Using Your Faith Like A Tool with Roberts Liardon || 3.13.21

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good evening [Music] so glad you're here tonight come on let's just come on to the sanctuary stand up on your feet if you're able let's just testify of god's goodness [Music] and man's empty praise and treasures of faith and never enough but then you came along you put me back together yes you did [Music] now every desire is [Music] there's nothing better than you oh there's nothing better than you oh there's nothing nothing is better than you and i'm not afraid to show you my weakness my failures and flaws but you've seen them all [Music] he's still caught [Music] oh there's nothing better than you oh there's nothing better than you oh there's nothing nothing is better than you all just declared oh there's nothing better than you oh there's nothing nothing better than you oh there's nothing and nothing is you turn morning to dancing you turn shame into glory you're the only one who you turn morning to dancing you give [Music] turn beautiful into glory you're the only one who can't turn grace you turn grace into god you're the only one you can oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing [Music] nothing is better than you can you sing it like you mean it there's tonight better than you oh there's nothing nothing better than you oh there's nothing nothing is better than you you turn graves in the car you turn great into [Music] you're the only one who cares [Music] [Music] there's nothing too hard for you [Music] [Music] you turn shame into glory [Music] that's what you do you make me come alive [Music] it made [Music] you turn balls into [Music] you're the only one who cares come on can you just give him praise on us but we are just grateful tonight we're so thankful to be yours there's no place we'd rather be than it's in your presence so we just exalt you tonight come on just go and lift your voice you don't need songs or words on a screen just lift your voice to him come on [Music] hey [Music] [Music] we lift your name up jesus we give you praise give you praise we're grateful you're faithful you make crooked pastors hey let dead things come alive and live again let the parents sing for joy cause you make all things new that's what you do [Music] you make all things that's what you do we give you permission tonight jesus to come in and come on can you just stir yourself to not did you come with expectation did you come with expectation to encounter the king of kings the one who takes old and makes brand new the one who takes broken and restores it to better than brand new [Music] redesign [Music] let's sing [Music] [Music] my threat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we are exchanging what to do take your love into the world and let our light shine our god exchange is [Music] [Music] is is begin to light your darkness and now we are is is [Music] oh you chased there's there's [Music] is our god [Music] we are exchanging [Music] for you with me over and over and over and over again [Music] [Music] there's [Music] there's oh [Music] there's nothing that you love cross [Music] thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus come on let's just do this again let's just begin to press when the music and people aren't seeing the words on the screen just keep going let's go we honor you we thank no one you you worthy [Music] let it be a sweet song [Music] is give us [Applause] [Music] you highly exalted and lifted up jesus [Music] [Applause] roses [Music] you are my champion giants for when you stand undefeated [Music] seed in the heavenly place undefeated by the one who has conquered it all i've tried so hard to see it it took me so long to believe it that you choose someone like [Music] [Music] we don't deserve [Music] you are my champion [Music] i am who you with [Music] [Music] me how to receive this is this is [Music] i am it all [Music] every wall comes crashing [Music] [Music] jesus has given me when jesus i [Music] i am in the heavenly place undefeated by the power of your name i'm seed in the heavenly place undefeated with the one who has conquered it all [Music] [Applause] you owe me [Music] everybody [Music] in the heavenly place undefeated by the power of your name i'm seated in the heavenly place undefeated with the one [Music] oh [Music] you can't good at [Music] yeah we're the rowdy ones tonight i love it i believe there's freedom in the house i believe there's miracles right in front of you [Music] just reach on into the glory and pull it down because all of heaven [Music] you have his is tonight we honor you god we honor you jesus we just want you to [Music] to be lifted be lifted high jesus and be lifted up be lifted just let us praise [Music] be lifted [Music] and let his praises fill the temple just praises yes you are yes you are you are [Music] be lifted [Music] be lifted higher [Music] praises to your [Music] [Music] name [Music] the name is so much [Music] is oh [Music] he lived [Music] let our lives be a [Music] oh you're the only one worthy to your name jesus the name that's so much [Music] [Music] oh [Music] here [Applause] [Music] we sing there's no other name name that stands through the age [Music] there's no other name there's no other name like yours [Music] jesus like yours jesus [Music] [Music] jesus like your [Music] jesus [Music] if you're the only one [Music] is is [Music] [Music] jesus sing of your goodness and all generations will know your name but glory and honor will be yours forever all glory and honor we give to your name all generations sing of your goodness all generations will know your name our glory and honor we'll be yours [Music] of your forever [Music] us forever and there's no other name like yours [Music] jesus [Music] of your goodness and all generations will know your name all glory and honor we bring to you jesus all glory and honor we give to the name of of all names the name above [Music] the demons [Music] when you speak with authority that's above [Music] jesus jesus all generations all generations will sing your name or we just join in with the cry of the generations lord we just join in tonight there's no there's no more beautiful name there's no better name than jesus every knee will bow every tongue confess [Music] come on just just allow his name to fill your mouth you can't say the name jesus without smiling jesus jesus jesus we love you jesus we welcome you holy spirit we love that when you come in the room you glorify jesus you glorify jesus and so we welcome you tonight we welcome you tonight and we say we love you with all of our heart we thank you with all that we are king jesus you know paul said in first corinthians that you can't even you can't even declare that jesus is lord except by the holy spirit and so there's something even about inviting the holy spirit on your life every time you declare that jesus is lord amen and so lord right now we just we do we just declare that jesus you are lord of this meeting jesus you are lord of this house and if he's lord of your life why don't you declare it right now come on just come on declare him your lord come on and if you don't know him you can know him right now jesus jesus jesus [Music] in fact you know there's some in a meeting like this typically you know we come on a saturday night and and i know a lot of you are you know probably you've been loving jesus for many many years but some of you may have been brought by a friend or some of you may have you love you love jesus but you know you've had a you've had a tough season and maybe you've gotten tripped up and and maybe he's been friend and and you've known him as lord in times past but there's been some parts in your heart that haven't been surrendered in this recent season and tonight you say no lord i don't want you to just be lord of my sunday i don't want you to just be lord of the seen parts of my life i want you to be lord of the private places i want you to be lord of all of my heart and not just part of my heart and if that's you tonight i just want to encourage you to raise your hand i believe that god has something special praise god amen i believe that god has something come on praise god praise god i believe listen i'm telling you i believe that there's a fresh grace of consecration that's amazing praise the lord come on come on if your hands up come on you just come on up front right now come on that's you come on listen but listen i believe there's a fresh grace of consecration i believe there are people here that have tried to maybe you prayed a prayer one time and it was about where you were going to go when you died maybe it was a saving for my situation but it wasn't really jesus i want to make you lord of my life and we just wanted we want to come together and support our friends tonight can we have some folks who stretch out your hands to these folks tonight and what listen just to be clear what we're doing is we're saying the life that i live i'm no longer living on my terms i know i want to i no longer want to live my way i want to live his way amen i don't i no longer live by what i see i'm gonna live by what he says and i don't wanna just give him the part of me that hurts i don't wanna just give him the part that needs deliverance i wanna give him all of me because i tell you he's given you all of him if that's your prayer just put your hand over your heart or lift your hands to heaven and just say lord jesus tonight i declare that you are my lord and i ask you to save me by your blood and by the power of your holy spirit to transform me tonight i thank you jesus that i am a new creation i am not what i did but i am what you have done for me in jesus name and i ask you to fill me with the holy spirit fill me with the holy spirit fill me with the holy spirit and just begin to allow that that tongue just begin to come out here right there here it is [Music] that's it that's it there it is [Music] there it it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing wow [Music] this is a psalm that he fills our mouth with good things with good things well let's just take a minute just begin to start praying this spirit if you have your prayer line just go ahead and just start just start stirring up come on let's come on let's not let's not just pray to edify ourselves let's pray for let's pray for some breakthrough tonight come unless we get to push some things through the spirit and when he fills your mouth with good things that's it that's it rachel come put your hand on her spirit if you could this is rachel just go ahead and unlock that father right now that's it that's it [Music] [Music] and nothing else and nothing else and nothing else nothing else [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign hey [Music] i want everybody to gather your spirit and in one accord we're gonna push through like a battering ram i want to tell you listen there's some doors that have been closed in the spirit that god wants to open tonight and it's not an open for you it's an open end you and it's open through you amen so listen we're good listen we're going to go just two minutes of breaker tongues a brick and i see it