Valheim Let's Play Episode 1

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recently valheim released its newest biome the ashlands this has brought a ton of new weapons building materials enemies and more it has been great fun exploring the previous six biomes each with its own boss to defeat but now seems like a great time to start a new playthrough and explore all seven biomes and defeat their bosses this series will focus on exploring combat and building welcome to valheim now rather than doing this on my own I've decided to do this playthrough on kaisen Heim my valheim server that you guys can join through my patreon the link to that is in the description I did a stream of the launch if you want to see the full thing but basically we took some group photos and had some fun together before heading off to our Villages there are three villages around a shopping district we have the beachfront Boardwalk the Riverview Terraces and Duck Pond Cresent which is where I got started and it even has Ducks incidentally no mods are needed to play on the server we do all this in vanilla including removing the 10 player limit and the server can we join from Xbox as well as PC of course so we all get a plot in one Village and I decided to build this starter house on my plot other people built some different things though so let's take a look at these and bear in mind the server at this point has only been running for a couple of days so everything is a bit new and some things might not be finished now I don't have time to show you all the builds that have been done on This Server so far because there are so many people on here who have done so much work but let's take a look at a few of them just to give you a flavor of what to expect on This Server so starting with my neighbor Joel Vanos who is here right now doing some sort of Chimney additions there or roof repairs or something like that and yeah he's my neighbor see this is him right here and that's me right there so it's pretty cool the only thing is living next door to this guy he's putting me to Shang he's done an awesome build as you guys can see here and the inside of this build is very nice you got the storage up there to save space a lovely cooking area over here there's also he's got a forge set up already which is awesome but I really like these here these torches that are in the windows very cool indeed if we head to the outside there's this dark area right here and there's a lot of functionality to this because we've got the fermented there there's the bees of course you can see and around the side as we saw before but we got the charcoal kill and the smelters and stuff so yeah big shout out to javanas he's made a really good start here as you can see now over at the duck pond itself you can see loads of people here have started some awesome looking builds and this is why I main need to dedicate a video just to the start Town builds people have done because there really is so much going on here heading over to the Riverview Terraces you can see some people here have been very busy indeed and again several of them that have all done these wonderful builds in this little starting village now this one here is built by Gabriella and is very eye-catching indeed we're going to take a closer look just to explain the raspberry and blueberry bushes though I did say there's no mods on this server and that's true no one has to install any mods to join and you get full functionality of all of our player shops and stuff like that however we do allow certain mods and one of them is plant everything mod which allows you to plant blueberry and raspberry bushes we do that because there are so many people that join the server it makes sense to make these a farmable item for those who need it so we have this really nice welcome sign right here and it creates obviously a lovely entrance to Gabriella's house I like the resource storages here that have been piled up outside as well The Chopping Act stuff there looking very cool indeed inside it's really nicely decorated with the cooking area that we have just here as well as a little table with a mushroom on it just for good measure and some really nice views there uh obviously making the most of that River View of course up on the top floor I quite like what's been done here with the stairs this is something I might steal in the future and we got the nice bed here centered with the window again with that lovely River View and of course we have the garden areas which you can see a little bit better from this aerial view up here and the chimney and stuff like that so a wonderful start there from Gabriella and as I say she is not the only one that has made a wonderful start here in River so there's so much going on as you can see all these different houses here and inantly this is how the plots start out guys so everyone gets a plot like this they're all the same size although some people have expanded and we try and let people you know be a bit creative if they want to do some extra building and stuff like that but we do have several plots that are available for any new people who join and this will grow over time and so we'll have to do some videos over time as well showing all the updates and stuff now last but not least we have the beach front Boardwalk our third Village and uh we as you can see basically everyone's built here along the front thus the beach front Boardwalk name now long time guys High member iron suits has built this one and iron likes to be functional but he has made it look good too you can see he's made the very most of the space he's got available created a ton of workstation areas here we got the beehives going on if we head inside you'll see there is cooking and forges and all this sort of stuff even up to the level of having the cauldon upgraded iron likes to get ahead of the game and then upstairs here we have some organized storage as well as the fermentor which looks like it's ready iron you want to get onto that and what is this monstrosity everything was going so well and then I just see this as I say iron likes to make the