VeggieTales | What is a Good Friend? | Asparagus of Lamancha

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah hey buddy dreaming about losing to me at jackers again but don't take it so hard I'll give you another shot at the Checker King after work thank you for your concern Poncho my old friend but it was much more than merely a bad dream was it a wretched dream not quite insufferable no objectionable hideous malodorous Poncho I believe I just had the Impossible Dream just by definition wouldn't that be impossible or maybe you just had a difficult dream or perhaps an impossible brand new stream or even look it was my dream and it was impossible all right Milan crowd will be here soon dream or no dream it's time to get to work [Music] the bird order up Noah's boy on bread side of frog sticks drag up to the garden with a stomp on the Alps foreign [Music] Ty is opening up in town Joe did you hear that means competition he might as well close our doors right now [Applause] hey don't worry many a restaurant has come and gone but we're still standing this is not just any restaurant it is the food factory did you say the food factory they are the most popular franchise in the world no at the restaurant within 50 miles of them can stay open do you by chance know exactly where they're opening their new restaurant re [Music] e CE now Poncho don't you worry at the construction alone could stretch out for years [Music] but there's no conceivable way they could open for business anytime soon [Music] I wonder how long it'll take for them to attract the crowd you don't think perish the thought our customers are true blue they'll never desert us wait a minute this is it this was in my dream my Impossible Dream was warning me about the food factory it's all coming true did your dream possibly tell you how to get our customers back thank you [Music] what am I going to do I'll tell you what you're going to do you're going to King me [Music] that'll do how can we possibly fight this foreign look we'll restructure we'll find an area they're not covering and do that your move I win [Music] but they do everything they have food as big as your head yikes what's in this stuff I don't know what to do my friend I'm afraid everything we've worked for is over I can't believe my ears we've made it through thick and thin together this is no different that's where you're wrong Poncho I'm afraid it's never been this thin [Music] tomorrow night [Music] what am I going to do [Music] oh heavens [Music] that's right you'll need a whole lot of help to take down the checkered King man I'm glad you're up because I've been thinking and I got a couple of great ideas that are guaranteed to turn this place around no I believe I have the solution my first Dream told me what was to come last night's dream has revealed how we will come back to the food factory oh okay but like I said I got some ideas too yes it's fine in my dream every time I looked in a mirror I saw a different reflection which can only mean that to succeed I need to be different than I am now maybe it just means you need to clean the mirrors in your dreams we need to check change the look and image of the restaurant make it different something more entertaining Poncho I've dreamed of The Impossible theme and we're going to make it happen with two for one coupons [Music] I don't think this is going to work patience my friend patience let's go crazy we're crazy all right just wait it is [Music] a little for coffee when you can pay a lot [Music] oh this is my best idea yet where is everyone [Applause] forget about that old Cafe come where do we here the Curve [Music] thank you [Music] Dan hey look the checkerboard's all set up how about a game to relax and take your mind off Checkers don't you get it we're going to lose it all everything we've worked for and all you can think about is Checkers [Music] I don't know pardon Joe maybe you should start looking for another job [Music] hello and welcome to the cafe formerly known as La Mancha where the food and service are par Excellence but between you and me I'd avoid the salsa it could kill a horse actually I didn't come here to eat I came here to hire you I'm the manager of the food factory across the street or perhaps you've heard of us the food factory it's a pretty big building right over there across the street right here or on this street we got more business than we can handle it everyone tells me what a great waiter you are so I'm here to offer you a job [Music] thank you but I've got to say no we're usually packed in here right about now look Pancho think about yourself for a minute nothing personal but this Don fellow in this restaurant of failures you've got to face facts and cut your losses like I said think about yourself let me be straight with you Don and I have worked together for years but more importantly we're friends a friend is always loyal Mr Food Factory man and I'm gonna stick by and help my friend in his time of need well allow me to show you the door look the door I appreciate loyalty but it's the wooden thing with the