Vehicle Bug Out! Things to Consider.

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guys when it comes to bugging you out you know we think about our bug out bag and we set up a bag with all the essentials and a lot of times we don't think any more about it we think well we're just gonna if something happens and we need to evacuate we're just going to head out into the woods and live off the land be honest with you your chances of survival are very slim because you're just a glorified Refugee and unless you really know what you're doing you know it's not going to end well so we're going to talk today though about bugging out in a sensible way but before we do I am big on bunkering in that is my plan I don't plan to bug out but I have a plan to bug out because you may need to leave where you are it may not be no choice and it's going to be a life and death situation so for me having my bug out bag is great but I need to be able to transport it that makes it better so we're going to talk today about living in your car uh because one of the things about getting into a car in a grid down situation is the highways may be locked down you know there could be roadblocks there could be a lot of situations to where it's very difficult to travel in a vehicle but if you have a vehicle and you have a number of supplies in there and a way to live you know you're going to be a lot better off if you have to bug out the bigger the vehicle the better here I have a Jeep and while it's larger than a lot of cars it's once you get everything packed in it and you're going to see there's not a lot of room so the bigger the vehicle the better what would really be great is to have a motor home but then you're a giant Target and then of course with a big covered trailer that would be a good thing but again you're just larger it's harder to maneuver and you're going to be a bigger Target and so we're going to look at some of the vital items Down Below in the description once we kind of go through things if you have some thoughts or some things that I've overlooked please leave it down there that's a great place to be able to get a lot of information because the better neighbors prepared the better I'm prepared all right guys I've got a mock set up here got the sleeping bag one thing I want you to note is that this is for one person and then you've got the seats up front so this is really going to be packed I just kind of got what I had together this is going to be a project I'm going to be working on but you really need a larger vehicle to really be comfortable of course it's not necessarily Comfort is not the goal but definitely a big plus and so you know you can just use every area to be able to pack things a roof rack is definitely going to be a big plus whatever car you have you can store items up there of course you know they are susceptible to rain and wind but it gives you another option to be able to pack things up there now also a cargo basket works really great on the back of your vehicle it gives you a lot of space here we have the bronc box I did a review on this a while back very secure way to carry a lot of gear of course this is range gear but you can put all kinds of survival items in there lock it down and there's a lot of choices out there so you know it is one of the options along with a roof rack on top again especially if you're in a smaller vehicle the guys keeping up with the maintenance of your vehicle you know you want to make sure that those things you've been putting off go ahead and have it checked make sure you get it fixed get your car in top shape or whatever type vehicle you're using and you want to make sure your tires are good that your oils change make sure you have at least a half a tank of gasoline at all times in fact if you can keep it above that it's better if there is a situation that happens it could be instantaneous and you just have to go there's nothing worse than getting in your car and having no gas and thinking man I should have had these brakes fixed months ago so make sure your vehicle is in good shape also have tools available and with you a small tool kit to where you can take care of things if you need to small little repairs that you can do and so that may be the difference between keeping your car running and not now here's a sleeping bag to me that is one of the best options this has a hood over it but you'll notice underneath I have one of the self-inflating U.S military pads you're going to want to have something under this this is not going to be comfortable it's a cargo space so having something whether it's an air mattress something like this even a yoga pad something that you can put down and to be able to give yourself some comfort and there's a ton of inflatable pillows I just threw this one in but and I've got a couple of inflatable ones I just had this handy you're going to want to have something for your head and one of my favorite survival options to keep warm is the wooby and this is U.S military issue it's a very thin insulate material it's light it can just cover you to keep you warm but yet it can really keep you warm when it gets cold and this just is a big really a kind of a half shelter type thing you can wrap it around you I've done a video about what the woobie is why you need one but you might not want to be in your sleeping bag you may just want to be sitting around and this will definitely keep you warm and this could be called your blankie now food and water are very important you've got aquitainer you can put water in it it has a spout those are great some of my favorite ways to store water and of course you know it's a smaller container but you're going to need it smaller to be able to fit in your car and there are smaller aqua tainers but having some way to filter water is going to be just as important you may be able to get water from a public Source but if you're going with streams and Creeks you're going to have to be able to filter it and so you know having a water filter system canadine hiker Pro or even a big Berkey one of the travel berkeys I mean there's a lot of different options for filtering you can boil the water you can add chlorine to the water doesn't remove the taste of the sediment so I really like to have a good filter but water is going to be vital and then you have your food which we have a Canon cooler which is a soft insulated cooler but you could have a one of the hard coolers what's really cool are the small little battery-powered refrigerators and that way they can keep those things that you need to keep cold cold other foods of course you can have that stored away but having cold items put together I mean this really can insulate you'll need ice is the one thing so if there is ice then great if not the food's not going to last anyway now you're going to have to have storage and there's a ton of different storage containers there's some that are very expensive some that are fairly inexpensive different sizes different shapes these are just a couple of different sizes but we can store food in here we can store tools hygiene items all kind of different things one thing that's very important is to stay organized and so having containers to put certain things in there is going to be important because otherwise you're going to have stuff strung all over the car