Building A Survival Box For The Un-Prepared! When Friends Come To Your House During SHTF!

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this is not a test the United States hasman subjected to a nuclear attack San Diego Chicago Houston Phoenix New York City Philadelphia and Seattle hey babe all hell's breaking loose build inter what are we going to do my cousin he's the Idaho prepper he's got hey just wait in the car I'll make sure he's home oh crap hey buddy hey what's up cuz Hey man hey hey sorry to bug you like this I know it's really unexpected but uh you know seeing as that the whole world is going to hell in a hand basket I thought maybe it'd be cold if uh me and my my lady we crash with Y oh yeah uh uh yeah buddy uh you know I already have my family of five plus my parents and my in-laws and everybody's here man I mean our house is really full I just wasn't really anticipating any more guests oh come on man you're the out ofo prepper you got everything uh yeah uh Ronnie yeah man I mean I told you like I told you hundreds of times to put together you know a 72-hour kit put aside some food I told you this was going to happen oh man yeah I know but come on I mean that just who believes that come on you ain't got nothing for me actually I do have something for you hang on a second oh babe he's hooking us up going to get some survival gear here you go man uh yeah it's not much but I kind of saw this coming so I went ahead and put this together for you oh shoot man thank you oh that's really awesome uh yeah that that'll do I appreciate that oh ronie uh one more thing buddy uh it's pretty dangerous out there so why don't you take this it's uh it's an old 12 gauge but this will defend you and uh it should put some meat on the table just uh remember this is the dangerous end golly thanks Joel I appreciate that yeah this will be just fine thanks man hey babe I got some survival gear and a gun see you roonie good luck hey everyone Joe here with the Ido prepper Channel and in today's video I'm going to show you a survival kit that I put together for that one person that we all know too well the person who failed to prepare stay tuned this should be a good [Music] one all right so like I said this is a survival kit that I've put together for that one person that most Preppers know uh maybe it's somebody that is uh in your family or it's a close friend but you've warned them over and over and over again to maybe put some food aside or at least put together like a 72-hour kit in case things go A skew and they just never heed your warnings and they just didn't listen to you but you care about them enough to where if they do show up your doorstep uh if things go south uh you don't want to just leave them high and dry and give them the shaft so I went ahead and I put together a survival kit for that one person that I'm thinking of now I'm not one of these people that's just going to be shating people left and right believe it or not I actually have a lot of people who I'm already anticipating taking care of to an extent not only you know with my own family of five but multiple other families as well and fortunately for me uh we have enough room on our property to accommodate those people but you know this is kind of something I put together for you know once we're full it's going to be for that one person that just they they're going to need something and I just don't want to be bleeding into my own Supply to help them out so I went ahead and I put together a kit of just kind of some leftover survival supplies that I had laying around then I actually bought a couple things just for this kit in particular and then there one item that I'll show you at the end here that maybe some of you might think is a little controversial but I threw it in there because I could probably afford to Let It Go but I'm going to go ahead we're going to get this open I'm going to show you everything that's inside all right so as you can see the survival kit is inside of a tote U this is a 12 gallon tote made by greenade uh I picked it up at Costco a few years back it came as like a two pack so I got two of these for I believe it it was like under $12 it was a really good deal but I keep these in the in the back of my truck in my toolbox and they just fit in there perfectly so um the other thing that's nice about these is you can load them full of stuff and they're still manageable they're not too bad to carry around not too heavy all right we'll go ahead open this up and the first thing we have here is this ifac so this is a trauma kit um this is one that I put together myself because I actually do sell these on the side I sell them at home shows and online and everything uh but um this ifac is just loaded full of stuff I got a couple tourniquet in here some compressed bandage uh an Israeli bandage a bunch of rolled gauze glow stick and um and then I have the trauma shears on the outside so pretty much everything that you would need to handle a major injury or some really intense bleeding next up I have this mess kit here and this this is a mes kit that I was actually keeping in my bugout bag and I've done uh videos on this before but you can get a mes kit like this for under $20 they're just a really awesome deal so it comes with a pan a pot and a lid and then um I actually usually load these up with like hot chocolate soup and uh spices and things like that so these are just a really good kit for the money all right next up I have these two-way radi so this is a two pack that I think I I want to say I got this for like 30 bucks either way it was really cheap but uh put the charger in there as well so you know in case that person picks up another straggler that was unprepared got room for one more if you still want to go to Aspen uh they can you know communicate on these radios but I just thought I throw them in there because they're actually like really cheap I got this two pack for under $30 you could probably get up to about a mile uh in terms of like the distance um to communicate so not bad for the money but I just think it's important that everybody has a way of communicating if say the cell phone towers are down or something like that so two pack of radios all right next up I just thought I'd go ahead and kind of break into this but this is just a big bag of miscellaneous stuff so I have a roll of Gorilla Tape in here I have a roll of H paracord I've actually got this at the Dollar Tree we have some saw tooth Tinder for starting fires I have a chem light we have a flashlight and I put some brand new batteries in here but that's got a bunch of different modes on there so nice flashlight I threw in one of these esbit stoves uh this is the knockoff it's not an actual esit but you can pick up this stove along with the fuel tabs for like $5 I put in a couple packs of hot hands just basic hand warmers or foot warmers have a cheap kind of Poncho all right next we have these wet wipes so these are actually the full size like body wet wipes so uh almost kind of like an alternative shower you know if you need to kind of clean your whole body in a pinch uh these will do it next up I have an emergency blanket then I put in a big piece of beef jerky just as like a snack I got a four pack of doublea batteries in this case right here and then I have a four pack of some AAA batteries in this case I got this fire steel here and this is a fire steel that I made myself but basically you just kind of wear it around your neck and it's got the striker everything you need and you can even adjust it as well so everything they need to make a fire and then of course I put a lighter in here and last but not least they have two instant coffee packets all right next up we have this LIF straw water container so this would be their means of transporting water and filtering water so this is a really great option and it's pretty affordable I think I got this for maybe under it was under $40 so not too bad uh but basically you just fill this up with your water from your water source and then put your filter back in there like that and then this top opens up and you can drink right from the spout there and then it's got this Carabiner here you can kind of clip it on your belt or whatever and then that way you can transport water all right next up we have this allpurpose first aid kit so I think I picked this up at Target for like $112 it was a really good deal but it's got 140 pieces in here pretty much everything you need to treat just basic wounds so lots of Band-Aids gauze Tylenol Advil aspirin um it's got Neosporin things like that and I think there's some cold packs in here those like those breakup cold packs and then it's got some burn cream and even some like and a histamin so definitely everything you would need just to treat basic minor injuries all right next up I just have a basic pair of work gloves here so these were really affordable I think I got these for like five bucks but I actually use these a lot they're really comfortable and very durable so if you need to chop wood or you're just going to be working with your hands a lot it's a good idea to have some gloves all right and for the sustenance I put in these two humanitarian in Daily rations so I've done videos on these before but you can buy like a case of these for 40 bucks on Amazon I'll I'll I'll leave a link in the description but basically breaks down to about $4 or $5 per MRE so really good deal the only downside with these is that they don't come with the heaters and the food that's in here is meatless and it's just kind of a ve vegetarian option it doesn't taste very good but uh you know other than that you know it's food and there's actually a lot of food they put in some crackers like two cookies there's like a bunch of filler food in these packs so not a bad deal and you know I've been thinking about you can open one of these up and just replace the Entre with some better Entre and throw in a heater and then you have yourself a really high-end MRE so uh not a bad deal and then I put in this cute little Lantern so this is actually a and I picked up at the Dollar Tree uh couldn't pass it up but you know it's actually got a couple different features in here it's got oh yeah a little red light and I think there's like a dimming not quite sure how to do it but yeah there's a dim kind of a dim light and then a really ultra bright light but believe it or not this thing is