Valheim | 10 EASY Additions to Upgrade your PLAINS House!

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hello my lovely Viking brothers and sisters and welcome back to my channel today's 10 step build transformation video is gonna be a little different today I'm going to show you how to build your very own Victorian house not a meadow starter home not a stone or core wood material Focus house today we're going real world for one of the most recognizable mid-19th Century architectural styles for those of you who may be unfamiliar with Victorian houses I'm going to pop up a few examples on screen for you right now they consist of eye-catching features such as rounded angles popped out shaped Windows like bay windows wrap around porches Towers turrets and Dormers and really just a lot of decorative detailed woodworking they were very very ornate if you've seen my previous videos in the series you know what to expect I'm going to start with this basic rectangular box house you see right here and add just one feature at a time slowly transforming it into something much greater my goal is to not only show how freaking awesome building in valheim is or to show off my specific build but to show how you too can build your own incredible stuff by adding just one thing at a time we're going to take things slow as I try to cover everything I think is relevant for each step I go into some depth for those of you who wish to Jump Ahead especially through some of the earlier steps I totally get it I'll organize each step into nice little sections with links in the description for you to click on to advance to the next chapter without further Ado let's get to it all right level zero our old friend the basic box this time the basic Victorian box this is just here as always as a frame of reference most of you Vikings out there you can build this this is just a simple little box um your standard Square house you just make a little perimeter you know X meters by y meters you build some walls you poke some holes in it to create a window and then you line up the roofs at the corners so it just meets flush with the edge standard simple that said I have received many comments on previous videos joking about how hey even my even your basic box is better than anything I've built you know I always do bypass the step a little bit but I figured what the heck I can take a few seconds just to show um you know beginner Builders since there are a lot of new beginner Builders especially with our new Xbox brothers and sisters joining the party it's been exciting to see a whole bunch of new players join the forums on Reddit and like experience the joy of Batman falheim for the very first time that's been a lot of fun so I am just going to show a couple couple features here in like this basic basic beginning form because no matter where you're at in your building career in valheim this remains one of the most fundamental coolest experiences that you have in valheim where you're you're playing around with pieces for the first time and you just see how easily they snap together and you can just add beams and you can stack them up and you can make little windows and it just it honestly it feels so cool and freeing to see how how easily you can construct like a pretty nice decent basic house so yeah I'm gonna go through some of the beginnings of the path one of the first things you might notice is how you know I have it propped up off the ground by these little one meter beams now it's partially you know a style reason but also it serves a very practical reason which if you come around here you'll see I got this little structure built right here if you are working on uneven ground then what this helps you do is achieve a very very flat interior layer despite the ground underneath being uneven like this you won't need to just meticulously bust out your hoe and flatten the ground down perfectly you can just prop it up a little bit off the ground your whole entire house and then regardless of what terrain you run into the first floor can just be up and over that so that's that's a simple easy little hack to do that super super quick if you did want to even out the ground like we've got here um one trick that you can do for this is a true new new player trick is use a combination of building floor tiles and and the hoe while you're standing on the floor tile and you use this it is going to match the ground that you're aiming at to the height of the ground that you're standing on top of the floor tile so you can keep kind of doing this little Progressive and you see how this one is built is kind of inside the the ground right now if you stand on this tile and use your hoe here it's going to clear out that ground so that it matches the height of the floor tile you're on exactly a little beginner bonus tip here we are Level zero and we're already with the bonus tips I don't know I just can't stop myself coming inside um yeah like I said there's there's not too much more to show here that was just basically you know in order to get started the only other thing is you might see this it's a stylistic thing um when making these houses you can just kind of rotate the the floors a little bit every other one and you can just build them around just like that and just do every other tile do it all the way around rotate and then do every other tile again and tell you to kind of meet up in the middle and you kind of get this little little extra style look that you you know we're all Builders here we're trying to make our houses as pretty as possible and it's the little things sometimes to add up but yeah other than that this is truly a basic little house you just you can just frame it out all the way across and then you can put in your little interior pieces in order to if you want windows up there you can do windows there if you want to knock these down here you can just make nice tall Windows the world is our oyster do it however you want um yeah have fun with it and that does not work there a little rectangular window at the top not the best thing in the world not the worst actually you can knock these out there you go now you got a little diamond shaped window but yeah build your basic structure your basic box play around with fun little window shapes and that is the valheim starter pack of building let's move on to level one level one Define shape and Heights now I'm doing a little bit more with this step than I typically do as you can see here's our little our little baby rectangle here is our larger double rectangle I kind of combined two steps into one I both increased started with the same width here and I increased the length of it slightly and I added the shape which is a typical step in these videos that you've seen me do before so we added our shape but I also added height I kind of wanted to just get this whole building at the Heights and relative size that we were going to want it ultimately by the end I kind of wanted to get an idea of you know how big of a house we wanted to deal with um but other than that is that's that's that's really the entirety of the tip it's just important to kind of think about how big of a house you want now a Victorian house specifically is always going to be a two or even three-story house they were always multi-level houses so you do have to add a little bit of height and you got to think about supporting that for the ease of me just building this house I believe I put in some iron poles and I did that through the roof and I ran them across the top um but yeah as for everything else that you see it's all a placeholder for now so it's just to kind of give you an idea as you're growing as you're expanding your house poke some holes and where do you want the windows think about that stuff in advance but this is just step one let's add some height