I Spent 100 Days in Valheim Building My Best Swamp Village... Here's What Happened

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I'm doing a one of the Day Challenge Series to  build a village in each biome The Meadows and   black forests are both done and it's time for me  to move into the swamp on Day 70 I must defeat   bomas to activate the Drake raid and oh yeah the  Panthers saga continues so let's begin I spent   100 days in Violin building a village waking  up to a beautiful morning on day one in this   Village is a breath of fresh air I wanted to take  a moment again to reflect on these bills my Tavern   my storage house greater Farm my house I hardly  slept in and the blacksmith before I head to the   Cesspool to become Billy Joe and Billy Jane new  loving neighbor yep that is their new name now I   need to prepare the swamp is an unforgiving place  so I'm not gonna take any risk firstly because the   swamp is always dark I need a good light source  for when I'm building luckily I found the trader   in my first 100 days and he is the guy with the  right Goods secondly due to the weather debuff   because it's always raining in the swamp stamina  rich food is going to be high priority thirdly   dealing with poison I don't really have to worry  about poison that much seeing that I got my root   armor helmets in my last episode it reduces poison  damage significantly come on Blobby Bobby Hit Me   With Your Best Shot ah it's like he's not even  there I decided to check on the Turning form a   Reaper replanted the turnips so that by the time  I'm back home from the trader I can make some   turnips soup I may have to visit Brandon regulator  I grab what goal I have saved up and head to the   Black Forest pay the trailer visit for my headlamp  not only did I want the headlamp but I wanted the   belt that looks like a fanny pack Hold Up Wait A  Minute all right okay I know what some of you guys   gonna say but the unit plans to rear belt shifts  non-believers after selling the Julie I stole I   mean found I was only able to buy the headlamp so  I decided to raid uh provide room service to some   nearby Crips I did Wellington the skeleton a favor  by disposing his old junk in my pockets but my   kindness didn't stop there I paid Frank a visit to  offer my services to which he immediately declined   not sure why though but a few seconds later under  unquestionable circumstances he fell asleep so for   a day or two I've been going around trying to find  donation for my fanny pack to my surprise Frank   donated some gold after falling asleep on their  unquestible circumstances again but something   got me thinking how does Frank Cara on his gold  no really we're wait is it here oh my God my   brain needs soap the campaign for gold was over I  finally got my very own fanny packs non-believers   I also got some extra circling course which I'm  gonna use in the future after the four days fanny   pack campaign I was back at Georgetown to check  on Brenda and Gregory I only saw one Offspring   which sadly wasn't enough to fill my bore meat  demands some spent a day and a half hunting for   wild boars I later departed from Georgetown and  arrived at dwarf henge Village oh yeah majority   of you guys voted to call the Village at honestly  I was rooting for Frankfurt though I stopped by   the tavern to make some turnips stew sausage and  carrot soup before I head out to the swamp I made   sure to gather some materials for two portals  a place one at the greater farm structure and   call it swampy and head out to scout for a spot to  build a new Village sniped a few Billy's here and   there and spotted an angry Stumpy along the way  oh I was glad to see so I lore him over to give   him a few pop tickle tickle tickle minutes  later I discovered one of those things like   Mother Earth had too much spicy food and this was  the end result ah yes that was me once Dark Times   decided to dig around to stop the wannabe Human  Torch from spawning but Stumpy didn't like me   violating the land I'm surprised I even survived  in that moment I had a big brain idea I decided   to blow him back into the fire which worked so  good thinking that all is well glad Elites bit   me well into the skeleton walked back his jewelry  and more wannabe Human Torch making their way over   finally I was able to focus on making a nice  pool to help out Mother Earth dire situation   obviously it didn't work but it helped keep those  wannabes in check I'll find a fitting name for   them later not too far I saw another one of those  flame geysers the name sound uninteresting so I   decided to call them Earth's fire butt farts  nearby there was an unexplored Crypt which   I used to build one of my proudest cardboard  boxes on top just look at the fine architecture   now that I was settled in I was thinking  I should build a village near the fire but   farts why one I'm not aware though but I would  get unlimited charcoals and certain cores and   a never-ending fire Source but I had an issue  decided on how to set up the village I didn't   want to build it directly on the trees but I  was in a swamp so I have to I thought about   building structures