Vanessa Selbst living a poker NIGHTMARE with pocket Aces!

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Seems like an easy fold against a KK27T board, oop, against a flop min raise, 3 barrel, with a river value bet... right?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/crypto_dds 📅︎︎ May 07 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] he seems to have a really complete game yeah I've never seen him I haven't played him too much but he's definitely a confidence talker I know that Vanessa just called here no she's she's up to ten thousand standard raise she's gonna be so disappointed you don't get actually she deserves action look at all L Keys gonna flick in from the big blind yeah see if you get some action for LT I've already started to feel sorry for elke for some reason I feel like he's gonna win a big bar you think he's played good and they're gonna reward him yeah I think this all in basic mean I want to say it's kind of similar to you know the flop that Luke Schwartz had against Tony G yeah Luke went for a check raise on the flop LG's led in here what's the idea I quite like to lead here cuz Vanessa would check back quite a bit you know is like an 8 ba q6 is 57 pocket nines maybe sometime maybe over 10 because she doesn't want to get checked raise another decision so I like the lead and someone who's aggressive a nested I think she I think she's gonna raise get it in here she doesn't really have so many big blinds where it's like if I get all in on the flop I'm in terrible cello years so he's mentally all in road she should be it's the right play and helps he's obviously never holding if you see yeah by the aziza favorite enhancer Vanessa's like she's gonna be so happy to get her basis it finally she's gonna be so sick when she sees his hands you know in her mind how often is she not getting max value out of his bad hands by raising here I would go for a smaller race so he can Jamie's drawers like he's obviously got a good drawer so he's gonna jam that but like if he has a hand like Jack nine that is leading or six seven I would like to raise as if I'm race balding maybe but I don't think ELQ is likely to leave say with a 10 or an 8 because if he does get ready to announce the fold I think he's more likely to check all those hands so in my hair day I would think that ELQ you would have our hand like six seven Jack nine or even Jack Queen Jack Queen yeah yeah you know yeah it just sounds like that that doesn't really want to check call well the sizing of this selfs made at 38 she's got about 180 back is a min raised I really like it if he's been raised like the min raised like can fold our hands like aces kings and queens make it can potentially make a big fall when you just show way too short to here we go that's right here we go off to the races and Vanessa's saying look at this I finally get the aces actually a dog yeah yeah yeah beside 200 normally cracks aces believe itself you're a word these guys have oh that's a nice card for self change nothing this is so huge because selfs has two points in hand ELQ he's only got three yeah this is a big pull straight flush is that no I think so yeah yes straight what'd you do it just the straight flush yep I said unlock even as a maid not did nothing wrong definitely and it could never find a fold there with us though there are a real opportunity here for him to put pressure on these players like Vanessa and Scott hey you won the second right yes but it was you know it was coming from way behind Wow look at this Jason Scott as ace King suited that's really a very conservative to just call there it is especially against Vanessa yeah that's exactly she opens a lot of pot both the one thing we've seen about Vanessa though is is shall forfeit nearly as often as she'll open it's given the opportunity oh my god look at this this is the juice deck they're playing with today I do feel like we haven't seen any fives through deuces yet maybe they've just taken them out of the deck but even just that little move there that Scott Seiver made which is just calling with the ace-king and I guess a lot of people wouldn't do it Eric overall I guess it prevents you in this format from going broke early on so much more often yeah I think particularly in the first second level you know players don't want to get too involved with with the hand like asking because now if you get for bet you really don't know where you are and you don't want to get your chips in when you're dead which would have been the case here he was probably 11 12 to 1 underdog before the before the flop and and they always giving himself an opportunity to win the pot Vanessa Selbst I mean she does have a reputation on on tour for just being super aggressive you wouldn't immediately think of her as a player who's gonna make big lay downs with you yeah well that's a she she she is an aggressive player I mean she should she actually start thinking about folding here or is it well one of the problems with being an aggressive player is that you are concerned that somebody is playing against you against your reputation so you know it's a few hands ago when she was playing with Scott she bit out into two players without an ace and so she you know she's already shown some early aggressiveness in this match and that really works against her because in her head she's thinking well is he just taking advantage of the fact that I've been involved in a lot of pots or does he legitimately have a hand I mean the other thing is just psychologically it's so difficult to pick up a hand like aces that once you get it it just becomes you know very hard to get off Scott Seiver did sort of make a I guess it really wasn't similar to this but did kind of make a three barrel bluff against Patrick and it involved a bet on the river that was just over pot size and Patrick later fairly big side from Vanessa but you knew it was coming if you're Vanessa right you just knew but it is it definitely is one of these things that it's harder for her to play the situation than another person because of because of her aggressiveness first two or automatic in this one sounds good sounds good for me sounds like I made a good folder for automatic these two know each other very well not just from these ten three Premier League matches but I know that they both respect each other's games and perfect tournament superstars yeah everybody just calling all the time this is this is one crazy heat so far that's a wild hand so far [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: PokerXpress
Views: 623,139
Rating: 4.5835218 out of 5
Keywords: vanessa selbst pocket aces, vanessa selbst nightmare, vanessa selbst suckout, pokerxpress vanessa selbst, vanessa selbst 2018, vanessa selbst aces, poker nightmare, vanessa selbst poker, vanessa selbst badbeat, vanessa selbst angry, vanessa selbst, pokerxpress poker videos, party poker premier league, partypoker premier league, partypoker 2018, pocket aces cracked, greekxpress, poker cooler videos, pokerxpress, partypoker, poker suckout videos, phil ivey, poker badbeat videos
Id: coQYNeDdntI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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