let's add some shape let's do some some results um yeah the only other feature that is definitely worth talking about here for this step is and I talked about in the very beginning one of the features of a Victorian house are gabled roofs um and what what Gable is is what you see right here rather than cornering off your roofs with these um o frames and doing it as such and kind of getting this kind of canopy experience with your roofs and then you know this wouldn't be up here really actually this wouldn't work at all because it's going to go over the top of it I believe maybe that would work yeah that would work anyway instead of doing that with your roofs you are bringing your roofs to a point and you have this this is just the architectural style is just called it's a Gable front of your of your roof here so you want a bunch of those well poking out and and you're different um faces and sides of the house so we got one back here we got one here we did have one here but I've mutilated it um but yeah that's just something to think about everything else you see here is placeholder we are going to be transforming all of this as we go just wanted to lay the foundational work down now so don't worry if it looks ugly we're gonna touch it up level two overhang those roofs this is almost always going to be a tip in all of my videos so get used to it um yes let's look at what we've done here um I've talked about this in all my videos so I mean I highly encourage you to check out my my other videos of course the the basic Meadows house or like The Meadows Farmhouse that I did is the the poster child for just like basic tips that you can do to improve and transform any kind of house um this is a Victor this is going to become a Victorian house specifically but this tip will almost always apply you can see the difference that this adds as we get right here got some sun in the back maybe it's go time of day point four a little bit more toward the morning um and look look at the Shadows that that creates as always this game the beauty so much of it comes from the lighting and the way the Shadows cast I got the Suns behind the tree you can see like the little rays of light right there and you can literally see the light from these lanterns and from you know the sun behind the tree and all the Shadows that cast and the roofs adding that kind of depth is what achieves those Shadows um so yeah I just can just zoom back over here and you can see the difference between that and that's it's really night and day and it's such a simple little thing you can do to your house um not gonna talk too much depth about that but these are achieved I'll just go through it as I've always done in the past it's a really simple principle of starting at where your roof ended naturally which in this case was I think it was right here this is the corner and then you just you go out one which is that beam is then you go down one and then you go out one more and that right here becomes your starting point for your overhang and then you can build your overhanging up to your roof again this is the Gable front and then you can even build it all the way around from that same point so by going out down and then out in the other direction you can achieve a full overhang wrapping around your entire house um yeah and then you can do fun little things with it you can add the little spikes to kind of add further depth and detail you know we have our Lantern there you can hang braziers off of one of these both of these multiples of these and kind of create cool little effects if you wanted a Brazier hanging off of these if you wanted these to be those cool you know you know the Wolves the Ravens the dragons instead you can you can have a lot of fun and add a lot of character to your side of your houses and yeah it just improves the overall look of your house and we'll leave this one here and we'll move on to level three coming around the corner too level three rounded front porch now we're getting into the cool Victorian house features we talked about earlier we're incorporating some curves and a front porch porches are mandatory when you're making a Victorian house now I chose to utilize the space between um the the interior of like the kind of L shape of my house here I thought this would be a perfect spot to kind of create a rounded rounded porch and add some additional space inside as you can see I kept the outline right here just so I could show you guys this is the added space that this adds on the inside of the house which gives us an even larger frame let me repair this real quick we had a lox attack a short time before this video aired um yeah so we've we've expanded the size of the inside of our house and we added this cool little feature from the outside um now I can walk it on back oh let me just talk about a couple things that I chose to do right here the first thing you'll notice is I moved the front door previously I think we had our little porch right here entryway I turned this into a kind of prominent front panel of our house just you know these are placeholders for now we're going to address it up and and maybe do some cool things with this later but we got some glass windows and some of the new diverger metal plates which look really cool one of the features of Victorian houses that were very popular is the stained glass window which doesn't exist in valheim of course but I think these diverger windows really come close to kind of creating the same effect and actually if we go inside real quick that when you see again the lighting and the shadows of that cast that really kind of creates the effect you're looking for and I think that ends that has a lot of potential we can do we can really work with that as we get into the later stages of your build so I encourage adding things like that or adding the um the dark wood dividers because the patterns and the way that plays on the light in the shadows is really really cool in this game all right talking about curved porch itself um really you know I chose to do it right here you can you could do it wherever you want in your house I could have made a curve right here I could have popped this out and started curving it around in one way or another I'm not sure if this would meet up perfectly I went one too far there it will not but um you're really free to play around with it and maybe you want to extend this to a back porch and then it wraps around becomes a back porch as well it wraps around your house just going through the kind of things that you can add to your very own Victorian house in order to kind of make it look like that cool give it that cool Victorian aesthetic so just to show the mechanics of building this porch a little bit because there's a couple things we want to talk about um I'm going to scoot over here and over here at our level two house I'm going to recreate the same porch real quick first thing I did you'll remember is I I decided after because I was making a porch right here I wanted to actually have this effect where we're walking up onto the porch the staircase leads you up onto the porch and then through the front entrance so I was moving my front entrance so the outside porch went something like there and then the stairs to it something like there and then our doors to the inside went right here this way there's this kind of effect of hopping up onto the porch then through the front doors and into the house and now this represents the inside wall and I'll just I don't know if I need that I'm not going to worry about it so now the inside wall layer is simply I just did one rotation again I just wanted to try to establish that rounded curve and I think that looked pretty good to me um so just went with that and that was the first phase of it and then I just added in the floors all the way around