on raised ground but that  doesn't feel like it would flow with the theme   of the biome so I went with the first thought  I started by building a Stairway going up and   thought this was a decent hike to build a village  but before I build anything further I deeply in   need of iron which I'm going to use to form the  foundation for the village luckily there were   two unexplored Crypts nearby so on day eight I  took some time to help with my fellow neighbors   Billy Joe and Billy Jane I stopped by their home  to help them with their hoarding problems I found   myself just mining away through huge piles of  nasty junk alright scraps I let her cleaned out   Billy Jane jewelry box to help her overcome her  insecurities told her she was too far gone but   at least you nose have a beauty mark oh wait  never mind up back outside to get some fresh   air and ran into another angry Stumpy lured him  over to show him my favorite spot in the swamp he likes it literally got stuck in the pit and  well yeah everyone estimate what spice food can   do upstairs so after taking down my second Stumpy  and with some root left over from my last 100 days   I can finally make a root chest armor I like it I  think it complements my legs on day 10 I was done   cleaning out two Crips so far I got about 130 iron  which I think is enough to start building to see   where I'm going with the village I easily set up a  smelting area using the free circling course lying   around and borrow a few Copper from the blacksmith  in dwarfhenge Village I was thinking of using my   house into our French Village as an inspiration  so I went ahead and made a octagonal layout just   like the side structure I imagine it to appear to  be supported the same way by the beams underneath   connected to the trees but what I had envisioned  is not what materialized that day my brain was   like soft wet rice in lukewarm water I didn't want  to start over so I thought about my second idea of   raising the ground a bit and then have a column  going all the way up connected to the angle beams   underneath honestly this was a design accident but  I grew to love it at this point some of my stamina   food was getting low I didn't get a whole lot of  boar meat the last time I hunted so I decided to   spend enough time together decent amounts so for  three days I spent hunting for boars but on the   3 third day I found something special I found a  one star bar on the island next to the starter   Island so I loaded back to Georgetown which took  a bit of time but it was easy I spent another day   waiting for her to tame and named her princess  now go forth princess and multiply I mean do the   thing seeing that I was in Georgetown I might  as well check on Steve to see how he's running   the tavern if you didn't know this is Steve Steve  was suffering from social starvation playing alone   so I took him in here I'm your boy you want some  resin but now he's a happy boy isn't that right   Steve but you don't have to suffer like how Steve  did which is why I want to talk to you about our   sponsored.host that host provide dedicated high  performance server hosting for file lab so that   you and your friends can play together at any time  you can easily import your world by using their   drag and drop interface and if you like using mods  you can drag and drop your old mod pack or perform   one-click installation for individual mods it's  so easy even Steve can do it I use dot holes for   my community server and the performance is very  good you can easily switch your server location   so that you can get the best speed if you want  to check them out use my link below to get 30   off your first month's purchase later Steve so I  was back at the swamp after cooking a few extra   meals I know I can focus again on the village I  was thinking of using this structure as a central   Hub to the Village I started by adding two chords  on each Corner making the structure 8 meters tall   I decided I would use the same umbrella roof  overhang design used on my previous bills   first add in a 26 degree beam followed by a one  meter wood at the end I attached a 26 degree Beam   at the end of the one meter wood but to ensure  the roof folds up I added two meters core Woods   for support and completed the whole frame of the  structure I tried giving touch roof a chance nope   nasty looking so I was back to using my 26  degree stairs and got the whole wheel filled   out I then added one meter beam at the end of each  26 degree beam then added another row of 26 degree   beam making the roof beam be more pronounced I  later shifted my focus to the entrance of the   structure I envisioned it to have a huge door  for the entrance and a huge window around so I   started making my custom columns for each of the  covered poles slowly the bill is taken shape I   added half wooden walls at the top and the bottom  to frame the windows I was working on a style for   the top of the window so I was playing around  with two dragon heads and uh yeah no comments   so after playing around with the dragon heads I  had a design I want to use but I needed a lot of   fine wood so I head back over to Georgetown