again it's like popping those doors open popping those doors open amen so come on just gather your spirit with me in fact hey let's do this everybody just come down towards the front come on new wine is in the cluster amen we don't want the old wine we want the new wine hey hey hey come on we want we want to step into that new place tonight god we want to step into that new place come on just begin to fill in these open spots come on just like in the days of nehemiah no gaps in the wall no empty spaces oh foreign um foreign right now oh come on come on come on come on one more minute one more minute [Music] prayer breaking through to the other side come on let's give him a shout out praise [Music] you know in the natural in the natural there is a thing called breaking the sound barrier but in the supernatural there's a thing called breaking the spirit barrier talk to us about breaking the sound barrier well it's probably about a year ago when jason was preaching all about there's a whole new realm coming that god was going to show himself in a way that we have never seen before it was going to be manifested in a way that when it showed up that even the church would question if it was god and i got a download about that there was a sound barrier and i knew about sound barriers and the pilot of chuck yeager and they talked about how these fighter pilots were always going faster and faster and faster and they knew that there was this physics of a sound barrier but as they got closer and closer to that sound barrier the plane began to shake it standing trembled and it shook so hard that every pilot thought the plane was going to blow up and so they'd all pull back and chuck yanger saw many of his pilot fellow pilots die in testing and just right after world war ii and testing new technologies and i think just one day he said i woke up and i said i'm just i'm gonna find out what's on the other side and he just said that plane began to shake and it just felt like was going to fly apart and then all of a sudden he just broke through and on the other side it was calm and still and faster and more silent than anything that they had ever experienced and i know that we are in the process of pressing through of breaking through letting go of the past letting go of religion letting go of all the defilement all the religiosity everything that robert just talked about the church that said this and they don't want to do that because now god is showing up in a new way it's a new way it's a new way and we just have to trust him thank you for jason thank you for this leadership thank you for roberts thank you for joshua and janet mills that are telling us there's a glory and there's a thin thin veil right now between heaven and earth and we're touching it seeing it and feeling it and i believe we are all pressing up this is pressing up to that sound barrier where your voice your voice he talks about speaking and using that voice and quit whining like babies use that voice because your voice is a password it is your voice that god hears it is your voice the response to the holy spirit to the angels to god's throne your voice nobody else is somebody else doesn't pray for you and with you and about you that is yours you can be in partnership that's the unity but it's your voice that has to speak out and break through to the other side come on how many of you know listen come on come on let's say lord for that [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know bank banking institutions now are going beyond passwords and beyond facial recognition to voice passwords your voice print and there's something about your voice print that will unlock resources in this season there's something about voice and there's something on my friend here that i met last night too listen i just they're just we just we just say yes we just say listen i want to tell you listen religion has put bit and bridle in too many mouths for too long amen and one of the things is when you see someone beginning to run wild listen don't ever try to put a saddle on me man amen and so listen i want to tell you listen your voice your voice your voice print is recognizable in heaven and in earth in deuteronomy 30 19 he says i would heaven and earth as a witness against you blessing your curses life or death you choose choose life and see heaven and earth are watching and listening to the life we live in the words we speak and i want to tell you the windows of heaven are open and god is looking for places to pour out not just blessing but power influence affluence and glory so that his will would be done in the earth amen and so on the count of three we're going to just everyone's going to release your voice friend how do you do that you just release a shout a triumphant psalm 47 1 shout it says in numbers 23 the shout of the king was among them they said they couldn't find iniquity they couldn't find they couldn't find an issue within jacob because of the shout of the king and see when the king begins to shout through you the enemy is silenced in every area amen and so on the count of three and my friend here with the worthy shirt i just knew you got a sound or release i'm just gonna give you the mic and you're gonna release this and releasing the sound amen so on the count of three i want you to release the shout of the king in you one two three yes on come on come on we lifted high we lifted higher he lifts it higher he lifts it higher come on he lifts it hard he lifts it up he lifts it up [Music] we just how many of you feel how open it is in here amen listen we don't just enjoy the openness in the openness we advance we invade we occupy and we transform amen so same as we say i'm and moving forward tonight i'm stepping out and i'm stepping in he brought me out to bring me in and tonight i'm occupying my place of promise my faith in the spirit in jesus name and everybody said amen amen amen amen amen hey take a moment greet two or three folks high five them tell them how awesome they are i gotta give you a hug you're amazing i gotta give you a hug [Music] come on come on come home thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord you can always tell when it's a good praise break when you got to rearrange the chairs amen hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hey i want to welcome you tonight to king's way how are you excited to be here tonight listen i want to tell you your voice has value your voice is needed in the kingdom amen and you know one of the things that i love that bill johnson used to always say is nothing happens in the kingdom without a first being spoken amen and one of the things that i feel like is happening this weekend is their cycles of negative self-talk that are being broken so we can see the words spoken over our situation because the word will not return return void but it'll accomplish what god sent it to do amen and so how many of you know listen when we put the word to work the word works we want to go ahead and release our king's kids tonight i know we've got an incredible team in the back if you're here tonight you have children seven years old all the way up to fifth grade you can go ahead and release them to to we've got uh kasi kyla back there i see nathan waddell i saw pastor jody and just different folks dustin duckworth just all kinds of great folks back there come on let's single for incredible kings kids team back there tonight you got some guys coming around third over here guys also if you're here for the very first time anyone here for the very first time just raise your hand we want to welcome you awesome raise it high hallelujah we've got some folks right here some friends and if you're here with us for the very first time just raise your hand or us just want to connect with you they're going to give you a connect card if you can fill that out put it in the offering basket uh we've got some other you're a first-time visitor praise god first time visitor meets jesus gets touched by the holy ghost hallelujah come on listen that's that's the way to go to church amen i i like it i don't like a praise break where you got to rearrange the sanctuary amen and uh come on let's just thank the lord just for what he just did can we do that let's join with the angels amen yeah somebody got uncapped in jesus name didn't you come on get happy girl you know joy is a faith-based emotion and it's voice activated amen and i want to tell you god is bringing you out of a night season that's been filled with mourning and i it may be nighttime in the natural but it's a new day in the spirit and this is your season of j-o-y this is your season of joy joy joy down in your heart this is your season where the oil of joy the oil of gladness is going to begin to break off all that has come against you and i just saw just even the problems of yesterday beginning to flow off of your back it was like the things that caused you to be weighed down and worried couldn't hold on to you because you had let go of the past and you were holding on to the savior amen come home let's just thank the lord for this sweet sister over here amen amen anybody else with this for the very first time raise your hand anybody with us for the last time i'm kidding they typically call me on mondays no i'm just kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding they don't call all right but again we're gonna have a great time tonight how many of you already enjoyed this weekend hadn't been awesome is this anyone's first time here tonight for the for the conference maybe you've been to kingsway but this is your first session for the unveiling conference awesome awesome awesome listen you guys are in for a treat and some of you have probably watched uh online but we have just had an incredible time with with dr liard liardon this throughout this past week in the college of course throughout this weekend and he's going to be with us of course tonight and then also tomorrow for our kingsway sunday service as well so if you're if you're in the birmingham area and you do not have a local church come and join us if you're in the birmingham and you have a local church that you're a part of go to that local church amen support that pastor be a part of that body we listen i want to tell you god has you planted in a place where you can prosper amen and so we're so thankful for what god is doing here but we're also so thankful that you're with us tonight hey i'm going to go ahead and show you a quick video and then we're going to hear from one of our favorite people before receiving the [Music] offering [Music] [Music] amen how's it going it has been unreal this weekend hasn't it it's been so so good so thankful to be a part of it uh man it has been an honor for me and my family to get to be a part of what god's doing in kingsway college and the one of one of our our our three uh catch phrases is this is a school that's biblical practical and supernatural and i just want to encourage you guys that even what the lord was doing tonight that if you're looking for a place a people that's saying we're not settling but we want to be a pioneering people that's going to press past that sound barrier and find your