it's always easiest to kind of do floors when you're working with a round around building by working from the outside in you can always snap to those outside edges and you can just kind of keep snapping keep snapping keep snapping and then for the end you can just cap it off just like that that covers now we got our bases for the shape and where we want the inside of our porch to be but now we need the outside of our porch the part that's actually going to be outdoors on the front porch and we're going to walk around from this point it occurs to me I kind of have an opportunity here to teach you guys about a geometric principle that exists in valheim something you may have observed is that Valentine valheim rotates on 16 points essentially so if you were to just build on the ground here and do one rotation one rotation one rotation one rotation you are going to get a 16 sided polygon Circle um with these one meter beams and that is the smoothest Circle that you can create in valheim without mods there are mods that allow you to add additional rotation points Gizmo Odin's Hammer I believe are a couple of them I've never really played around with them but I know they exist but in vanilla valheim you are restricted to 16 rotational points and what I've done on the inside of this porch this is remember the front porch is going to wrap around a little bit further along the outside here and meet up somewhere over here so that's going to be the outside this is going to be the inside curve I've done only one rotation and ideally if you want to maintain perfect uniformity with your outside Circle you would want to work from the inside and you know build beams out from each of the joints at a fixed angle and then you would want to try to connect those beams you'd want to do something like this and then you'd want to connect like that but you're going to notice here they overlap in this weird way they don't quite line up and the reason for that is because we've done a 1 16 rotation with each of these in order to get these to line up you would need to actually have access to be able to do a one Thirty second rotation in between here so we wouldn't need that points for that point you would actually need somewhere in between there you would need your beam to end up somewhere right around here but we don't have the ability to do that but just to demonstrate what I do mean let's divide those all by two let's build instead of a 16 sided polygon let's build an octagon over here so two rotations two rotations two rotations and two rotations and say this is the inside and we want to build an outside perimeter that's dead even all the way around you want to snap these on the in between so you're not making a right angle there you're not making a right angle there you're going in between going in between and from here we can snap you can see they line up perfectly that's because we did eight sided rotation in there and out here we were able to do for our connecting beams basically there's room to do the in-between rotation but here there's not room to do that because we don't have access to one Thirty second rotations so that becomes unavailable as a building technique for the outside of this porch because I'm trying to make this nice round torch so instead of doing that what I did was I manually lined up um something I just kind of looked took a look at it and manually lined up three three meters on the outside so I started the three meter Connections three meter connection three meter connections and I thought for my purposes because again this is just it's not a semi-circle it's just like a portion of a porch and we're gonna have a roof that comes up over it it doesn't have to line up perfectly I'm not creating a perfect tower out of this outside portion so as long as in the end it looks like it lines up and it looks nice you can kind of manually disconnect your outside from your inside but that's kind of I would consider that in a more advanced building technique and that's kind of you're manually playing around with things so don't expect things to snap and connect perfectly as you build this inward but um yeah so let's just continue building this design and see how it all ends up on fitting in the end and then we can return to our more completed porch over there here is so you'll notice this is not touching the ground so we maybe we need our two meter beam here's just a little little bonus trick if you can't get this to snap in like that what you do is you put put it just on the ground slightly behind and then point your curse over it and then it will snap no problem all right so next feature that I knew I definitely wanted to do on this Porsche were our awesome little put these on top are archways now that I have these posts you can put the archways on like that and snap them in again I'm just gonna fly so to get a better better angle and there we go it will eventually go right in there and then on this side you can snap it there all right and let's add a roof to our porch and I want to do a similar kind of overhang like we talked about in the previous section because we always want to make sure we add that depth and in order to achieve that you know you're gonna have to pop it out by a meter but you'll notice um we're gonna have to do this two spots at every joint that's going to become more overhang it's going to be a little bit of well not not overlap but they're going to connect like this this is how you achieve that so I'm popping out our Circle basically even a little bit further and rather than going with like an in-between spot and trying to connect from there I'm actually just connecting each side of the polygon separately so these become our roof roof spots where we can guard the beams off which we can build our roofs and let's just give the last spot there and I'm just going to show you a couple of them before we go back over there because this is a porch I want to create a little bit of contrast we use the 45 degree roofs for our main steeple Gable roofs that's a feature of Victorian houses steep roofs honestly for some of the stuff I would want to go even steeper than 45 degrees maybe like 70 like a super Sharp um but valheim does not allow that so we're working with what we got but you know to create the roof from here start from both of those points snap snap I'm going to snap perfectly and so on and so forth then you can kind of continue It Up by snapping directly off of both pieces again and we've talked about it in previous videos but these dark wood tiles really blend in nicely much nicer than the thatch ER and there we go you see we have we got the makings of a beautiful little front porch here curved in we're going to try to blend this right into the sides of our house for now before we continue our build all right now let's zip them back over to our completed porch and you can see just continue the snaps up here and by time we got up here I was able to just create another single rotation perimeter and you know not entirely sure what we want to do with this uh in the grand scheme but I figure for for the purposes of just showcasing this step we is it's great that this shows an alternative option but it created a little balcony at the top here hands added another gabled front to this roof by popping out a dormer here out of the roof just to using the iframes you can just pop out the roofs and create these nice nice little Dormers which again have gone over quite a bit in previous videos and you know overhang the Dormer created a little three meter actually it's a four meter entryway yeah in cozy little balcony on top of our porch and we walk in here this would be the makings of our Second Story and yeah we'll go from there um the very last thing worth talking about Victorian houses as I mentioned incorporate a lot of detail and one