I grab  a card and head out to chop some virgin oak trees   it's been about three days Gathering more than  enough fine wood then I was finally back at the   swamp Village I started adding the dragon heads to  frame the top entrance doorway and the windows I   also added another row above to give the windows  some depth afterwards I placed tatch roof under   the main roof to get the shelter buff I later  added iron cages for the windows and added the   final details to make the build pop on day 24. I  switched my focus on the inside to build a spiral   steers to access the first floor that will connect  to other parts of the village after adding the   sparrow stairs on day 25 Frank thought it was time  to pay me a visit but first he greeted the locals   saw a manhandling Larry the leech before making  his way over but this was the first time was at   ease with a raid he stood there while I pelted him  with arrows oh my God that swap is too easy after   the easiest read of my life now it was time to  make a proper home while trying to get from three   to three I discovered a method to make a platform  growing across by standing on one side of the edge   and aiming at the other side with a one meter  floor then I can use a 2 meter floor to easily   Snap On Top to make a level bridge to get to  nearby trees so I made a noctagonal layout using   two meter wood iron beams for each side I added  45 degree beams to the corners and connected the   edges with 2 meter Beams I then added two meter  poles followed by a one meter pole on top to later   add the roof angle beams on top of it I added  some 26 degree beams at the bottom of the build I   was trying to make the base look like a bubble my  vision for this build is I wanted it to appear to   be a floating fantasy house so I went back over to  dwarf hands Village to raise the tavern Pantry for   yellow mushrooms but it was empty I also went over  to the blacksmith to borrow some Nails afterwards   I checked Georgetown Tavern hoping there is some  yellow mushrooms luckily I found a couple I then   head back to the swamp and added a 2 meter  Pole to the center of the ankle Beams I added   item stands on all sides going down followed by  placing the mushrooms on each of them I was then   able to achieve this look which I think looks cool  seated to get the roof structure up and finish the   roof using the same design on the Hub added some  attached roof under it to get the shelter buff so   I can sleep I didn't have enough iron to use for  the windows so wooden fence would have to suffice   later added some details and computed the bill  on day 30. honestly I can say that this bill came   with a heavy cost later on Frank visited again  and this time he brought his brother Hank I wasn't   worried not one bit so because they couldn't  reach me they took their frustration out on my   smelters like the temper tantrum babies they are  oh Frankie Yankee get in your [ __ ] thought to   myself I was safe up here nothing could go wrong  know sometimes I hate this game I never expected a   sleep move like that and I instantly started the  panic I have 30 Health left barely have stamina   and I was soaking wet from head to toe without any  rested buff I couldn't think straight wet Noodle's   brain me didn't realize I could have escaped in  the Crypt and regain my composer but no I chose   to take the wet noodles well loved loving boy Hank  wanted me dead thought I could lure him into the   fire in hopes it would take him out when I  was just about to make a run for it [Music]   slope is too easy so I was back in the land  of the living and a half dead realized there   was no Hank and Frank grab my items from my wet  soggy dead body and notice some troll skin and   gold Hank didn't make it out of life I'm not  a useless Viking after all on day 31 I went   over to dwarf Hench Village for wood which was  what I was doing from day one notice I dumped a   lot of random crap in some cards while I was  scraping for wood came to the realization I   urgently need a trash bin so I popped over to the  trader and noticed he dyed his beard gray got a   Thunderstone to make an obliterator and finally  can get rid of all these resonant great off eyes   got a cart emptied and decided I was gonna chop  some pine trees for some code don't think I will   get close to losing my sanity again so when I was  about to leave the village look who I saw [Music] now that Hank was out of the way I was presented  with a new problem I needed a way to get across   with the cart remembering what I've discovered  while building a flat wouldn't pass away in   the trees it shouldn't be hard to make a quick  one I dropped some nearby logs to get some cold   and regular wood and made a bridge now I can  smoothly go over the other [Music] [Applause] hey so yeah I dropped some trees uh not much  and it only costs a little bit of my sanity   so I loaded up the card and drop off the  wood at the swamp Village getting ready   for my next project I was thinking of making  a workshop so before I build the workshop I   need something to connect to it I Envision  a floating platform with a rope bridge and   I was thinking to