and then if you need it you're not going to be able to find it it does take up some room but definitely worth its weight and it's space next we have a fan and the fan this is a battery powered fan you'll have to have batteries but if you have one that's rechargeable that's a great option at least it keeps air moving through the vehicle you can get air conditioners portable air conditioners that are very small and that would be a great option because your car is going to get really hot especially in the summertime but even if it's out in the sun it can get really stuck coffee and so rolling your windows down partially is one thing then you start to let insects in with that you can actually put screens on the outside and that's a big plus but having and thinking about climate control another thing you can get are heaters there's a number of different heaters battery powered heaters there's the Heater Buddy the Mr Heater Buddy is one of the things in a big vehicle that can really heat up a lot of area and it's propane fueled so that is one option but in a smaller car or even this Jeep it's going to be way too hot so having some way to have some kind of heat source and a way to cool things off now one possibility for heat this is non-electronic but we have these portable campfires and they'll burn for four hours and this will give you a little bit of heat in an enclosed area you want to vent even then have a little window vented but this gives you just another option of course you know you only have four hours so you want to use this sparingly power or being able to charge things having a source of these portable batteries are excellent and you can charge this maybe in a public setting or you can have some kind of solar panel to be able to charge it but this gives you you know whether you charge your lights your phone if your phone's working whatever you have different Electronics you can charge them on this maybe you have a small little iPad and this gives you a lot of capability of course obviously battery backups are great but this will give you a lot more charge but to me if the grid is down this is going to be great at least to keep your flashlights going one thing I want to get a little more specific about is your fire kit and this is where all your fire tools are a fire is vital to survival it's been that way since the beginning it's one of those elements that man conquered early to survive it boils your water Cooks your food gives you light it gives you heat it puts Predators at Bay here I have a fire kit and this is an exotak tool roll I like tool rolls for a lot of reasons and this is one of them but this one is kind of stuffed tight but I like redundancy so I have a number of different items here whether it's just a standard Bic lighter which we have right here or we have our Ferro rods here and a number we have magnesium that's a big one we have Lifeboat matches and we have tender and these tender Tabs are just excellent listen guys Tinder is one of the most important things to have a successful fire we also have some fat wood we have some Vaseline and cotton balls blast match and we have a nano Striker which keeps trying to get away and this is just to light that tender so having different ways I have found over the years that I may have one fire method that works really great but for some reason in that situation I use something different and it's more successful but keeping it all in one place this is really important and I want to give a big shout out to exotech they are my number one Fire Starter they are the best made in the USA down in Georgia and they make some of the best Fire Starting tools out there in fact this tool roll is from X attack you get 20 off using suits 20 with the link Down Below in the description first aid this is definitely something that you're going to need to take care of this is a trauma kit and this is by North American Rescue but this is a great kit but this is mainly for trauma and for every day kind of what we call boo-boo kits you know you're going to need to have Advil Imodium Band-Aids things like that and this is just another smaller kit of course you have your tourniquet your chest seals hemostatic Galls different things that really help getting training makes it this much better one thing that we we carry is a large kit for first aid again it takes up room but man first aid if you need it there's no other substitute having a tarp one thing I love about tarps they have eyelets I carry tent Stakes paracord I can set this up as a shelter but you can get car awnings that actually will come off of the vehicle you can even get a camper set up to attach to the top of your car they're not cheap the awnings typically are not too bad but here with this tarp I can set this the same way I could set a standard awning up but I could also use this as a shelter I can use it as a sun shade I can use it if the windows get busted out and cover up the windows I mean tarps are just Universal there's so many things you can use them for so definitely have at least one large tarp with you the tarps and awnings are great of course a tent that fits on the top of your vehicle is definitely going to be an Optimum be a great way to kind of camp out but also having a a tent and putting that tent in your vehicle you may be at a spot where you can set the tent up it just gives you more living space gives you more room and you'll be a lot more comfortable so tents or something that are typically easy to pack away if you have a rack on your roof you can put it up there and any items again that are not susceptible to getting wet you can put those on the roof it's going to give you a lot more room plus with just extra storage having a Jerry can full of gas if it's just a five gallon gas can figure out a way to mount it to the outside of your vehicle and if you're in a certain area you may be able to go that much longer with just having that extra fuel of course along with the tarp I love to have heavy meal trash bags they're small they're compact I can pack them in but they're very heavy Mill so these are contractor bags you get them in big large boxes at Home Depot or Lowe's they're made to haul off trash and leaves and yard debris these are great for ground cover if you have to change a tire you can put put this down on the ground if you want to just do some things on the ground but you don't want to get them dirty you can lay these out you can cover them up you can use them as shelter this there's a bazillion things you can do with heavy meal trash bags combined with a tarp and you have a really good setup and paracord paracord is a very useful tool something that you can use for so many different things and so this also again helps with your tarp it helps you to set up something it does repairs it can tie down things especially if you have a luggage rack and you want to tie some stuff down and with that I would just add duct tape that's one thing that's kind of again Universal and you can throw that in there and you can do a lot of things with it self-defense is definitely something that you need to take care of and so having something capable this is just a Ruger GP100 just for example but pepper spray to me is a better option for non-lethal encounters just having a firearm it's just like having a hammer everything's a nail so