of the reasons I used three meters is so that I can achieve this even effect and I can use things like the the dark wood dividers one two three without them overlapping in any way that looked really weird and then I also chose to use the um the wooden shutters which have that nice little pattern on the inside there and you probably notice I how to pop out the shutters slightly manually from the wooden dividers because otherwise they kind of overlapped so this is like a manual building technique too to add add that detail where I think I probably built off of the ground just probably manually placed it by holding shift and I place it a little bit in front of the porch there just to add a little bit more detail optional but in this case you know I'm just trying to make it as ornate as possible which is very very prevalent in Victorian architecture and that concludes level three let's Mosey on over to level four level four had a circular Tower now I know we just did all the effort to round off a nice little balcony up top here but I knew I wanted a circular Tower in this build from the very beginning we talked about that earlier on a circular Tower is a kind of staple to a Victorian house so I want to add a really nice one and it made sense to put one along that inseam of the porch that we built I thought that would look really really nice here and at the end of the day remember we're here to show you options these are things that you can add to your very own house so maybe you want to go this balcony route balcony plus a dormer maybe you like the idea of putting the circular Tower here maybe you want to do the balcony and Dormer here and then you want to add a circular tower on another part of the house you can build there's no reason why you couldn't build your own little section right here and then build a tower up from there instead um these are the kinds of things that you can add to your house to make a Victorian house if my character would only stop somersaulting all right anyway um yeah just take a look at what I did here um I talked about this in a previous stage but these diverger Metal Sheets I forget what they're called exactly diverter metal walls look beautiful they resemble stained glass I kind of I think I overlapped them because we've only got a three meter height here so and each of these are two meters so it's two meters up from the ground and then two meters down from the top so there's a little bit of overlap there but I think that actually looks kind of nice so I chose to go with that also using the diverger lanterns I think they those are most in line with maybe Real Worlds Victorian era these lanterns certainly they don't look like Viking lanterns um but they remind me of like you know the 1920s the 1910s you know streets of maybe London somewhere um but I thought they would look really nice and as I kind of created the circle still using our one rotation um I just I put those in at every window and I thought they they ended up on looking pretty nice um wow what is with those somersaults control button I need to hit control to go down but then that puts me in a Crouch so for now for this phase I was just interested in getting the tower in here to see how it looks and you know we can continue fitting everything after this but mostly if you really want to see the differences makes on the inside um before there was this was outside where I where I'm flying right now this was basically the outdoor balcony and now you can see it adds a lot more inside indoor space and we're going to try to make good use of that later on as we really expand our Victorian house up into its second floor and we give it you know a proper proper bedroom or proper second level and all that so adding a tower like this adds a lot of interior space while also looking pretty badass from the outside if I do say so myself um now this this Tower fits pretty well here but you probably noticed especially on the inside there's some weird roof clashing um that's going on there but we're just trying to get it in there and see how it looks for right now um when it comes to making a dome like this um it's really easy to actually it's surprisingly easy to especially with the dark wood because again the dark wood hides all the blemishes very very well compared to the thatch roof but I just have again a one rotation perimeter along the outside of the circle so it's a 16 sided Dome and then I'm just snapping roof pieces in from there and then a second roof piece directly lined up on top of each other and that kind of all if we were to knock this out and remove that you see it comes to this perfect little cone right here and then it's just a matter of capping the roof off so it's really easy to create a little Dome now what you'll notice that I did here instead of doing down here was I created a separate overhang um it's the same methodology using one meter pop out and then a one meter pop out from the other angle so one rotation and then pop it out twice and then create a little overhang and I'm just using wooden floor boards here to create the nice little stylized overhang look which I think especially in conjunction with the the lanterns looks really nice um just a note here and I've talked about this in the past these will take rain damage I personally use the mod called No Rain damage to prevent that from happening because I love being able to build detailed woodwork like this Outdoors without worrying about having to constantly jump up and repair it that's just a personal preference that's available as an option to you guys if you like it personally still hoping that the developers add like the ability to know coat wood with resin or something like that to make it water resistant and prevent rain damage natively within the game but just to go back up here if you wanted to cap off a dome like this you might struggle a little bit if you're trying to add this on actually you know what that works pretty reasonably well yeah actually that worked perfectly um I had if you are struggling with it what you can do is you can place down a ground board inside and then you can use that as a point on which to place your your roof tile but you'll notice it has a little bit of a gap so just cap it off with a little X on both sides and you should be good to go if you want to add like a little bit more detail not even detail it's more just like sometimes adding trimming like this can help cover up things that would otherwise be blemishes and it really kind of squares it off nicely and makes it look finished and complete other times it's difficult to kind of get that board in there you might have a little bit better luck with two one meters maybe not but you get the idea you can fight with it and get it to work anyway that is our tower that is level four adding a circular Tower all right level five add roof layers and Dormers returning viewers to the channel will recognize this tip as well again I'm using a lot of the same advice for all of these house builds but this time we are applying it to a Victorian house let's do a little bit before and after or after and before since we're already on this house as you can see we've made some adjustments to the way our roof our turret meets the the main roof of the house up here let's just swing back over here so you can see how our previous one was we've focused first on just building the tower and building the cone and then cutting it through the roof just make our Circle and see how that all worked out now on this step we're really going to try to mesh it into our roof in a more organic and a cleaner Manner and that's what I strive to achieve over here so really I wanted to make the roof me at the same height that the tower man you don't have to do that but that's what I wanted to do for this one you could build an even taller tower