I Spent 100 Days in Valheim, as a Complete Beginner and This Is What Happened

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today I am going to be spending 100 days in valheim but here's the thing I am a complete Noob a complete new player that has never played valheim before and from what I heard this game can be pretty brutal so the question is how far can a complete new player make it in 100 days in valheim well let's find [Music] out meet our protagonist Ace who is about to go on a journey to learn more about this world called valheim and a world that will eat and spit you back out if you don't learn to adapt let's uh let's explore see what we can find o mushrooms I'll take it a torch okay how do I use it okay so I'm over here okay you found a snack consume it to improve your health and sta okay okay wait one off a torch hey I can punch can kick can I block H new material wood Club think I'm getting it hey oh what is this hey you friend or fo uh okay well here we go guess he's not a friend oh there we go I killed him new material okay let's see uh is there anything over here this game this game looks kind of pretty you know pretty a pretty looking game hey oh oh okay all right oh he's still alive he is still alive okay and there we go Stone pick up okay found some Stone the bo hey get back here oh and now I'm already dead okay uh that boar uh kicked my ass okay voila okay item oh the board is back okay I see oh he's still there hey [Music] relax all right he just oh he exploded wow okay well I'm not a boar hey better watch out those bores are tough can I oh wow I can actually hit it with my fist okay what is that hey is it a frog or oh okay well you know what I'm going to kill you all right that was easy enough got some boore meat some boore trophy Stone what can I make Club let's make a club all right I got a club I got a weapon now oh I can hold two of them at the same time now I should be able to fight back come back come here that D is pretty quick hey oh I just killed the crow this club is pretty good uh more hey kind of low on HP here don't think about it okay okay this game is uh a little bit harder than it looks get my stuff hey let me pick up my stuff first then we will fight this is for last time oh wait a minute campfire oh need stones okay I can make a cooking station what else can I make furnace Furniture well we need some uh Stones let's find some Stones you know this game is actually pretty you know kind of a uh beautiful looking game wow I could go in here wow oh chest hey oo okay take all oh hey hey I need my club for you I go over here yep I can swim but um oh wait a minute never mind I think I might die if I try to swim out of here guess we uh oh wow this is a very big map this place is huge wow okay this is how you get wood okay good to know I guess I should find a place to uh settle down somewhere so what would be a good location to settle down I wonder is there is there anything in here there's nothing in here okay it is a shelter but uh h i wonder let's keep looking Sunrise wow raspberries nice okay I will take it stay still come on don't run come on let's make make this easy please don't run I can't catch up hey okay well see can I make a uh Stone axe yes I can okay H can I uh oh I can well there we go got some logs nice all right some got some seeds Okay getting logs is uh lot of work you know look who it is you want to fight let's go you two let's go can I jump come on black forest oh ow hey relax what are these things oh these things are tough okay wow okay okay yep I'm going to leave they can't follow me in the water right oh they can definitely hit me in the water okay I'm leaving okay they they can go in the water okay I see mind me crew I'm going to see what you okay well never mind you're still on me okay oh wow they're okay they were very quick can't talk right now crew I got to go oh my God okay we got to go we got to run they don't leave they do not leave okay I see can't talk right now Crow I got to go okay I'm dying this is was a bad idea and I'm dead we got to build quick definitely we'll need a bed well looks like I'm poison now that's not good let's build around here here before I die again build ride around here seems like a good area to build put this down here make a uh workbench over here crafting station needs a roof what really I need a roof you need to have a lead fire under the cooking station okay well that doesn't work so I need a roof okay wooden floor well missing oh I need more wood okay [Music] well uh be one big house oh I need more logs back to [Music] work you know what this has to do for now this is good enough for now how would we make a roof this will this work see okay well you know that's to do for now oh yep I'm going to need more logs once again how do I get out of here I should have made a door I did not make a door so how do I leave let's make a door oh I don't have any wood that's right I need more logs good thing we have a tree right in here you know what let's make a campfire right over here right here okay all right let's make that door put it right over here oh there we go I can use it nice what can I upgrade so I can upgrade my stone ax I can upgrade my uh tunic let's upgrade my tunic let's upgrade the stone axe where would I uh oh I can repair my items oh nice uh can I oh okay well oh there we go ladder I can just walk in and walk out okay that is my door can I I can make a hole a farming tool for working the Earth wooden Arrow