most of the space available to him there is a great example of that but everything is nicely upgraded and a very functional starter house shall we say now one nice thing that we're able to do on kaisen Heim is if you join us your kids are allowed to play for free cuz I never want money to be a reason that your children could not play valheim with you cuz that would be awful and a good example of this is kiddo who is Tiny's child who plays on the server with her and uh builds some awesome stuff and this is kiddo's starter house so heading inside we got this lovely bed area right here and it has a great view I mean how much would you like this bed in real life with a view like that it would be awesome and there's the more functional areas of the base as well like the fire pit down there with a really nice chimney that goes right the way up through the whole house so as you can see each town has buildings in various different stages and once the towns are all developed I think that's going to be a great time to do a video on all of these but this is how we get started you've seen where I've got started now of course I need to move on and actually get started on my actual main base area now that I have a house it was time to head to my claim everyone on the server gets to claim an area of their choice to build their base I chose here because it's near a black forest to get me started now I just have to get there so I made up my favorite valheim speedboat and set sail actually I did wait for the storm to pass first in the hopes of not having to bump into a serpent I'm sure I'll be there in no time 6 hours later upon arriving I started to set up a base and even managed to trap a couple of boore for taming and breeding however the next day whilst exploring the Black Forest I realized something this black forest has no burial Chambers and no Copper at all living here would therefore be pointless so I had to move again this time I did better research and chose this awesome Peninsula rather than another speedboat trip I decided to just run down the coast to my new home and before long I had arrived now that I'm here on my little Peninsula I've got myself a bit of a starter base set up and this is literally just somewhere to set my spawn point once I build a bed in there and do some cooking crafting all that sort of stuff I've also managed to trap two new BS they are not yet tamed but as you can see by those little yellow Hearts there the process is underway now what I think I want to do is actually go on a bit of a wood cutting Mission and there's a couple of reasons for that first of all we are going to need need a lot of wood so it sort of makes sense that we would cut down a lot of the trees here so we can go doing a lot of buildings I would like to do a lot of building and get a much better base set up and stuff like that the other thing is it will clear a bit of the land and we can then start planning our base a little bit better I always find that once all the trees are gone and we can see like where the flat areas are and the Not So flat areas and stuff like that it just makes life a lot easier then to plan ahead of bit obviously like we do need to get into doing stuff as well like the black forest and starting to get better materials and things like that um so it'll be a bit of a process probably like a a little bit of wood cutting and black forest stuff interlace with one another now eventually I want to get to a point where I've got a decent bow and portal materials so I can make a portal between my base here and the stter Town Base that I built and at that point I can get all my materials transferred across on top of that we can then give our house to somebody else who may want that um as if that didn't kill the deer by the way that would kill it that one shot um all right we're going to go after this one I mean one of the good things about being on a peninsula is there somewhat trapped unless they run out into the main land that's over there so if I go on the map a second you can see here like I'm thinking long term we could build a wall across here and kind of block ourselves off and then we've basically got an island this here is water that goes around just I haven't quite explored enough to show that yet um but then this here like connects up to like a big land mass and stuff like that um and if we scroll right out you can see that this land mass here isn't too far away from the spawn land mass so it should be easy to get to and from different places and that's one thing I wanted to have as part of this server obviously we can use portals but sometimes it's fun to sail or you just need to sail or whatever so now we'll have the choice I spent many many hours chopping but I managed to collect all of this wood we have weather damage turned off so it can live here safely for now I also added storage and comfort to my base as well as managing to breed a few ball it was a good start but we need to Adventure further the next thing I want to do is get myself a bit of better armor made up so we're not able to make any capes just yet because I need to get some bones for that but we can make up some other stuff including some troll armor so I think what we'll do go for the troll tunic and also the troll trousers right here and then we'll make up a leather helmet and this is just so that we're a little bit better geared with better and stuff of course so that when we go into the black forest which is going be the next thing to do we actually have a chance of doing that without dying too much now on the world map that we have I can tell that if I open up my map right here there's a black forest like roughly if I put a dot about there it's not too far away from the end of here we can just kind of sail down to it but it isn't going to be swimmable so that does mean I have to make another raft Journey now what I'm hoping to do is set sail from here get down to the black forest and get myself a bit of stuff that I need to start producing Metals so that's things like like certain Coes and we can get some Stone as well we've got the pickaxe on us so that's