voice on the other side to find yourself to know who you are as you discover the beauty and the wonder and the love of the father man we want to invite you to be a part of that one of the testimonies for me in my life because i'm a second year student and i'm also an a a pastoral assistant to pastor tim and pastor bethany and it's been an honor to serve under them if you're looking for a place that's full of fathers and mothers a safe place for you to discover and develop and be deployed then i want to invite you to be a part of kingsway college this fall so listen if you've got just a stirring deep down here saying hey i want to know more about this than we want to meet you get to know you talk to you and find out more about you so if anyone is interested in knowing more about kingsway college throw your hands up and our ushers are going to uh give you this all it is is just filling this out right here and yeah yeah yeah let's give them a hand we're so excited welcome to the family welcome to the family and so listen you'll tear this off you'll keep the little blue card and drop this piece in the offering and i promise you i've seen it in my own family that it'll infect you but it'll also transform the people around you because what god does in you he always releases it into the world around you amen awesome i'm looking forward to seeing and hearing from you bless you guys come on come on if you were born for more kingsway college is the place for you amen and speaking of being born for more just even in the midst of those or just our friends and family who were just born again for more amen it's really near and dear to our heart to be able to follow up with you guys that this is not just the night of decision but it's the beginning of discipleship and so pastor ashley if you can come up here real quick so i can see your beautiful face come on let's stay over pastor ashley of course pastor ashley and pastor jonathan are so passionate about community and discipleship and so again if you were one of the folks who came up and prayed with us earlier and made a significant serious commitment in terms of rededicating your life or giving your life to the lord tonight we want you to be able to follow up with pastor ashley and you know whether it's after the service but we want to be able to find next steps we want to get on the phone with you want to hear where you're at how can we help getting you plugged into a place of community and in a place of discipleship so you can grow in your grace yes we are super excited we just love seeing people and god what god is wanting to do and just the words that i keep hearing just consistently are unlock and unleash because it's one thing for something to be unlocked but it's another thing when you're unleashed and so i just believe that that is what god is wanting to do in each and every one of us so we would love to touch base with you and just get to know you more develop those relationships so that god can do in you and through you everything so that you can impact the world around you so that people can know him for who he really is and so that is just that is my heart and i believe what he is doing in this season because it is time for the church to rise up the way that we show god that we show him just how worthy he is is that we are 100 who he created us to be and that we walk in that and the original intent that he put in us to look just like him in the earth so we are so excited i am so excited and i can't wait to just meet you and just hear your heart and just develop those relationships with you amen amen come on that's what it's all about isn't it and so again if you're one of those folks tonight please just find pastor ashley so you guys can exchange information so we can be sure to follow up and and come alongside of you amen come on isn't jesus amazing i love him with all my heart how about you amen you know one of the things about you know love and it motivates you in fact roberts and i were talking about this actually before the service you know when when you fall in love with something or someone or you're passionate about something it just it consumes your thoughts amen every thought that you think is with that person or that that topic in mind amen how many of you know when you first fell in love with your spouse it was like everything you did throughout the day it was all centered around them you could be doing something that didn't apply to them they could be across the room or across the country but they were still in your mind and i believe that there's something even in in what we do even in whether it's worship or whether it's in generosity it's in moments of praise or stepping out just simply to practically meet the needs of those around us we can always do it with jesus and mind and one of the things that i just love about um dabo coach good old coach dabo i don't like the fact that he beat alabama but the one thing i do like is when he did he talked about how important joy was and they asked him they said what's the secret to joy he said jesus others and then yourself amen and there's just something because i believe one of the things that is so so coming against this generation which is why people are so easily offended is because it's as people think of themselves before they think of jesus and others but there's something about seeking first the kingdom and recognizing that we've been blessed to be a blessing and recognizing that if we'll begin to to to seek to to make things happen for others god will make happen what needs to happen for us amen but we spend all of our time trying to figure out how to make our thing happen you'll be so consumed with worry and anxiety you'll miss out of the joy on the journey and i just feel like god wants to unlock joy for so many of you as we seek jesus we look to be a blessing to others and then of course we trust god to take care of those things that that we have need of as well tonight i feel to receive the offering out of philippians chapter four and so if you have your bob you can turn there um there's a couple really cool things in philippians chapter four and um actually like it from two different translations but um but you know giving is a privilege how many of you know that and in fact when in in in second corinthians chapter nine in the amplified it says that god loves a cheerful giver how many of you know that god loves a cheerful giver and so i i i want to be what god loves and i also love what god loves and in fact there's nothing that reveals the heart of a good god like generosity god so loved that he gave and i feel like there's an aspect of revealing the father that is seen in and through the body when we when we don't think about what we need but we think about what we've been blessed to give away amen because that's the father and one of the things that we see in second corinthians chapter nine when it says that god loves a cheerful giver it's a cheerful joyous prompt to do it giver whose heart is in his giving and it actually says that god will not do without a cheerful giver and that amazing before god moves in a place he puts people in that place with a generous heart who are generous to others but also hungry for him because there's something about hunger and thirst that can transform a city how many of you know that it says in psalm 107 that that he would call wildernesses become a pool dry grounds would spring forth because there he makes the hungry dwell that they would establish a city as a dwelling place for god and we didn't come here to plant a church we came here to establish a dwelling place for god amen and it's hunger in isaiah 44 3 it says he'll pour water on him who's thirsty how many of you are thirsty tonight you have a desire in you for him so he'll pour water on you out of your thirst but not only will he pour water on the one who's thirsty he says he'll pour floods on dry crown his spirit on your descendants and his blessing on your offspring and that amazing it's personal revival it's geographical outpouring it's generational blessing and it is a touch of god that begins to move not only in your day but in also all of the days to come but it all starts with one night with one thirst with one hunger and one heart that recognizes we've been given so much it's a privilege to give back and so paul in philippians chapter 4 verse 13 of course a passage is familiar to so many of us he says i can do all things through christ the anointed one and his anointing who strengthens me and how many of you know that through by the anointing we can do all things and he wasn't talking about trying to do a hard thing he was actually talking about i know how to be a based and i know how to abound i know how to live with and without but in verse 14 he says nevertheless you have done well and that you shared in my distress now you philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel when i departed from macedonia no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving but you only wouldn't love to be a part of the philippian church paul later on in his ministry is writing back to them and saying guys listen you know in the beginning in the beginning of the ministry when nobody believed in me when nobody really believed that i had encountered the lord when everybody when everybody remembered what i had done and did not know who i'd become have you ever been known more about what you did instead of who you are paul knew what it was like but the philippians saw past they saw past his past and believed in him in his present and there's something about seeing past the past and believing in the present that helps all of us to step into the future and so he says no other church shared with me in giving and receiving but you only and see the thing about giving is you can't give and not receive but you also can't receive without giving i love how the amplified translates this verse in verse 15 it says in you philippians yourselves well know that in the early days of the gospel ministry when i left macedonia no church entered into partnership partnership with me and opened up get this a debit and credit account and giving and receiving except you only in that awesome and god has given you his pin number god has given you access say i have access deuteronomy 28 it says one of the blessings of being obedient to do what god tells you to do is that he would open the windows of heaven and pour out not only a blessing that you can't that you can't contain but he would open his good treasure the heavens and pour rain on your land in its season no longer would you have to borrow but you would lend to many nations he said no longer would you have to put it on the visa but you could pay off the debt of venezuela that is the bible y'all and so many christians are believing for their ends to meet instead of seeing the gospel go to the ends of the earth and i believe that i believe that god is looking for a people who will not look through our lens they will they will not look through the lens of self but they would look through the lens of faith to not just see what we can do to get things to us but to recognize what we've been given to get jesus to