This is an Intense Case: Can’t Open Legs or Hips for 4 Years HELPED! Dr. Rahim Chiropractic

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welcome to the office [Music] welcome thank you welcome to the office so what brings you here i am here because i have a leg length discrepancy i can't stand up straight do you know all this prior to coming here okay i just want to be clear i can't open my legs this is all i can do listen to my sure can you bring your feet together no so we can't bring the feet together can we bring them apart at all just as far as they can go okay i mean i like i like my hips are so tight this is all i can do this all started when five years ago five years ago what happened five years ago we had a trauma i had a serious trauma okay you fell yes and i landed on my left hip on your left hip okay yeah i landed my left hip and when i got up from that fall i was walking like a duck before the fall i was walking fine but when i got up from the fall i was walking like a duck from like okay with pain i didn't have pain i didn't have pain until like maybe six months later and it really didn't dawn on me i knew something was wrong but it was so emotionally traumatized okay dad i knew something was wrong but it didn't register and one morning i was cleaning up i didn't have pain but one morning you were just walking like a duck how was your words yes and then one morning one morning morning i'd never forget it i was cleaning my mirror in my bathroom and then my hips just just tightened up like a whole lot yeah you're doing this what does this mean my my hips just he's like both just went like yeah i felt and just like just tightened up and like ah and i hit the floor yeah i hit i hit the floor it wasn't like you had a stabbing pain or anything no it was like what like someone was tying them or squeezing them yeah it's just like a huge spasm and i hit the spasm spasm i don't know hold on spasm means it was pulsating or just clinched it just clinched okay so it seized yeah okay okay it clenched and i fell to the floor and i've been like this ever since but at first i could open but after that clamp and i fell to the floor i couldn't open them anymore so what have you been doing for five years crutches okay crutches is the only thing you can do you're working right now no i'm staying home mom um at home school awesome so in five years you've had any treatments and you said you had a little relief with cold laser okay you've been adjusted at all well i've gone to um chiropractors and they they adjust my neck and with my hips you're just like lightly pulling call it a day i'm like i need you to pull my okay legs okay so you've been to how many people two three four i've gone to i can't even count i've gone through several no it's been about eight ten how about ten about ten all in the atlanta area yeah it's a mixture of orthopedics and chiropractors okay i'll make sure for the kids they are excited i'm here because they've seen your youtube videos too okay all right [Music] aaron and austin aaron and austin all right well aaron austin hopefully we're going to be able to help mom on this trip okay they've been waiting on us okay what else do i need to know about you sports activities you were a runner yes i was a big runner okay wait wait any major traumas prior to five years ago you got a couple of old tailbone injuries also oh in my 20s i was in several car accidents then the thing is about four how about four when i was like 20 years ago when i was in college okay nothing you remember as a kid falling falling out of the bed falling off anywhere and it's okay i may have had one when this guy was on america in school and this guy was like swinging around a tire and i lost i lost my grip and went flying across and then landed on your butt i don't think i don't know where i landed i don't remember okay yeah okay all right what else do i need to know about it i'm ready to walk again okay well let's see what you're doing right now stand up let's watch no it's not yeah you're gonna walk stand up okay here's the interesting part with her so right now she has a lot of stiffness right and pain in the hips ma'am okay go ahead and walk for me and once you come around there and guess what keep going okay yes so as you're walking i notice you're bringing more of your left foot up you're more on the tippy toes of your left foot than your right foot okay and uh okay which is a little different than what i'm seeing but let's walk okay are you okay to do one more okay right there turn and and this is all stiffness correct stiffness in the hips yeah right here both sides yeah let's start hunting okay and before we actually start hunting why don't we go over your x-rays okay let me explain some basics of what i see and we're gonna get right into it okay okay okay so this is a picture in time it tells us how to revolve from birth typically 24 bones in the spine 23 discs in between and i've talked a lot about this in in videos right the basics the foundation the number of bones things like that and i want to get straight into your analysis of what's going on this is looking at you from behind this is looking at you from the side on this x-ray