Valheim Ashlands is BRUTAL! (First Playthrough 10 hours)

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This is the Ashlands, valheim's newest biome. In this video I'm gonna show you the start of   our journey to try and conquer  this unforgiving place,   along with my initial thoughts and  the things I've learnt so far.   So to give you some background, we'll be  playing on this world that some friends and   I used to spend a fair bit of time on. Over a year ago, we managed to defeat   the Mistlands boss, and then everyone  else immediately stopped playing...   So when I loaded in it was a bit of a  surprise to see I had no equipment and   my skills had been decimated. But then, it all came rushing back to me.   This poor character, BakedNotFried, was the  one that I used in some of my first videos,   and over that time it has  died in so many stupid ways.   I've also destroyed our main base a few  times, but at least I backed up the world   save before doing that, I just wish I  did the same with my own character.   Being too considerate is  defintiely my biggest flaw.   Anyway, I just used lots of the  hard-earnt materials everyone had   spent many hours collecting to get myself an upgraded set   of carapace armour, along with the  second upgrade for the black forge.   For the most part I'd kept myself spoiler free so  I wasn't sure which melee weapons would work well   in Ashlands. I settled on the trusty mistwalker. This gameplay was recorded on the initial public   test version of the Ashlands update, and since  then, some bugs have already been fixed.   I only noticed one visual bug, weird  lines were crossing through terrain that   we'd previously terraformed. On the other  hand, maybe this was intended by the devs.   While waiting for everyone to reunite,  we spent a bit of time familiarising   ourselves with this world and getting  back to doing some of the old chores,   well, actually I sat there and just recorded it,   but don't let that break the immersion. When we were all ready, I picked up the   drop from the mistlands boss, which was no longer  a placeholder, but was now the majestic carapace.   This allowed us to make the artisan press  which was a new upgrade for the artisan table,   which meant we could now craft  ceramic plates. Very exciting.   Crafting these plates unlocked a couple more  things. Firstly, there was the shield core   which was used to make a shield generator. Based on the description, the shield could   protect us from the heat of the Ashlands,  so we were going to bring one with us.   More importantly, we could make a  new boat, and it looked massive.   We needed more fine wood to  build it, so we did the classic   "Chop tree, kill greyling, chop tree". By the time we'd collected enough fine wood,   we were raided by some swamp creatures. By expertly and professionally left   clicking until all the blobs were dead I was sure we ready for the Ashlands....   Before setting off we decided to go to sleep... and I had full confidence in my team.   The next day we set off to the harbour. You might  notice we were all wearing lox and wolf capes.   One new change is that the feather  cape now makes you weak to fire,   so it seemed like wearing it in a place  filled with fire wasn't the greatest idea.   At the port I put down the new dragon  boat and it really did look great...   Taking it for a spin, and it did have a massive  turning circle like you'd probably expect.   We were in the centre of the map and  ashlands is always located in the far south.   So, this was a trip that took us all day... and all night.   The next morning we were deep in the south and we  found our last chance to safely put down a portal   in case something went wrong. We didn't do it.   I should point out the devs made a preperation  guide to make sure you're ready for the Ashlands,   and my idea was that, well, I didn't read it.   I started to regret that decision,  because I was getting worried that the   ashlands werent loading on this world. It felt like we were getting close to   the bottom of the map, and we still  hadn't seen any sign of the place.   That was, until we spotted these  spiky rocks in the distance.   So we'd been welcomed to the  biome by the new Bonemaw serpent   and things just got more rough from there. The sea churned as we approached the rocks,   and I wasn't even sure if we were meant to try  get this massive boat through such small gaps.   Of course, Hugin couldn't wait to tell me all  about this place.... but, we had bigger issues...   We couldn't fit through, so I  backed up a little and tried again   After squeezing through that tight  spot, things opened up a little.   As we kept heading south, the heat became  more noticable and finally we could see   some trees in the distance. So before landing these tips   will save you some misery: Put down a nearby portal before   entering the Ashlands, and when you do land,  immediately place a portal in a safe area.   Of course, fight only when you have rested  bonus. Bonemass and fire resistance will help   you out a lot, and don't wear the feather cape. Most of these are just stardard general advice,   but I bring it up because we  did very few of these things.   The number of enemies  overwhelmed us straight away.   While we took out a few of the new  creatures, I felt so rusty at this game.   