggy is something it's got a cool mean look low to the ground just screams rip [Music] but that motek loves to two-step all right guys cleaning the smoke out of the car just happens it's got to go faster [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think Morgan's guys top bulb on they gave her everything she had she was on one wheel hey still flying a 72 - a 1089 dimples a 1089 out bro did you see that yeah whoa whoa that was incredible holy Sh oh wow Courtney do you tune up that one that was the moon tune holy crap man Brandon that was one wheel one wheel it was driving [Music] sky Lu versus traps we're pre-staged and we're ready to rip let's go boys [Music] [Music] no it's not that coming 1125 at 147 whoo that wasn't upset oh man I almost I didn't zoom out quick enough but I got that I got that oh my gosh brother you got it on three wheels oh my gosh my man Kelly Harvick coming up next always fun to watch oh my gosh three wheels [Music] let's go Kelly are [Applause] my man check out the track try to get Kelly back into throwing rubber 441 to 468 stumble a little bit [Music] [Music] track [ __ ] bro that spot just what you thought no right we've got Jamie Langford all right so it looks like I'm running Bora bet she's got to turn way up [Music] we have seen these guys go round side-by-side Jamie broke the curse of getting beat by Bora last weekend but that does not mean anything this weekend they're both here to win it Jamie's pre-staged [Applause] [Music] this is no anybody's race Boris catters 1098 to 1134 Bora tricks it water run so Rufus is back out competitor didn't hit the scales which put him back in the race [Music] that's CRX you guys know is one of my favorites I'm a seer ex-lover and that thing is just a bad little hot rod fish moment deep Rufus now he's double bullets he don't give a [ __ ] Ishmael is going it's a room is lost to trance or Axl make sure he doesn't come 951 o 158 that thing is a bracket card now we got Mario here comes Mario o is one of my favorite these bugs under the tower I don't know if they're gonna make it or not after the bug no no they thought they were gonna make it more you'll get to buy he might Mario no I'm rooting for Mario as well on age 22 but I do love the bug to you the bug sweets consisting like 10 15 yeah yeah he's starting might be too late Oh Oh Mario is taking the bulb it's gonna go she's ripping 1127 to 130 okay before his car broke all that smoke I mean tomorrow's going okay good happen man huh Mario moves down for sure that was good well you had the best view of the 3 wheel motion holy your travel to see me stops me it was incredible this is good driving by both you yeah I mean it sucks but at the same time one it's gonna happen let's get it literally three wheels we're off the ground a nursing evening like and he held it as so close to the wall it came down like this it looked like it was incredible it was Wow but again here you go another round yes indeed to the finals again to the finals she is putting in work it's hot rocky this thing in the one to shift is awesome man you click second and it does not skip one single beat it is [ __ ] in first gear yeah running like one degree timing and then it makes 30 pounds and then 36 pounds Wow just to keep the turbo lit and then we actually pull a bunch out he'll say regice stays lit it just stays lit it is awesome to watch though it's just right there like this check the tire video first Street so you have to take a little more time out of it it's two biggest spring so we're tuning around too big of a spring that's why you're knocking timing out doing what you can for the only when you increase the GT no don't dump the timing yeah the gt's go up and that's all I got Chuckie 30 pounds you're killing it though bro that's fun things like it's almost automatic I don't know no way holy crap that is sportsmanship like none other dude this just got better yep we'll see you next time okay Mario look at you you're going rounds again and again just experienced you're kind of a river bro it's working out awesome I'm super stoked for you can't wait to see you go to the semi-finals woo yeah I heard you might put the limiter in first eighty to eighty three hundred so you don't get locked out all right all right Street glass semi-finals Jamie with the Byron he got put back in because Boris skipped the scales after blowing up here we go he had to be jazzed up to come back into the race said he's been having some problems it's second gear so he's gonna lay it up and then just run out third and fourth he pulled the exhaust off because he wanted a little more power and he's gonna see if he'll get a little more boost out of it that way try to give him everything you can for the final all right so we're running a single we got a body under the final so I'm just and baby off the line and just run out third and fourth oh we got Mario vs. that Brad CRX [Music] [Music] nice work brother got that 160 that was awesome though good job man this thing is just putting in work it's great breaking free it was awesome you can kill an idea so the finals is more into traps they are ripping he thought he was out but he made it around Scott and Morgan's been bracket racing but this is drag racing and anything can happen and it could be anyone's race so super stoked see these guys jamming it is epic alright man there we go let's get to the finals [Music] all right traps going in [Music] [Music] three stage bulbs op Travis Morgan let's go [Music] whoa Travis on the brakes [Music] 12:07 1264 looks like his teammate gave it to him oh my god [Laughter] teammate gave him the win keep those points going what a deal it's drag racing anything can happen and I just saw anything well I get a front row seat to the final for the pro class at another front row seat to the final for the street class Jaime had to take his sauced off [Music] one-and-two qualifier right here bora torque put them in the beam this is awesome there you got it [Music] that second-years bit him 9:47 to 162 1161 to 112 that was our final boy a rad car I made it that far it no one's touching that now ex that's your ex is bad it's awesome very cool that'll conclude all the rounds here for PSEA what a deal Jamie made alway the finals esterases had more just hysterics bad man yeah we got some work to do it's great a lot of fun boost watch out for the wind [Music] well what happened Jameson bog turtle heart on first what's going to sit I did are you making a lot of booster it's not something actually but if you can see right here it just went 12 15 to 17 it's not hurt only mine throw it on the dyno and just seeing what it's doing without the exhaust and everything yeah what the power band actually looks like yeah see if I'm just creating a lot sounded good from our side so I look down at the gate well you killed it bro vinyl you made his final seconds thanks second place dude good job man thank you that was awesome hell yeah that's it yeah it's awesome she put in work that's for sure that was wild guys yeah that was crazy I miss the [ __ ] I thought we were messing with him he thought I was going to give him the win so that's why he hit the brakes at the end I didn't catch him yeah I didn't know what the deal was I was it was crazy I thought maybe he was like thinking it was get you the points or I did I wasn't sure he came back and he was mad he's like your boy misson second on purpose yeah yeah that was wild man what a final help but took another win yeah neck complain about that yeah right that's awesome that was fun what happened Travis what happened you think I'm not weird like that I couldn't tell if he was handing the racer you were handing the race but either way it looked like it was gonna happen and that all said I was like wait Travis coming back that was crazy but congrats guys that was school thanks me all right and our winner that thing looking good looking sharp street classy port winning top mafia out of your uterus [Music] [Music] hang on one second guys how we doing man your first win dominant performance right there thank you guys if you top off you come down [Music]
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 245,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Id: R1UDC0szJW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 33sec (4233 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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