we're doing a couple of things the first thing is we have to measure and analyze the foundation because we know in order to have a stable building think of this as a 24 story building we need a level base and foundation and this was the first thing that kind of threw me off because the way you present i'm expecting things to look a lot more than it is and the first thing is when we look at the pelvic misalignment it's it's this it's there's no misalignment up or down in your pelvis right now and there's two millimeters of of rotation even though it looks like it's more okay so we have two millimeters of rotation of the sacrum and two millimeter ex and i'll explain what that is first the left side the left sacrum goes back a little and the pelvis opens up so it's doing this left side is doing this it's opening on that left so there's a disconnect your pelvis wants to go this way your sacrum wants to go that way so it's subtle but there is a disconnect there okay that's number one number two is we have a measured difference of seven millimeters and the measure difference of seven millimeters is what that's right at the border you've heard me talk about this that as long as we're under seven millimeters then we don't need any intervention of the heel in terms of bringing that hip up or down but we do need to get that up or even if it's a millimeter okay something so let's put this together left side opens up two millimeters sacrum rotates back to and then it drops on that right side okay it drops on that right side again here's the challenge your pelvis wants to go this way your sacrum is turning this way these bones are going that way so from here down wants to go there from here up wants to go that way does that make sense okay now we got to go a little deeper because even the correction of the pelvis ex2 ex2 will bring this up a tiny bit it'll bring that down actually a little bit but for all intense purposes fixing your pelvis doesn't fix that okay that's what we got to figure out okay and there's something there's an answer somewhere in here in the signal okay okay that's number one second thing is we have what's called a transitional vertebrae and a transitional vertebrae is this transitional vertebrae is if we go to the lumbar spine typically there are five bones in the lumbar spine or the low back called lumbars seven bones in the neck called cervical so c1 through c7 12 in the mid back thoracics t1 through t12 5 in the low back lumbars l1 through l5 in about 10 percent of the population people either have four movable lumbars or six and it's not that they have more or less it just means they develop different in your case your fifth lumbar took on the characteristic of your sacrum so hence it appears to have a larger slightly larger tailbone that person who has that so four moveable lumbars that person needs more flexibility down the road okay conversely someone can have a transitional segment and have six lumbars that person the s1 has taken on the characteristics of the lumbar and it looks like a lumbar okay all right now let's get to the level foundation principle we're using l4 as the lowest lumbar because 5 is part of the sacrum and when we use this the first one to go off level is 4. when 4 goes off 3 goes with it 2 1 12 all the way to 11 so all of this is compensation to here 11 levels off the next one that goes off is 10. 10 wants to go into the left but this is the heart right the heart is on this side so it wants to go there but it's curving around the heart that's the good part 10 9 8 7 all of these go with the 2 t 4. the next one to go off is t3 and t3 takes the whole neck off here all the way to the top any questions on this x-ray first straight forward foundation l4 t10 t 3 and then whatever else we find up top please remember everybody this is an x-ray it's a picture in time it's a blueprint it tells me how you've evolved but the answer is on the patient okay now let's get to this x-ray first thing we're designed to have 60-degree reciprocating curves first thing is we don't have the curve we're too straight straight from stiffness or straight from misalignment the good news however is your discs are fantastic in your lumbar spine fantastic four is good three two one twelve eleven those are all good it's a little dark in through here and you can see the distance through here now typically in the thoracic spine they're going to be generally thinner than the cervical and lumbars but again these discs are all good i'm fine with that t 5 4 and 3. i marked here but there's some there's something is going on in here at this area if we look at one through four this is heart and lung direct nerve supply to the heart neurons okay we look at this area direct nerve supply to adrenals kidneys digestion now does that make sense man so far yes okay now let's get closer to this neck yeah you had a bunch of whiplash now before we get into that let's talk about the posture when we're going over posture we take the lowest lumbar in your case it's going to be l4 and we're going to run the laser level up the spine and it should be bisecting through c7 and c2 is supposed to be here man so what's happening is your upper body is actually