Ventoy - Open Source, powerful application allowing you to easily add multiple ISOs to boot from.

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foreign [Music] Source Advocate and I'm back with another video and today we're going to talk about using this to install any Linux distribution or Windows on any machine using a really great tool called ventoy now I've known about vintoy for a few years and I heard about people using it and I kind of wondered what it was and I remember a few years ago I tried to set it up and I just didn't have that great of luck so I kind of just stopped and I kept using things like belena etcher or just using DD to copy an ISO onto a USB drive and do it that way and I don't change my distros super often I'd say you know once a year maybe a little less maybe a little more just depending on the district on how much I'm liking it or whatever you know new is coming out but trying distros out is really really great and I love to do that and a lot of times I like to do that on an actual piece of Hardware so a USB drive with a live CD or a live ISO is really great so vintoy is really an awesome tool for that and it's gotten a lot better and it's open source so I thought you know let's cover that let's let's show people how to do this so maybe you're a Windows user and you've been wanting to try Linux you just haven't thought you know I want to go learn how to do this or I want to go download the tools to do this so I want to go figure out how to do this the other great thing about it is if you're a system admin and you have like a clean version of something like maybe you have your different kind of tools that you use on other people's desktops and you want to take that with you I know there's there's what they call portable apps those are great but maybe you would rather stick in a USB drive and start up a certain image from a different distro or a certain image of Windows to try to troubleshoot some problem that somebody's having on their machine vintoy is a great way to do that and the cool thing about it is you put a bunch of distros inside of the ventoy system and then you can boot off of any of them so it's not something where you're having to create an actual installable USB drive you're really just taking the iso or the image file or whatever else you download and you're sticking that into the USB drive inside of the vintoy folder and basically that's it you're up and you're running it's really awesome so I've got one that I've already created so I'm just going to plug that in here I'm going to drag it over on the screen so you can see what's going on here so on this machine you can see I've got kubuntu 2204 desktop I've got Ubuntu 2204 desktop I've got a Windows 10 and I've got a Windows 11 image both of them and I've got a Zoran OS 16.1 so I've got several different kinds of images here and I use the Windows 10 and 11 for clients that I work with who still need Windows for for various things or have asked me to take an old machine they've got and just upgrade it they've got a lot of stuff in place that I don't want to mess with and maybe they're not ready for the switch to Linux I have to kind of evaluate that on a person by person basis but this comes in really handy just to have these ready and be able to go and with OEM machines a lot of times the the key is already there I don't have to go and get a key or anything so I can just use this ISO to get everything upgraded it just does it in place it's not really such a big deal like it used to be with with having to have the the key ready and all that kind of stuff so it's a little bit easier but definitely this is awesome to be able to have this so if you look at what actually loaded up there's vto.efi so this this EFI kind of partition that has a few things here and then you've got the ventoy folder so you've got this ventoy folder and really this is the thing that makes it super great is that you just you really truly download the iso and drag it into the ventoy side of this and it's ready to go when you run ventoy then you get these options in a menu to actually boot the machine so it's very very simple and very straightforward now getting ventoy installed on the USB is a little bit a little bit of a different story but they've got some really great easy ways to do that these days so they've got two methods we'll go through those methods right after this I want to say thank you to all of my subscribers and all of my patrons over at patreon seriously you guys make this so worth it for me to do these videos every week I really truly enjoy it and I just can't say thank you enough if you're enjoying these videos subscribe let YouTube know that I'm doing a good job by subscribing to the channel plus you'll get notified when I have new videos coming out and finally if you're enjoying what I'm doing give it a like just click on that thumbs up and that way YouTube knows that you like it and they'll pass it along to other people that might enjoy my content as well I really appreciate it thank you again let's get started so one of the things I like to always cover about any open source distribution is the way that they support their continued development inventory is no different they've got a ton of really great stuff so right here they tell you 1100 Plus image files have been tested and shown to work ninety percent of distros on distro watch are supported this is this is huge this