knob if you ever change your mind just let me know [Music] what did you say let's go I can't understand the word you're saying [Music] go ahead and go everyone else is deserted me why shouldn't you listen I'm not leaving Cafe La Mancha we're going to make it you'll need to get some rest maybe we can play tomorrow night perhaps I'll get the answer to all our problems tonight good night donkey Hardy pleasant dreams oh [Music] [Music] thank you please [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] oh good you're up just wait until you hear my latest idea hold that thought Pancho I just had a dream that was different from all the others I now know what to do to rescue Our Cafe is it a better idea than a touchdown turkey I simply need to attack the food factory and Vanquish my foe once and for all you're kidding right this is my quest to follow that storm let's start I thought we were talking about the food factory no matter how no matter how far it's across the street to fight for the right without question sure that sounds wonderful but unless I'm mistaken attacking restaurants is against the law weren't you paying attention this is my quest okay listen to me very carefully I'm telling you as a friend you can't do this oh but I must and you're going to help me [Music] you're going to make it fool of yourself you first go [Music] attention ladies and gentlemen I have any louder they can't hear you Adventure ladies and gentlemen I have an announcements [Music] Pancho leave him and join us [Music] thank you my friend and that's quite enough I am Don Quixote and I am calling out the food factory to meet me in a battle of honor the winner shall keep his restaurant the loser shall leave town forever are you afraid to cross swords with me I give you this last warning meet me now and let us do battle or I shall be forced to attack that's crazy am I look if you attack my restaurant I'll have you arrested a piranha and any Authority you call will no doubt agree with me on that point hey Don Sheriff Bob here don't do anything crazy or you'll get arrested I'm afraid it's too late to back out now no it isn't yes it is don't do it I'm awesome through this [Music] please have you had enough surrender or you shall taste my pop [Music] this cell cannot hold me I demand satisfaction fight me like a man take off your armor and go to bed how about some friendly Council I brought you a few things for your sleepover hold on a minute what you got in the bag Jessie's regular bedtime supplies did you bring my nighty night hat Jack you're a good friend Poncho corn chips got him salsa extra spicy yep that'll give you nightmares wait a minute [Music] foreign what are you doing I'm doing this for your own good Don I need to stick by you and do what's best for you in your time of need what are you talking about I need my salsa no Don what you need is to lay off the salsa no it you've turned against me too Say It Isn't So upon Joe don't you [Music] don't you what what are you all doing any bad dreams last night well I've come to think of it no any dreams at all no I slept quite well thank you your cells are surprisingly comfortable I knew it it's the extra hot salsa every night you've been eating it before you went to bed that's why you've been having bad dreams now I'm sure that's part of it but you don't expect me to believe [Music] that do it all right you want to press charges we bent the giant spatula back no harm no foul if you agree to stop eating that stuff you're free to go go go where Cafe La Mancha is through I've got nowhere to go don't be so sure [Music] I need six orders of toast extra crispy is that Toast French or domestic French open for breakfast how did you ever come up with that idea simple the food factory doesn't open up until lunchtime I told you find something they don't do and then do that oh thank you my friend thank you for standing by me when I needed you the most hey that's what friends do my friend now let's get to work we have hungry people to feed it would be my pleasure say how about a friendly game of Checkers after lunch the Decker King accepts The Challenge and awaits his coronation and now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry the part of the show where lady comes out and sings a silly song there once was a boy who lived in a house and the house sat under a tree by the tree ran a fence that stretched far and wide around the gated communities [Music] can I have my ball can you get my ball kicked it into the tree and my ball bounced up and my ball dropped in to the gated community oh that could be everything's so lovely your hearts are filled with me and when you come to visit you can stand outside and see what a lovely bunch we are in our gated Unity um can I have my ball can you get my ball I kicked it into the tree and my ball bounced up and my ball dropped in to the Gated Community is where we like to be our clothes are never dirty handle arms are always green and when you come to visit you can stand outside and see what a tiny bunch [Music] eight years [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] yeah