way forward than your foundation okay and if we take this here this angle is about let's say 30 degrees for every degree press neutral one times 10 30 times 10 it's like you carry 300 pounds on your shoulders man all right questions on this when i look at your neck c6 is what goes out okay the disc is tilting at six five is compensating four and three so it's almost like this it wants to do this and then it's trying to straighten out here so these muscles in here are getting very tight in your neck yeah it hurts and cracks and pops and all that stuff yeah i suppose you want to do that it really hurts going that way questions let's get started starting at the base of the neck and the first thing we're getting is c6 that's seven that sucks okay c6 right [Music] side that's around t5 now i'm also assuming things are gonna be shifting around quite a bit now it's there at t three t four t3 t4 all right so we already know from her posture things are stiff things are tight and there it is man it's down low in the tailbone there that's around s4 maybe s3 s4 so i'm getting a bigger reading here i'm getting it here and i'm getting at the base here those are the three spots i'm getting right now okay now let's do this we already know she can't open and close the knee so i'm not going to bother doing that right now okay we saw it earlier right so we're not going to get into that what i want to do is let me feel first the si joints so when i'm when we're analyzing here's the s i joint top middle bottom top of the joint come back towards me pain but there's movement middle of the joint pain but there's movement bottom of the joint pain not as much yeah less at the bottom right that's the affiliate though yes but there's movement okay let's go to the left side all right back towards me there's movement middle of the joint there's movement it's moving both s i joints are actually moving right now let's now go to the sacrum that's four tender that's five but that's the transition s1 right s2 s3 i got one more lady can you bear with me i got that one right there now that one more tender or that low it feels the same yeah right there that's s4 i don't want to go harder than that it's just swollen and puffy and boggy down here okay s4 wow that's six so one two let's do that again six seven one two three tender when i push here at the bottom uh not that right that one yeah yeah that one yeah yeah that one oh yes yes okay that's t3 t3 s4 and let's check up top number six okay i don't need to go harder than that okay i don't need to go harder c6 t3 s4 that's where we're going to start today you ready okay so let's go ahead and set c6 c6 that said c6 there we go i'm just feeling she has a lot of tension you said what were the names again i forgot who do you mean your boys aaron and austin aaron and austin you got your double a batteries they give you your power yes good now it's time for you to give them oh gosh nice you okay ron i think so just a little more look up look up and down up oh that's the home run oh my gosh gotcha oh my gosh a second oh i'm gonna have to breathe on that one oh my gosh deep breath in all the way out it hurts take a couple of nice deep breaths in sit up straight it's going to be sore walk it off with me just a little bit okay i get it you'll tell me if anything is different more or less pain in the hips um see let's go there please oh here yes ma'am we're gonna go on the table all right okay russia you can help her [Music] oh gosh oh um hold on hold on i'm gonna fix it go ahead right now i got you oh i got you oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no can you lift yourself up man if i help you can you go up forward let's help her please hold on hold on right here right here and push yourself up pull yourself good job okay can you get the red pillow oh my gosh i gotta fix it so you can arch okay i'm gonna do t3 first where's t3 again up top okay and she's gonna put a pillow oh i'll put it right nope right here okay okay relax your feet down okay let's have let's see if you can slide up a tiny bit more one two that's it done [ __ ] it are we good there for t3 i didn't know okay i'm not relaxed you need a second it's hard can i go quick then or do you want to reset i don't know it just hurts in here my oh i guess yeah and i guess you tell me if it's okay when i get on the segment one two i'm here is that okay on your neck if i do this okay yes yeah relax your hands down and let your feet just relax you tell me when you're ready man i'm ready ready gotcha that's the whole night let her go up down up down keep them down cheshire you have to guide her feet with her oh okay is that okay oh i'm [Music] [Music] your feet are planted okay yes yes yes yes oh boy give her a second oh okay person i still have to go up a little bit let's go are you coming down hands both hands okay i still need to do okay what look at her face what happened what happened um i just feel what i feel kind of like straighter i guess i feel weird where's my word i have a seat i have a seat check it out how about opening close here okay same that's right stand up sit do that three times okay now i'm going to use in her case the machine first before