that goes way up above um the roof you've got going on here but that's what I chose to do for this one and I achieved that by adding basically this slight vertical extension that pops out from our old roof and this is achieved pretty easily by let's swing back over here and let's mess with our previous bill just for demonstration purposes we want to do it four meters in or two meters in so we'll do it four meters in basically you will take the wood wall inverted and you can do that at both parts and then you can take your wood wall not inverted and layer them right on top of each other like that and we do the same thing on this side instead of that beam there and that beam there we knock them right out go back to our inverted ones [Music] there we go get out of there there we go and that becomes your new height for the roof for like an added layer that gets added to your roof not only does it add a layer to the exterior of your roof but it adds a lot more space inside if we fly down here and we look up you can see up here how it raises the roof even higher and that's going to give us a lot more room to work with inside when it comes to building out the second floor of our house now let's just go back outside um yep after I capped it off here I added the the interior frames to make it meet up at a 90 degree angle with the tower roof right there and then I wrapped it around and I popped it out on the other side and this is where we get to the Dormers I spoke of now this one's Actually I don't even know if this is technically a dormer this is more like a bay window it's jutting out of like the wall of the um the Gable front of this roof but it's kind of like a hybrid Dormer a dormer is essentially a window that pops out of a roof because it's acting as like a dormer to this roof here but it's acting as a window to this Gable front here and then over here I did my classic skylights if you guys don't remember from The Meadows House video just to show like different options that you can do now I think I actually in a later version of this house might transform this into something else and again you can accomplish that very simply by doing something similar using these same inverted wood wall beams you can just take your roof pieces I'd probably go with a shallower slope if I can find it which I cannot sometimes there we go and you do something like this don't have my snapping game on today we shall persevere might do something like that to turn this into another kind of Dormer and I'd become a wall Dormer there but I went with the the Skylight for now just for demo purposes and yeah I think overall really just try to achieve a cleaner sleeker look um adding this this doubles up as it's multifunctional it adds space inside it adds it brings it in line with the tower it adds an extra vertical layer that gives like the side of your house more character anytime you're adding depth at any time you're adding layers it looks a little bit nicer the last thing I want to point out before we move on to level six is these kind of beams that you see that I added to the top of the roof here I just want to talk about why I added them here which can hopefully make you guys help make kind of informed decisions like this on your bills so for me is it this this arose out of two reasons I didn't do it for an aesthetic purpose because I thought oh wow I think this is going to look really good I'm going to add this trim it emerged from a problem I was trying to solve the first problem was on this side I built these dark wood dividers in this Diamond window that I created here but you'll notice that in doing so that creates this little protrusion through the roof so part of my effort to conceal that is to kind of just add a little extra beam which I manually kind of placed over the top of that in order it adds a little bit more depth it doesn't particularly look fantastic but you can always add trim like this to kind of hide blemishes this is a theme you're going to be seeing over and over again in many of my builds and in the end like if you were a passerby you wouldn't even notice that there was a blemish there necessarily you might think hey that's kind of a cool design but I encountered a similar issue in the roof up here and I think I encountered it over on this side and I will delete these ones to demonstrate when I decided to create this Dormer right here in the form of the skylights I that only left a one meter roof cap um only left space for a one meter roof cap up above it which as you can see has a different style roof it has like that kind of flatter surface let me delete that beam right there and that looks really weird to me I was just a little OCD about it it looked a little weird when it was running into the non-roof capped side so if some of my roof had these these fat fat beams fat and flat beams from the roof caps and other parts of the roof did not have the roof caps because I couldn't put roof caps in all spots such as where these iframes meet up up there then it was there was like this disconnect between the two Styles so in attempt to hide that I kind of did this manual layer just like this and then as you can see one across the top doesn't quite hide it so then I manually put a second layer on the side and then on the other side and at the end of the day I was like you know what that looks kind of nice and then I just did it to all of the roof just to kind of keep it with a uniform clean look and yeah sometimes hiding a blemish or hiding something that you just can't quite figure out how to make it look nice um is is the Catalyst for inventing a new little trim technique and that's kind of what happened here so explore was playing around with adding trim to spaces and parts that maybe look a little unclean or unfinished and uh yeah that's kind of my bonus step there [Music] level six chimney always got to add a chimney to our house this Victorian house is no different so come around the back this one should be a pretty quick step here it is in all of its Majesty standard Stone chimney looks pretty similar to chimneys I've built in the past looks like we got a chunk missing from the top of it so we'll just patch that up real quick um yeah with a stone chimney essentially go around to the inside you just build it around your Hearth so place your hearts on the ground and then start layering your stone blocks around it and kind of try to add like a a fun little interior to it I like seeing the Smoke Rise up off the ground um we'll go back outside real quick and not much to talk about with the chimney like this um you're just building it around your hearts you're building it up you're making use of the stone um but yeah it's always a fun little thing to add chimneys that add shape add a little bit of depth to your house and because there's not too much you can do with a chimney generally that's why I try to have fun with like adding little details like we talked about Victorian houses before they were really decorative and ornate there's a lot of fine detail so I I kind of I just went with the crows and I kind of laid them right in there into the stone facing each other added some lights added the dark wood trim up to side and I completely experimented with a different kind of Chimney topper um I manually laid out the length it looks like it's five meters on the inside even though it's a six meter in length chimney just to kind of make it a little bit smaller inside and then that created like this weird it didn't quite come up to a point so it was a flat little section and then I manually created another little higher point and then I just layered in two roof tiles played around have fun add some chimneys to your house they always add a lot of character one point I will want to make here is you'll notice like this is like the world's fattest