Flint head Arrow fire arrow oh okay I can make fire arrow hey well I have no idea how to light the fire under the cooking station so no food for now let's make a bed right over here let's make a lint ax and let's make a hoe uhhuh okay I see think I'm doing it okay oh well the house uh you know good enough anyway Let's uh let's do a little bit of exploring see what we can find oh anything in here uh I don't see anything no a boar two of them okay not a problem there we go easy I'm getting a hang of us we should probably uh make our way back I need a fire okay well I'm asleep you are wet okay well how about now is this not a fire or am I uh the rain and the wind I see it is uh the fire can't really start you're wet I know I'm wet oh and I'm going to sleep on fire okay where am I a this a farm this looks like a farm this is like a uh abandoned Farm logs can I take it oh I definely can I can oh and I'm heavy okay I can't really uh hold too much what oh I'm poison I am poison okay well let's get to beehive see if I can get it can I okay well uh wait maybe from the back see I hit it oh yep I can and I'm dying this is not good I might die wait wait okay we're good okay uh let's not do that again what's in here ooh more chest hey I'll take it wow this game is a what is that up there that a uh that thing is huge what is that what am I looking at whatever it is is uh very big see we can find a deer do I really need to hide that is not a deer what is that oh okay well two there's two of them okay well I can't do this they too tough I got to run well there's a boar now okay he's on me let's keep running oh or still on me I don't see him wait oh no never mind they're still on me here we go again what the hell is that that's a skeleton hey okay I should not be here this was a mistake where am I going okay wait no they're still on me got to head back home they are uh there's more of them now okay well I improved my running know what let's fight let's do this okay never mind never mind never mind we're going to leave they do way too many damage way too much damage we got to head back we're still here okay okay got one come on one more yes okay got them make a flint spear a wooden Shield Flint knife what should I make there we go I have a shield now it should uh help me out a lot I can make a uh beehive put the Beehive right over here check bees the bees are happy okay happy bees are good right well I can Parry okay how do I Parry though okay well oh I'm on fire that is a uh not good chest here we go right I'll put it right over here right over here nice come back here come on come on come on don't be like that come on I really do need the hide their hide I got an idea what if I sneak up on him where did he go okay he's gone well come here come here he doesn't see me he does not okay I think he sees me try me you learning a lesson now what is that purple thing what is this oh hey oh ow okay oh there's more wait a minute oh it's a nest so it is a type of spawner I see oh where did he come from oh oh that guy is Big he is huge oh that guy is huge what the hell well I got my stuff back that's good let's get the hell out of here oh I don't think I can fight These Guys these guys are tough let's see uh can I take a hit okay I can stay back oh okay okay we got to go we cannot fight there's no way I'm finding four of them stay back come on there we go dear okay I got to be quiet got to sneak up I got to sneak very slowly okay he does not see me he doesn't hear me okay then we get him there we go and we got some deer hide nice but I am going to need more Mak it nice and slow does not see me he has no idea that I'm here not a clue still does not see me he uh does not see me from the back okay oh okay never mind that didn't work we got a runner now and I really need a bow I definitely really need a bow and there he goes he's gone he definitely sees me get back here come on get what remains okay should come in handy got some bone fragment which I will definitely need keep looking around see what we can find another beehive and uh let's get it come on come on how do I uh okay I think I should uh leave now I don't want to die don't think they see me to be quiet they definitely don't see me and then I whack okay I'm not going to catch him there's no way I'm going to catch him it's too quick now valheim is a very big world but a world this big means there are resources to be found but when they are resources to be discovered they are monsters lurking in the shadows what what is going on over here okay that should be enough for now oh stay back hey okay uh oh okay well here comes the boar wait the boar and the skeleton are fighting oh what oh W okay wow this is this is this was a uh this is not a good area to be this area is a war zone I got to leave I may I have to [Music] fight okay this is uh this is going to be close Okay okay hey Crow wait this game has Dungeons wow this is uh wow what a surprise you know you know what let's do it what is the worst that can happen you know oh yellow mushroom that's new more yellow mushrooms I'll take it anything in here oh ah hey oh okay these guys are tough ow okay uh oh okay no I forgot I can roll I'm not going to lie I totally forgot I can roll okay this is a bad area B okay got him what do that sound oh oh wow that there's a lot of them wow okay we should leave let's leave oh my God there's a lot of them they're still on me going to pick some raspberries while I run for my life there's a boar I got to