VeggieTales | The Story of Abigail and Nabal

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[Applause] and now the story of abigail's navel we're doing a story about a belly button abigail and mabel oh abigail and nable that makes more sense way back in bible times there lived a man named mabel that's me mabel was very smart he knew a lot about raising goats and sheep and growing crops [Music] it's true every last bit mabel was smart but he wasn't very wise who cares about wisdom i know everything i'm smart rich and i have so many sheep that i can't count them all without falling asleep [Music] we'll see about that later nabel had a wife named abigail hi i'm abigail abigail was very wise which isn't nearly as important as being smart we'll see about that later come abigail let me show you all my sheep yeah i've seen them but okay living near them in the wilderness was none other than david oh i'm david now you're david little david from david and goliath or big david the king of all israel somewhere in between you've run away from king saul who still wants to kill ya but it's been a while and you've grown bigger and stronger and tough oh yeah i like it david was traveling with a bunch of strong tough friends the bible calls them his mighty men they protected nabel's farm from thieves those sheep belong to nabel i kindly ask you to return them or face our wrath you and what army mighty men what are you little peas gonna do to us i beg your pardon we are small but we are mighty do not cross us or we will bite your wrinkles [Music] [Music] one day david sent his men to pay nabal a visit hello mr nabel ah hello peas we are the mighty men of david we have been neighbors for quite a while now and have protected your sheep and crops from all types of unstable characters we why yesterday we risked our safety standing up to thieves to save your sheep i suppose you want me to thank you as a sign of friendship david is wondering if you would give us food for a festival give you food we as a sign of friendship i think we have a misunderstanding [Music] do you think i have so much because i give it all away do you think i got so rich by being nice every day i have sheep and i have goats tons of wheat and piles of oats and not because of friendship in my heart i am who i am because i'm smart don't you wish that you were smart like me you'd be rich if you were smart like me go back to little david and let me be and try a little harder to be smart like me you really will go farther when you're smart like me so you will not give us any food of course not now leave me alone we will be back and i won't give you anything then either [Music] mabel had no idea how much trouble he was in but one of his shepherds was pretty sure he knew so he went to talk to abigail um mrs abigail yes oh you're one of my husband's shepherds what was your name again um greg yes greg how can i help you greg well our new neighbors david and his mighty men they've been good to us they've protected us i have heard some of them came to your husband asking for food for a festival and he said he said no oh dear but not just that he insulted them he treated them rudely oh dear i fear when david finds out these are tough men not very tall but tough there's no military strategy that can defeat the mighty men's ferocious ankle biting songs have been written of their courage their invincibility is known throughout the land if my husband insulted david and his men we are in great danger your husband he is smart but he is not so wise yes he can be foolish should we talk to him those mighty men may not be big inside you're right about that but insulting them just isn't very wide but that is really true we can be impolite or we'll get the ankle bite we shouldn't pick a fight beware the ankle bites we mustn't be rude these are ankle-biting dudes my husband knows a lot of things they teach in books but there is something better i'm afraid he overlooks and now that we are facing a calamity we need to act with wisdom and it starts with me it's time to act with wisdom and it starts with me i have an idea greg i need your help okay what was her idea can wisdom really save the day and what will david do when he hears about mabel it wouldn't take long to find out [Music] all we wanted was a little food this navel is a really foolish dude you know that's right he also called you little david that's it mighty men strap on your swords for battle we do not have any swords then it's time to bite some ankles [Applause] nabel was in big trouble and only abigail could do something about it but what was her plan and why did it smell like pepperoni you said they asked for food right that's right they were hungry well let's hope they're still hungry and if they aren't [Music] maybe we should leave the food here and hide no i need to talk to david [Music] hmm smells like pizza it is pizza sir and who are you i am abigail wife of nabel nable insulted my men and he insulted me he is in big trouble my husband is a foolish man he is smart but he is not wise but do not trouble yourself with a man so foolish look i have brought you food pizza yes pepperoni and sausage and a little hawaiian mighty men this is a wise woman she is wise we will leave mabel alone but he does not deserve as wise a wife as you this is a true thing mighty men pizza party wise abigail saved nabel and her whole family she went back to tell nabel what had happened and found him as usual acting foolish oh abigail you should have seen it these peas wanted me to give them food i said absolutely not if you're not smart like me that's not my fault i sent them running home scared and we'll never hear from them again oh foolish naval those were david's mighty men it's mighty what fierce warriors who have won many battles warriors today they return to make you pay for your foolishness they did but i stopped them and saved us all you did and at that moment nabel's heart got tired of living with such a foolish guy and stopped cold my heart mabel died of his foolishness when david heard the news he came back to see abigail what will you do now i'm so busy i have to plant wheat shear the sheep and fix the barn's aluminum siding oh well you know uh i'm gonna be the king someday and uh it would be an honor to have a queen as wise as you but i have to hire farm hands buy a new plow what if i fix the barnes aluminum siding deal and the future king of israel found a wife wise enough to be his queen smart is good because knowledge is so cool smart is good all the stuff you learn in college will help you a lot so the knowledge you've got you should never throw away but right now we're gonna say it's good to be smart but it's great to be wise you wonder where to start just open up your eyes wisdom comes from god so it isn't very odd that the bible can give great advice on how to live you'll make choices in life wrapping joy and trust right because it's to be smart but it's great to be wise [Music] [Applause]
Channel: VeggieTales Official
Views: 374,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Veggie tales, veggie tales silly songs, veggie tales full episodes, silly songs with Larry, veggietales, veggie tales songs, barbara manatee, veggie tales cheeseburger, where is my hairbrush silly song, veggie tales where is my hairbrush, veggie tales hairbrush, veggietales theme song, veggie tales Jonah, belly button song, veggietales anniversary, veggietales in the house, veggietales movie, veggietales rap, veggie tales christmas story, veggietales silly songs
Id: 5JAv3K03IMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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