This is the open source software I use each day in 2023...this is part 2 of the 2 part series. Enjoy

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foreign [Music] Source Advocate and I'm back and as stated last week this is going to be part two of what I use for the open source software that I show you every week so as I do these videos I come across things and I'm like man this is so super useful for me and that's a lot of the reasons that I do a lot of the videos I'm doing is because I find something interesting and I want to look at it and if I really like it I keep using it and I continue using it you can see them on my dashboard here I talked about this one in the previous video so if you're interested in this Dash just go check out the other video I'll have it linked in the show notes as well and of course for all of the software that I show you today I'll have their GitHub Pages linked I'll have my videos linked I'll have my show notes linked so that you can get to those really easy I try to put all of that information in the description last week it was just too much text honestly so I created show notes and that's where you'll jump over to from from the link in the description you'll have access to all those different things so as I'm going through if you see one that you're like man I like that I want to learn more about it I'll have that information there for you so we're going to get into all of my software that I'm continuing to use right after this I want to say thank you to all of my subscribers and all of my patrons over at patreon seriously you guys make this so worth it for me to do these videos every week I really truly enjoy it and I just can't say thank you enough if you're enjoying these videos subscribe let YouTube know that I'm doing a good job by subscribing to the channel plus you'll get notified when I have new videos coming out and finally if you're enjoying what I'm doing give it a like just click on that thumbs up and that way YouTube knows that you like it and they'll pass it along to other people that might enjoy my content as well I really appreciate it thank you again let's get started so I forgot to put a couple in last week so I'm going to jump them in right now so one that I use and I just didn't think about because I use it kind of once a year is called X lights my family loves to decorate our front yard with different holiday type decorations and one of the things I got into was using pixel lights and I was looking for some open source software to control those things and X lights is absolutely amazing um learning to use it does have a little bit of a learning curve so if you're not familiar with how to do pixel lights and things like that it does take a little bit of setup a little bit of thought getting a controller there's a bunch of equipment involved with it I'd say probably four hundred dollars in equipment that I that I spent over a little bit of time just to get it going but once you do and once you actually get this stuff connected up and the software running it actually does a lot of things for you very easily there's some great tutorials out there that can help you learn it and then there's these really great little patterns up here that you can just drag in and tell it here's the thing that I want my display to do so it's got all kinds of really cool preset patterns but you can also make your own you can set it up to use music and then put your lights to go to the beat of the music and the different parts and the music and stuff it's really awesome I really love X lights and it's another really great piece of software that gets updated regularly by the way so I know a lot of Open Source software eventually goes stale this is one that has not done that in years and it still gets regular updates and it has a massively awesome Community they literally have a zoom meeting that they have people on for you to go ask for help and I just kind of thought the time that I needed help I was really worried nobody would be there and it was like 15 people sitting there not saying a word so when I first got in I didn't really know what to do but I finally just decided I was going to say something and I said hello and they all started talking and I got people helping me and they got on to my they had me share my screen and told me where to click and what to do and explain things and really helped me get it set up the way that I wanted because I built this huge Matrix display and I was wanting to put different things on it throughout the year and yeah just a massive massive help those guys are incredible I can't believe they just sit there and wait for people to come on asking for help but they do so it's really a cool Community I just I love ex-life and I wanted to share this one with you guys Trillium so I've actually got the Trillium app it's better let me go uh it's the same as the as the web login but you can use it through the web browser or you can use it through the app um the app is basically an electron app so so those of you who hate electron apps you probably wouldn't like it but I think it's great all my notes and things that I do for different stuff so for my work I've got notes for just myself my YouTube stuff the movies that I watch with my with my girls on different nights um here's their demo they've got tons of great stuff I've just left this in here because it's got some really great stuff and sometimes like how did they do that and yeah they've got some really great content that just comes with it their mermaid diagrams are really cool you can do a lot of really cool stuff with it and they kind of show you how to use the mermaid syntax to do that um yeah I mean just so much really really cool stuff so um here's here's some different things so just different topics that you can check out and kind of see what's going on Ubuntu so yeah I mean really really just super super simple things that I that I like a lot Trillium is is an excellent application again open source note taking and it lets you build kind of a endless hierarchy so these things can just dig down and down and down so you can kind of build out this nice folder structure that you'll