watch out wow there's a lot of them we can make it back home should be good still on me of course okay uh here we are let's head inside our house real quick close the door okay we're good home sweet home what does that sound wait the bees oh you no no no not the bees I need that stay back leave the bees alone okay okay how are you doing bees you good bees are happy I mean hey look okay can I uh oh yes I can okay I got to be careful and sneaky hopefully those lizard things don't mess us up there we go oh all right can I make it over there let's see if I can swim over there is there anything over here oh seagull [Music] hey okay nice okay there we go dear okay oh oh never mind he sees me come here oh there we go oh look they're fighting oh he's dead you know what I'm going to kill you then collect the loot you're low he low okay this skeleton is uh pretty tough okay but not Tough Enough For Me Oh there's another one HEI relax okay nice surely uh this is going to be easier than last time no it did not it did not wait do they want the deer or uh oh they want the deer hey I want the there I need him oh I see you [Music] hey let's going again see what happens hopefully this go smoother than last time there only one skeleton okay come out here come on oh wow that hurt that definitely hurt this is not looking good the hell was that where the hell did he come from is he uh hostile friendly or uh oh wait okay never mind that explains it he is not friendly wait he's half Health wait a minute maybe maybe we can take him see if I can take him okay maybe we can take him I don't know this is U might be a bad idea okay he just one shot me bad idea uh let's make a uh a flint knife for now this is really quick this is a really fast weapon let's make a bow see how to use it do I have arrows or no let's see uh I think I have arrows can I pick it up oh nope cannot pick it up let's see let's find something to kill a deare yes stay still oh [Music] okay okay well I have bad aim come back here I got him yes okay [Music] nice o well that didn't work uh okay back in we go again let's see uh you know I can uh clear this dungeon oh that's a skeleton hey what is he doing got him on hit ah you good skeleton what is he doing what is he doing all he's a little bit confused okay uh not too sure what he is doing but um he is cooking something he is definitely cooking something I don't know what's going on here but um okay well I'm not going to lie this is a little bit cheese you know this is a little bit unfair for the skeletons okay got one oh my bow broke just standing in there looking at [Music] me see if there's anything over here door oh hey uh can you not get [Music] in oh oh there's two of them oh no we got to leave where did he come from they cannot come up here they can't jump because you're stupid you're dumb so I'm going to whack whack there we go see anything in here uh nothing oh oh okay going jump up here this is uh kind of cheesy but uh you know I mean I got to do what I got to do if it works it works you know y they're learning they have they seem to be catching on what I'm doing wait that wait that guy has a oh he has an arrow okay okay wait wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute ow okay okay well this is uh not working out uh okay the skeletons uh out smarter than me they're actually pretty smart wow who would have known yeah get him oh nice wow nice wow hey you did good I'm just going to collect the the loot don't mind me oh and pick it up okay relax okay oh wow okay yeah this is a I'm just going to watch and now they are after me okay as our protagonist was busy being trained by the undead in the art of combat it was at this moment he was about to get raided what is going on oh uh okay my home my home is under attack I got to head back yeah uh oh oh wow okay hey okay there's a lot of them wow okay there's another one why are you guys so angry yeah I think we did it that's it all right head back inside sleep for the night look who it is hey how you been see uh I can hit him oh oh maybe I can kill him oh wow okay let's head back okay got him one might take a [Music] [Music] while I can't I can't okay wow get out [Music] close [Music] oh seems to be [Music] [Music] stuck [Music] what you guys coming [Music] from oh my bow was gone oh no my bow broke wow [Music] okay round two baby round two here we [Music] go [Music] [Music] one more there we go there we [Music] go all right oh nice look at these the new loot oh hell yeah let's go see what I can make make this but I need a station level two I have no idea how to make a station level two so uh okay well go to sleep for now with our protagonist having enough adventures with the land he wanted to try something new there we go he wanted to explore the Open Sea there we go how do I use it here we go yeah a little bit slow is there a way to go quicker or uh this is uh kind of slow not going to lie my raft is uh kind of stuck how do I get it unstuck how do I wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] wait I think we're doing it I think we're doing something let's turn around life at Sea is uh not doing great with our protagonist having enough Adventures out at Sea he wanted to go back and keep exploring more of the land also he finally figure out how to upgrade his station pass level two which took longer than it should have what else can I make okay we can finally make some armor which I really really need very bad let's make the troll letter helmet nice