chimney like these basically don't exist in real life you're not gonna find a chimney this fat even though it's like the size that you need in the world of valheim for to accommodate your Hearth um just to kind of show this is more like what a real world Victorian house chimney would look like it's a tiny little stone column you know like one meter by one meter in left in length and width I just threw this over here it's completely non-functional obviously but if you're just going for an aesthetic to build a modern kind of house or like a real world kind of house and you just want to like in the imagery of a chimney that's maybe something you might do just have like a little stone column popping out of it that looks a little more realistic in line with our Victorian Vision but this is a valheim Victorian house so we've got to have our big Hearth and our big chimney in there but that's about it for level six moving on to level seven make our way up onto the hill for level seven wrap around porch a Cornerstone Victorian house feature you must include a wraparound porch and I had this entire section of house where I got nothing going on on the outside for this whole main side part here so I decided to just do a big long wrap around porch and just give it a nice little walk through that windows on one side one meter in length and it just wraps right around to our chimney on the back and then I added a little back door here because it made sense if you have a porch here it's not a porch to Nowhere it would be really annoying if it just ended and there was a wall here so we needed a staircase to get off the porch here and I added a door a back door to the house to get in from here um yeah not too much to say play around with the details like I talked about before it's a Victorian house that we're trying to add as many details as possible so two things that I did is I used the wooden shutters to kind of create the wraparound fence and then I added these the the old fine wood dragon statues that I just used those as details I thought they kind of looked really cool because I had the x pattern on the bottom underneath the porch and here I thought it kind of looked like it was a dragon coming out of that strip there and a dragon coming out of that strip there one thing to note when trying to get these on here they did not like to cooperate like if you have one dragon in here the other one would not snap into this point so there was an element of holding shift down to manually place them you're sometimes going to have to do that when you're when you're playing around with it so I think I I knocked I probably like knocked this out and like right now you'll see that's snapping but I think I had to actually just manually hold it over the beam like this knock this bar out at the bottom and place it um because two of them were able to snap into the same point there other than that yeah basic little wraparound porch one of the easiest things you can honestly add to any kind of house to really give it a lot of personality and character and it's a staple to a Victorian house we still have our overhang roofs up here those were just reference beams they need to be there so I knocked them out I do like as an option to use the the 26 degree uh roof tiles for the porches as a nice contrast to the steeper roofs now Victorian houses are known for having really steep sharp roofs much steeper than 45 degrees honestly you probably want like a 70 degree roof in there but for the porches [Music] a lighter slope looks a lot nicer especially in contrast now the one thing that you might one tip to tell you guys here is we've got a two meter porch pull out our piece two meters right there boom we wanted a little bit of an overhang so we did a one meter overhang using our one meter beams that's how we we accomplished that in the corner now what that means is we've essentially got a three meter length for our porch roof which means if we were to build this properly all the way into the hot all the way off of itself to cover the full three meters you're going to get that situation where that's popping into the inside of your house so in order to mitigate that I simply I created my overhang by popping it out one meter I built my roof tile off of that and then rather than connecting to this one I just manually holding shift again overlaid this on top here until it meant flush with the wall of the house and then once you lay one the rest will just snap in together and I did it for right there and then I did it again right here and wrapped it all the way around and honestly you can see it if you're really looking for it right there and maybe if you want to cover that up a little bit more you could potentially do so with this beam possibly not there you go that gets in there and then there's another slight layout that doesn't necessarily look the greatest but you understand what we're trying to achieve there but yeah so sometimes you just got to make use of a little manual placement to kind of get it to fit exactly the way you want but other than that yeah now we added a wraparound porch to our Victorian house and it's really coming together really starting to look like a Victorian house all right that's it for level seven level eight add deathsquitoes just kidding add pop out windows in case you guys were wondering why the desquitos aren't disturbing me it's because I am using Dev commands to make these videos and there is a command called ghost and that allows you to be basically invisible but now I'm not and now you see I'm immediately attacked ghost again and I will become invisible again I'm also in god mode so I don't take any damage we don't want any mishaps while I'm trying to create for you guys anyway that's why I generally live in peace and harmony with the critters of the world because they just don't even see me anyway on to the tips of this video pop out windows you can see the change that was made to the front face here of our Victorian house essentially added a lot of extra depth and detail by just instead of building our Windows right up alongside the surface of the wall just two clicks pop it out and then I think I started up top with the balcony um it's just like making a bay window honestly which I've covered before in my previous videos um but you just pop it out rotate and connect connect and then you create a little surface I'm just doing a variety of different things up here and coming down here we wanted some glass like generally a glass looks a little funky in valheim in my opinion but it always ends up on looking pretty nice as part of the prominent front face of your house and you know all windows or glass windows in real life so that fits perfectly for a Victorian house but again just add it I just popped it all out with detail and even after just popping it out a little bit you'll see I still had even a little bit more trim um do whatever you can to make it ornate and really really pop out um so I created this little trim here and along the Ridge and I thought that looked a little nice and that created little nooks to add these banners on the side little recess banners and finally our dragon statues again um just who knows what that looks like kind of looks like you know almost like a Chinese type of dragon uh you know classic traditional decorative piece there but uh even though it's our Victorian house I just thought it looks pretty cool play around with the materials that you have so that's the front face there come around to this side much simpler window same concept though rather than just building the window up against the surface of the house this time I didn't pop it out at an angle I just popped it out directly one meter one meter Boom for me meters across one meter back in um and don't always you don't have to always use right angle so I played