the world and i love the fact that paul said there is access through partnership and this is what i heard in my spirit during worship when you partner with god's purpose you unlock god's provision and it's god who supplies the seed you see it says isaiah 55 that god gives seed to the sower people who say well i don't have anything to give us because you never did but a sower always has seed amen it says that when he not only does he supply the seed but he multiplies what's sown and then increases the fruit and so he says i'll give you the seed and what you do with it determines what i'm able to do with you i will multiply what i have supplied and then i will bring increase how many of you are thankful for supply how many of you are more thankful for multiply and then how many of you are thankful for increase say supply say multiply say increase then of course he goes on and says in verse 16. for even in thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my necessities not that i seek the gift but i seek the fruit that abounds to your encounters paul said i've figured this thing of faith out guys i'm not asking for an offering i want to unlock the fruit i want to unlock the increase in you i want to see you blessed you are a blessing to me and now i want to see you blessed because of the blessing and there's something about allowing our mind to be renewed even in how we see finances and money in the church for too long people have puckered up when people talked about prosperity and poverty amen but it is time to get free of that fear and one of the best ways to get free of financial fear is to live with generosity we recognize that poverty and prosperity have nothing to do with what you have in your hand they have everything to do with what you believe in your heart a prosperous heart is always willing to lend always willing to give you could have you could you could you could be extravagantly rich but have fear of loss and hold on to everything you've got and it could die with you amen roberts was sharing with us even this week about how so many of the great generals of faith that they built great ministries and they had had great moves of god and built great buildings and churches and hospitals and all of these orphanages and schools while they were alive but many of them died almost penniless on their bed because they gave everything they had for the gospel and i don't know about you but when i let when i take my last breath i don't want to hold on to anything that could have helped me back i want to i want to live so freely with what god has given to me that that my inheritance and the earth can be lives changed cities transformed and that happens through partnership with god's purpose amen verse 18 he says indeed i have all and i bound i am full having received from epaphroditus the things sent from you a sweet smelling aroma an acceptable sacrifice well pleasing to god in verse 19 and says and my god say my god shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory by christ jesus and here's the important thing a lot of times people quote verse 13. i can do all things through christ who strengthens me and then they put on their fridge that god will meet all money he'll support all my needs according his riches and glory in christ jesus and they miss the part that is most important their faithfulness to do what god has told them to do amen and so tonight we're gonna have an opportunity to bridge the gap of i can do all things and god will supply all my needs by partnering with god's purpose and unlocking provision amen i'm going to invite the worship team to come as we continue to worship and receiving an offering tonight really out of partnership partnering with the purpose of god on roberts and on his ministry and on these books i want to tell you listen there are i know that you've sold over 17 million seven and a half million books think about how many people have been touched through those books but also think about each person that has been touched by someone who read the book and i want to tell you this is good ground this ministry is good ground not only because of what this ministry has been a part of in times past but i want to tell you right now that your best years are not behind you the best is not only to come but i want to tell you the latter glory will be greater than the former and not only is a new breath blowing on some of these older books but i believe that there's going to there's going to be like i see even in an acceleration in writing to where it would not just be the 84 or 88 books that i've written but i see a multiplication whereas before it was like adding you know release a book here release a book here but i see beginning to produce multiple and publishing multiple books at one time taking you quickly from like 84 books to 200 books and then just to keep going and i feel like there's an anointing even on the books to not only to not only impart information but to actually impart the anointing to write some people are going to begin to start to pick up the books and they're not just going to read about who who's gone before them but they're going to be so inspired because of what you've been able to capture and to release and to inspire them they're going to say you know i want to use my life and the way that he used his life to study the lives of others so i can see a generation changed and transformed how many you can believe that with me stand your feet let's partner with some purpose tonight go ahead and hold your offerings in your hand these offerings are precious to you they're precious to the lord and i believe that what we give in the earth acts 10 tells us not only does it create a memorial in heaven but i believe it's eternal it says in hebrews 11 chapter 4 that though abel was dead his offering still spoke and so if your offering was to say something tonight what would it speak what we're giving tonight by faith what does it have to say because i believe that we can sow a seed into generations to come that we can do something tonight to say god listen we're so thankful for where we are and where you brought us from but lord we want to see an entire generation transformed by your glory to know you not only like we know you but to know you in the way that you desire to be known and so father right now lord we just thank you god we receive the gift for that you have sent here this week and this weekend god and lord is with great honor and great great privilege that we sow into his ministry we sow into that ground but more than that lord we sow into lord your vision and your mission for what you're wanting to release in the earth god we thank you for the part that roberts is to play in that and god we thank you for the part that each and every one of us are to play and so lord tonight as we give these offerings god i just see different pieces of a puzzle coming together [Music] coming together lord i see i see people being positioned in a proper placement at a proper time and so holy spirit god i thank you lord that tonight lord that not only would you bless and multiply every gift but lord i also ask that you would bless and increase the fruit of every giver in jesus name amen come on down and let's minister to the lord in our giving they're going to put the ways to give on the screen of course you can give my check you can give my casters envelopes in the seat pocket you can also give through our king's way app or through texting church as well [Music] this is [Music] this is a house of healing [Music] you have a full attention [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus this is a house of miracles and we bring everything to the faith of jesus in the name of jesus this is a house of miracles here [Music] [Music] achieving the coldest grace in the name of jesus this is a house of miracles and we bring everything to the feet of jesus this is and we bring everything to the fear of jesus this is the house of miracles i still believe you're moving i still believe you're speaking god i believe you're working all things look good oh i fix my eyes on heaven god i receive your vision god i believe you're working [Music] i still believe you're moving i'll still be speaking [Music] god [Music] all a miracle and we bring everything to the feet of jesus this is a miracle [Music] this is [Music] this is a house of miracles i still believe you're moving i still believe you're speaking i'm still good still working on things this is a house and we bring everything to the feet of jesus everything in the name of jesus this is miracles so we bring everything come on say this is a house a miracle say i am a miracle i'm telling you this there there is such a breaking of those negative cycles of self-talk i'm telling you say this is a house of miracles this is a city of miracles come on just declare over yourself that you are a revival you are an awakening you are a move of god amen i think sometimes we're waiting for the lord to do something when he's already given it to us just like with moses he said why are you crying to me stretch forth your hand take your rod begin to do the impossible you're a people of the impossible you're a people of the impossible you're a people of the impossible you're a people of the impossible i'm the impossible of the impossible so can you stand to your feet with me and just welcome roberts come on let's begin to honor let's just let him know how much we appreciate him coming to see us awesome let's thank the lord for this worship team come on hallelujah [Applause] oh rion praise the lord one two three four there we go hi great job everybody was just nice to sit in the middle of this tonight how many just enjoyed the whole thing i just like come on enjoy this tonight just sit and enjoy it you don't go i mean i go to i'm in all kinds of churches all the time but you don't get this everywhere you go i mean the pastor even his announcements can be books i'm like this guy is amazing his brain is amazing to me how much scripture he can quote reference and like i want that amen how many you ever read into my 84 book so far can i see your hand how many have read one of them one of my books all right how many read none of my books can i see your hand you're in sin the only way to get rid of this sin is to get one and and we have a we've sold most most of them uh but i'll just mention a few of them before i get into my message i write little books for those that are scared of my big books and um here's a little book i wrote on my vision of heaven i was eight years old i went to heaven when i was eight i don't know why jesus did it but i'm glad that he did when i was in heaven i got in the river of life i didn't look at it i got in it your body is not life-proof like your body is waterproof but your body's not life-proof and the river of life goes through you not around you and um jesus did something we got in the river of life together and jesus did something very unusual he threw me under the water and i bounced up and i splashed him back and we had a water fight in the river of life now more people write me emails about that than anything i've ever said and that's amazing how dare you splash