wow uh and Dr Watson here what's the good word Sherlock beats me but when I find it you'll be the first to know actually there are several good words for example there's superb charitable philanthropic and the ever Dependable too good to be forgotten which technically I suppose isn't a good word but rather a group of words uh-huh come come my good man our table awaits you two gents solve another case that we have my dear lady one usual coming right up here you go enjoy boy if the service here gets any slower we'll have to find another place [Music] so one of you two celebrating this time I can only assume it involves mystery Mayhem and male officers you could say that you could if I understood what you were saying so don't tell what dastardly crime have you just solved well it's all rather hush hush but no one in London will ever have to worry about the howling dogs of Baker Street again all right all right oh how'd you solve it did you use your superlative powers of observation or did basic forensics crack this particular case open you sure talk funny actually it was a combination of the two after a careful examination of the crime scene we decided the best way to explain it is in a song oh no not again [Music] if all of you are wondering what I what I found in all my wandering here's a clue for you I knew just what to do and uh me too if a crime has been committed which makes you rather curious what culprits and solutions lurk Elusive and impervious and fancy words bewilder you and make you feel ridiculous the crime will not be solved until you grab the phone and call on me just call 1-800 Sherlock operators are standing by we're so thorough in our searching as we sipping sword and slew for Clues faculty for skirting any felons off deceptive bruise we never leave the job except the snack and maybe take us news offenders best surrender cause eventually they're sure to lose it's all probability really you see given that logic and deduction are on our side a criminal stands a highly diminished chance of succeeding in his misdeed criminals what are they thinking [Applause] so if a criminal commits a crime who's hiding in his secret lair he thinks a crime was perfect brought up certain facts he's unaware he's left a print and not just major lack of hair upon the stair we'll find a clue and track him down and trap him in a seat crack it seems they're always in their secret lair the lesson here for all to see is really rather obvious when Sherlock Holmes is on a case in the course of litigation our opposers please are tenuous following your fancy talk is getting rather strenuous the crime will not be solved until you grab the phone wait for that tone and call on [Music] [Applause] well another perfect ending to another perfect day huh something bothering you my good man I thought we solved these cases together but you're the only one who gets any credit for him now that's just silly we're a team we're friends you and everyone else knows that but do you know that is that the way you treat a friend what do you mean oh friends right of course we're friends well then is that how you treat a friend is how how I treat a friend well I'll tell you Mr Sherlock Holmes Dr Watson I think Kevin's a fan yeah there's been a rubery at booking and bullets and we're in desperate need of your services what there's been a ruby at booking and Bullis and or in desperate need of your services I can't understand a word you're saying seriously what there's been a robbery at Buckingham Palace a robbery then come come Dr Watson the games of foot oh thank goodness you've arrived we are in desperate need of your services now him I understand this crime is a case of National Security if it's not solved quickly I fear dire consequences don't worry my good man we'll have it solved in a jiffy what was stolen Aki I'm sorry I thought you said a key I did you lost your keys seriously that's it go to a hardware store and get a copy made get a keychain like the rest of us you don't need the world's greatest living detective you need a locksmith sheer luck if I may oh sir what did the key unlock the door to the room where the Golden Ruler is kept quickly sheer luck there's not a moment to waste all right would somebody please tell me what's going on [Music] this morning hmm yes I see um uh excuse me a little help here what's up well you could you describe what you see okie dokie it's your basic pillow without a key in it not much to write home about as near as I can figure whoever stole this has a great dislike for soft pillows because if you're gonna steal a key who wouldn't take this pillow I mean it's gorgeous now I'm putting my money on a headless Bandit with a morbid fear of pillows why headless if you don't have a head you wouldn't need a pillow come now let's be logical a prime minister exactly where is the door that this key unlocks [Music] and that's where you keep the Golden Ruler yes it all comes together now the room that holds the Golden Ruler the old Golden Ruler so what's the Golden Ruler only the most valuable treasure