I noticed my stamina was regenerating  so slowly, but I hadn't realised it was   because of the lack of rested bonus. Not long afterwards, and we'd all died   without even placing a portal once. So, we'd made zero progress and   we'd lost all of our best equipment. We got any armour and weapons that we could,   and talking to Hugin confirmed that  we probably needed another dragon   boat to make it through the seas alive. This meant we had to do some more chopping,   greydwarf killing, and chopping. We had plenty of black marble so   making more ceramic plates wasn't an issue. Because we weren't taking any more metal with us,   this time we could portal to a swamp biome that  was a fair bit closer, and build the boat there.   As we set off, we said our goodbyes  and headed back to the south.   This time we did put down a safety portal  near the ashlands, and before going in   to battle, we got a good night's sleep. The next day, with a full rested bonus we went   back and continued sailing. We also found a much  easier path through the rocks back to the land.   When we did land, we were much more prepared  for what was to come. After taking out one   of those annoying Voltures, the main aim was to protect   the portal that we'd just made. And here's another tip for you;   don't build anything on top of these  big stones because this might happen.   Despite the setback, we were slowly  starting to clear out the horde of enemies.   While the other portal was still floating in the  air, we placed a second one on much safer ground.   The Porcupine weapon i was using seemed to  be resisted by most of the creatures here,   so I decided to go to my tombstone  and pick up my old mistwalker.   This seemed to do a much better job. It wasn't  long until the battle was won.. for now.   I was going through the process  of picking up my lost equipment,   and sharing the new materials with  the otherss, when I overheard this:   So I went back, and found out the hard way that  I took the portal still floating in the air.   I didn't realise how many enemies there were until  they started firing volleys of arrows at me.   I did not want to have to make a third boat and  come back, so to protect the portals I selflessly   lead the enemies away from our stuff. And while you watch me sacrifice myself,   since this was recorded, there have been a  couple of changes to balance enemy numbers,   including fixing a glitch that caused enemies  to be alerted to your location way too often.   I don't mind having a lot of spawns in an  area, but, fighting enemies would start to feel   pointless because by the time you'd killed them  all, about 10 more will have appeared behind you.   I haven't played since they made these changes,  but hopefully now theyve got the balance right.   Anyway, I eventually got absolutely destroyed. Luckily, I was once again able to sleep off   my light case of death and I was free  to waste even more of our resources.   I picked up more drops from the Ashlands which  unlocked many more build pieces, but I hadn't   yet found anything to make new weapons. The next day we went back as a group.   The area was clear and we got the shield  generator working by adding bones as fuel.   We didn't really get much time to check it  out because this new monstrosity appeared.   This enemy, the Morgen, breaks the trend  of the large creatures also being slow.   The fact that it moves around so much  does at least give you time to get back   stamina and prepare for its next attacks. Luckily it didn't seem too interested in   breaking our stuff, but in any case we  tried to keep it away from the portal.   After taking it down, we didn't have time  to waste. I started getting some of my   better equipment from my tombstone,  and I finally got a chance to check   out the other enemies individually. The lava blobs just self descruct,   which interestingly also damages  any other nearby enemies.   Like most archers, the Charred  marksman isn't a problem in a 1v1,   especially when you get in close. The warrior doesn't stay staggered for long   and has a few different moves, one in particular  definitely tries to throw off your timing.   The twitchers are just meth-heads that got  lost and accidently ended up in the ashlands,   they're the grunts of the area and  seem to be the least dangerous.   Just saying near the base kept attracting more  enemies to us. I now know this was probably due   to the glitch, but it didn't make sense to  stay here and have to constantly fight.   So we started exploring further into the biome. After getting the rest of my things from the   tombstone, I started placing campfires  to try suppress the new spawns.   I also checked out something  very important to me....   Munin was hovering in the air just to tell  me something that did not help us at all,   so we decided to just head further inland. We ran into another Morgen, this time a   one star variant, and by the time we were  FINALLY about to kill it, you guessed it...   On a more positive note, there was a green light  in the distance that looked very promising.   Before we could investigate, we ran  into another new creature, the Asksvin.   If you don't know, this text here means  it's able to be tamed. There was however,   a bit of a mixup where we simultaneously  dug a hole to trap and tame it,   while also killing it. We weren't worried,   based on how many creatures we'd already seen, we  knew it wouldn't take long to find another one.   