that you'll like and there's so many other things that I really never even use about it but you can you can link notes together in different ways and it shows you here what note is underneath it so you can jump into that and then you can look here and you can see the different notes that are underneath it and then if you expand the interface you know it's it's pretty responsive if I click on it right um right here there we go so you can see it starts kind of responding and changing the way that things look and the way that things lay out and again you can see four different cards so you can click into the cards you don't have to go to the left navigation and you can get down to where you're going um yeah I mean really really great but yeah so if you've got a a nav map so you can see all the things they've got linked here which is kind of awesome um yeah I mean it's really really very cool so as you're linking things you start to get this really really nice map as well built out um the calendar I haven't used much for for reminders and stuff like that but but they have a lot of really cool stuff we've got a Weight Tracker a to do you've got recent changes so you can kind of see what's going on in the system and you can kind of track all the changes you've been making which is great it's got that versioning kind of built in and then you've got a search that's that's really pretty great um all kinds of filters you can put on it I really just use this search because it's very fast so if I go look up the librarian so you can see right here it says movies with girls it knows exactly where that note is and then it even gives me kind of a overview of what's going on in that note right there close to what I've searched for so it's really awesome and then of course if you click it it'll go right to that note and you can check out the list of movies that I have to watch with my with my girls so a really great application Trillium is just tops I think it's awesome nextcloud is another one that has just Leaps and Bounds in the last few years they have come out with so many great things and I think I've actually got an update for this one that I'm running right now but this is next Cloud the all-in-one install um I did a video on it not too long ago I've been using it quite a bit and I use it for calendar stuff especially with my family we set up calendars and reminders and events and all kinds of things like that so that we've got different events that are happening um yeah I mean it's been really just great it's it's we've got all the things here it syncs up with our phones we can put things in the phones it syncs up to the calendar and just back and forth makes it really super easy I haven't been using too much other stuff the files I of course use for syncing and stuff like that again just such a great application it makes it pretty easy to to get it running and then in the all-in-one it's a little bit of work to it but once you get it you've get you get all the stuff that you would have to go do kind of one thing at a time one module at a time but you get it built in and then I love the open document format that you can run right here inside of the next cloud in the browse or with like collabora with LibreOffice documents and stuff really really awesome um yeah I love next cloud and if you haven't looked at it in a while you should because they're getting so much better so like if we go to the photos I don't think I have a lot of photos synced up or anything but their photos app has gotten way better than it used to be the way they lace things out and again you can create albums you can create all kinds of really cool stuff um but yeah it's gonna have to bring all the stuff over I cleared out my cache earlier trying to do some stuff so there's my my fix it Del Rio logo there's a few pictures of things that I've used for different videos here's all kinds of different thumbnails and different pictures of different stuff that were built in so you can kind of see what all I've got I mean it's just a bunch of stuff that's just different applications and things that I've been messing with thumbnails but yeah I mean next Cloud's pretty awesome and it's got some really great capabilities so definitely another one that you should check out if you haven't in a while um and you're interested in something where it can sync your data and do some some decent syncing jelly fan is another one that I absolutely love my wife and I um we watch movies with our girls like I said and this is a great place for me to store a bunch of the movies that I've just bought in my 49 years of life um TV shows TV archives so I've got two different things there because some are older TV shows that I've bought on DVD and just ripped them so that I could have them here summer TV shows that we get now so it's just great I really love all these things that that I can do with it the collections is great because I can go through my movies and pick out the ones that I know my mom's gonna like I've got an uncle that wants to watch some of them sometimes and I've created collections for him so I mean really jellyfish is a really really good just just gotten so good again over the last few years they have just done tremendous amounts of work and it gives you so much control I mean if you jump into this thing and you go to the dashboard is what they call it is kind of the admin space but I mean you can see here you've got like all of your different controls you've got just so much information about what's happening you can see some different general settings and things like that you can just go through here and kind of set up everything the way that you want you've got user control you've got playback different ways of doing things in playback and then of course you've got your libraries that you can go through and set up I mean super great and again I was a Plex user when Plex was pretty new or pretty early um then I went to MB because MB was like Hey we're going to open source our stuff at some point and they never did it and so then jelly fan came along and said you know what we're going to open source it and they did and that's awesome and that's why I