I Built the MOST DREADFUL Town in Valheim

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I built a dreadfully epic Village in valheim swamp hey everyone my name is Smitty and today I'm bringing you another awesome valheim build this time we're venturing into one of the most unsavory valheim biomes the swamp as always you'll see this project from start to finish and I'll show you how I created a town that is Dreadful but in the best of ways for those of you who wish to experience this build for yourselves or would just like to support the content this world file will be available for download on the Smitty survival patreon page and a big shout out for my patrons who continue to support the content hope you all enjoy and without further Ado grab a snack grab a drink let's get right into it starting this project I knew I wanted to lean into some darker themes I worked on this build throughout the month of October and so spooky season calls for a spooky build my vision for this project was to tell the story of a town that had been overrun and abandoned perhaps destroyed by an undead Army that Rose from the swamps and decimated the nearby inhabitants and unlike my other Cozier projects I wanted this build to feel really dreary and dilapitated I started out by trying to establish the Catalyst of my Invasion story my idea was to build a haunted church that was surrounded by Graves and crypts and this would serve as the source of the undead army with the church I wanted to establish a structure that really stood out in a haunting way I love the idea of a haunted church because of the inherent irony I once fully placed now Twisted into something more Sinister it's just a classic Motif and I wanted to start with something that would really set the dark tone I was going for for the style I definitely took some inspiration from Gothic themes focusing on pointed archways and flying buttresses protruding out from the sides it wouldn't be an overly complicated structure but I wanted to ensure an element of verticality in the building to really give it presence I was thinking that perhaps there would be two peaks of this building one in the front and then maybe another larger Tower towards the back really make it stand [Music] out I do find it interesting how context can really change how a structure is perceived for instance if I would have just built the structure in the Meadows it probably would have been quite Charming but stick it in a dreary swamp and illuminate it with some green torches it takes on a whole different [Music] [Music] feeling for the interior of the church I really wanted to look like this is where the undead came from so I had the idea of digging up a pit in the middle of the floor almost as if a Fisher had opened up underneath it I made sure to scatter the tiles around the opening to really make it look like the Fisher had displaced a large portion of the floor then also used gck sax to give off an ominous Green Glow to the pit I then also decide to scatter around different bone piles and skeletons around the pit to show that maybe these were trying to emerge from the Fisher I would definitely add actual skeleton mobs later but figured I would save the hassle of having to deal with them this early in the build I then decided to add some final touches to the exterior of my church I wanted to break down certain areas of walls and create holes in the roof to really give a dilapidated look maintain that dark abandoned theme I was going [Music] for overall I was really happy with how the church structure turned out it really did have a haunting presence to it and definitely set the tone for the project moving forward the church complete it was now time to work on the surrounding landscape continuation of my darker theme my idea for the area around the church was to transform it into a large swamp graveyard full of coffins and smaller Mausoleum structures Made of Stone I scattered some Forest cryp coffins and chests on the ground they wanted to create a standalone structure to house the coffins as well I quickly stood up a simple stone Mausoleum highlighting with some green torches and then placed various coffins and Bone piles inside so they weren't just empty Stone boxes from there I had to continue building out the rest of the swamp graveyard adding more Graves whatever creative elements I could think of to flush out the scene even more things like an ominous looking well or sections of the graveyard that were completely flooded even though these smaller elements aren't the most technically Advanced part of my builds they're actually my favorite aspect of building a grave here a well there smaller ruins scattered about in my opinion these are the elements that really create a comprehensive and immersive world and I actually really Relish in taking the time to work on these details [Music] I then worked my way to the front of the church to add some final touches with all the water I thought it made sense to connect this area with a bridge and then frame the front better with some natural elements like swamp trees and then added some additional Stone ruins when it was all said and done I was really pleased with the result I felt the surrounding graveyard really Amplified that Bleak atmosphere I was going for and the church served as a perfect focal point to tell a story I had in mind next it was time to start working on the nearby town I spent some time leveling off a larger area of ground that I could begin to build on and then moved into creating a rough outline of my walls this wasn't going to be a huge village but I definitely wanted enough space to fit a variety of buildings inside after my wall was complete I began to work on the front gate my goal was to make it look like it had been forced open or destroyed so I tried to provide some contextual Clues to this with large piles of Bon stacked around the gate and having the door swung open with elements of rubble scattered around as [Music] well moving on to the interior of the town I first started working on this Central Area my plan plan for this town was to really make it an unpleasant place so I started up by building a Gallows and then brought over the same well design I had used in my swamp graveyard I thought these elements set a rather dark tone to my Village so it was a good start from there my thought was to build a small dungeon Behind The Gallows to remain consistent with the theme my plan was to have the lower level of the structure be built with stone and then fit a couple of cells in the back I then had the thought of making this a torture chamber so I added various crafting elements like the stone cutter and different Forge stations I think it's cool how the darker context of the dungeon actually give these items a totally different more Sinister feeling I would finish up this structure by closing up the remaining walls and then moving on to the interior again to quickly decorate the upstairs floor tried my best to make it look really ramshackle and broken down as I wanted to maintain that very dilapitated and