gives you a really good confidence in what you're going to be able to do with this thing now vintoy itself they have a subscription service it is not something you have to use it is 100 open source you can use it for free but they're letting you know like hey we have the subscription service this is how we support the ongoing development it'd be great if you chipped in so just be aware that you can go out there and do that you can also go out here and donate so it's just a little bit of information this is their main page here for the vintoy site and then they've got the ventoy browser which is the one I'm going to talk about today but then they've got this thing called ventoy plugs on and it just tells you hey this is just a UI that lets you basically work with the ventoy plug-in configuration and then they've got a list of their features here which I'll let you guys read through you guys can all read so I don't need to read this for you I'm sure but as you go down you can kind of see what it looks like so once you actually get ventoy set up and you've got your images set up on the ventoy USB drive you'll when you boot a machine and you go to that USB drive this is what it's going to look like you're going to come to a screen like this where you have these different options where you can select the image that you want to run and basically it just runs you through that process it's very straightforward they've got hotkeys and shortcuts down here at the bottom obviously it's got international language support so that's pretty great they've got contact information and of course friendly links so some really really cool information but the best thing is they've got a really great Wiki so I've just opened that up in another tab they've got all kinds of information out here so if you're wondering about anything can it do this how does it do this this is probably the best place to start looking I always get a ton of questions in the comments and I don't mind that but a lot of times I just end up pointing people back to the documentation on the site for the people who make the software because that's the best place to get the most up-to-date information sometimes I just don't know sometimes I just don't want to give you an answer and then you go to find out that it's been changed even since I made that video because sometimes my videos are two or three years old and you're asking me questions about this stuff so if you look over here to get started they've got some really great information you can kind of see what this looks like and right here you've got more of a Windows kind of system that's set up but it shows you hey here's what's going on and this is really the installer for vintoy in Windows so you can see that you're getting 1.0.82 in this case it's going to be expat so it's going to set up your your machine and then here you can see this is more like the update or the after the installer to show you like hey it was 1.0 to 82 and you've got 1.0.82 so great job then you're pretty much ready to kind of keep going so you also have CLI mode if you're on Windows if you prefer to do that and then for Linux the GUI mode they have a couple of things so you've got one the GUI for gtk or QT and then they've got the web GUI I really like the web GUI this was the best thing that I could have done so this is one that I want to talk about and then they've also got the CLI mode for Linux so if you come down you can kind of see what's going on here and you've got this and then you've got a command an option and what Drive you're trying to Target so you want to figure out what drive that that USB drive is that you're plugging in so I'm going to unplug the vintoy USB and I'm just going to plug in a fresh one that I don't even know what's on it it's just one that was sitting on a shelf but hey if I don't know what's on it it must not be too important and we'll drag this back over let's just look at what I plugged in and what it found here so I plugged in this one that just labeled my name and it's basically got rustas the app image on it and that's fine so I don't need to have a rest desk app image on here anymore so I'm just going to go and I'm going to remove that I'm just going to move that to the trash don't even need it and so this USB drive is now empty but it's not formatted properly so we need to go through that process so it says here you're going to download the installation package so Vin toy whatever version Linux tar.gz and then decompress it so you're going to basically expand that thing and then you're going to run it so it says we need to run this shell script as root so we need to make sure that you're running root if you do this because it does have to do some things to a drive it has to format a drive and things like that which does require root privileges so just understand that once you've done all these things you're going to just copy the image files over and then you're going to run updates on vintoy if you need to so pretty easy the CLI is really great but I definitely want to go check out the web GUI um if you look at it it looks exactly like the Windows system did whenever we were looking at that while ago it's got that same kind of look and feel to it it's there's no difference in the UI from what they say between this and the windows install or the gtk install so just be aware of that so let's go over to downloads let's open that up in a new tab so here