It was getting dark, we were  going to turn back for the day,   but in the distance we saw something. Against our better judgement, we went   to see what this creature was. It was called the Fallen Valkyrie,   and unfortunately we didn't have  the chance to appreciate it,   because once again there was now  another army ready to fight us.   It seemed to have a a ranged attack that would  cause a patch of ground to catch on fire, and it   could also do this Crash Bandicoot spin attack. Anyway, a member of our party was getting low on   health so the rest tried to slow the enemies down  a little while they went back towards the portal.   Of course, we didn't want to lead  them all back there, so we tried   to slowly thin out their numbers. We did take out a fair few enemies,   but despite our best efforts, the Fallen  Valkyrie, along with a couple of other   enemies did indeed make it back to our portal. We weren't doing too well so we bravely decided   to just leave the enemies there. Luckily they're always kind enough to   wait there without breaking your  stuff when you're not around.   Back at the base, I picked up the Asksksvin hide.  This unlocked new set of light and mage armours.   I also checked out the workbench and found that  I could now make a couple of types of payloads,   wihch according to the description  could be launched by catapults.   This would've been really cool, you know,  if we'd the stuff to make a catapult....   The next day, while everyone was getting prepared  for the fight, I found some friendly Greydwarves   to help me work on my shield skills. And once we were all ready, we gathered,   determined to take out the creatures near our  portal and for once, actually make some progress.   Standing in the rain, we used the  bonemass power, and then headed back in.   When we came out the other side, the  Fallen Valkyrie was waiting for us.   It was nice enough to use a fire  attack and help me dry off.   It was cool seeing the shield protect us from its  ranged attacks when it moved outside the barrier.   And although it may have seemed like a heartless  monster, it was considerate enough to help   out melee players by going to ground level. In the end, the shield protected us from one final   attack, before we promptly sent it back to jesus. This time, the plan was to make our way to the   green beam in the sky without stopping  to fight everything along the way.   There was just one problem... That big hole  we made to try tame the Asksksksvin. Yeah,   we kinda forgot about that... The number of enemies   was once again getting pretty crazy,  so we did end up clearing once more.   Originally a hinderance, the hole did come  in handy when a morgen got stuck in there.   We left it in timeout so it could  think about what it had done.   We kept making our way towards the light,  and the path ahead was filled with lava.   Call me crazy, but trying to swim  through it was proabbly a bad idea,   so instead we went around the side. I couldn't resist seeing what hitting the   unstable lava rock would do and...  surprise surprise, it exploded.   Inside was what I will always  read as "prostitute powder".   After taking down yet another Morgen, we  finally had a clear path to the source   of the green light. The charred fortress.   It seemed heavily protected, and one of the team  decided to see what would happen if you ran into   the door covered in spikes... pretty much what you'd expect.   On the top of one of the corners there was a  ballista that looked as useless as the one you   can make, as well as some some archers. We made our way to the other side which   was more quiet and tried to use a  demolisher to break down the walls.   It wasn't doing any damage, and I think  knowing we probably needed to make a catapult   to get in made us give up more quickly. On the way back we saw a Charred Warlock,   it musn't have been popular with the  others, since they pushed it off the wall.   Now my recording cuts out here as you see it  summon a twitcher which looked pretty cool.   We did end up killing it, but you'll  have just have to imagine that.   That night, we headed back  without any loss of life.   It kind of felt like a failure, because  we didn't gain anything new, but on the   other hand, we now had something to aim for, and it was clear we were missing the materials   needed to make something to  break into that fortress.   The next morning and were  greeted by another surprise.   A new type of raid... Now I'm not sure where   this Dvergr came from but it seemed happy  to help us out so I wasn't complaining.   These raids create more Monuments of Tourment,  which spawn enemies until they're destroyed.   We'd already taken out a lot of these in our  short time in Ashlands, and at least without   the new patches, destroying them didn't seem to  make much difference to the number of enemies.   Anyway, as the raid ended, the Dvergr  definitely wasn't enjoying the new update.   I let him be as we went to destroy the  other spawners, since they dont seem to   disappear after the raid is over. After we'd cleaned up the area,   we then explored in another direction. We could see what looked like a massive   building in the distance, and as we  entered, it was clear these were ruins.   