around with it and I just did the in-between angle for the vertical beams user dark wolves which I haven't used before for these houses so I figured heck again why not let's just play around and see how it looks doesn't look too shabby and then ladders just to show you guys again the options the different types of things you can do I did a ladder right here come around to this window I did an actual roof so I did the full roof um and rather than using just a simple little dark wood divider pieces I used the Classic pre-harson Home technique of using the fine wood stools and nothing too crazy or fancy here just stack the stools on top of each other create a little windowsill on the outside you know a nice little ledge to upon which to toss your your fresh baked pie just like they did in the Victorian era left this window as is I could have popped it out but I left it as is I think um nice little contrast from the overhang roof already so keeping that flat kind of works well there and of course we already had our pop out kind of bay window slash Dormer situation up here in the skylights so yeah add just add a little bit more character as my camera goes a little crazy add a little bit more character to your house by popping out the windows wherever you can and that's it for level eights move on to level nine all right almost there level nine interior decorating now I'm not gonna go full on interior decorating but I more want to show you guys some options that are available to you for like defining the spaces and the areas inside your house I think this is where you can really make your house feel like a home we've we've architecturally designed and built our house now looks great from the outside let's Journey inside and see what we can do to shape it up let's just do a quick before this is what our house was previously interior a lot of space gaze up and around got a little Nook up there got our Skylight got this nice long chamber here um got a circular area up there um nice tall roof here after we popped out our extension up there a lot of space to work with so it's a matter of how can we divide this up to kind of make it feel a little cozy all right now coming back in we'll see some of the stuff that I chose to do in this house first thing first thing the first task that's always difficult to kind of figure out is how do we create stairs to get up to the second floor where do we want our second floor to be exactly how high now if you're ever really struggling to come up with a perfect spot for stairs and it's just kind of not working out and me personally I like to use regular stairs to create that smooth walk that I found as just like a high level rule a nice trick is to just create your staircase right along one of the sides when you walk in the front door so if you walk in the door directly to the left or right you can just build your staircase and then have the stairs essentially go up and come out like right near where your front entrance is and that does a couple of things one it can create this cozy little Under the Staircase section that you walk into it's like you know a decorative little entryway with some shelves and stuff and that actually can look pretty nice and cozy um and you see here I just use some item stands it's a small little trick to create little books and here just a couple of item stands to just toss on various little items of different color to just make them stand out a little bit and then if you just want to just to use it as storage instead that's kind of what it would look like or you can even um throw down your little it will allow me these things and you can open it up to see your chest something like that um so that's the first little little tip and trick here and now this just happened like I could have continued to make storage here but as I was coming through here and I so what the staircase did was it sliced the house in half and kind of created some organic rooms like so this could easily become a nice long cozy living room down here with great lighting Windows all around and then the big prominent lighting from the south side over here um a little seating area I didn't fully decorate with everything I'm just kind of again showing you guys options for how to define your space um I think that's the most important aspect of making a house feel like a home it's not necessarily the intricate decorations you do but more just about how you divvy up the house to make it feel kind of cozy and give each part of it each space a little purpose so some more cabinets under here and the way you do this by the way is you you have a two meter space where the stairs is two two meters side to side like this you actually can just go one meter in and then build a wall so you create your own little bookshelf on this side and you also create your own separate little bookshelf on this side and it kind of sort of you know it creates two cozy areas for the price of one um rather than having to walk all the way around I chose to make kind of like a little foyer in between area here and I just turned this into like a little little coat closet a walk through a closet walk in hang up your coats the Jacko turnips still have those available so I built those there all right there we go let's move on um the the other major part or tip that I've talked about in my Meadows video is like add layers if you don't want to build walls to Define your rooms and you don't want to just completely block off everything and make it feel really confined and you want to kind of keep this feeling of like it's open and you can see across the whole build um just add a little layer like this and looks like we've been attacked recently I remember I remember hearing a lox attack before I fought them off here's where it was let's clean that up real quick okay we're good good enough man they really got me they wanted to come in they heard me talking about pie in the windowsill and they came looking all right so create little layers um so I didn't build walls I just built a little fence up here so this could be like a nice little entryway um yeah a little mud room area and then we can have a little maybe this is a drop-in kitchen and there's a little dining area don't quite know this could be the living room area and can find another purpose for for that over there but just by adding like this little it's just like a one meter down and you'll notice the staircase actually goes into the ground there I'm not going down a full length of the staircase um you don't have to abide by any of these rules you make your own rules so this is like a partial partial drop um and I think it just kind of creates a it creates the visual separation that this is its own space and then this is its own space and it even has its own little entrance with the door right here all right that covers the bottom level let's just go upstairs and see what I did temporarily mostly just wanted to give us our nice little cozy little bedroom and after we did this little thing by raising the roof here it really created this awesome opportunity with this space where you have like this cozy little Nook and I just decided to toss in our big bed a little raised bed simple little technique you can do if you want to add a little bit of flare Pizzazz to your sleeping situation just raise it up by one meter create a little platform toss your bed up on it and then you can just build a little staircase to get up to it something fun that I saw other builders do and I stole it no shame no shame in borrowing techniques that's we're all inspired by each other and that's that's the whole point of this um yeah and then this was this was something I came up with myself it was just a little sconce create a little lamp just cover them with item stands let me show you how to do that real quick if you are so