abandoned feeling to my town structures I added some final decorative elements spreading around some bone piles and then hanging some skeletons from The Gallows and chain hooks off my [Music] building as my first building in my town I was really happy with how it turned out very consistent with the Dark theme throughout and it really helped establish the story that this town was really quite Dreadful and an unpleasant place to visit the next building I wanted to establish was a rundown Tavern I started by spending some time getting my Foundation right and then working out the general support outline before filling out the rest of my structure this helps me visualize the build before really committing and allows me to easily make adjustments if needed I wanted to add a little more personality to the roof lines on this building so I made sure to add some subtle curvature to the ends for the interior I would again stick with my abandoned dilapidated theme so it's just a matter of figuring out ways to mess the place up a bit displacing floors creating holes in the roof and walls then adding wood beams and Goblin trash piles to the floors to make it look like Rubble scattered around overall I was happy with how the structure turned out and thought the tavern was another nice addition to my town of misery moving on from The Tavern I had to think about what to build next I'd left an opening in one section of my wall because I wanted to make it look like this area was breached so I spent some time working out this mini story adding some more rubble and broken bits to fles out the destroyed look I wanted I love adding elements of story like this as I feel like it really grounds the project in the world can add a lot of charm to a build next is was time to build out the rest of my town I wanted to establish a section of my Village that was more of a collection of buildings that formed a dark alleyway through the middle perhaps this would be more of a residential area of the town I started by plotting out where all my different structures would be and then created a rough outline of the structures with wood beams doing my best to create the buildings with differing Heights and shapes then I also tried to integrate some unconventional geometry to the roof lines for example you'll see that some of the roof lines have a crooked mix of 45 and 26° pieces on the same roof plane I felt that the inconsistency and lack of symmetry lent itself nicely to the ramshackle style of these homes which I liked after blocking in some basic structures of my building I moved on to some of the finer details still keeping consistent with my previous style I wanted this allo to feel really dreary and abandoned so I added some more skulls carts and eventually broke down some of the other buildings a little bit more to make it look more [Music] ruinous toward was the back of the section of buildings I had the awful but kind of funny idea of implementing an ouse spot in one of the waterways I created some simple ouse structures at the edge of the water and then used guck sacks and muddy scrap piles to give the idea these Waters had been contaminated by refu and disease again it's kind of a silly idea but one that I think still adds to that awful feeling of this town truly was not a pleasant place to visit looking back on the section I really liked how these structures turned out collectively they had a really nice Ram Shack and dilapitated look to them the tight Alleyway that was formed felt really dreary and Bleak which was my goal from the start some of the smaller details and stories such as the ouses or skeleton hanging from the tower were just small things that I think really added to the story as well next day was time for me to work on something a bit bigger I thought a town in the swamp needed to have some kind of military presence to it so my thought was establish a fortress in my remaining open corner I started by raising a small Hill to build on before experimenting with some shapes of my Foundation the thought for this structure is that I would leave the middle of it open as I wanted the gate to open to a small courtyard within the Fortress the bottom of the Fortress would be built with stone before mixing into more wooden elements on the second floor but my goal was to create something that felt like the stronghold of my Village I do sometimes find it difficult working on larger complex structures as there's a lot of decisions to make regarding composition and how it's all going to fit together don't be fooled by the time lapse there were actually large stretches of time where I would just sit and stare at this structure without a clue where to take it but eventually you just got to break the freeze throw down some more blocks and just keep pushing forward integrating more Stone elements into the structure definitely was what I realized I was missing so you notice that added some taller Stone Towers which I think loosed the defensive feeling of the structure moving on to the more decorative elements started with the area just outside the entrance and decided to add elements that really made it look like they had set up defenses to hold out against the attack this was likely their last defensive stand when the undead Rose to claim the village so I wanted to really make sure I conveyed that story with the interior of my Fortress I wanted to keep this Courtyard open above but show that this was a sight of a major struggle after blocking in some of the walls I decided to make some adjustments to the entrance making it look like the doors are broken open and then adding elements of rubble and armaments on the ground to show the aftermath of the conflict I also clipped some fires into the goblin trash piles to make it look like there was still some Rubble of Blaze which I really liked the rest of the Fortress would just have some modest decorative elements still keeping the aband and feeling but showing enough to suggest that the structure was once alive and lived in overall I was really happy with how the Fortress turned out it may have tooken a while to put together but I think it really stands out against the rest of the town is definitely a nice focal point of the story I was trying to tell with my Village mostly complete spent some time just adding some final details to really fill out the world and scene there smaller elements like more bone piles large carts being stuck in the mud for an additional Fisher opening around the village all that was left to do now was to put it all together do the [Music] Cinematic [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SmittySurvival
Views: 246,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valheim, Valheim Building, Valheim Town Build, Valheim City Build, Valheim Castle, Valheim Swamp Town, Valheim Swamp Build, Valhiem Fortress, Valheim Base, Valheim Fortress Build, Valheim Village, Valheim Swamp Village, Valheim Epic Build, Valheim Build Tutorial
Id: cCcdzMU0L2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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