Before going in, we did have to turn around and  fight everything that had started following us,   so that they wouldn't destory the  stairs leading into the building.   When we'd taken care of the last of them,  we were able to enter the building.   I was surprised to see they'd turned  Valheim into a platformer where if you fall,   you probably lose all your stuff forever, and your  only goal is to break all the pottery you can.   That was pretty much all we did in here. There was a giant rock sticking out of   the lava that looked different  to everything else I'd seen,   but before we could investigate we just  had another weird lizard thing in our way.   I almost felt bad teaming up on it like this,  but then I remembered that that's what this   biome had been doing to us the whole time. To get to the rock, we made a path through   the ruins so we didn't need  to try jump over the lava.   The creatures really didn't want us  checking out the funny looking rock,   as another Asksksksvin literally jumped  out of the lava just to get in my way.   After we dealt with it in a similar  manner to previous one, we finally   found what we were looking for, Flametal Ore. Just the act of mining this ore was probably   enough to alert every single creature in  the whole god damn biome to our location.   First a Morgen appeared by itself, but it  didn't take long from there for chaos to erupt.   I was just concentrating on not getting  knocked into the lava when tragety struck....   So it seems that mining some Flametal ore  starts a timer for the whole thing to sink,   just like when mining Chitin  on the backs of Leviathans.   Maybe this stupid bird was trying to warn us,  but it was hovering out of reach in the air.   We couldn't think about it for now, because  we still had a massive fight on our hands....   After the battle was won, we could see  another Flametal rock in the distance,   but this one was surrounded by lava. It was getting late, so we picked up what little   ore we'd been able to mine and headed back. The next day, and I found out we'd got   ourselves a grand total of 16 flametal ore. While this definitely wasn't much, I couldn't   wait to smelt it and see what it would unlock. Unfortunately, this meant we had to take one   of our boats all the way to  our blast furnaces at home.   I was considering trying to jump over the boiling  water direclty onto the boat we wanted to take,   but in the end we did the sensible  thing and went around the long way.   While I was still trying to back the boat  out, one of those serpents appeared,   and we learnt that it actually  has a ranged attack. Great!!   It felt like the serpent was toying with  us, taking chunks out of the ship for fun.   Meanwhile, I was trying to do a 50 point turn just  trying to get the boat in the right direction.   Even though it was risky, as soon as I  could, I unfurled the sails and went at   full speed just to try get away from the thing. Unfortunately, the wind decided now was the best   time to change direction and slow us down. While this ship was so massive that it felt   like it was taking up half of the screen, at least  it seems to be extremely sturdy, I mean, it must   have been to withstand all of those attacks! We were still being followed as we crawled to   a halt with the seas churning once again. Nonetheless, we pushed foward and as we   started to get past the rocks, the seas  calmed down and the water was probably   too cold for serpent to follow us any further. We were finally free from this absolute hell.   For now. Now I'll save you the 40-something   minute trip back and get to the good stuff. Smleting the Flametal ore   unlocked so many new things. The next set of heavy armour was available,   and it even had a built-in heat resistance. I could also make this sick-looking battering   ram which I'm sure would be  useful for those fortress doors.   Also, I'm so keen to try ride one  of those Asksksksksvin things.   I'm wondering if there's another way to get  more of the ore before it sinks into the lava.   Possibly this new Staff of Fracturing  might help with that, and it seems like   these Basalt Bombs might let us cross the lava. I really don't know, but I think the plan   will be to take more metals back to the  Ashlands and try out the battering ram.   So far I'm enjoying this more than the Mistlands. I love the visual design and hopefully now   they've got the right balance on enemy numbers. There's so many things I still want to try out,   and I can't wait to play it more. I haven't decided if I will make this   a series of videos, so let me know if you'd  like to see more, because we will definitely   continue this playthrough, but I'm just  not sure if I'll be recording it too.   So, I'll leave it there. As always, thank you so much for watching. Cheers.
Channel: BigBrianGameplay
Views: 32,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, gameplay, ashlands, update, public test, bugs, enemies, weapons, charred fortress, Flametal ore, playthrough, 10 hours, days, blind playthrough, initial, first, non-spoiler playthrough, spoiler-free, spoiler free, spoiler, game play, play through
Id: qkCE0On9j7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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