jesus and i always come back and say he started it now for an eight-year-old boy having a water fight with the lord means a whole lot that's the day that jesus became my friend that became a very special moment in my life and so you'll enjoy that little book everybody look up here comes a flying book all right see now you wake up really good when things fly at you like that and then i wrote a little bit called forget not its benefits if you forget them you can't have them [Music] if you forget them you can't have them there you go happy camper uh i won't throw these because you might need a prayer after this these are these are hardback these are we've got a few my i've written six volumes in my god's general series there'll be 12 by the time i finish them in my life and so we are working on some one right now but this is one called the great missionaries the people that went first like david livingston william carey david brainard which was america's first really strong missionary he was here in new england in the 1700s and decided to leave his nice fancy little church and go work among the native americans and his whole ministry was was like that and you learn about him write about amy carmichael have you heard of amy carmichael great lady amy carmichael had brown eyes and when she was a little girl she wanted jesus to give her blue eyes because she just thought blue eyes were the best looking eyes that that little girl had ever seen and so she prayed and asked the lord to give her blue eyes and and expected that when she woke up in the morning her brown eyes would have turned blue and of course that did not happen so she had she just problem for a little bit as a little girl but got over it later in life she would go to india and there was no child labor law there was no police or church stopping the human trafficking and the abuse of little children and there was the place where she was in india it was the tradition that every family brings one of their children made their firstborn and give it to the temple to keep and they would have used it sexually in all kinds of ways just the way it was and amy carmichael got there and there was nobody going to help her fix this or challenge this because it's the way it was for a long time so she couldn't handle those little boys and those little girls being abused and worked like slaves so she dressed up like an indian lady in a sari and took coffee grains and put on her face so she would look browner and walk into the temple and put a little girl or a little boy under a dress and walk out with him and so slowly she began to take him out and then the the evil priest woke up when i said what happened to all of our kids they're it's shrinking and she was so thankful that jesus didn't answer her childhood prayer for blue eyes because she could not have done what she did they'd have spotted her so when jesus says no it's not because he's mad at you or withholding from you he knows something about your future that this is the correct answer thank god he didn't turn her brown eyes blue or she couldn't help those children so you'll enjoy that but all the other ones there in in there and the last one i've written so far is called the the martyrs those that were killed for their faith if they could die you can be a witness to your goofy relative at thanksgiving or go across the street and do your ministry and witness it in your neighborhood i wrote this book when i was watching tv one day of the news and i noticed they kept reporting about this isaac isaac tiger people that were killing people mainly christians and they walked about 13 guys in orange suits to the ocean from the beach and cut their heads off and i thought we're back in barbarian days again that inspired me to write the book because martyrs have a special place of respect in god's eyes and should be in yours i don't mind being a martyr but the hardest thing to be is not a martyr but a living witness it's easy to die for christ but can you live 85 years for it just a thought just a thought the problem with the living sacrifice they keep crawling off the altar just some thoughts for you tonight i want to talk to you for a little bit before i pray for you on the subject of using your faith like a tool and that may be a boring title but that's the best one i could come up with and i wanted to talk to you about because we're talking about the unveiling and talk about things that may seem so obvious but people don't get it faith in every general's life was something they use to accomplish their destiny and their purpose in life faith was a tool to them it wasn't a little generic thing perform little fuzzy feelings are you all with when you turn into baptist say amen so let me talk about the word faith before i go into the scriptures we're going to read from romans 12 in just a moment when we say we're people of faith when the world says that that means that you have a belief system that you live by that's what they mean by people of faith people that believe a system of beliefs so that would be christians jews muslims hindus confucius hiero krishnas are all called people of faith now i don't mind that title because i am a person of faith and so i don't mind being categorized that i'm in that group the second way faith is used the word faith is used in society is when you subscribe to a certain faith or what they call religion i'm not a muslim hallelujah i'm not a buddhist glory to god i'm a happy christian i'm a christian and i like everything about it even the goofy parts so they'll say you're you're a christian you've chosen that to be your religion and secondly i would answer yes then when you're in the christian faith the next way the word faith is used is what kind of christian are you are you a catholic or a protestant is the first division i'm a happy protestant hopefully you are too that doesn't mean i'm against catholic people i just can't worship mary and and deal with idols that we were told never to make in the first place there's just so much of mixture in the catholic church that you really can't buy into it you can befriend people there and there are probably not probably there are people in the catholic church that are saved and even spirit-filled and they can't quite walk away from some of the of the aspects of that faith but i'm a protestant what does protestant mean a protestant one are you protesting anything that's what a protestant means so i am and you are with our faith we are protestant christians all right underneath protestant christianity the next level of how they explain faith or use the word faith is what kind of protestant are you are you a lutheran after martin luther are you a lutheran are you a united brethren what what's your group well i'm a pentecostal what is a pentecostal anybody that speaks in tongues is a pentecostal if you don't speak in tongues you're not a very good one all right i'm not a baptist i'm not mad at the baptist but i'm not a baptist i'm not a lutheran i can be friends with lutherans methodists i love their story and who they are and i want you to act like john wesley they don't but i wish they would everybody follow me now and so we say faith and we use those kind of terms to describe labelings positionings categories and that's where most people even in the church lives with the word faith they live in those definitions of how the secular society and organized religion structures and labels the last use of the word faith is what i want to preach on your faith in your belly is your tool to victory you have faith we're not using the word faith now as a label or category we're using it as a tool or a force of operation in your life christianity is the great faith religion if you want to say it that way and everybody in the kingdom of god has got faith hold your place in romans i'm going to go back there and let's go to hebrews 11. everybody still with me i need i need to build this this foundation for where we're going to go tonight hebrews 11 6 i call it the faith test because some people say i don't have any faith i don't have any faith i don't ever i don't have any faith well here is the test if you've got faith says in hebrews 11 6 without faith it's impossible to please god for he cometh to god must believe that he is and that he's a rewarder of them that diligently seek him how many believe god exists you have faith right here if you come to god you must believe that he is that you're that's your faith test when i'm in a battle sometimes and i feel like my faith is weak i ask myself does god exist roberts and i go yes then i've got faith if you can answer that question does god live is he alive does he exist is he and you can say yes it proves to you have faith so you don't walk around i don't have any faith i i i was born without faith no your own crap some of the stuff people say is like where did you get it go back to romans now some of these will be a reminder to you tonight a little bit but i want to get us where we're going to go we'll go back to romans 12. everybody's still with me all right everybody has been dealt a measure of faith romans 12 3 the last part of the verse god has dealt to every man that includes women the measure of faith everybody in this room and watching me god has given you a measure of faith now he didn't give this good-looking lady a measure of faith and this nice lady here nothing and he didn't give you bigger faith than hers he gave everybody the exact same measure with the same potential the same ability in every measure of faith super brother roberts why do people seem to have bigger faith than mine well that's possible but it did not happen or it's not because god gave you double dose and me singular he gave yours with bionic power and mine's just with hydric power he didn't give like that god did not give people different measures the measure of faith speaks of a distinct exact same thing it's what you do with your measure that makes the difference not how god gave it to us are you with me i'm building my my case tonight i've mainly been this week in the office of the teacher i don't know why but i like teaching here someplace i've got a blast other places i do different things but here is just a real good anointing to teach so if you'll sit there let me teach you a while you'll actually be happier when you go home and and you'll be a better church member next month he gave to everybody the same measure of faith your wife didn't get more faith than you hubby and children your parents does not have a different measure faith than what gave god gave you so remove that thinking out of your being he gave everybody the same all right let me see it this way the same measure that the apostle paul had when he was here you got the same one the same measure that mother mary had and believe me she was a very special lady the same measure of faith that mother mary has you have same exact measure he had the same thing as peter and john the same thing as luther and wesley coolman and oral and wigglesworth and lake you have all no no notice that i mentioned evangelicals and no one went ooh i mentioned three pentecostals they all come alive it's it's just something i've noticed all