like it and that's why I use it and I think honestly it's an incredible experience it's super straightforward super simple now there's apps for Apple TV for Roku for everything and the apps work really well so it just just makes it even better yeah just just love jelly thing can't say enough good things about it I probably need to recover jelly fan actually but um yeah I love it I've got some videos out there and I really think the video that I made before stands as it is today even navidrome this is another one that I love so my for for my music um I just wanted something where I could go in and set up my albums set up some playlists and have those things sync to my phone to an app and yeah I mean I've just got you know a bunch of my music kind of set up in here and um let's see this is kind of the it says all but this is really artist let's go to songs um so you can see my songs list here a few pages so I've got a few songs in here I mean I don't have a ton I don't have a huge music collection but some people do but for me just being able to open up an app on my phone start things playing have it pull over and play locally those kind of things with sub streamer and subsonic and air Sonic apis and things like that just really again so useful to be able to do that and I really just love everything about it and navigrome just runs really well I've had no issues with it it's been doing you know just tremendous lately but never drone's been solid constantly getting some really great stuff out of it and I love to listen to my music and put it on different devices and listen to it so um have a dream's great and you can play it right here to the browser a lot of times I just open the browser start a playlist playing and uh just listen to it through my headphones so yeah love it never drum is awesome this is Quant ux so this is a project I'm a product manager by trade I don't do a lot of design work anymore but occasionally I'll be doing some design work and uh yeah I've used this thing for a lot of stuff I did a video a while back on my game that I made and you can see my first version I actually made here in Quant ux and then I've refined it and I went and redid it in and made it open source you know where anybody could get it and print it and kind of have fun with it but um yeah I mean I've used Quant ux for a lot of stuff a few things for for work and oh no this was where I was I was modifying a CSS library that I like called uh milligram and I was going through and looking at colors and using it to get some colors and things like that um just just using it for that but I mean it's really a cool thing you can prototype you can put those prototypes and basically make them play and then when you make them play you can take those prototypes and send that send that link to people to go in and actually try it and then you can see where they clicked and where they got stuck and where they had to kind of get out of it or where you might have had a workflow problem and go back and refine and do some stuff and again this is one that gets constant updates so I really liked it but I didn't I didn't want to run it the way that the the author had it set up which was go install Java and install these things I wanted to run it in Docker so I asked him to make a Docker version he said he's like I just don't know that much about Docker so I said you know what I'll try it so it was my first foray into really building out a really good Docker application but so now I keep the Quant ux Docker images up to date as much as I can to try to update them about once a month and I try to pull on all the new updates tested make sure everything's good and then push them up in fact I've got a build that I just made yesterday that I need to get tested and push up but yeah Quant ux is amazing so if you're somebody who likes to do some design work if you're trying to fill you know figure out an interface you can make it a playable interface and really kind of turn it into something awesome that people can use so if I push play it turns it into something where I can actually go into see like when I hover the card it should yeah it gives you that little kind of glow effect there it doesn't work every time but yeah there we go and then the buttons down here aren't really clickable I haven't made them clickable or anything but I was just looking at different font sizes and colors and and things like that and trying to make some stuff happen but yeah I mean really an awesome application as well and something that I I've been using uh for data bag lately so if if you remember that application I'll get to it in a minute but it's a chat application it was really new so I was giving him some ideas and I went and made some things where I could actually click through and show him what I was talking about to make it easier for him to understand what I was asking for the next one that I use is where my show notes live now so if you've been with me for a long time you know that I had show notes.opensource is and it was done in ghost and ghost was good for a long time but at some point it got to where ghosts would just not update anymore on my Docker install and I tried and it was giving me errors and give me all kinds of weird messages so I said okay I've got to move to something that I like better um and I'd done bookstack a long time ago and I just haven't redone it but I need to because it's an amazing application as well I really love the way that bookstack is laid out I like the hierarchy that I can set up this is my view when I come into it but I can search for anything here and it's just fast the one thing ghost didn't have was a really good search uh bookstack has some other things that help me get my documentation done faster and easier which I really like as well so yeah I've been moving everything over and migrating it so if you come across a video and it has shonost.opesource and it doesn't resolve let me know because I will go and actually try to migrate that stuff over I'm in the process but it does take time and it takes effort to get that stuff migrated over so if you're finding one and you want that documentation you can't get to it let