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welcome to my domain ladies and gentlemen i know what you're thinking i wish i could be as cool as you jazza the v artist hero who can travel any dimension in virtual reality and create anything he wants well you can't be me cause look at me i'm epic but you can get halfway there because guess what i've just made a new life [Laughter] i'm launching two shirts these are limited edition limited run shirts i'm not gonna have these up on the store forever but if you love virtual reality and my vr suit and my v artist shenanigans i have two designs you can check out there's the hidden v artist for those of you who have the artist hidden within you and then there's the slightly more apparent the artist which is just more the logo without the shirt ripping open it's available in multiple colors so you can go check it out the link is in the card in the description and of course anything you get is a support to the channel like i said limited run and i mean who doesn't want to look like me the v artist you could probably pull it off better than i can all right well what are we doing today uh this is actually an activity that stems back to something i did a while ago when i sculpted the statue of david from memory in that video towards the end i sort of vandalized the statue of david and i asked you guys if you thought it would be worthwhile maybe doing a little bit more shenanigans and vandalizing up cut of other statues in virtual reality so i'm just going to do that today i thought it would be fun to vandalize some renaissance sculptures in virtual reality so i've downloaded a whole bunch of free models of renaissance and historical sculptures this is a statue of a boy with a thorn in his foot i don't know what this is famous for there it is look at him oh he's that's rude our first order of business pants let's go with some lovely blue jeans here just tuck away the little little willy it was missing anyway that's what happens to ancient sculptures the first thing to go is the genitals we've got to interpret a bit like what's he doing with his foot we could do anything oh i've got it i forget what they look like but it's meant to be it's a tattoo thing and you know what he's doing he's getting a tattoo of the youtube play button on his big toe oh man holy i have a tattoo but i think the next tattoo that a cool person like this kid would get on their foot that is uh iconic and fitting for youtube would be the d monetization symbol you get it because this video has lots of penises in it and boobs probably probably boobs i think there's only one thing missing and that is obviously a gopro strap oh that's beautiful all right we've started simple but we've started well and i think this bodes well for things to come you can bugger off oh wait come back you left you you left your short shorts in the in the strange abyss that we're in we need to change the environment this is a bit glum oh that's bright okay all right next sculpture what do we got the discobula bolus i think it's the one with the dude who's doing the ah there we go yeah there we go something we're all a little bit familiar with he almost looks like he's dabbing are you thinking what i'm thinking now we can't actually reshape his geometry or anything so we're just going to add to it and then hide the rest [Laughter] oh this is so stupid i love it i think we've got to do something about this let's keep it ancient because then we could just turn it into like robes or something and just hide it you ready watch me be clever now watch me watch me huh watch me watch me something watch me watch me that song is i don't know the words in it this is i think what the original sculptor was really actually going for when you really look at the details of the original sculpture they just didn't do a very good job but we're fixing it it's okay oh oh i'm so sorry i forgot about the penis these bloody penises flashing in people's face it's like the very time-consuming medieval version of dick pics i didn't ask for that i didn't ask you to sculpt that and put it in my face ah there's a bum great now you know how i feel spending spending all day in virtual reality sculpture this is the opposite of censoring i'm smearing a bum on your face i'm sorry there we go there we go that's better that's a bit more tasteful and relevant what else can we do let's go crazy people you gotta make him a bit more modern with his hair do this what is it what is this let's give you the hairdo that the cool people have these days uh i'm afro afro's cool no i know what the cool kid's hair is like cool kids have spiky hair sort of up the front and they also wear a lot of gel a lot of hair gel don't know how about you but i think he looks pretty cool and i think that about does it for our discus dabber that's the proper name of this all right let's move on let's go dab over there all right let's swish up the environment a bit we need we need new things to look at oh god wow this they call it pink lemonade i understand why loading screen loading screen dance i'm sorry all right this is a statue called hermes this pink lemonade environment is not making you easy to see hermes let's change the environment black hey that's dramatic and again very penisy it's fine art okay it doesn't count as rude i i need to stop rubbing rude bits in your face he's wearing his clothes on his forearms but not his penis don't stay on that but okay let's uh let's just modest you up a bit there we go all right good start what next feel like the focus of this is the shoes and i feel like if we're going to continue our activity as far as making it trendy and relevant we should probably give them some cool shoes too bad i don't know what cool shoes are i wear sketches they're well actually i wear vr boots but they have sketches underneath which i am told are dad shoes but that's okay because i'm a dad i can i can rock it hashtag comfort over style i think basketball shoes are a thing aren't they don't people like those some nice red soles there you go putting on his cool people's shoes basketball shorts give him like orange ones all right i mean we have all this cloth here now so uh let's just give him a towel looks dumb all right whatever last but not least nice red headband there we go i call this one pre-game or game prep or whatev i don't know one of those terms that people use is ready for the big game welcome to heaven this is oh god forgot about you they are so bloody immersive even when it's just a blank white environment that's crazy all right next next there we go i got my got my models here what's who's next mars god of war oh penis oh god yeah that's no better god damn you renaissance