in the entire Kingdom right got that but what is it wait nobody move our criminal has left their footprints in the dust on the floor we must all be extremely careful not to disturb these Clues all right nobody moved you'll hurt him nobody move I'm detective Bill Trout from the forensic investigators of Southampton and I'm Sergeant John Spud from the Canterbury Highway Patrol oh great fish and chips not again don't you guys ever take a break we've been sent to secure the area prepare to be secured good please wait you're disturbing the crime scene this is all jurisdiction your services are no longer required Tata Gentlemen please Mr Sherlock Holmes is the world's greatest living Detective foreign [Music] if I could just have a few more minutes I said move along wow look what you found a secret passageway oh good job this oh all in a day's work the footprints enter and exit right here this was how the key was stolen Move Along nothing to see here I shall announce this to the king and queen immediately oh let me whoa whoa [Music] Move Along nothing to see here [Music] top of the evening one and all and his partner in crime Dr Watson so Lads what's shaking when we're on the case the boots of every criminal in London my good lady the usual if you please so Sherlock what nefarious no good Nick did you and Dr Watson incarcerate this fine evening coming in he means did we arrest anyone tonight oh well as always it's all rather hush hush but yours truly stumbled upon a clue that blew this case wide open we should have our criminal before the week is out I can't reveal exactly where I was tonight but let's just say it rhymes with lucky ham Dallas [Music] there I was faced with perhaps the most difficult mystery in my career if I failed here the most valuable Treasure of the entire Kingdom would be lost fortunately for the king and queen I was on the top of my game [Applause] [Music] and where you going cake well you didn't need my help solving the case so why would you need my help eating the cake foreign who solved the case right well yeah why Watson Watson Watson come on don't be mad just come back inside and tell me what's bothering you what's bothering me what's bothering me what's bothering me yes yes yes is this a game are we saying everything in threes you really don't have a clue do you look I know we're a team you know we're a team everybody knows we're a team so what's the problem so I leave out some Minor Details like the fact that I've worked with you on every single case exactly little stuff like that so you ready for some cake because I'm starving you are amazing right thank you you're not so bad yourself see when I put my mind to it I can compliment you you know what really hurts when you stub your toe or when you accidentally run into a wall or when you're walking along and an anvil falls on your head now that hurts like the Dickens what really hurts is when someone says they're your friend but they don't treat you like one I see what you saw in all autograph books I'm never too busy to help out a fan [Music] good night anyway what were you saying did you sign both of our names uh they only asked for mine you just don't get it when you want to start treating me like a friend come talk to me what don't I get but we're a team where are you going come back Dr Watson Dr Watson [Music] [Music] hello Mr Rome are you here sorry to interrupt Mr rounds but the garden roller has been stolen what I said sorry to interrupt but the golden Lala has been Stalin what language are you speaking hi I speak Scottish he says someone's golden hula is swollen now he said the gout and Jeweler are outstrolling see I thought I was hearing something about Samoans perhaps coats and stools all go belly folding scooters have been rolling origin ruler has been selling oh stolen then come come Dr Watson uh oh can you wait here a minute I'll be right with you [Music] hello Dr Watson hello [Applause] excuse me what is Dr Watson home the good doctor's been gone all day suffering from a broken audience an identity expecting back anytime soon [Music] Mr ohms isn't it shame on you for not being a better friend to the good doctor [Music] how many medes does he have if it isn't the highest if you just follow the Golden Rule none of this would have happened [Music] now that just hurts like the Dickens excuse me but I must find Dr Watson I must must you well if you're such a great detective go find them yourself oh well the game's afoot nothing to see here move along oh Mr Holmes how good of you to come I'm afraid this latest turn of events is already scandalous what if word of this theft somehow leaks out to the Press ow too late the Golden Ruler has been stolen tell me everything you know oh my everything oh well let's start with history are the moles invaded Spade in 711 A.D and after that about the case I need oh quite right and the stolen key from the key room unlocked the door to the treasure room and the Golden Ruler is gone that's about it Move Along and not to put undue pressure on you but would it be too much trouble to ask you to save the day