interested because there's just a simple little technique to it in order to get it actually looking nice you can put the first one as close as you want now the problem is the second one you have to build off of it just to give you the base and you want the right edge of this to be kind of flat with this but now you notice that will look a little wonky it's going to go too far to the left so then you right over that you take one and you line it up with the edge of the first beaming place now you can delete that second one that's just a placeholder and then you can slide in the last one and it kind of looks much cleaner and it's not so close that the flame doesn't burn out got a nice little lampshade little dressers pretend these are drawer handles and a little little bottle of water by your bed built a second Hearth up here something you can always do with your big Stone chimneys as long as you have I think it's just like four or five meters of space between hearths that's plenty for the smoke to go up and they don't burn out they don't choke out so you're good to go there so I got a fireplace downstairs I got a fireplace upstairs and then over here I just this monstrosity is my my forever attempt at making bunk beds it's got a four bed situation here not too easy to walk in under here but nice little cozy space for the children and a space up top kind of looks starts to look like a spaceship but honestly there's and I created a balcony here to kind of continue to create that open feel and you get to look and experience out that front window totally don't have to do that and in fact I kind of think as I'm looking at this I probably would opt to you know go with something more like closing this off completely I'd probably want that to be its own room and for this to kind of be its own room as well sealed off nice and clean or maybe I'd go from here here on over that'd probably make more sense yeah that'd make much more sense anyway just kind of divide up the space in a fun little organic manner um and that's what really creates turns your house into a home and that concludes level nine let's move on to level 10. [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] yes [Music] foreign [Music] guys I'm not quite sure what to say if you're thinking at this point what the hell Homa too how is build 10 more buildings a step two improving your house um I get it all I can say is I honestly did not plan for this to happen I just was not in my notes let's just build a whole farm and a couple windmills and a barn and a whole world around our house that wasn't my intention at all so if you hear me laughing it's because I'm as surprised as you are um This truly it became a build it became a full build in its own right and it's clear to me now that we are I don't know where we are in the overall video editing after this all gets edited and put together but I think we're approaching if not have exceeded the one hour mark there's a lot for me to go over here so it's clear to me now that I'm probably going to be making a part two where I will cover all of the the fun little things I did here in my Landscaping I took our Victorian house that we built and I kind of turned it into a Victorian farmstead and I'm just walking around to here as I talk now but um I'm not going to go over any of this again I'm Gonna Leave This I'm gonna do dirty I'm going to leave this as a cliffhanger if you want to hear me talk about the making of this what exactly happened for the last three days of my life um where one thing led to another one idea after another just kept kind of piling on and then this all transformed into what it became well you're gonna have to wait and click on part two when I release that but yeah as far as the tips that I intended to the advice that I intended to go along with the Landscaping tip is simply to illustrate the awesome effect you can achieve um when you treat the design of the landscape around your house with the same care and passion that you you apply to your house itself you know you have the house itself you have the interior and then you have the space around the house and um what you do with the space around the house can like do more to make this a part of the world in a natural part of the world at that than anything else and like it really brings the build to life as I'm I'm so pleased with how this came out like I'm just kind of I love this is my favorite part where you just get to bask in your creation and enjoy everything that's going on here um well or farm and the windmills over there I got my barn and go pet our attain bore um yeah so that's that's the key takeaway just uh uh work on your landscape with care and you know just try to do stuff to the outside of your house and add stuff add a little clutter add little barrels um yeah but again we'll go through if you want to see more details about this watch part two um other than that the only other like broad Strokes tip that I will leave you with at the end of this video is for much of my uh 10-step transformation tutorial you see me working over here on huge swaths of flat land and I do that because you know I'm copy and pasting houses essentially and it's very it's much much easier to just build a house that's on flat land and then to copy and paste there than it would be to build a house that's built on a hill and then having to like terraform the land exactly in the same style Hill in order for the house to fit on it um but I don't I'm really glad that this turned out the way it did because I can show you the how how useful it is to actually not just flatten everything all the time work with the lay of the land a little bit like if you got a little bit of a hill or a plateau then build little tiered structures on it don't worry about flattening everything have the hill over there um use the levels to kind of build your paths up steps and like make little turns and curves and go with it build your walls up around it like the ground up here is higher than it is down there so built a little wall that goes up and around it and that can make everything just look a lot more natural and a part of the natural world it looks really cool even right here you got like a little slope right here the ground is slightly sloped it's not perfectly flat so yeah that is it I will leave you guys with that thank you guys so much for watching and like anybody who sticks to the end and gets to bask in like the glory of this Insanity with me at the end I truly appreciate it um it still boggles my mind like I these videos end up on being so ridiculously long I don't know how I'm able to talk for this long about it but ah the editing process is its own beast and I swear I try to cut it down as much as I can but I like I wanna I I make I try to make it accessible where you can fast forward as much as you want um it's got the little chapters in there or if for people who want the detail um I try to provide that detail and um to anybody who's here at this stage of the video listening thank you thank you so much I really appreciate it um yeah and see you guys next time take care
Channel: Homitu
Views: 14,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, valheim build, gaming, survival games, valheim guide, Minecraft, Ark Survival, 10 Tips, Tips, Valheim Tips, Homitu, mistlands, valheim mistlands, meadows, valheim meadows, valheim basic wood, starter house, valheim starter house, valheim building tips, How to valheim, valheim how to, Victorian House, 10 Steps, 10 step build, Build transformation Valheim, Victorian Architecture, Valheim Plains, Plains build, SmittySurvival, Versaugh, TheBasicBuilder, TheFriendlyGAmer
Id: ycp1EM96g98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 16sec (4516 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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