uh really bright and perfect for a tent it's got a little hook on the top so you can hang it from your shelter all right next up I have three bottles of water so I know it's not a lot of water but it's actually all I could fit in here after I put everything else so I think this is you know more than enough this is three 16 oun bottles of water it's more than enough for one person you know for a couple days it so long as they're rationing it and you know it's not too hot outside and they're walking everywhere but I figured these along with the water filter uh should be more than sufficient all right next up we have a mora Bush knife so we are all familiar with this knife um I've actually added quite a few of these into my survival kits just because they're such good knives for the price so you can get one of these knives for like under $14 and uh so I just went ahead threw one in here and then that way they have a way to process food or cut whatever they need to cut all right next up we have a 6x8 waterproof tarp so I vacuum sealed it in this bag here and wrote shelter so they know what it is uh but this coupled with the parac cord uh will basically Supply them with their shelter all right so getting to the bottom of the kit here I just put in this basic amfm radio uh I actually picked this up at Radio Shack so for those of you guys who remember Radio Shack that was a great stor it's too bad they're not around anymore but uh I picked this up there probably over a decade ago and this thing still works just as good as the day I bought it I think the batteries I don't even think I've replaced the battery since then so that's amazing that that's still running like that but uh great little radio that way they have a way to kind of stay entertained and also you know stay informed as to what's going on around them all right last thing I have in the kit it's not the last part of the kit but it is the last part of what's inside the tote here and it's just a basic wool blanket so I was actually having a tough time deciding whether I put a backpack in here that way they have a way of carrying some of this stuff around or a wool blanket but I couldn't fit both so I had to choose one and this is the one I landed on it just seemed more appropriate seemed uh a little more critical to have a blanket a way of staying warm uh than to have a means of carrying stuff around so that's what I put in here uh just a basic will blanket okay so the last item I have in this kit is a 12 gauge so maybe this might seem a little controversial but it seemed to me you know if the situation that was unfolding was kind of a high threat situation and I had to send somebody that I kind of cared about on their way I would want to know that they had a means to defend themselves so I figured if there was one weapon that I would be able to part with it would be this old 12 gauge so this is just a Remington 870 that I've you know used for a long time I camoed it it was kind of my old turkey gun uh that I modified a little bit uh but I just thought this would be a good piece of gear to kind of send somebody off with even somebody who might not be that familiar with weapons you could probably get somebody up to speed on how to operate a 12 gauge pretty quick and um along with this 12 gauge uh I went ahead and threw in a case of shells so I have um six defensive rounds in the front here and then six uh loads of bird shot in the back and it's in this nice little case here that has this Molly straps on the back and then that way they can actually hook it on their belt or whatever but at least this way they have a way of procuring food and defending themselves if they need to all right you guys well that's going to do it for me today I hope you enjoyed the video uh let me know in the comment section if you think this is a good idea a bad idea uh but believe it or not this is actually a video that I was inspired to do from a video that magic prepper put out about a year or so ago and in that video he was putting together survival kits from or inside of ammo cans and the idea was that he was going to give these out to strangers or people that would might show up at his door during an shtf F and you know that way he had something to kind of send them off with but I wanted to go ahead and make a survival kit that was a little more extensive for somebody who I was a lot more familiar with um so you know let me know in the comment section if you think this is a good idea if it's something that you guys might do but uh if you haven't done so already please make sure to hit that Thumbs Up Button And subscribe to my channel and if you're interested in any of the gear that you saw in today's video I'll make sure to leave links in the description for that so if you want to see more videos like this in the future go ahead and hit that notification Bell at the top of your screen and with that said until the next time stay prepared
Channel: The Idaho Prepper
Views: 177,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magic Prepper, SHTF, Bugout, Survival Plan, WW2, Civil unrest, Prepping
Id: uEj_FnbroQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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