I'm on the job [Music] so where do we begin don't have a clue usually about this time Dr Watson would ask something like when did this crime take place well it it must have happened at the changing of the God but that's what I can't understand after the loss of the key we've doubled Our God Duty right Changing of the Guard and since every entrance and exit is blocked and there's no other way in or out of that room it can only mean that this is a lot harder than it looks unless wait a minute [Music] excellent deduction Sherlock [Music] all is not lost detective trout of fish and chips has deduced that the thief and our national treasure are still hiding within the walls of a palace well done Mr trout you have provided a great service to your kingdom hey hold on instead of the brain prime minister give it to you wait a minute that's it I get it I get it now thank you detective trout you stole my idea into credit for it I don't like to be treated like that and I can't thank you enough uh okay don't you see this is what Dr Watson's been talking about all along in the past I took credit for everything I wasn't trying to be mean but I was inconsiderate like you fine now Move Along [Music] this is fantastic I finally understand your highness we need to treat others like we want to be treated that's exactly what the Golden Rule says which is why it's the most valuable treasure in all the kingdom that means we need to treat our friends like we want to be treated too oh yes it certainly does apply to friends yeah I can't solve this case on my own I need my teammate the greatest detective in all the land I need Dr Watson and so you shall have him Dr Watson I get it I know I saw your majesty if it pleased the court I would like to reveal the criminal who had the audacity to steal the Golden Ruler now hold on a minute I've got jurisdiction here so move along right after you solve the case as my good friend Sherlock has rightly deduced the thief in question is still in our midst because this was an inside job the thief is none other than one of the palace guards are you quite sure each of our Palace Gods is loyal to the core oh yes but one guard happens to be an imposter a foreign spy sent here to steal England's most precious possession I won't have it if you're a thief step forward your majesty if I may are any of you guards foreign spies no and are all of you loyal to the crown we I'm sorry Dr Watson but I've questioned them thoroughly and I'm afraid you're mistaken prime minister people may sometimes lie but facts never do first there were the footprints we found in the key room they're the exact size of a pea then there was the secret passageway on the wall I found black fibers not only do these fibers match the guards hats perfectly but they start and stop at the exact height of an English guard that's how I knew a guard had stolen the key but I still didn't know why that is until this morning that's when I secretly investigated the crime scene and found the answer to my riddle so you were here all the time I should have known it I found crumbs crumbs that turned out to be from green cheese and baguette bread the breakfast staple not of England but of a foreign land that's when I knew a spy was in our midst but you saw me question our Gods all of them are loyal to the crown are they are they are they I love threes if my best friend Dr Watson says that one of them is a spy you had best better believe it buddy [Music] the Golden Ruler a spy and I would have gotten away with it too but for my hair impressible love of bridges our national treasure has been recovered All Because Of You Mr Holmes oh no begging the king's pardon but the real hero here is Dr Watson no sheer luck we did it as a team as friends that's right as friends [Music] treat others the way you want to be treated that just about says it all doesn't it forgive me you bet buddy [Music] if a crime has been committed which makes you rather curious what culprits and solutions lurk Elusive and impervious and fancy words be real to you and make you feel ridiculous the crime will not be sold until you grab the phone and call on us a team that's not defeated when I choose you like I want to be treated we're so thorough in our searching as we sipped in sword and sleuth for Clues faculty for skirting any felons off deceptive Ruby cover any treasure vehicle or silver casual Jewels or criminal I wish to find [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: VeggieTales Official
Views: 328,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Veggie tales, veggie tales silly songs, veggie tales full episodes, silly songs with Larry, veggietales, veggie tales songs, barbara manatee, veggie tales cheeseburger, where is my hairbrush silly song, veggie tales where is my hairbrush, veggie tales hairbrush, veggietales theme song, veggietales anniversary, veggietales movie, veggietales asparagus of la mancha, veggietales on tv the asparagus of lamancha, veggietales don quixote
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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