not too difficult to do we'll also need to get some copper and some tin so we actually have stuff that we can smell up and that way we can make a better boat in the future for these trips using the C also once we've got the bronze axe we can get the finewood we got a lot of finewood trees around here several of them I've knocked down by cutting down the other trees and I could do the roll method but honestly it just takes so long that I think I'm better doing it this way but then we can get some portal set up as well so the basic General start to the black Forest so I'm going to place a crafting bench down just here like that and there's where we got to get to basically that Island over there you can kind of just see in the distance I'll zoom in when I'm eding there are some black forest trees around there so let's go ahead now and make up the raft here and it is going to be nighttime soon but honestly if we can't make that little trip then I'm going to be pretty disappointed so hopefully we're going to be okay potentially I should have got some better food for health but we're just going to prioritize stamina and hope for the best so hold on there we go I'm on the boat and yes we're away we actually have the wind behind us there we go it's a good omen at least starting out here it's funny because I never usually use rafts in valheim cuz I just dislike them and I don't find them necessary because you can rather quickly get to a carve when you're playing in a single player world but given that I'm sharing this world with so many people I've had to go a bit further a field to go to a black forest that isn't going to be explored as I'm saying that I'm just noticing is that someone else's raft up there might well be yeah it is so maybe this has been explored okay this might not work out as well as we'd hope we'll just have to go and have a look around we'll find out together we do uh dungeon resets on the server over those so there's always going to be opportunities for us to go and get stuff in the future and we also do things like competitions where we give away prizes and stuff so that it kind of balances out we've turned up the resource uh spawn rate as well for the starting weekend and the couple weeks thereafter to get us off to a good start so there are ways that we kind of manage this on the server but we'll just have to see how we go uh now what I need to do then is let's mark where this raft is going to be so it's be about there so I know how to get back to it when I'm done at the black forest and we'll see what we can carry and uh obviously how much we can get keep you guys posted along the way okay so we do have a skeleton here it is a onear skeleton uh but this could be good cuz this could signify that there is a burial chamber nearby usually where there's a skeleton there is a baral chamber so that's something um and I'm going to get myself killed if I'm not too careful so yeah we just need to try and uh kill this guy I think I can block his attacks let's try that and see yeah no I guess not okay we have to be careful here luckily the skeletons attack really slow so we can just give them a big hit that's one thing I do like about the skeletons in this game even the onear ones if just a little bit patient you just go like that and get them and also we got ourselves some bones which is great these are not our first bones in the game I did have some before but they are the first bones we're going to have over our new base which is important cuz obviously that's where everything is now this guy was around here and I can hear a crow so I'm just wondering yeah there's literally right here there's Barrel chamber okay that's awesome um so okay and there's a lot of other things here too all right we have to be careful how we're going to do this then so arrows don't work the best on skeletons but when there's this many uh I think it might be an idea to just try and take a few down here from a bit further away a stag breaker would have been a great thing to have brought with me uh but it's a little bit too late for that right now so let's see if we can take down this horde and then we do have at least a barrel chamber to explore once we get to that point it looks like the grfs over there might be taking care of the skeletons for me but that means that we're going to have to take care of the gror being in here at night honestly wasn't the best idea it also wasn't something I planned as such I just tried to sort of get on with doing what I needed to do here but yeah these guys might prove tricky so I think again we're going to range them that AR might be a good idea um but yeah I'm just trying to take down this horde of mobs so we can get into our chamber over there hopefully this is going to be worth it we don't get in there and it's just been explored or there's like no cause in there or something okay on the plus side we are getting a ton of drops here from all these mobs that have just kind of killed each other I think these skeletons and a ton of Ros all had a bit of a fight together so what with that and the ones I'm killing we are getting loads of free drops here which is something but also it's taking up a lot of my carry away and we kind of need that for other things we'll see how we go but I think we are now just about able to get into to this burial chamber just pick up these last few things here and head inside uh yeah you know what let's probably deal with this guy first and you know what probably best way to do this is to do the special knife attack if we can time it right just get him near us uh yeah that wasn't right uh let's get out of here okay using my bow instead probably a better way to do things and there we go he's gone and we'll get the drops from him as well oh and we got an ancient seed which is good we are going to need that later my goodness there is another grade off and it's a one star I have to say I'm really enjoying using the knife against them we' we've just got this one right here our Flint lifee which is like fully upgraded it's level three or whatever uh yeah level three for now I'm just going to leave that