and let's make DH High Cape I got some armor that's pretty good good one there we [Music] go there we go okay oh yes this is what I need nice let's make a uh smelter put it uh uh right over [Music] here new material nice okay okay here we go now we have a bore on me this is this seems very familiar I might be able to hide over here see uh oh there's oh my okay never mind there's more close it real quick okay this is not a good place to [Music] me [Music] okay okay got one got a couple okay he's running away wow he's okay well let's see if it works I need another one and there we go got what I needed all right what do I get [Music] okay uh what's going on oh okay so there it is oh wow okay uh oh wow [Music] [Music] okay how you do this [Music] come on there we go all right wasn't too bad okay activate power wow okay nice anular pickaxe oh this is how you mine let's do a little bit of mining wow okay well I um can't pick anything up hey stay back this thing is Big where do I where do I put it uh put it uh where can I put it oh I can put it out here okay uh let's put it right right uh huh right over here oh good okay okay here we here we go troll cave how bad can this cave actually be that's the question oh okay this is very bad I can take him or not [Music] what is going on here oh wow wow there seems to be a war going on here okay they see me they uh wait I'm just going [Music] to just going to interrupt you guys for a second okay let's do this see who it is who am I up against okay that is one big guy oh oh wow wow wow okay that definitely hurt guy is Pretty Tough okay guys pretty tough ain't going to lie ow these guys [Music] hurt where are these guys coming [Music] [Music] from after suffering a painful defeat by Mother Nature our Adventurer realized that he was unprepared undergeared and needed a better plan going into the this fight he decided to regroup for now and work on getting better gear for the time being anything in here no nothing in here anything over here uh no oh okay I'll take the goal what is this ghost uh how do you kill a ghost well with a club right boom Tower Shield let's make it where is he see how this goes he doesn't see me okay well there we go again [Music] at this point things were not looking good for our Adventurer but as the saying goes if you're going through hell you got to keep going let's do [Music] this and horns [Music] a [Music] oh there's a troll okay nice nice nice this what we [Music] needed doesn't see me doesn't see me doesn't hear [Music] me [Music] in here come on follow me [Music] mean this is uh I mean it's working you know I don't want to win like this but I got to do what I got to do you know h o okay well never mind this is oh wow this is bad this is very bad oh my God one [Music] HP [Music] all yes oh my God we did it finally I was that took forever with two boss already down our Adventurer decided it was time to go even farther across the lands than he ever went before to find new resources and new enemies to fight never been here before this is new to me what the hell is [Music] that oh it jumps okay blob it's a blob o hey oh hey what is this okay hey this ni tough okay this guy hits hard okay oh there's another one hey now watch out those guys are pretty tough what the hell okay um we just going to we're going to leave the hell was that that a fish okay back off back off back away what do we have here it's a uh seems like a village I uh did a fly just kill me did I get killed by a fly what all right let's make the forge put it right over here need some copper and Tin let's work on that let's make a bronze ax make this put it over uh here okay nice make Queen Jam let's make it oh nice let's make a make a portal put it over here put the forge cooler ride over here fli this ride there we go what the hell why is there a troll here oh wow okay okay one more one more there we go hey come back I am going to need a d hide oh there we go oh okay uh he's dead there we go ancient tree can I even cut it or uh I can skeleton okay no problem makeing B fire right over [Music] here okay he seems to be stuck where is he going hey come back here couple more there we go all right oh okay okay okay okay oh oh excuse me excuse me day 100 all right we're finally here there's still something I want to do one thing I want to do that is to kill one more boss okay uh here we go okay uh so uh where is he don't oh uh is that him okay that is definitely him here comes the skeleton here comes more guys there's more aha okay wow he hits hard okay and I'm dead already not a single hit okay well this is going to be interesting to say the least okay [Music] well [Music] let's do this uh hello you good sir are you good uh uhuh run run [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] know [Music] [Music] there we go there we we go we did it wow actually did it he's finally dead well that didn't take as long as the last boss but hey we did it you know okay wish can uh find treasures I guess I think it's time to head to bed so with bone mass now out of the way and our Adventurer finally made it to 100 days the story is now coming to a close but even though things are wrapping up the journey is not over just yet all
Channel: Ace
Views: 4,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valheim, 100 days
Id: 8jwlTshTvTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 59sec (3059 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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