me know I'll try to try to fix it but yeah book stack another really really great application I really like it this is data bags so this is the one that I showed when I was testing with uh with it and kind of showing you guys how it works it's a it's an encrypted chat application and you can do Federation and a few other things and again I was working with the developer a little bit and telling them hey I'd love to have a way to make like a direct communication a little bit easier so you used to have to go here and then click on contacts and then you had to go and create a communication like group and then you had to add a contact to the communication and I was like it'd be better if I was just having a one-on-one to be able to click on somebody so he added this little icon and when you click on that icon it starts up uh you know a channel basically for you two to chat in so now I could chat with my wife and I could send a message and I can say hey how's it going and then if she was in front of her machine to see it she'll be able to answer back and say oh it's going fine you know and I'd get that message and again he has a nice mobile app but yeah he's making updates uh constantly which is great and it's growing so I'm excited to see where this goes because there's another option for encrypted end-to-end Communications that can be Federated so it's not in a central location so pretty cool I think it's I think it's great and I'm I'm excited to see another one coming up like that but yeah data bag is pretty great crater invoice is another one and I've been using it since I did the video on it a while back and it gives me some graphs of you know what I'm billing when I'm getting paid when I have to you know I can go and Mark things as paid I can send out invoices I can send out estimates I've been doing some estimates and things like that really nice it's got a really nice dashboard it's got a simple user interface now I'm just using it for one or two clients I'm not using it for a ton of people but it really has been a great experience and I really like what they've got so yeah a Creator I use pretty regularly as well it's not a daily thing for sure but it's you know several times a month that I'm using it net maker um I've done several videos on netmaker and if you haven't checked them out you definitely need to um the guy who makes it is awesome Alex I I email him occasionally with questions and he answers me right away and he's so helpful and so kind and so awesome this is an amazing project it really runs a network system on top of wireguard so it helps you create wireguard network so if you've heard of tailscale or head scale think of those kind of things really I create networks so I've got some different networks that I've created and these are all different networks so this is kind of cool so this is one that lets me get into a client's network from home through a wire guard connection so it's a VPN and there are no ports open on their firewalls which is amazing same thing here where I can get into my home through my net maker connection and again when I'm away from home I can access the machines at home on the network and stuff and it just lets me set this up so easily and really you can go in here and check out your networks and you can check out your nodes and you can see how the nodes are set up and really it gives you a lot of control here to set things up in a way that makes it easy to do that and I've gone through that in some other videos and you can even use this to kind of create a reverse proxy into your home if you have double Nat so I've been working with somebody I'm hoping to help them resolve some issues but yeah I mean double Nat is a pain for some people and this kind of setup if you run a couple of cheap vps's put netmaker server on one and net maker client on another and then put nginx proxy manager on that net maker client and create some Ingress and egress nodes which let client you know machines into the network and back out of the network onto another Network and man you've got a really great setup you've got a tunnel basically the same thing as what cloudflare tunnels gives you except you control the system that's running it it's awesome so I love it it's just such an amazing tool I mean it's just something that I can't even start to to explain how great it is to be able to use something like that so if I go look at this one with my route me home you can see here what I've got so I've got this network and I've got this Ingress node and it lets me into my home network and then I've got all of these other clients that I've set up so all these things can go in here and they can say hey you know what I want to go to that Network so even those these are outside on the internet and have different IP addresses from other network systems they can still access my machine here inside my network which is amazing and this little map that it draws is awesome and as you get more complex you see more of it growing out which is great so yeah I mean net maker is really cool so trago this is one that I did a while back to and it's it's a Time application a Time tracking application so when I do different work for some from for some of my clients I've been using it just to test it out and see what I can get done with it um it lets me put in the time it lets me add notes and different things about what I'm working on then these tags it's really pretty nice and then I've got these different dashboards that I can create and kind of see some reports on what's going on um it's not bad but I'll be honest the reports are a bit lacking and I wanted to see a little bit more information so travel's not bad it's another one I've done videos in recent times so definitely go check it out I think it's pretty awesome if you need to take time tracking notes and things like that for any kind of clients or jobs that you're working so I don't just do things in the browser as much as you maybe lead to maybe led to believe that I also use open source software for my video editing so this is called shot cut and here I've got loaded up one of the videos that I edited not too long ago and it's really great it's got