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like it hurts right now but it feels so good can i hug you i prayed for so long to get a new body and i feel like i got that new body today no pain you got it all out [Music] thank you guys both for coming anytime somebody comes from out of state it's that's such an awesome thing and i do appreciate you tell me what is going on i'm having a lot of pain um on this side of my neck on the left side yeah um it's hard to explain besides the fact that i feel like i have like a sphere like a sphere it's like something like oh a spear is pushing okay wow like going in like this side and coming out the other side are you currently experiencing that right now wow i went for a run and then i was stupid and didn't relax and then i did the lawn and then i started cleaning and i didn't stretch in between and like i normally do and i reached up to put the keys away and i like pulled something really bad oh geez and i just was kind of stuck there like you could have put your arm down yeah oh wow and then i was like okay and then i just kind of got felt really really dizzy and um i have seizures and so i'm used to feeling kind of vertigo and dizzy a lot anyways but ever since then i've had a lot of pain in my neck i don't know like two three months two or three months ago yeah but i still feel a lot of vertigo and a lot of dizziness and it's like like a residual pain right there okay my shoulders out a lot and um my lower back i was in a car accident when i was 21 and i was kind of like stuck in the car like crashed like this and i've always had just like a really bad pain in my lower back yeah so i was in the military a lot of things happen you know to damage my back so i've never been in this much pain for this long of time and there's times in the past couple weeks that i just have been in so much pain that i just want to cry and i've just been sitting on the couch and i'm not it's not normal because i want to get out and run and um do exercises with my kids and i can't because i'm in so much pain i feel for you yeah listen i i've had i've had some really bad issues some bad pains um to the point where you know it's not even the pain that gets to you it's the fact that you know you get choked up because it's a lifestyle stuff right because you can't do certain things that's what what kills you more than anything yeah um and you know i that's why i got into this whole thing was because this is what fixed me all right i'm gonna do everything that i can possibly with you the main objective of any visit of the first visit is to get everything moving again for so long being in military going through those car wrecks um you know just these weird issues that start to happen a big reason is because everything is just now stiff and your body's basically trying to protect something that we don't know just quite yet what it is yeah but that's why we'll take the x-rays but once we can figure out what it is then we can give you a good plan of attack so you're not having to deal with these issues yeah anymore right that's the biggest thing you know i want to get your life back honestly yeah because you're young how old are you 35 35 that's too young you know um so but i tell you this sometimes it does take some time right but i'm hoping for the miracles that you know that i see here that's what i'm hoping for you now um so you have neck issues migraines uh headaches you have a headache right now you have a headache right now you have the left stuff going on right now you have that weird stabbing thing through your eye mid back issues upper back issues when i do this um up here normally um i have a like i call it the migraine spot that goes out but i mean normally when it goes in it's it's good but right now it's just that spot that's really bothering me and what i want you to do is you're gonna look all the way to the left for me first okay yeah does that hurt when you do that look all the way to the right there when you do that too not as much yeah go back to the left yeah i can even see it in your eyes it's hurting go ahead and look straight go ahead and stand all the way up for me and then go ahead and touch your toes or at least try good is there any pain when you do that uh in my lower back and your lower back over that's where it hurts is there any pain when i'm pressing it through here no it's just i know it's tight and that's the part that's going to hurt the most running through here yeah okay well we're going to try to not make it hurt okay so we want to do i want you to keep your legs straight first okay and lift this up off the table for me go as high as you can good go back down is that it yeah yeah bring this up i want you to see how wiggly it is go back up okay see how it's like there's not a lot of strength there right it's almost like you want to bring it back down do this side here same thing right go back down feels kind of tough doesn't it okay so we're going to be pressing down on your sacrum first remember how you have too much of that curve all right i'm going to be pushing down right here first externally rotate this hip all right and we're going to push in here you okay we're going to turn in this way good so we're going to be adjusting this first now we're going to push in here okay so i'm going to tell you i'm just going to let you relax so take a deep breath in and exhale all the way out let that go all the way good so we're going to let's go right in here take a deep breath in and exhale out that's it good so we're not looking for the pops even though we got one there it is now lift this one back up again that's easier do the other side how do you feel better that's better that's easier right do you feel that pain in here but just a tiny bit does it tie yeah it's much better not like it was before right that's good now go on your side and face towards me