Vacuum Sealing Powdered Milk, Soup Mix & Sweetner Packets ~ Long Term Food Storage

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hey everyone this is jenny from homestead corner and today we're going to be packaging up some small portions of food for long-term storage [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is another really simple task but i have got some smaller sized items that i want to vacuum seal and get into longer term storage i don't want these cluttering up our working pantry because i need space for all the stuff that we are eating right now so these things i want to put into longer term storage not forever but longer term and this is a lot of this is just really small amounts so there's not a whole lot that you have to do to it but today i'm going to be packaging up some vegetable soups some stevia florida crystals some organic sugar and dry instant dry milk so these vegetable soups are you know this is probably the easiest thing or i don't know they're all really easy but these are um just powdered soup there's vegetable soup mix there's some you could feel a little bit of stuff in there but these are not airtight if you press on these some of them the air is seeping out from the seal so we just want to get these air tight they're going to last longer as long as there's not air in them so air is definitely your enemy in food storage so i'm going to take these and i want to get all that powdered stuff down to the bottom just kind of shake it down [Music] if you can and then i'm going to put just a small slice in here each one just a teeny slice to get the air out that is in there we want to get that out of there so and then to start with i'm going to be reusing some large bags that i made so we're just going to make these long enough for the suits and i can get a couple of bags out of here so i'm just going to take these because they're already packaged i don't want to waste the packaging has the instructions on it this makes it so easy i'm just going to fold these over and stick them in the bag and i'm going to put two in each thing because this mate this serves about two people so this will serve four and i can open as much as i need that way i don't want to open up ones that i'm not going to use so i'm going to serve put two in each package so we've got that and then i'm just going to vacuum seal this and by folding the bag over when you take this bag and you fold it over and the cuts up here it's going to suck the air out but it's not going to pull the powder through because of this crease so it won't mess with your vacuum sealing machine so we're just going to vacuum seal this like we would anything else powders are difficult when they're suck when it's sucking the air out a lot of powders are going to get sucked into your machine and it's going to clog up your machine eventually and destroy it and you don't want that paid all that money for these machines you definitely want to keep them in good condition so we're just going to back seal just like anything else okay and my lights off so this is done i'm just going to take this out and i'm going to move it just a hair a teeny teeny bit and we're going to add a second seal to this i have been having trouble with some of these bags not sealing properly so adding a second seal i'm finding is helping it hold way better i haven't had any issues when i put a second seal on so and i don't know if it's new bags or what it is but i just put two seals on there and then this is all ready to go you've got your instructions everything is right here so when you pull this out you're ready to make some soup you just got to add water to these which is nice so we're going to do this again the same thing for the next two we just want to make this bag long enough to get our soups in here and these vacuum steel bags if you've got big ones i see i wash them out with um with some nice hot soapy water and they do wonderful just going to stick those right in there and we're going to do the same thing so next i'm going to work on the sweetener packets and i keep stevia in the house because i have a family that are diabetic don't use it myself but it's nice if they come over and they want a cup of tea or a coffee or something i like to have something that they can have it's not going to make them sick or anything or hurt them in any way so i don't keep a lot of this in the house but i do keep some so and with these little sweetener packets i'm just going to put these in a bag and i do not i don't label these bags at all because you can see through them you can see exactly what's in there so i'm just going to split these up in a couple bags so when i open them i don't have to open all of them at once i can open one um if i can reseal it great if i can't oh well you know it'll last they're going to last anyway but just getting these airtight is just going to extend their life more and keep bugs away from them so i just put the packets in there just kind of throw them in you could definitely be more neat than me but i'm going for efficiency not perfect i'm okay with that gotten past that a long time ago as long as it works that's what i'm concerned with so again i'm just going to back seal it i don't do anything to these packets besides stuffing them in the bag that's all i'm doing to these and that is just going to extend their life by keeping air out of them i haven't had any of the stevia get chunky or anything i have on the sugar the natural sugar seems to get a little bit hard but you know in an emergency if that's what we got that's what we got it's all measured out for you by a half a teaspoon anyway so just plop it in it'll melt break it up if you want and again i'm just going to put a second seal on here just because i'm not sure you know my machine's a couple a couple years old but it's always worked really great and these are newer bags that i started using this year and they they don't quite seal sometimes they have a little hole in the seal so i just like to give it that extra just in case and then these are ready to be stored and we're going to do the exact same thing with these little organic sugars we're just going to put some in a bag i'm going to make a few packets there's like 100 packets in this box but it's nice to have these little things they're so handy to have around especially if you have someone that can't have artificial or they can't have certain things it's really nice to have and you know we get down to it i will definitely eat these babies now i'm just going to do some of the powdered milk and i'm going to do this the same way i did the vegetable soup because these are small packages i'm not going to take them out of the package i don't like to waste anything i mean there's no sense splitting it all up and putting it in different packages so i just again i just take a little slit so we can get as much air out as possible and i'm going to fold this and when it comes out i've got the best buy date on it i've got all the instructions the nutritional stuff everything is here still so i like to leave it in the bag if i can when i go for larger quantities like flour and things like that when you're buying 25 50 pound bags of stuff you're definitely going to want to split it up so you're open in small amounts at a time and that's when i use these bags and i will put as much as i want in this bag and then fold the top over and put that in a vacuum seal sometimes i tape it down some if i have enough bag that it will stay i will just fold it over and stick it in but all these dry powdery things that's really air is your enemy here and you want to keep it as long as possible so it's not wasted so again i'm just going to put i think i'm going to put what do we have okay i'm gonna put don't put all these in here why not because these only make three quarts so when i bust this open i'm probably going to need all of it within a pretty quick time anyway so and then the next box these usually come in three per box so you could put three in here but i have an extra one from another box we're just going to fold those down so those flaps stay you just hold pinch it while you're putting it in and that'll do the trick and if you can get them just on top of the other one it's going to hold it you can get this baby sealed up so that is it these are really ease easy and simple to store you can write on the bags if you want and label them whatever you'd want to put on them it it's perfectly fine i don't because everything's right on the package and this stuff is you know pre-packaged you just that little slit is going to help get the air out of the bag itself and then so everything can be stored well and you can see on this one it started to i've got a little bit of powder that leaked out from the back where i cut it and there's a little teeny bit of powder seeping up it will suck that powder if you don't have it in a bag it's going to suck that powder right up through it's going to prevent it from sealing and it's going to clog up your machine and these machines these vacuum sealer machines are not cheap so you want to keep them in good condition and i found that keep putting them in a bag or keeping them in their packaging was just a little air hole is the best way to keep that from happening and it didn't happen on any of the other ones they all came out really well this is the only one when i flipped it over and i was trying to push it to get it in this bag and it a little bit seeped out on the side here so that you could see it started to suck it up towards the seal and that's why you want to keep it in some sort of bag inside your vacuum bag and i'm just going to take these and store them in buckets to keep the light out to make sure they're sealed up you know and keep them organized so i know what is where it helps me stay organized and i can find stuff because god i forget everything but that's it these are really easy to do and they will last and last like this and anything powdery really is gonna is this is gonna be your best bet leave it in the packaging or if you have very large if you're buying in bulk quantities of this stuff put it in your own paper bag or whatever plastic bag with so it can be contained inside that's it if you like this video give me a thumbs up subscribe we'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Homestead Corner
Views: 29,908
Rating: 4.9616308 out of 5
Keywords: Homestead, Corner, food storage, long term food storage, food saver, powdered milk, dry milk, soup mix, stevia, sugar packets, vacuum sealing, emergency food storage, emergency food
Id: Jyl_JI1i120
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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