over the world we charismatic like well they're okay they don't speak in tongues so they're over there so it's just it's just funny it happens in all the crowds it's just funny to me but charles spurgeon's measure of faith or robert's measure of faith we got the same measure we got the same amount the same potential the difference here's the third time i'm saying it the difference that comes with people's faith is what a person has done with their measure that's where the difference is i'm going to repeat it again because i need you to get it there is no difference in how god dealt everyone the measure it's what you do or don't do with your measure that determines a difference between us people say well what about special faith let me just go ahead and conquer that first corinthians 12. the gift of faith or special faith brother wigglesworth you think had special faith no he didn't he built his measure to the place it produced the stories we tell he did not have a special gift of faith that lived in him we've all been given access to the gift of faith when we need it and god sends it so what is the gift of faith the gift of faith is when your faith is exhausted ever been there where where your faith is at and the storm you're in you're like this i can't take anything else i cannot deal with another something because i am maxed out where i'm at now that's not a place you should be ashamed of because at that moment our father god knows where you're at and the gift of faith is god takes a portion of his faith sends it to you as a gift to give you the faith you need to either get an instant breakthrough or have the ability to joyfully endure it until you get it so five minutes ago you were dying and it came inside you whoa you're happy now you got faith you're up you're there that's the gift of faith and every one of us has access to that as god wills it for our life but that's not the measure of faith that's god's kindness with the gift of faith let me say it again the gift of faith is when god looks at you and sees that you're struggling you're doing all you know with everything you know and all that you have and he looks down from heaven and sees that and hears your cry in your voice and he realizes their faith is exhausted or you're in a multiple warhead war most people's faith is developed just to handle a small crisis at a time not a multiple warhead three or four things at the same time going off in big ways psychiatrists will tell you if you have three big happenings in your life real close to each other it'll change your personality for life because of the impact of all of that and he looks at you and he sees you need faith because the faith that you have and where you've developed it is not enough to get you victory in that battle in that circumstance so god sends it supernaturally from heaven from his bank of faith leaves the throne room and it finds you right here in alabama or finds you in moscow or finds you out in the middle of the south asian jungles finds you and always gonna find you and it doesn't come to your head it comes to your belly into your spirit because your head is probably already dead by this time it is fell over and died it's emotionally distraught it's it's worn out your emotions are gone your intellect is exhausted and you're just like and you're on a respirator and god shoots that into you and then you're like superman you know wow he's like what happened to you what what pill did you take no god just sent me a little bit of his faith to help me out and that's the gift of faith but that's not what i'm preaching about tonight but i want to explain it to you so you know what it is because i teach what i'm teaching i can hear like well what about this well i went ahead and answered that i grew up in tulsa oklahoma about four three to four miles from kenneth hagin's ministry i've heard kenneth preach more than any other preacher in my life and he's a great man he should read all of his books and get his cds brother hagin led a revival we call it the word of faith revival or the teaching faith revival kenneth copeland norvel haynes fred price charles capps vicky jamison some of the early ministers that carried it the greatest thing that revival did among many things was we were finally taught how not to wait for a sovereign act or look for a gift person to get us over the problem that we're in for the first time in hundreds of years god brought a teaching revival on faith to the world before this revival became strong we had gifts like oral roberts and kathryn kuhlman i told this the other day i'm going to tell it again and and i i knew both of them i i met miss kuhlman as a kid but i knew brother roberts personally and they were great people of healing and miracles i mean kathryn kuhlman my lord i saw more miracles than her one service than i did and probably 15 other preachers combined together a red-headed divorcee that talked funny wore a white dress and cried and bam come in the room for the next three hours and you just sit there and shock and awe and that's when it says if you want jesus coming and about 500 to a thousand people to get up and run down front to get the jesus they saw heal people for three four hours i was with oral roberts one time at a partners meeting he used to he had three million partners should i say that again three million partners it makes my amount look like nothing i said i said how did you get three million partners because i asked and they said yes brother roberts was so simple i think it's how'd you get the parties i just asked him to help me and god told him to do it and they did it three million partners and he'd fly them in or have them come in and put them up on the on the campus during the summer and sit in all the dorm rooms and things and he administered to them and the family ministered to them for three four days sunday was healing day that's when i would show up because all the staff and their families would go on that day because oral would pray for everybody and then they have rows of the s of the of the staff and faculty where they'd also get prayed for is that people walked down the other line so it was a whole day of ministry for the sick i saw with my own two eyes about 10 11 wheelchairs and oral roberts without much flair just with that right hand laid on them and pulled them out one right after the other all 11 walking wow i mean it was just like you think after that you have to sit down and rest a little bit when you went ahead and prayed for another 2000 people now that's a gift of healing and a gift of miracles like that that worked through oral roberts and before the word of faith revival we all thought this the majority 90 of us we had to get to the person that had the gift to get us fixed that's why oral roberts and kathryn kuhlman was looked upon as the greats because they had the most recognized healing gifts of their time that actually worked some folks have them they don't work why don't they work brother roberts because you live wrong by yourself and god watches you god watches you night and day and you have to pass his test before some things work you have to pass his test for your gift to get stronger in its manifestation because when he increases power it creates a different world that you have to live in you'd have to go get the pastor to pray for you or the elders but mainly if you're really sick you've got to get to oral or catherine or somebody like that but not everybody that went to miss kuhlman's meetings or or roberts's prayer lines got healed i asked for the roberts one time i said did most of the people you pray for get healed he goes no a lot did but i couldn't say most he said when somebody got healed we got happy though we were excited about it and he told the truth and it bugged me why does a gift only fix certain people and not everybody why does a gift like what miss kuhlman had hid an auditorium with such force that it pulls 30 wheelchair people out all by themselves and heals them in about five to ten minutes i saw that i saw the wind of god coming across the wheelchair section in that building and all of a sudden about 30 people kind of either walked perfectly or waddled like that and became perfect he just sat there like because you heard about it but i just saw it see i've gone so far i can't go back i've seen too much i've crossed the point of no return many decades ago but it bothered me as i studied the generals that this was true for smith wigglesworth for john g lake alexander dowling mother etter all the great healing ministries that we can talk about there were people who did not get healed kathryn kuhlman would say this at the end of every miracle service you come up to me and say catherine wasn't it wonderful wasn't it glorious all the empty wheelchairs she said you want to know what i see at the end of miracle service the one person still in the chair being pushed out and i ask why i wonder every time could i have done something different to help this one or this group to get healed and she struggled with the same thing i'm talking about as a great miracle worker herself i don't know why saints but a gift of healing of backs or hitter hit that auditorium like yours and there's a hundred back problems and only 42 get it and the rest don't now you got to be careful that's where the devil plays up god don't like you that's why he didn't heal you god wants to teach you more by you being in more pain so it's going to last for another six years i mean thoughts like that and that bothered me because i didn't want people to think that because that's not jesus but i recognize the reality of what happened then i had a revelation like many did i can use my faith to get my miracle without a gift person to visit i have been given faith to use for myself i don't need a gift person if i'm around a gift person and i receive i'm certainly not going to reject it i'll say hallelujah stick it to me i'll take it but if i go to a service with bitty hen and everyone around me gets healed and i don't it won't bug me anymore it would about 30 years ago [Music] and then you make up a dumb doctrine and then your dumb friends agree with you yeah that sounds right nobody went to the bible to check it out that is oh it sounds right because it's emotionally correct emotional correctness is not always biblically sound most of the time it's exact opposite kenneth hagin was dying of heart disease blood disease in mckinney texas as a teenager he got his healing by obeying one bible verse mark 11 23-24 you can have what you say no one prayed for kenneth hagin no gifted one came to his house with oil from israel none of that happened he sat there reading his grandma methodist bible as he would say and the word came alive to him and god healed him one afternoon by his faith not by a gift person now i'm going slow so you can hear me distinctly your faith has a better guarantee to your victory than a gift person that you go visit and be around their ministry i'm not being rude to them i'm not disrespectful i like them but i if i never go to another healing service in my life i can still get healed by myself well that's not arrogance that's grow it up your faith is what you