this way so we're doing things i want you to bend this that's it so we're going to turn there goes i'm going to keep turning a lot of flexibility in there [Music] that's it so we have to push in here good push the air out here good here really thank you how's that feeling so far good yeah thank you felt like it just kind of opened up yeah okay refraction good bend it's okay we got more tissues don't worry so this one we have to open this whole area okay so i have to turn [Applause] the gymnast give me the most run for my money there you go so you can kind of feel that tension right so i want you to let your stomach relax good that's it [Music] that feels good right in here i felt it right there i was good i've been waiting for that for a long time thank you so much you're so welcome wow oh yes [Music] i can't wait till you do the white stuff like it hurts right now but it feels so good because i was waiting for that for so long okay just i'm gonna let it settle there before we start moving is it calming down a little bit now yeah it's like just uh it was like so much needed to go in right there it's just like locked up like this i was ready oh wow okay i'm ready ready all right so i'm gonna be pushing in okay i just want you to hold i'm just letting you go and exhale out we're just making sure we got everything that was good that was tough i know i could feel it it wasn't like a pop but it was a release i felt that in my lungs okay i'm good you're good now mm-hmm go away from me so i want you just look all the way to the right okay good that's better look all the way to the left okay that's your tough one there right look look straight again okay all right scoot up a tad bit i'm gonna fall if you don't okay please don't fall so i want you to turn as much as you can just like this this one you just have to relax as much as possible okay we're opening up this occipital area this is this area right you get that stabbing like a spear is what you said that's it yeah so give me your head doing good [Music] okay how do you feel um like i want to throw up okay that was a big adjustment right all this area that controls the vertigo that controls everything it's all right there that's why take your time take your time [Music] it's gone what's going on that bean the spear pan can i hug you all right thank you so much [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my god i can't tell you how much pain i was in oh my gosh can you do the other side i'm ready when you are i just want you to calm down first before we can do it oh my gosh [Applause] oh thank you jesus oh my gosh okay okay you can do it again [Laughter] no you're good you're good you're totally good it feels so good oh my goodness i can't believe the thing is look at miracle [Music] when she gonna be able to sleep i feel like i could climb a mountain i hope you get a million views on this video i [Music] for so long oh god i don't even feel pain in my shoulder anymore okay you ready yeah so i'm gonna turn this way okay but you're gonna be okay just let your shoulder just relax relax you're okay nice and quick i think that was my carpal tunnel thank you you're welcome [Music] it's my body just going into shock or something it is no it's okay yeah i see it all the time wow i'm gonna let you calm down first okay okay i feel so good it feels good i really do [Music] i prayed for so long to get a new body and i feel like i got that new body today i don't think that i could ever feel this cut again so you don't have to migrate anymore i'm ready when you are okay i'm scared how about there yeah it's good good so i just want you relax put your hands on your stomach though that's it and all you gotta do is just relax and i can feel it that's doing good you take your breath out of you a little bit yeah how did that feel um i feel like you cracked my skull i like heard it internally it's like a residual thing now i can feel the it in the rest of my body okay and then turn your face that way okay okay how does that feel much better now look all the way to the right let's see how your range that's better look all the way to the left that's better yeah yeah look straight go ahead stand up for me and then let's try and touch your toes again let's see if there's a pain still no there's no more pain no no pain that's great yeah no pain you got it all out it's all back together that's been there for a really long time even the other chiropractor couldn't get that yeah that was that was there for a really long time since since i fell off that five ton that was about eight years of pain yeah right there well i'm glad we could help you today for sure i'm so happy thank you so much thank you i'm gonna give you another help that's all right thank you so much of course thank you you feeling better i am feeling a lot better good i think tomorrow i want to go whitewater maybe don't do that maybe just try to take it easy today yeah take care of me okay he'll make me wait at least a week when she starts feeling good it's like well hopefully it's yeah that rather than any other being in pain all right awesome thank you for having me yes you have a great day i'll see you next time you
Channel: Dr. Alex Tubio
Views: 13,486,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emotional, extreme, cracking, chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, chiropractic medicine, neck cracking, bone cracking, back cracking, cracking bones, asmr chiropractic, asmr, tubio lift, alex tubio, pain, back pain exercises, neck pain exercises, crack neck, asmr cracking bones, chiropractic asmr, chiropractic adjustment crack compilation, cracking back chiropractic, cracking asmr, back cracking asmr, cracking back, crack, asmr chiropractic medicine, neck pain relief, cracks
Id: IWmOHs5O2qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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