sculptures and your bums and willies oh god jared there we go now we're family friendly again he looks like he's wearing like baby oil have you oiled up this one makes me feel uncomfortable maybe it was just the cd mustache oh what else we got oh nymph boobs goddamn it you look all glossy too is it just the environment let's switch the environment hey you are glossy ah weird this one is almost like in a selfie pose so i'm actually going to make that happen so we are we are introducing our present into history there's a random floating noodle so weird like when you draw on a piece of paper and you make an accidental thing on the paper it's like well but in 3d space it's like there's a floating noodle and it's mesmerizing polly library oh i can bring in things from google blocks why have i not been using these all along oh this just got a lot more fun there's a tv remote her other hand could be holding this one aha you got a phone yeah beautiful i've been doing it wrong the whole time now we can put in props nice and easily that's cool i want more props where are your props i'm probably going to go a little bit crazy with this look at the little cute little open backpack here we go just sit this uh let's sit this out her feet here just come back from high school oh my god i'm just going to spend some time on social media oh i got a bloody couch this is awesome she probably needs clothes let's face it water cooler i mean it's probably not necessary but it's cool right watercolor oh my god it's a little buddy that isn't necessary you can see it right there wait she's gotta be in the instagram picture there you go little selfie with the bunny oh my god it's a mech suit again probably unnecessary but cool oh hey that's mine i'm featured that's my stabby throne remember that video where i made the iron throne and i started it in mixed reality they featured it that's funny okay i'm getting distracted with models let's finish this one off thinking of getting distracted by models let's cover up this model's boobs there are a little top here there we go there we go it's like she's uh she's never had an arm there there we go look at that oh my god that's perfect oh that's amazing she probably needs something on her face or something there we go nash is obviously a college student because she's just cut back from graduation just graduated feeling pretty hashtag it's cozy time deleting things by throwing them is just way too fun especially when they're cute things that it's like mean to throw oh my god venus de milo is a perfect candidate because she has no arms i don't have to hide anything i just have to get creative check for the boobs still have to hide the boobs there you go family friendly i mean the sad truth is this one totally lends itself to a dab but i've already done that but just can we just admire this for a second i was gonna do some sort of dance thing but i feel like that's a bit lame i feel like we've been playing it really safe with our sculpture vandalizations so far so let's go a little bit more epic all right i think you know what's coming at this point let's play around with our model library all right here we go we've got an ak-47 starter for that perfect look at that oh we got a giant flamethrower uh here we go this this is uh the backup let's uh let's strap this on it back what else we got oh uh orp sniper gotta have one of those and uh and a nerf gun maybe not all right well let's tie this all in together a little bit uh starting off with some straps and some clothing got a bit of a military vest thing going on here all right let's strap these bad boys to his shoulders oh this is beautiful not sure what's happening with the legs though because we still got this uh this dress thing going on let's continue with our theme of epicness and grandeur bring the leg up here actually i should probably be doing this all in like a pants color shouldn't i let's make the sky the color of dawn and on a a blood dawn or what i don't know what they're called all right back to the big military boots they look a bit goofy but they do the job whatever whatever yes they are some really backing military pants oh look at this we're in the midst of battle there are the embers oh look we have a little sun oh oh and and of mr bucket robot there we go there's a monkey robot with a boombox with their giant boombox and a guillotine to kill their enemies with and another weird robot thing playing electric guitar on the boom box and let's finish it off with a little uh little table we'll put over here so that after the battle she can have a lovely meal of uh there we go we've got some steamed veggies nice and steamy lovely everyone needs to be nourished after battle otherwise they won't keep their strength up oh and uh let's put one of these in for good measure otherwise how would you get around the battlefield all right i may have gotten carried away with this one but you gotta admit it's pretty epic oh my god you know what i just realized i could do yeah when i got my whole battle suit on and everything i feel like i look quite at home in the scene all right i'll ta you flank the and i'll get the you get and we got this gun five well i think that's probably enough sculptures for today we've done quite a bit of vandalizing and uh i don't know about you but i think this went pretty well i hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to hit like so that other people can see this video and subscribe to draw with jazza for more fun with art and creativity and virtual reality and all sorts of shenanigans another obligatory plug for the artist shirts because they're only available for a limited time and i also want to thank liv for making the software to make mixed reality possible it's free you can check it out yourself if you have a green screen you don't even need a super suit to do this sort of epic vr content so once again i'll link to the same page in the description a huge thank you to them for making these sorts of videos possible and of course a shout out to uh to punish props for making this suit i think that about covers everything including our uh a little vandalization projects here today hope you've enjoyed it and until next time i'll see you later i tried to casually walk off but i'm blind i can't see a thing oh god i should probably take this thing off make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where i sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind the scenes daily vlog channel daily jazzer that's it for now and until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 510,212
Rating: 4.9268937 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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