build it on that tree but I  was low on iron so it was time to visit again   my favorite neighbor the Billy's while trying  to find a new [ __ ] I ran into Stumpy again   eh at this point he's pretty much donating  root he later turned to night and I hate to   swamp at night feels like I'm gonna get a jump  scare from Jared the jacket found a new [ __ ]   and got my hands dirty again made sure to pick  up the yellow mushrooms for the next bill later   on got back to the village and took the iron  in the smelter so I can start building started   making a Stairway going up from Stumpy lurking  near the village waiting for round two or thing   finally got to the desired height and created the  same octagonal layout like my house basically I'm   recreating the base design of the house once  I had it completed I tried creating a rope   Bridge using core wood I used wooden walls to  place the Corvette in such a way it has like a   slight belly like a real rope bridge I didn't use  one meter wood to make the ropes well they look   like one I think it's a fair attempt while it  was building Jerry was trying to sneak up on me   imagine being roughed by a flying cold loading  mirror I don't like Jerry it makes me paranoid   I then completed the bridge on day 37. I loved  how it turned out Elena made a layout for the   workshop on a nearby tree it's a little bit  different but it should work with the theme   we have going added codewords to frame out the  body of the structure so I can add roof beams   next my construction sites have been hazardous  lately not my usual standards oh well who cares second thought maybe I should work on the floors  so for the base I want to make it look like it's   floating like the two other structures with the  angle beams under it I then got the flooring done   and now I can focus on the roof I found myself  building in the nights again all paranoid they   used to build piece and then check if it is all  clear after working on the roof for a bit I added   some half walls to frame out the windows then made  my custom columns for the doorway and finally the   dragon Arch touch completed the build on day  43. they don't want some oversized workshops   so I think it's a perfect size for the village now  that I had a workshop I did a few basic interior   work moved in my crafting tables added some  chests and made a display cabinet gonna need   some armor stands later worked on the Rope bridge  to connect the platform and the workshop I needed   some upgrades for the crafting table so I head  over to Georgetown to find some flint and hunted   some neck boys to make some poison resist for  the upcoming battle with the next boss running   around picking up Flint in The Meadows felt  so refreshing and relaxing compared to the   swamp it's good to take a break sometime it was  nice and it was time to head back over after a   chill day in the middos I was feeling relaxed  returning to the swamp with no care in the world   about my surroundings I try my best squeezing  a few upgrades in this small space Here Comes   Jerry I was threatened if I was wearing pants it  would be filled with the colors of the rainbow   Brown being the dominant color so I found myself  haunted like a deer about to get skinned so I've   had it yep my brain turned wet soggy noodles  again so I couldn't attack or block properly   so I got another chance on life and thought  Jerry would have left the scene I hate you   Jerry I thought I could lower Jerry out then  run and autograph all my stuff and get out [Music]   swap is too easy getting my cheeks clapped twice  in one night I think it's time to head to bed so   I woke up the next morning on day 46 feeling  so violated after being manhandled by a flying   jacket yep that feeling of hitting rock bottom  dread was gone so finally I could grab my stuff   I later returned to building I switched my focus  to work on the stereo in the path on the other   side so that the village could feed closer to  being polished and added another rope bridge to   connect to another section of the village took  a break from building to upgrade my armor after   reliving the trauma in my head with Jerry the next  day I popped over at 12 hedge Village so check on   the Gradle form basically maintenance and getting  wood too bad I can't have one in the swamp getting   wood would have been so easy a few minutes later  I got a throw raid my God Frank is very persistent   in this 100 days nothing interesting happened  just the usual beat down sniff Frank's butt a   bit checking for gold don't get it wrong it's  not a finish of mine I just needed the money   later passed by Georgetown to get some carrots  planted and decided I was going to revisit some   my explored Crypts for yellow mushrooms after but  myself down memory lane remembering when I slapped   Frank for the first time ah good times popped  in the crib to grab a few yellow mushrooms and   ran into the ghosts that ditched on day four of my  first 100 days later after Frank along the way to   another [ __ ] while I was searching I decided to  look at the map just to remind myself how far the   next boss was it wasn't really far from the spawn  