gr off and get in here and see what we can do but yeah this is a new thing I've been doing against them and I have to say it works quite well okay this is a good sign it looks like not too much has been done here so that's good uh now one thing I'd like to do is make up a campfire and see if we can get our rested buff because we uh we could really do with that I don't have that right now and the skeletons can get up here now I forgot that okay yep um that's a new thing so it used to be safe on that ledge we are no longer safe on this ledge I totally forgot that um yeah that's going to be a bad hit but then okay he's gone okay let's sit down again and try rested buff yeah I totally forgot that this used to be the little ledge of safety the OG valim players will know what I'm talking about with that and we used to use it all the time uh but now the mobs can get up here so it's a little bit different uh pick up those bones while I'm sat here and can I have my rested buff please okay there we go so we got 10 minutes rest of buff now that's pretty good better take this fire down cuz I think otherwise we're going to get smoked now have the best weapons and stuff like that as I say and this is really foggy I'll try and uh let's see go here where it's a bit more light let's go around and see what we can find we've done a third of this chamber that side right there and there was nothing so that's not great let's go through the next bit hopefully we get a bit luckier this time oh we have our first setting core there we go and we got we get two out of that yes we did okay that's awesome so this is where we get those extra resources because they're turned up at the moment the drop rate is turned up for the server with the launch only just having happen so that's actually really useful at least we get the extra drops let's hopefully get a few more more of those whilst we're in here 2/3 of the dungeon done and so far we have just two cing cores and that was obviously just one core that we found but we got two from it so it's not been the best tool we are getting a ton of yellow mushrooms and I guess they'll have their uses later on but we're really hoping to find some more loot here okay let's try and let these skeletons through this door one at a time maybe come on when you come through uh I want to fight you one at a time rather than two there we go this is the way to do it then I just lure him out into here let him take big swings at me and go and get a big few hits on him like that and there we go so even the knife like it's not great against them but with being slow it's actually quite doable we'd have rather had a club and I should have brought a club should definitely have brought a stag breaker as well that makes life so much easier but uh this is not too bad all righty that is the first burial chamber done and it was not the best loot as you guys can see right here yeah we didn't get tons from that one so now we have to venture back out into the black forest and it is night time of course and try once again to find another burial chamber we're also looking out for other useful things like copper and tin and stuff like that although we might wait for daytime to actually do the mining some tin right here actually uh but yeah mostly just exploring at this point looks like a good amount of oh I was about to say should be a new day soon like a good amount of times past and there we go and day 15 154 that's cuz this server has been pretty much running constantly for the first few days that it's been open uh cuz people just play on here all the time we got all different time zones and stuff so yeah things progress quite quickly on here now I just found some carrot seeds so that's pretty awesome they're always very useful to have and I think I'm going to have to Raft back home soon the raft ride really is short so I think it's worth doing and what we're going to do is go home get rid of all the stuff we've we've got on us I should probably mark this Barrel chamber actually because as I say they do get reset on the server every now and again so when that resets we can come back and get you know another core or two from there nothing too special but I guess it all adds up I should mention that I got my pickaxe not by killing Ika I was about to but skull Kitty missed my message and went ahead and killed Ika without me so she was good enough to give me one of her antlers that she got from the fight and that's how I made up my pickaxe so one of the good things about being on the server obviously we can like trade and share things and stuff like that I may need to do like myself at some point though uh just to get that kill partly because it's kind of fun to do and also the drops would be quite useful too I feel sure there will be at least one more burial chamber in this black forest it seems like it's quite large but while I'm here I did want to get some copper and Tin the opportunity arose so I thought I'd just as well do that obviously this is a good progression for a lot of reasons but right now the thing I'm most excited about is to be able to upgrade my boat and hopefully never have to use the raft again now one thing I forgot to do which is something we do just kind of as an etiquette thing on the server is I need to place this down there we go there and uh put a little cross outside here we go one of these this just signifies that I've actually done this barial chamber if someone else turns up and also when the admins go around and start to reset the chambers it makes their life a lot easier when they know which ones have been done so I think that's what I'm supposed to do it's actually my first time doing this uh so yeah I might need to check that with an admin we are here back in the Black Forest as you can see um I did a bit of copper and tin mining which was good but of course until I get some more certain cores there's really nothing I can do with it cuz I need to be able to to actually smelt the stuff down and uh and hopefully make up some portals too so we're looking for the next burial chamber I think there's at least one more in this area I'll