make of it matthew chapter 9. you're enjoying this all right i just preached myself happy so i hit my happy note matthew 9. i know it's saturday night but we're not in no hurry it's only 8 o'clock the sinners aren't even getting ready to leave their house yet matthew 9 and verse 29. i love this verse talking about a healing of a blind blind people he touched their eyes and said according to your faith so be it do you know that most of the miracles of jesus when you study them this kind of phrase will show up according to their faith they got healed so even the new testament records in the life and the ministry of christ that the people that he ministered to did not come for a gift they came and received according to their faith your faith can be as strong as you want it to be there is no scripture that says faith can only be this strong faith that you have in your belly can stay the same size as it's when it came to you or it could become a super bionic nuclear force inside of you i asked oral roberts one time how much money have you raised for the gospel because he's accused of taking money off secret swiss bank account so i asked him i said brother roberts do you have cigarette swiftly accounts are you rich you're called the father of the prosperity message he goes i don't i'm the father but at least i'm a big proponent of it how much money have you raised in your lifetime he said you you can't handle the figure i said brother roberts i'm a believer i believe stuff tell me i was at his house his condo in newport beach and evan was cooking lunch for us and we were at the kitchen table he was autographing pictures for me and evelyn goes oral tell him he said okay he looked at me and said i've raised 1 billion 500 million u.s dollars for jesus in my lifetime so far now think 1 billion point 500 million u.s dollars and i was sitting there trying to figure out how many zeros that was in my head and i thought to myself and you're part cherokee indian i mean i knew all the things that people have taboos about and you're a dirt poor kind of pentecostal family and you grew up you're a stutterer you're rebellious and ran away and you end up raising a billion and a half dollars in about 77 years of your life well i want to do that i said how did you do that how he said i built my faith to that level i said well what size is it then what level of faith that a billion dollar shows up at that's how i thought i was i'm a very honest kid i just asked what level of faith do i got to get to to produce a billion dollars for my life in ministry my generation because if god did it for him he has over speculated persons he'll do it for you he'll do it for pastor he'll do it for anybody but wow how i've interviewed all the prosperity preachers the fathers of it every one of them were broke fred price told me that he was so poor they repossessed his car his tv and coming for his furniture when they discovered the blessing of the tither and that turned him around so i asked fred price are you rich he goes some might say that i am he goes i think i'm more wealthy than rich he said i tithe seven thousand a month so you can he lets you can figure it out from there and he's african-american that's a strike in society he grew up poor how can fred price get like that he didn't rob any bank he did it by his faith his faith and oral faith they developed to the place that they produce that oral used his faith pastor like a tool in his life he didn't visit faith he used faith faith was a part of his weaponry and commodity to change everything he looked at his faith his faith was a tool that he used all right go to romans the 10th chapter are you still with me all right sure is quiet on this presbyterian night romans chapter 10. hallelujah praise the lord forever and forever and forever romans 10 17 a verse you all know so faith comes if you will listen and you get it your life can change as a young man mine did i became a millionaire before i was in on my 24th year of life i made more money than all my teachers when i even went to school and they taught me math and finances i made more money than my school teacher said why well you know a 15 year old 17 year old don't have a lot but i learned how to get it by my faith in my actions your faith grows by one thing it does not grow when you sing it does not grow when you cry it does not grow when you shout those are all things that you do and they have different blessings to you but faith don't go oh and grow when you go well no that faith don't you just sit there looks at you it enjoys that but it doesn't affect it faith don't go because you have a famous christian's clothes in your closet like i do they feel like i have catherine's this or hagin's this or that if that would work then i should float on air when i come here because i'm the guy that has it all see i don't play golf i hunt church history that's what i do for fun i'm kind of eccentric like that so when i'm free i'm in an old bookstore i'm talking to an old person because there may be something they can tell me or can give me that's what i do for fun indiana jones of christian history how's that and if having personal items from great ministers will give you power and faith then i should really have it because my house is full of it my office is full of it and my warehouse has stacks and stacks of stuff i have billy city's baseball bat smith wigglesworth's piano dowy's pulpit chair catherine kuhlman's white dress and her other tv gowns and her purse i have her passport and her toothbrush and i still don't have her anointing [Applause] i have clothes from amy mcpherson i have autographs of her by the oodles i have a big square brick block that came from her house when they were remodeled they were going to throw it and the guy said i know a guy that wants this so i had this ups delivery one day and this big old crate opened up but it's a piece of amy's house i thought well praise the lord i don't know what i want to do with it but i got it i have in my collection in my office if you come to i have dowie's lamp post from his front yard i have editor's pulpit that she used the last years of her life at a church in indianapolis i have letters of john wesley in his handwriting i have autographs of john calvin and i have one of martin luther himself so if having stuff from the guys make sure faith get real big then mine should be bionic supersonic and way out there if having that kind of stuff creates something for you now i've had those things for most of my life i'm 55 years old and all it does for you is that you have it it don't give you any extra in the spirit it don't give you an extra anointing glow when you preach it's just called i have it because i went and got it because i wanted it and i bought it or took it and now i have it all and i love every bit of it but it does not make my faith grow it makes you all want to come to my office yes i bet people offer me a thousand dollars to try katherine's dress on i said no i mean you people are crazy you can look at it i'll let you touch it but you're not going to put it on i have smith wigglesworth the bible you know it sits at my desk with catherine cooper's passport so when people show up i pull that out and shock them for 30 minutes and just watch them go and then they start getting spiritual i'm like no that is not going to happen in my office you just straighten up there and act normal take a picture of it hold it look at it that's all fine but if there was any anointing in it i took it out years ago i don't know why i'm elaborating this but i feel like the lord wants me to talk like this for a minute i i i wish it had done something supernatural for me but it hasn't and it won't for you either i'm blessed to have this i'm honored to be god's guy that he entrusts for the care of it i'm thankful for it but it has never healed me or made me rich no never but i have it i have a kenneth hagin shirt i've got everything just wait i'll have all the stuff i want from you i have a covenant if i would study he would do several things make the generals of today my friend and give me the stuff that belongs to the revival story for me to tell it and preserve it and it has come by the little thousands of items it's just come but it hasn't made me had any greater anointing one guy said i have many hands tied i've been to his house i've been in his car i got his tie well i can up you on that i have one of his white suits he already gave it to me for my collection because i know you want this so here thank you so i got benny's white suit cool and swipe dress and now i'm after amy's white dress i want the whole collection of them why that's what i do for fun that's what i do for fun i'm trying to get off this point but i can't so whoever can't get this get it so i can go to my next point okay i have some really nice notes up here and we're stuck on this thing right here and it's like i've said it like five times there's probably somebody in this crowd going and god's going uh-huh and he's using me as the mouthpiece to pound you for a while because you won't get it by yourself faith comes by hearing faith gets bigger by hearing thing chapter and verse faith don't grow because you cry faith don't grow because you're nice faith don't get bigger because someone goes receive that's a false prayer receive faith you should slap him bad preacher faith don't come by me laying my hands on you and going receive faith because brother if that would work i'd have everybody zapping me help my faith grow faith is like a koala you do don't you koalas eat one thing what is it that's it they don't eat maple pine nothing they eat one thing your faith is like a koala and it's eating it eats one thing not two not four i don't believe that well suffer them just go right ahead and live in your stupidity when i see you next time you'll be in the same condition weaker emotion but the same condition faith eats one thing your faith in your belly only grows when you feed it one thing now you're in a great church you can run around but your faith won't grow you'll just get tired and have fun running you can be in the worship and have a great time and that does other things for your life we're not talking about everything about faith faith eats only bible yes if you'll feed your faith chapter and verse your faith will grow and if you keep feeding it it'll multiply and become bigger and stronger your faith size is your fault your faith is muscle what it can lift is your fault they tell me all the time somebody prophesied to me that i have smithville's worst mantle and i'm like you're about the 800th person i've heard that in my lifetime and i wish at one time it was true i really did i wish the guy was saying it actually had it because i'd love to see him being friend to it but they say i had a prophecy that the jesus gonna give me smith wiggles worst mantle i thought idiot and we think like this in our kind of churches and i understand where it comes from and i don't want to bust your balloon but i'm going to for a mantle to be given a life must be lived over time for that to even have a possibility there are certain dynamics by which a mantle falls upon a person now you can