Island so later I decided to prep a bit more made   some health and stamina meat and also some more  food to get through the next coming Days Later   went on more yellow mushroom hunting in the night  since the swamp and yes Jerry was there yeah boy   checked out my previous Explorer swarm Krypton got  a decent amount of yellow mushrooms on day 52 I   head over to dwarfhenge Village to grab some deer  trophy to make a sty breaker so I can mount it in   my new workshop actually I plan to whack the boss  with it and proceeded to make some iron nails so   I can make a long ship I head over to Georgetown  so I can build a boat on the starter Island seeing   it was closer to the next boss location so  I sailed towards new lands after landing I   chopped up the boat in itty bitty pieces stuffed  it in my pocket which pocket you ask so yeah   um I put it in there I later found the boss  location and greeted a few billies spotted   a shot nearby which was perfect to set the portal  down in I later got back to the swamp Village and   was trying to visualize my next build which was  going to be a Tavern I was thinking of putting   it on that tree so on day 53 I started working  on the tavern I first created a 10 Pathway to   the tree for easy back and forth travel and made  a layout for the tavern decided to work on the   base first add in the angle beams underneath I  plan to make this build seem to be supported by   a column just like the central Hub later started  working on the roof added additional support for   the beams and completed the basic structure at  this point I ran out of wood so it was time to   chop trees again it was satisfying dropping the  long logs in two like this so later I came back   to the village and saw I had a wild deer I guess  I'm starting a petting zoo I'm your Dairy let me   touch you I later drop off all the wood and head  back to Building completed the booth of the tavern   still reliving the trauma in my head after Jerry  incident I no longer build in the nights the next   morning I started working on the columns that  would look like it's supporting the tavern as   usual making my custom columns again I added all  the remaining details to the tavern and completed   the bill on day 67 definitely a place I would go  to the drink some Mead I started building a rope   bridge to connect to the tavern after completing  it Frank and Hank were back smashing my smilters   again I think it's time I find somewhere to put  the smitters out of their reach on day 68 I got   a new bow an iron at gear and a big boy Shield  I went to boat taverns in each Village to pick   up the stamina and healing potions because the day  is upon us so on day 69 I grabbed my giant hammer   from the workshop and head to the swamp awesome  bones in the soup that similar to someone the boss   out of all the boss I thought so far it seems like  this one let himself go and he was nasty looking   what is that couldn't find a name for thing the  ugly was distorting my brain tried shooting him   with arrows apparently it seems to only tickle  the thing dried the gear sadly I can't reach it   tried the big hammer and it was perfect all I need  to do is stand here and do this over and over and so yeah my hammer broke I had to head back to  repair it after which I returned used up my health   stamina and poison resist potion sliding for  around 17 minutes in total and it was finally over   didn't die once got a wishbone and a trophy that  looks nasty I didn't want it so I Chuck it in the   obliterator over at Dolphin Village I have no  regrets so on day 71 I took a break from the   swamp Village to have some quiet time I went over  to Georgetown to reap some carrots to cook up some   breakfast decided to go to the dock to enjoy the  sunrise to free my mind a bit did a little fishing   and caught my first tuna later return to dwarf  hangs Village to cook the fish the next day at   the swamp Village I wanted to move the smelter so  I created a platform above their current location   added iron beans for a smell just to rest on and  place some core wood for rails so I don't easily   walk off added a few more details and was able  to get this basic area done I then switched my   focus to the shabby pathway I was thinking  to build another rope bridge that connects   to a path leading to a dock I imagine the Rope  Bridge connected to two columns on each side so   I tried my best to achieve this look honestly I  can say the Rope Bridge with those columns are   pretty awesome I would then work on the rest of  the pathway connected to a simple dock yeah no   it looks a bit blah but I plan to add a bit more  detail later so on day 80 know that I had a dock   I wanted to mine some copper and Tin so I decided  to sail to dwarf hedge Village side to get some so   much better than walking back and forth between  Village I woke up the next morning and grab a   cart and head out mining for copper the whole day  the following day I decided to focus on tin only   remembering I was low on berries I decided to do  some forging in the forest I later saw a campfire   for the goblin camp in the plains which stirred  my curiosity I got an idea when