some awesome controls it's got some great capabilities you can see where I put in my different uh assets and things like that and really my my audio waveforms and stuff so I can go through and edit this and cut and trim and do all the things that you would normally do with a video editor but yeah this really gives you just tons of control you do all kinds of great things with it it's got effects like crazy and filters and everything else that you can set up and just so much great great just the product is amazing all of the little Scopes as they call them where I can see a lot of different information about what's happening when the video is playing just absolutely tremendous so if I go through here I unload the iso and drag it into the ventoy side of this and it's ready to go so there you go it shows you all the waveforms and the audio levels and things like that super useful um again just a really great application it's very very lightweight on resource usage which I love I've been able to use this thing for years on different hardware and it works just great on anything that I run it on um yeah awesome stuff I love I love shortcut an amazing tool so another remote desktop tool that I've done videos on and use pretty constantly is called rust desk now they have nightly builds that you can get and I kind of you know do that just because I want to test things out so it's got some really great capabilities you can go out there and just kind of set up rust desk on two different machines kind of like you would TeamViewer or any desk and then you give a code to the other machine and then they can try to connect and you can allow them on or they can use the password to connect and then I just reset the password when I don't want to use that same password and again after the video is done I'll reset the password again but yeah I mean you get the idea of what it can do there and you see that I can connect to different types of machines so yeah I mean a really great one again that that I've just really tremendous tool if you run your own server like I do then it really makes it great so like I run my own server I've got a special key that keeps it pretty secure as well so just having this number and this password isn't going to do you a lot of good but yeah if you could get to my server and get that key then you might be able to access my machine but for the most part it's really secure I really like it really really great tool so this is one that I've I did a while back as well called wire gerd which is the U GUI for wire guard for the for the client side this is how I connect to my netmaker wire guard networks so I can connect to a client Network and then I can just deactivate I can connect to my home network and I can deactivate um pretty great pretty easy to set up again just just go just put these things in the right place and then wireger just picks them up when it starts and you can just activate and deactivate as you go now this does seem to run on Ubuntu systems uh Debian systems maybe but I haven't I think a few people have had issues trying to get it on Fedora and some other ones it wasn't compiled for that but the sources out there it's open source you should be able to try to compile it for yourselves so another one that I really love and I use it all the time I mean just a regular basis now I showed this one earlier and I used this one pretty regularly as well this is called Tabby and it's a it's a terminal emulator I really like it it's just got so many little Cool Tools built in it's got tabs I can split these things into different menus and stuff like that or different parts of the screen which is awesome so I can split things to the left I can split things you know up and down so it just makes it really great to kind of open up a few different a few different Windows here and do different things in different places but at the same time I've got a tab with a different layout and then I've got a tab over here where I've got things that I can do different different activities and such so I mean again just really really great now this is one that a lot of you are going to be like why is he showing me LibreOffice but honestly LibreOffice if you've never really checked it out is an incredibly powerful office suite it's got your writer like Word documents it's got your calc for your spreadsheets it's got impress for your PowerPoint it's got draw it's got so many amazing tools and tools that you can do pretty much anything with that you can do on Word or PowerPoint or Excel I mean just really and truly LibreOffice is awesome one of my clients gave me a paper form the other day that's that's kind of like a weird Dimension and it's got a bunch of tiny fun and Tiny places where they had to fill things in on a typewriter and their typewriter broke and they said hey could you take this and turn it into a form we could fill out on the computer and then print to these cards and I said well let me let me see what I can do with it so I took it I scanned it scanned it as a PDF brought it over this machine and then opened it up with with LibreOffice and then I turned on the editing tools to turn it into a form and just drag things out to the screen for check boxes and for form fields and stuff like that and then I could go through and change it in the controls to change the background color to change the font color and size and weight and everything like that and pretty quickly I was able to go through it set up the tab order so they could just tab through and fill things out you can even set default values on things like that and then I was able to export that as a fillable PDF and I sent it to them and now they can open it up they can fill it out they can just print it out right to the cards I mean it's just amazing it took me you know maybe a couple of hours to do that it was a pretty pretty detailed form but I mean yeah the things you can do with some of these applications is amazing it's open source software it costs you nothing to go get it but you can support them if you like what they're doing support them because that's what keeps it going but I mean really truly if you've not looked at LibreOffice if you