keep you updated as we go and hopefully we'll get at least three cores that's what I need three cing cores out the next one and I'll be happy all right guys here we go there is another burial chamber here uh and yes there are skeletons nearby so that is a good sign because it means that potentially this has not been explored yet by someone else on the server so we'll take care of these skeletons and Gros and stuff like that and then we'll head on in actually they seem pretty preoccupied with each other so we're just going to oh wait there's another one okay I'll take care of this one then we'll go and we'll just come and kind of clean up this fight right here we got a couple of easy shots to get those kills and there we go all right heading inside now and hoping this one has not been explored let's find out so what I think I'll do is pretty much just kind of Adventure through this one and give you guys an update right at the end cuz we've already got some footage in this episode of me doing this and we'll see how much we actually managed to get uh during our adventure here as you can see it's night time so I need to move kind of quickly here and I want to put the cross up and take a little picture of it to make sure with one of the admins on the server I'm doing this the right way I mean I guess it kind of makes the Point anyway but let's get a screenshot of that however I have to say I absolutely could not be happier with the loot that I got from there now particularly what we're focusing on is the cing cause and as you can see right there there's a skeleton that's not what I was trying to show you hold on let me deal with this guy yeah okay so in my inventory you can see we got 16 cing CES from that one burial chamber now I want to remind everybody at this time that we do have resources turned up to 1.5 times for the first couple weeks that the server has launched and we are of course still within that period uh now I think what happens with that is for each certain core we get two two every time I think the 1.5 just rounds up and gives us two for that so that's pretty good uh even so that would still be eight certain calls in one barrel chamber so it's a pretty decent chamber nonetheless and not oh actually I need to mark this on the map as well and this wasn't something I planned out I didn't like know I knew there were Barrel Chambers here but I didn't know how good they were inside before choosing my base location so I actually got pretty lucky with that now as it's night time my only plan right now is to run back through this Forest I might stop for things like blueberries along the way but we want to get back to our raft and back to our base so we can start you know proc assessing the metals and stuff like that I do always Mark the blueberries on the map CU we're going to need them throughout the game but basically this is just an escape Mission at this point I then decided to clear and flatten a little area so that I could build my smelter and my charcoal furnace in doing so I was of course able to make my own coal and then smelt down my own Metals which is a really nice progression I have now managed to smelt up some materials and you can see everything here I'm just bringing this out in a bit of a weird order because these materials here that I've just grabbed these are the ones that we need to make up a forge now obviously uh the forge is the first thing that we need to do before we can make anything else and I built a little area for it right here so there we go and as you can see we've unlocked a ton of new things we can make if we look in the Forge right now you'll see that there's not a lot we can make just yet because the first thing we have to do of course is make some bronze so we're going to grab our materials out to do that as that's really the only step at this stage so let's go ahead and make up our first bit of bronze and enter the Bronze Age here in geisenheim there we go look at all those new recipes wow that's so good so we've made up all the bronze that we can and now we can see you know what's available to us at this stage so uh I mean it's it's not a lot of bronze that's the issue so we might need to do some more here we can make up these bronze nails and obviously we get 20 each time so I think to make the carve oh it's not unlocked yet okay I think we're going to need fine wood then before we unlock that recipe uh let's make the nails up anyway I don't think the nails are going to unlock it though um but they're going to have other uses anyway so yeah the nails haven't unlocked the car it's going to be fine wood so actually what we're going to need then is to make up a bronze axe first of all that'll be the the thing we need to do so we can get the finewood from all the trees that we've got around here the birch trees and there are quite a few of them in in this area so yeah the bronze ax uh eight bronze required for that so yeah we don't currently have enough of that we're going to need to get some more in which case we're going to need 10 copper and also five tin now we have the five tin right here but we're going to need of course to get the 10 copper so that's going to be something we're going to work on as you can see it's raining here on kaisen Heim but that is not going to dampen my spirits because we're able to make a bronze Axe and I always think this is a really nice progression point in the game I don't if you guys have that just little moments that you feel like you've taken a significant step forwards for me having this is definitely one of them because obviously it unlocks the ability to get finewood very easily and that's the first thing I need to do because I've made a bit of a mistake quite a silly mistake and uh as it turns out well basically I've been planning for things in the wrong way but let me get some fine wood so I can actually explain this properly the mistake I've made is that I actually don't need to make up a carve so what we're going to do we're going to make a portal right here so let's just get that turn around the right way and I guess I'll just call this like kbf for kaen Black