the adjustment hopefully relax a tiny bit all right well we got to find this pressure that's causing all this stiffness lady we got to get this s4 now when you're ready okay obama let's do it i haven't even done it yet come on was that a little easier to get up maybe i don't know let's not worry about that yet though something feels different yes ma'am okay okay [Music] i need you to be ready are you ready i'm gonna have to be ready whether i'm ready or not i'm gonna do i have your permission as well uh yes let's do this then okay pull yourself up one two three that's it i need a drink for this one i should have some vodka okay all right give me a minute i will give you a minute but the first thing i want everyone to notice i was able to bring the table down and you're okay with that yeah so yeah you're a little straighter oh okay okay okay wait a minute let me relax okay one two three you know where you're at right i know you know the date today three three eight palms up breathe and receive breathe and receive man breathe and receive there we go you got her shasha i'm just prepping oh she's fighting that's a hotlanta spy right there this is coming from hotlanta i want you to breathe in and receive don't push out man i got you okay receive this is how we receive breathe in and receive you ready to let it go five four three two one more gotcha lever lever hold on oh god slide down a little mom bring your feet up no no bring your feet up slide down oh [Music] uh i'm here when you're ready you gotta get that pressure off scar tissue come have a seat the worst is over hi hi you came for this i know all right you came for this i know you're trying to let you're trying to hold it in whatever needs to come out let it out don't hold it in three two that's where we're going to start now when you're ready oh i really don't even know um i don't know okay there's no writer wrong answer by the way can i rescue you now yes head down twist lean forward just a little bit no no no no leaning forward that's back okay hold on hands on your left let me guide you okay this way that's it are you okay there [Music] man c6 is good all right guess what what check it out look come back don't be scared don't be scared come back good don't be scared good come on come on nice come back you okay with that you okay with that that's one two three this is where i was at do you remember what it was like before painful different yes yes it's moving a little better man yes you told me to go for it okay so like you know you should be happy i went for it i am all right and it ain't fun no it's not but it's worth it hi hello there you got a lot of stuff going through you right now you know that sit back for me please now another adjustment okay right there turn you feel that one more there yeah oh god huh but between the two [Music] and it's bloody tight look up breathe ouch gotcha oh good done done okay fold your head can you lay on your back man yes um but my legs are usually elevated but i can't that's okay on your back whatever you gotta do okay just me back take your time i'm here if you need help i'm gonna hold it back to your head okay okay okay that's fine a little different yeah straighten one leg up pick your leg straighten it out huh just as far as i can go okay now let's see okay bring your knees up again bring him to where you're comfortable what's the most comfortable right here and that's part of the contracture of these muscles okay so the idea is getting to that nerve that's doing it but again we have to start somewhere and you need to relax so i need to load you up full of enzymes today and get that information down and get you to relax a little bit okay okay and then you go a little deeper each time okay you got it something's different we'll see yeah turn to the side please oh no that's hard that's simple let's get up then what's the best way to get up i can help you if you need it feels relaxed up here what's that my neck that's relaxed it still hurts but it seems like it flows it's flowing now stand up now oh okay right here i need you to come over here walk a little more let's get some more movement where am i going just a little more turn sit and stand again please up sit stand up oh madam okay that's where we're gonna start i'm gonna make sure we're seeing you every day while you're here okay and if we need a second follow-up in that day we'll sort it out okay we'll just see how day by day okay we got the pressure off for today let's see how the body responds i'll give you some instruction outside okay okay my dear thank you welcome to the office thank you you've got a few weeks okay okay we'll get thank you
Channel: Dr. Rahim Gonstead Chiropractor
Views: 919,619
Rating: 4.8777628 out of 5
Keywords: dr. rahim, Chiropractic, gonstead, Spine, ASMR, Chiro, Neck pain, Los Angeles, Back pain, Health, Yoga, Strength and power, Emergency, Neck, Gonstead Wellness, Anatomy, Healing, Lumbar adjustment, back adjustment, neck adjustment, nerve pressure, pinched nerve, sized hips, can't walk, Satisfying cracks, Chiropractor, Atlanta, Palmdale
Id: -7lkRGEp83M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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