haven't thought about LibreOffice you should it's got some incredible power incredible power around it and finally I also use OBS the open broadcast system so this is what I've been using lately to record I used to use Simple screen recorder but when I switched to the gnome system with Ubuntu 2204 it's the Weyland version and unfortunately simple uh screen recorder couldn't record the way on the screen but OBS has been updated to be able to do that so I've been using it to record my screen I get to see my audio levels I can pick which audio things I want to pass through so I can say I want my mic and I want the desktop audio but I don't want like the built-in mic uh you know I can pick what screens and things like that that I want I can switch the view so that when I've got the camera plugged in I can switch over I can make it a little bit bigger and just sew on it it's just really easy and I can do that all while it's recording and then when I'm done I just press the stop recording button and it saves it as an mp4 and then I can start editing so another really really powerful useful tool when you're looking at doing anything where you're going to be recording your screen doing even just video recording because if you have multiple cameras that you hook up to this machine you can switch between those views you can set it up to do a cooking show you could set it up to do all kinds of different things that you might be interested in or want to share with people maybe maybe you want to show people how to redo woodwork how to do auto mechanics how to do anything and you want to have a few different angles at all times and you could have somebody sitting there just watching the screen and switching those cameras to make the most sense out of that you can do that live you can record it all and then put it on tracks and try to edit it down or you could have somebody who kind of helps you out and does that live and there's different views so that you can see how this looks you can switch the view and really see like what's on deck and what's being recorded and you can switch those over and you can drag other things on Deck to switch them out so it's really a really really powerful tool and I really like it I probably use the most minimal parts of it honestly but it's an incredible tool so if you've never looked at open broadcast system and you're interested in that this is another one to definitely go check out now I'm sure that I have not in any way shape or form covered everything that I use on a daily basis but I've given you a ton of applications that I actually use that I have covered and it's just the list grows all the time the list changes all the time but all the applications that I find and just love I continue to use because they're amazing because they're applications that give me a ton of power they're applications that make me feel better about the Privacy about data privacy about data control and for me that's important now you know when I was younger maybe I didn't care as much but now I've got my wife I've got girls I've got my my mom I've got my mother-in-law I've got people that I'm worried about really and truly where their data is going and how it's being used and for me to have more control over all of those things it's just so important um the one last thing that I definitely know I didn't talk about is this game right here and I covered it in a video it's called valorin it's kind of an endless World MMORPG so you can set up a server and have multiplayers and have them all playing with you at the same time I need an update right now but once you update and create a user you can run on your own servers and that's what we do here I have a server running here and my wife and I and my girls sit down at a single table where we all have our own machines and monitors and we play this game together and we just have fun and we talk and we chat and we laugh and we and we scream when things are coming after us and we need help and we just have a blast and it's such a great great application we have so much fun with it it's open source it's another one that just constantly gets updates I mean literally daily updates for the most part it's it's amazing how fast these guys are moving and how great it's getting but um really and truly it's so much fun if you haven't tried it and you're interested in a game that you control the server for or can control the server for get out there and do it there are public servers if you just want to try out the actual in game itself and just use somebody else's servers you can do that it's set up by default to use their servers but you can change it to user servers very easily yeah really really great I love it and the girls and my wife love it so we have a fun fun time with it all the time that's about it for my list I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you get a lot out of it if you did please like subscribe tell your friends about it so they can come along the open source Journey with us and I'll talk to you next time thank you [Music] it's your open source Advocate and I'm back and I've set up a store with a little bit of merchandise I love being your open source Advocate but I want you guys to be the open source Advocates with me so if you want to get out there and get some of this stuff and if you do let me know what you think of it thank you for subscribing
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Views: 179,098
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Keywords: open, source, open-source, self, hosted, selfhosted, self-hosted, free, libre, software, server, web, internet, browser, linux, mac, macos, os x, windows, microsoft, unix, bsd, ios, android, pi, raspberry, desktop, vps, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, cli, command line, terminal, interface, network, networking, news, projects, rdp, remote, cloud, service, azure, aws, plex, emby, jellyfin, notes, onenote, one note, google docs, micorosoft, office, 365, wiki, books, prototyping, invoice, vpn, wireguard, video, editing, mmorpg
Id: HaLKciYfVfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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