How to Fix a Neck Hump at Home (FAST) | With FREE Exercise Sheet!

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hi uh i'm sure some of you know what i'm talking about if i talk about a buffalo hump or a neck hump or a dowager's hump and it's essentially a hump that you can have at the the base of your of your spine and all it is is uh it's a deposit of fatty tissue but it's lay there to protect the spine and the reason why their bodies lay that fatty tissue there is because people have got faulty posture so they have rounded shoulders they have the chin sticking forward there's too much pressure going on on this area here and that can give you a buffalo hump or a neck hump now the good news is there's something you can do about it and i'll give you three really simple very effective exercises for you to help you with it shouldn't take too long it's persistency that that's the key um but the first thing you need to do is sort out your posture so make sure you're nice and and upright shoulders back chin in so you don't create that constant tension on this on this area there um okay so before i continue with the exercises um i really enjoy making these videos for you but if you could just help me out and just like it or comment in the box below i really really would would appreciate appreciate it um okay so the first exercise is a ywtl exercise and essentially what we're trying to do is to stretch out straighten out the whole thoracic spine from the top to the bottom and it's very very simple so what you do you raise your arms in the air hand palms facing forward arms in the air and you really pull your arms backwards keep your elbows straight pull your arms backwards and hold this for about 30 seconds if you can and then from the y from the y position we go to the w position so this is w position so you pull your arms back and make sure your elbows are pointing down and the same thing hold this for about 30 seconds now after 30 seconds you spread out your arms elbows or your palms still facing forward so you make a t ywt so again putting your arms back again and 30 seconds and then we're going down to the l elbows in the side arms out and really pull your arms your forearms back and that's an l position and again hold that for uh about 30 seconds so that's exercise number one why wtl really good exercise to get rid of that dow just hump in the back of your neck the second exercise i'd like to show you for the neck hump the buffalo hump very effective as well simple again and effective um what you need to do is place your hands behind your back grab your wrist pull your arms straighten your elbows and pull your arms back make sure you squeeze your shoulder blades together and then you tilt your head back and you hold this for about 30 seconds and whilst you're tilting back you're breathing out my final exercise to combat the neck hump or the buffalo hump is probably one of my one of my favorites a simple exercise to do all you need is a is a wall so make sure in this case do the right arm slide the hand up on the wall make sure it's nice and high don't do it here make sure your hands really arms really high up and then what you need to do is you need to in this case right arms up i'm going to turn to my right and we're going to tilt my head backwards another to rest here for about 15 seconds before i come back again and again turn to the right and tilt backwards and hold this for about 15 seconds now make sure you don't get dizzy be careful with this it's a really really really good exercise that's one side and obviously you need to do the other side as well so left arm up and i'm turning to the left and i'm tilting my head backwards and hold this for about 10 to 15 seconds really good exercise probably one of my favorites and it's very specifically targets that area of your neck where you have that bit of a of a hump often people who experience a neck hump or a buffalo hump also experience a bit of neck pain as well i've done some really nice videos good videos for you on next stretch it's really effective next strategy so check out our channel our youtube channel and you can find the video there as well i love making these videos for you and i would really appreciate a little bit of support for you if you could just like or comment or subscribe to the channel uh that would really really appreciate it um anyway take care of yourself take care of someone else as well if you can please and i'll see you next time bye for now bye-bye
Channel: Milton Chiropractic Clinic Cambridge
Views: 28,897,488
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Keywords: neck hump, neck hump exercises, buffalo hump, how to correct a neck hump, how to fix a neck hump, fix for neck hump, fix for neck hump exercises, simple fix for neck hump, quick 4 minute fix for neck hump, easy fix for the neck hump, how to fix a neck hump at home, how to get rid of a neck hump, fix hunchback posture, neck hump removal, neck pain, neck bump, neck hump workout, fix neck hump, exercises for neck hump, neck hump adjustment, how to treat a neck hump
Id: T43753AfaKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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