I saw Frank not   too far from me satis Frank into following  me little did Frank know I was leading him to   his own demise before I even reached the falling  Camp I was rushed by the little green dudes that   looked like Yodo from Star Wars then Frank came  in to save Me Maybe I was misjudging him all this   time seconds later I heard of this battle shout  then saw Frank getting the blue slapped off of   him try tragic saw a big green dude pretty much  like the little green ones but high on steroids   so I stayed on top of the Krypton shooted and  his little buddies too seeing that I was near   the planes I had my root chest armor on that  protects me from severe mosquito bites I can   step in the planes with confidence I was able to  kill my first death skater with ease I wanted to   grab some cloudberries for decorating later on  like making the white banners so I collected a   full stack and some extras I heard about later  that day picked up my card that left behind and   head home dropped off the card at the dock  to unload it on the ship the next day I had   to repair their Village Gates it wasn't a raid  really Frank came solo and smashed my torches   because of what happened the other day that  was really Petty I decided to spend some days   in dwarf engine Village to farm up some wood  I wasn't in the mood to chop more trees so for   the next three days I sat there and did nothing  I got raided a lot during that time though first   one was a swamp rate basically the Blobby Bobby  party later on I would get a certainly read oh   don't ask how I died there I don't want to talk  about it once I had a decent amount of wood I head   back to the swamp Village to drop off the wood  then I set sail with the goodies I've collected   I later arrived back at the swamp Village while  I was trying to unload a troll fish landed on   the boat which looks pretty cool I then filled up  the smelter to start processing the copper and Tin   seeing that I was in the smelting area I thought  I should add a few more details like a box all in   some coal added some Vines to a nearby tree and  made some new fancier light source switched my   focus to work on the path leading to the dock  so it doesn't look flat by adding some arches   and better light source added some Vines later  because it looked a bit dry so I added a little   green here and there and it started to feel cozy  I would then work on the flat platform by adding   a flat open roof structure and added some Vines  to that as well later on made a welcome board I   didn't give the village a name yet so comment  below what I should call the swamp Village oh   look another raid it's not a biggie really but I  must admit the raids have been Relentless lately   and so far I haven't gotten a drake read further  down in time I recreated my house on the next   street just to make this side of the village Feel  Complete like this was the home District until   some vines on it add one more thing to do and I  had a few more days left so on day 95 I focused   on doing the interior of the tavern so I went  over to Georgetown to drop a few birch trees to   get more fine wood once I had all the needed fine  wood I head back to the tavern first I tried to   figure out how to add the heart for the fire did  so by the help of the iron beam so I can place   it down added my custom columns to frame the sides  of the fireplace use the dragon heads to frame and   detail the top and finish it up with a bit more  detail I then started working on the counter use   stools to add a nice lattice design followed by  a one meter floor for the countertop later try   to squeeze some chest in the floor because space  was limited I later added the rest of the details   to achieve this look which I think feels warm  and welcoming it was day 98 and I was exhausted   I did nothing but dance my way to another  successful 100 days so here is the final preview foreign just want to say guys thank you so much  for the support and helping me hit 10   000 Subs which is so cool I never thought  I would get this far so I feel so honored   thank you for the support and love for this  series which takes a long time to do while   taking care of my baby son so I appreciate  your patience I hope it was enjoyable I will   be posting this world on my patreon page  if you want to download it and support the   channel special thanks to my patrons and YouTube  members for their continued support in keeping   the channel going and thank you for watching  and remember to always aspire to inspire peace
Channel: Versaugh
Views: 104,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, valheim, valheim gameplay, valheim building, valheim survival, valheim 100 days, 100Days Valheim, Versaugh 100 days, valheim village, valheim viking vi, valheim longhouse build, 100 days in valheim, 100 days challenge, 100 days village, versaugh, versaugh building, I Spent 100 DAYS in Valheim Building a Village Here's What Happen, versaugh spent 100 days in valheim, 100 days building a village, versaugh 100 days building
Id: fTrwby-4xRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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