we've got this tar.gz we can check out when it was released which is pretty pretty recently just at the end of March this is the second day of April 2023 so so not too long ago it's only 19 megabytes it's pretty small so we're going to click on that it's going to bring us to their releases which is great it's 1.0.90 and we'll just come down here to the assets so here's Linux tar.gz livecd.iso and so whichever one you're kind of aiming for then you can get that and then they've got the Sha if you need to get that and check it as well so we'll just download the tard.gz here and it's downloaded pretty quick and easy so we'll just open up our terminal emulator right here and a lot of people ask me which terminal I use and this one that I'm going to bring up is Tabby so I'm just going to full screen it over here and I've got some some specialized uh Zs oh my zsh and some other things uh power level 10K and stuff like that installed but I'm going to make this a little bit bigger for you guys so okay you see what happens there that's kind of weird when it happens and we're going to go to um downloads and we'll just run that real quick and if we if we list that out you can see that we're going to have ventoy.1.0.90 and atlantics.tard.gz so we're just going to say tar Dash x v z f then toy and if we do an LS again you'll see that it created a folder here called ventoy 1.0.90 so we can CD into that folder now you can do all this through the UI too you don't have to do this in a terminal just be aware of that so if we do an LS inside of this folder here if I type it correctly there we go you're gonna see we've got ventoy vintoy ventoy GUI so the AMD ch64 ventoy GUI i386 so if you're on a 32-bit machine you've got you've got all these different versions of what's going on here so what we're looking for is the web UI so if you look right there and we should be able to find ventoy web right here so we're just going to do sudo bash then toy web let's try ventoy web dot sh [Music] put in your super user password and it's going to tell you that it has started so we've run this as localhost so it tells you right here here is the site you need to go to so we're going to click on it let's just see if that'll open it up I think I can control click and then here is the ventoy GUI so I'm just going to full screen this and I'll Zoom it up a bit for you guys so first thing you have language options so you can change the language if you need to you have options secure boot support do you want that or not check it or uncheck it partition style if you click on that you'll see here's the different things it's a sabrant USB it's 10 24 gigabytes it's sdb I don't believe this is sdb so I need to find what what I want but here's my different options so I've got a 64 gigabyte this is going to be the one right here so you want to make sure you pick the right one sabrant is my internal drive I don't want to use that well I think um so I don't use stb I don't want to use this one this one is my my external drive that's connected to the USB as well I want to use this one so if you're not sure and you're not sure how to figure out which Drive is what you should unplug every other USB drive you have just so that you only have one to choose from in my case 64 gigs is the one that I want I know that's the one that I want but that's how I choose that now when you click on options you have the partition style is MBR or GPT it's up to you how you set this up you can pick whichever one you want you have partition configuration so it says preserve some space at the end of the disk it's up to you whether you do that or not I'm not sure why you'd want to do that right off the top of my head I'm sure there's good reasons to do it though then you've got clear Vin toy so you can clear it out and then show all devices so it's kind of up to you how you set this up but again you want to make sure you pick the correct drive now if you're not sure how to pick the right drive you can go back to your terminal and we're just going to open up another tab here you can open up another terminal window it's kind of up to you how you do that I'm just going to click on the plus we're going to do lsblk and that's going to show us all of the things that are connected to our machine and it's going to tell us whether those are mounted where they're mounted that kind of information so here I can see these are media Brian and this is called Brian remember that was the one that I found that I cleared that off of so this is the one that I want and it's sdd it's on partition icd1 is the one that's called media brine but it's this the drive called sdd so I've picked the right one but you can look through your different drives and see like okay what are these where are these mounted what is the space and now I can see which ones I have so LS BLK is the command that you want to use for that I'm just going to exit this terminal here so we come back to the ones running our web web browser here and we'll go back to ventoy so I've selected the right one really really great really simple I've set up my options happy with it it's going to do an MBR which is fine and I'm gonna do install it's going to come up and say hey warning when you do this this thing's going to be formatted all the data that's on it's going to be lost if you don't want to do that hit cancel if you say yep I know it's already fine I've gotten rid of everything or I've backed up