Forest there we go that won't connect up to anything just yet of course but what we're going to need to do is one final raft adventure and well you know I say that actually I keep saying that and then we end up having to do an extra one so maybe we'll see but we need to go to our raft incidentally that is not my raft over there I made that mistake earlier and I stole it sailed it almost out the harbor and then bumped into my raft and I did return it so I want proof of that don't want to be accused of stealing rafts on my own server that would not be good but what we're going to do is make a portal up over near our black forest area where we've got all the copper that we've been mining because portals on This Server are set to Casual mode so the reason we do that is there's a lot of players on here obviously and people all have different ways they like to play so for the people that like to portal the materials and you maybe don't have the time that it takes to just have to boat everything around all the time they can use the portals to teleport metals and I'm going to be one of those lazy people I'm going to join in if it's available to me I figure why not so we're going to make these portals and then that will be a really quick way for us to get a lot more metal which is going to be really nice so wish me luck on this evening's Journey on the raft we're only going over to there so the chance of a serpent spawning in that short distance is well I don't want to jinx myself I think it's pretty low we are here in the Black Forest where I'm trying to build up the uh portal and stuff like that it is a little tricky cuz it's night time we got a lot of mobs around here but we're just about doing it so kbf and that's going to be built while that's thinking about connecting up we're going to build this steak wall around it obviously we do need to protect it from all the Gros and things like that cuz they will attack it and also give ourselves a bit of protection every time we pull through so we're not just going to get swamped every time um oh and another gr off over here so we had like a onear shaman which got me quite low the grade offs are a little bit of a pain they're not too bad really enjoying using the knife that's for sure and I'd like to upgrade that knife as soon as I can and I don't know if I'm going to bother with a copper knife or whatever but I want to get to the uh is the Abyssal razor knife that one I think is pretty strong so we're going to look to do that but this should be really good because this is almost built right now and there we go it's all protected I got a copper deposit here which I've been working on it's almost gone but then there's a fresh one just over here and I'm sure there'll be more around plus of course we can move the portals each time so if we go back through here right now this should obviously work CU we have nothing on us then I'm going to grab some metal though while I'm at my base and just double check this definitely works so in my chest here I've got a load of different metals and it doesn't really matter oh in fact look at that yeah they don't have the teleportation symbol them ah okay so yeah normally these Metals would have the symbol that says you can't be teleported but because we are playing in casual mode I think it'll be fine so let's see we got this copper and this bronze on us and yeah we're going through here no problems okay that's pretty cool so I didn't need the carve uh but the progression is still kind of the same I was working towards the bronze axe to get the finewood so we would have done that anyway but this is going to enable me now to get a ton of metal and get it back to our base very quickly which is really going to speed up our progression and give us a lot more options in the game now the final thing I want to do before I go back to the black forest obviously just portaling back and uh you know getting a load more of the metal obviously we want to get our rested buff up something I needs to do a lot more in the game so I'm going to do that and I thought while I was in here that I could I was like what is this in my bed we have a troll fish in the bed hey look at that we got a new recipe out of that there it is the troll fish um weight of eight quality of four look at that that's that's a good C troll fish I you know I did a fishing guide and I feel like since I made that I have no idea how you even catch these so I don't know how someone's got one this early in fact how do they even put that is there an item stand in here as well kind of want the uh the what's it called from it the the bronze nails and stuff there must be an item stand here right there was just a troll fish in my base okay well thank you whoever did that I'm going to go put that in my food chest I'm going to I'm going to take that uh I I realized you're just trying to troll me and that was quite funny but I'm actually going to use that up thank you for that um but yeah so we're going to get our rested buff up uh this is something I want to work on as well because in the uh Furniture section we've unlocked some things now like banners and stuff like that to uh make this better but I want a better house and stuff too however I feel like this is a really good spot to end this episode we just started now with our black forest Adventures where we're going to be getting a lot more metals and stuff like that and progressing through so I hope you guys have enjoyed this video again if you want to join the server there's a link in the description for that uh this is probably going to be quite a chill series of just playing valheim I'm really enjoying sort of just playing it so hopefully you guys are cool with that but give me any feedback down in the comments and for now I just want to say thank you so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you guys in the next one
Channel: Kysen
Views: 14,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, valheim letsplay, valheim let's play, episode 1
Id: 8VRkNy7WhiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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