you want to have other non-lethal options so good pepper spray and then for those four-legged creatures having bear spray or multiple attackers and so this is something that's great to have one problem though with these aerosol cans is if it gets really hot uh they can start to leak they can even explode so you don't want that in your vehicle it's going to run you out and then make sure that you know you keep this out of your vehicles when you're spraying it but definitely to me these are two excellent self-defense options especially if you can't own a firearm or you know you're in a country or a place where they don't allow it but having a gun is the ultimate in self-defense and it's something really if you're able to you need to have something you need to defend yourself and your family you're going to be a Target and people are going to see your supplies they're going to want them especially in a grid down situation so this is going to be important to keep you alive in more ways than one Maps guys should be in your get home bug out bag whatever GPS may not work I have had to rely on maps before to get me out of situations where I was getting no cell service so having maps in your vehicle to me all the time is important if you do not have GPS if you're just out on the road code having Maps is life-saving you need to know where you are and of course we have a compass which will help you as well and then any navigational skills you have will help but when you're driving it's a little different so get you some apps make sure there are paper maps and put them in your vehicle and keep them there light light is your number one security tool and it's good to have a light especially at night having a small rechargeable Lantern great option and then you can recharge this and during the day but having your standard lights I mean this is a big broad beam it's a huge security light it puts out a lot of light and then we have just a standard little handheld flashlight which you know you need for smaller tasks and the lumens go really low down and then we have this little flat flashlight it's my EDC light so having multiple lights is very important because one can go out and you can use the other but light can also be your enemy it can locate you even a small light in a a really dark area people can pick it up so you need to use discretion if you're in a highly populated area there's a lot of people around you're great with light but if you're not and you're trying to stay kind of hidden use light very sparingly plus it keeps your batteries from running down hygiene it's going to be a very important part keeping yourself clean especially if you have wounds or something happens you need to keep yourself from getting infections that can really be deadly being able to brush your teeth being able to shower off there's a number of ways that you can do that of course public restrooms if they're available you can go in wash off a lot of homeless do that they can keep themselves clean brush their teeth just wash off a little bit and go to the bathroom so if that's not a possibility there are some options from the Camping World which that's just a great resource you know you can have portable toilets you can go all the way from very simple to very complicated and of course the price reflects it one thing that I thought was pretty cool was a canopy that fits over one person standing they can change clothes and but then it has a little portable potty at the bottom so you can go to the bathroom dispose of your waste as properly as you can bearing it would probably be the best so that just gives you an option and it gives you some privacy now one thing following hygiene is if you have any encounters with law enforcement you know in a grid down situation you know you may you may not it's just according to local law enforcement that might be around starting to question what you're doing you know in that certain area you want to make sure first off that you try to make sure it is an area that you can stop in but also when you are clean and your car is organized and you don't look like you're up to something you're going to get along a lot better with law enforcement and when they feel like they can trust you and so the big thing is keep yourself clean keep your car organized as much as possible and give the appearance that you are going toward a destination that you're not just a vagrant and to be honest with you any people that you come in contact with the cleaner more presentable you are the more they're going to think about and trust you than if you're just totally soiled dirty and you just look like you're aimless here along the side I just have a number of different pouches with different things in them again trying to stay organized in unusual places and again this is a mock-up so while I have kits you need to use every space available and if there's some unusual spaces or different areas where you just can stuff some things it's better to have those organized instead of just crammed into a pile now because you're in your car and it mean you don't need a bug out bag if you have to leave your car or if you can keep other different items that you're going to be using it just keeps it redundant and you can have these items if you need them I would not take out my items from my bug out bag and not put them back so with this I have a number of different options and so if I have to leave my vehicle I've already got a head start everything's together and I can survive it's not going to be nearest comfortable I'm going to be a glorified Refugee but hopefully I'll live so guys the big thing here is to think make a plan set up a mock living in your car setup how much room do you have do you can you keep the vital items you need if you live in an urban environment really bugging out is going to be your number one option so you've got to really look and see how things are going to go and of course the more people you have the more space you're going to need or the more cramped you're going to be and you're going to end up leaving vital supplies back and so you want to have everything that you know you're definitely going to need to survive and setting this up is going to be the great way to do it honestly this has made me think about a lot of things because I haven't really considered actually living in my vehicle for a number of days maybe a week maybe a month maybe longer and being able to actually live fairly comfortably and have all the items I need not only for me but for my family because remember guys if you're bugging out you're a glorified refugee in a vehicle gives you a lot more options be strong be of good courage God Bless America long live the republic [Music] be strong is the best way to bug out and the larger the vehicle the better okay the vehicle I have a vehicle you're going to be worn out having a vehicle and traveling in a vehicle is going to be your best bet am I hitting my microphone I sure am for a tent am I hitting this you can live in your car and so having some kind of vehicle survival is just okay how you doing [Music]
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 252,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper
Id: e4o9PiE0ObU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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