everything that was on it hit okay once you click OK it doesn't double check it's like are you really sure you want to do this so you're going to see this double check don't don't be thinking it's messed up but it does that on purpose just click OK again it's going to go through the process it shows you how much approximately what it's done tells you what it's done and it says info congratulations ventoy has successfully been installed on this device okay that's great it says the status is ready and it shows us what version we've got and what version it is so that's great later if we want to update we've got that option we just need to run the new version of ventoy plug in that drive and it'll show us like hey you've got 1.0.91 or something and this will say 1.0.90 and you'll click update and it'll do that process but it'll probably warn you again like it might get rid of the stuff that's on there so be aware of that but there you go we've done it the USB drive is ready and it's ready for us to use so we can close the browser there's nothing left to be done there so I've come to the Endeavor OS site I'm going to go and grab some a download here so you've got you go to the downloads and it's like latest release installation Wiki so a lot of information so anytime you're going to install a distro it's really good to know where this kind of information is at because you may run into Little issues it happens let's see okay we can download here so there's all these different places it downloads from I'm In The USA so I want to find one that probably will work for the USA it's got isotorn yeah I want to do ISO at this point we could do torrent but I'm not trying to take too long here so we'll go to USA download it's going to start so we'll let that run and when we're ready we're going to move that over and actually put it on the ventoid disk all right so that's done and divorce is downloaded under the ease we've got Endeavor OS right here so we're just gonna just gonna take that and I'll open up another another File Explorer and I'm just going to drag that this way and I'll go down to the one called ventoy and it's it's empty so I'm just going to grab Endeavor OS I'm going to copy it I'm going to bring it over here and paste it all right so I've got my drive set up and I've moved over several different ISO images here so we've got several different Linux distributions that I've been wanting to try anyways so really pretty easy to do I just went and downloaded the isos and then stuck them onto this drive I'm going to pull this drive out of my system here and I'm just going to move it over to my test system which is back over here behind me over my shoulder and I'm going to set up my phone as a camera so that's not going to be the best experience but it should give you an idea what you're going to be able to see and what you can do with this I just don't have the equipment to record the screen when I'm booting from USB drive at this point but I think this is going to give you a really great idea of what you can do with ventoy so let me get that moved over there all right so I've got my other system set up over here there's a system that I use for playing games with the family and I'm going to plug in my USB drive down here in the back of the PC it's just just below the table here and then I'll reboot the system and we'll bring it up into basically boot menu mode and you can see right there at the top that it sees the USB drive pretty much immediately so again if we click on it it opens it up and you can see that we've got our isos right there so I'm just going to go to the top right I'm going to go to my shutdown option and whenever it comes back up I just need to use my hotkey and that brings up my boot menu and you can see right here that I've got several different options so really what I want to look for is just the one that says the USB 3 drive as we go down the list here we get the USB 3 Drive highlighted we'll just press enter to say that's the one we want and you can see we come right up to Vin toy which has all four of our distros ready to go the first one we'll try here is open Susa I haven't run open Susan a long time it's going to come up and you're going to pick just normal boot mode unless you need a different mode for some reason once open Souza comes up it gives you a few options now it says boot from hard disk this means to boot from the actual hard disk inside the drive which is Ubuntu 22204 so I don't want to do that they've got the installation option but I also don't want to run through an installer yet because I don't want to overwrite my system they've got an upgrade so if you're running open source and you wanted to upgrade some reason with a disc you could do that or in this case a thumb drive they've got the more options here so you can do your rescue the system Buddha Linux system and so on so you just got some different options that you can go through this is really the open Susa installer and I think if I go back to boot from disc this will just take me back to Vin toy actually which is fine so we saw that one run let's do one that should boot us into the OS let's do Endeavor OS here and again boot normal mode and we'll just hit enter for the first option there for endeavor RS and the post starts coming up now this is pretty normal Endeavor is based on Arch so that's pretty normal to see the post for our chat a lot of distros try to hide the post screen and just put it behind a splash screen which is fine but I think that's just more for the comfort of the average user who's not used to seeing this and may not realize that this is actually what's going on in the background when your machine boots so we should see these things as long as it'll see like a ton of errors or problems then generally we're going to come up to a to a usable system and there's the mouse cursor that's always a good sign that we're at least getting a window manager started up which is great this one looks to be maybe KDE I can't remember which one I downloaded now let's see so once it finally starts comes up with a welcome screen and a way to kind of get started with the system that's great you can close that out if you don't want it it's going to go through its reboot process and then get back into ventoy I'll just use my hotkey again to bring up the boot menu when it's ready and generally what you're looking for is just like your post screen from your motherboard maker or the machine maker just depends on kind of which thing you're looking for but there we go once I see that I hit my hotkey brings up the boot menu and we can again arrow down until we get to our USB drive and then hit enter and this time let's go do Garuda I'm kind of interested in Garuda Linux and I got the wayfire version I was going to hit enter to go to normal mode yeah so now we should get that same kind of arch post screen because again Garuda is based on Arch Linux there we go it starts loading everything up and we've got the mouse cursor again so that shows us again the window manager is at least trying to start up that's always a good sign and then there's the background for Garuda and this is the wayfire desktop wow okay that's got some nice little effects to it pretty interesting uh yeah so I mean this is not a bad looking system it comes right into the installer so if you want to install it you can but I'm just going to close that window out of that and it's got the same kind of Welcome menu to walk you through some of the starting steps so pretty cool it's got those nice effects uh let's see if we go here that's that welcome menu again so you kind of see the effects this this is kind of nifty I guess to start with but I don't know if I want to use it all the time there's their start menu so I'm guessing you can search and do a few different things to kind of run through these I've got a nice icon set pretty cool um if I click away I click on it again it goes away uh let's see I bet this is Firefox this looks like it yeah so here's kind of their version of Firefox I think they're calling it fire browser there it goes so it brings up YouTube just took a second for it to kind of get started there but all right so the browser works I mean it looks like everything's working here we can close out of that and yeah you can kind of see what wayfire it looks like it's not bad looking I'm not sure I would always want to have this kind of window manager going but it's interesting I think yeah so it's got wobbly Windows you can probably change these effects a little bit you can go full screen and it snaps and jiggles and snaps and jiggles so it's kind of fun I believe this is a Weyland Window Manager built on a composite on the comp is compositor stuff so it's pretty cool looking there's Garuda so we did all this off of vinto I haven't installed anything yet I can go right back to my other system and it's not going to be any big deal to get it started I mean it's just super easy and this is a nice big lock screen so again if I just do restart here it's going to shut down and it should come back up on its own to my gnome system by default Organo just depending on how you pronounce that so since I didn't give it the hotkeys it comes up right away into the GRUB boot manager and it'll move forward on its own here in a minute so that is ventoy pretty great pretty awesome way to do some simple things keep those isos handy all the time like I said I've got one built that's got Windows 10 Windows 11 Pro both on there plus several different Linux distributions that I've used multiple times it's just a really great way to have all those things that you need a 64 gig USB drive will give you a lot of capabilities for keeping some different distros in there and be able to run those things live like that so really awesome I think vinto is great so get out there and try it remember they've got a subscription system that's how they keep their project going and we should always support open source so I hope you guys enjoyed this if you did like subscribe tell your friends about it so they can come along on the open source Journey with us and I'll talk to you next time [Music]
Channel: Awesome Open Source
Views: 30,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open, source, opensource, open-source, self, hosted, selfhosted, self-hosted, free, libre, software, server, web, internet, browser, linux, mac, macos, os x, windows, microsoft, unix, bsd, ios, android, pi, raspberry, desktop, vps, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, cli, command line, terminal, interface, network, networking, news, projects, ventoy, image, iso, boot, bootable, multiple, easy, dopy, paste, drag, drop, usb, windows 10, windows 11, pro, balena, etcher, dd, burn, write
Id: -hs4mH7uBkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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