receive a blessing an impartation of sorts that's good and great and take it but then i got smith wigglesworth mantle do you know how smith wigglesworth lived most people don't they just know he shook people and kicked them and got him healed that's what they know because that's the famous stories and they're true he was he did enough of those acts that his reputation for them echoes through time i mean there was a man in san francisco at glad tidings church that came with stomach cancer all swollen up smith you know reliance on goes what's up that means tell me what's wrong with you what's up so you walked around watch up and the doctor jumped up because the doctor nurse came with him he's dying of stomach cancer and his last request was to come and see you you need to get him ready to meet eternity smith ignored the dumb doctor said to the sick man what's up i want you to hear me and pray for me he goes do you think god will hear you and feudal questions and he was a plumber he had big strong hands and he made a fist bam and he hit him in the stomach and the man and the doctor said you've killed him and smith said no i haven't yet you haven't had an argument there in the prayer line i found it the doctor the nurse just kind of took care of the man that wigglesworth just killed is what how they were thinking i always thought the next person the prayer line how do they react [Applause] see i think like that i think you just saw the guy punch a swollen cancer stomach patient and then scream at the doctor he's not dead but he really looks dead to me and he walked what's up i'm fine thank you you get healed real fast [Laughter] about 10 minutes goes there's the story and the whole church saw it the man jumped up off the stretcher with a flat stomach totally healed and revived in about 10 minutes now now that's smith okay he does that not all the time but enough to where it still is it's part of his story and you say i am smith wigglesworth's mantle he raised 23 people from the dead that we know of how did wigglesworth live he only read one book young man now i'm not saying you have to do this but i'm saying if you want what he had you might want to see how he lived for god to trust him with it he only read one book when his wife taught him how to read because he was illiterate or had very little reading ability until he got married and his wife helped him and helped him learn how to write paulie was a great lady like that and and when smith learned to read he only read one book the bible it and secondly he never went more than 20 minutes he said and his family said and people that knew him without praying or reading from his new testament that he carried in his pocket so for years read one book and every 20 minutes he would pray in the spirit or pray and or read a scripture that was his habit that was his custom can you do that mother roberts i have facebook responsibilities [Applause] faith in wigglesworth became strong to where they gave him the title that he was the apostle of faith because he fed and grew his faith to a level that astounded people but it was normal for me because he had built his measure to that level your faith only grows when you feed it chapter and verse the more you feed on the scriptures the stronger your faith will become if you're casual about it you'll have once in a while victory not consistent victory faith comes or is energized by hearing the word of the lord all right let's go to hebrews 11 for our last verse i think i'm preaching myself happy you know i know some of you have heard faith sermons before but you know how many people don't know the base of what i'm teaching right tonight and some of you need to be reminded because you quit doing it some of you know it but you don't do it and then you fall into the traps of talking unbelief thinking you're talking spirituality your faith does not want to be bored in your belly your faith likes to do things it's like your heart was made to beat and the most amazing organ in the body to me is the heart it just keeps right on beating meaning and meeting the meaning and going this girl and keeping going it beats for 80 90 years it's about the size of your fist it was made to do to do that faith has a nature to it something that it does like the heart beats faith does stuff too write this down faith likes projects it likes projects your faith gets happy when it sees something that has to change supernaturally your faith goes oh praise the lord here we go there are two things that are bored with most christians their faith and their angel are bored stiff some angels are going i'm glad they died because i'm tired of doing nothing for 40 years if you don't use your angel i'll take them all right hebrews 11 verse 33 who through faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness obtained promises and stopped the mouths of the lions the four things faith likes to do the most number one cocker stuff subdue and conquer faith is a militant force of aggressive invasion if you have strong faith you will invade and conquer if you have whippy faith you'll compromise and run faith likes to conquer and it says in verse 33 and wrought righteousness are brought about rightness in situations it has corrective ability has the ability to bring righteousness into a bad thing and fix it faith likes to do that third this is where most people live with their faith obtains promises that's where most christians use their faith only to obtain promises but it's three of four things in this verse that faith does if you live only in obtaining promised faith then you're going to live a very much boring life in my opinion i'm not against that because i'm glad the promises are ours but most christians that's all they do with their faith they don't conquer nothing they don't correct nothing and the four things faith stops stuff it's a militant force and you can use it like a tool you could see oral roberts take his faith and put it into a situation and start working by believing and speaking in corinthians it says we have the same spirit of faith therefore we believe and therefore we speak faith mainly is released by your believing and speaking you're believing and speaking is how you got saved faith is released not always this way but mainly by believing and speaking in the number two by intentional actions faith is released tonight i gave you a faith message at a certain tone of authority i taught it to you not as a suggestion i taught it to you in the command and absoluteness about it how you hear something also affects you and i wanted to preach to you united a faith message at a certain level of authority certain level of command in my voice because your faith is going to have to grow and you have to do your own faith growing what you do affects you what you do makes your faith stay the same size or grow what you do most christians want to build their faith when they're in a crisis it's hard to get healed when you've had no time to build faith for healing in your life you can do it but it's difficult you should build it up so when the day comes you need it there's a reservoir boom it comes parasite christians cannot live in king's wade church you can't live off of other people you've got to get it yourself we'll carry baby christians until they grow we'll help wounded ones until they're healed but we're not going to carry you forever get your own faith you lazy thing you [Laughter] build your own faith you lazy thing turn off the tv and turn the phone off go read your bible and confess it out loud go build your face go build your face go build your face go build your face wherever you want to build your faith you want to build it on prosperity go get prosperity verses and read them and read bible stories of prosperity provision read them and read them and read them spread them out loud sing them read them talk them dream them just don't don't stop just boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and there's your feet it starts to grow remember when your faith gets strong you become secure and absolute in your talk you don't have any wonder in your voice and your nice friends will be offended by you they'll not like you who died and made you god jesus he died and made me his son and you his daughter i've been drafted into the family you have to when you build your faith people can't always take it will they come to a faith church like this they'll think you're all a bunch of crazy nuts but while they're calling you names your faith is growing while they're mocking you your church corporate faith is growing and then it's going to start conquering and correcting and obtaining and stopping and you'll become a militant force learn to use your faith as a tool to get your victories and to win your city for jesus amen amen stand up on your feet i'm done teaching see the teaching anointing it just needs time other anointings need music other knowing needs other aspects to help them work but when you're in the teaching thing you just need time if you're a prophet you need the right kind of music i'm not making fun that's the truth that that psalmist menstrual thing is a part of the prophetic flow i can't lay hands on you tonight and make your faith grow but i can bless you i can ask god to heal you i can cast the devil out of you but i can't make your faith grow only you can do that you can be next to the greatest faith guy and just be next to them you might receive them but your faith don't grow because you know a great faith guy that's right your faith grows sir by what you feed it consistently if you will do it where you're called young by the time you're the young man you'll have a different life that's what i had that's what i had i believed my mother and i believe my grandmother and i believed my pastor that when they told me something i did it with sincerity and persistence so that's why by the time i was in my early 20s i had made my first million and be like well you you dated the wrong person and i didn't i quit playing basketball and i talked to old people i changed my whole life of what a young man could do it was my right to play ball it's my right to do these things it's okay to do that but i chose to put that aside and made it minimum and gave god his word his spirit and his old saints priority in my life and it blessed me and gave me what a man of 50 years old would have what i was called young that's why they persecuted me i was 20 years old and i had a bigger ministry than phil that was been in the ministry for 40 for 40 years you know what i did when i was your age we'd mow lawns i don't know if they do that anymore and we only made like five or ten dollars a lawn back in those days i had three lawns i mowed every week in the summer and i give all my money away and i tell jesus i'm going to give the first salon money to the church the next one to oral roberts the next one either to jeremy walker or kenneth hagin and i did that summer after summer and i told jesus this i said i don't need any harvest right now i'm at a home i don't need nothing when i need it when my ministry starts can you send it to me then and i was just as sincere as i can and he did when my ministry started when i was in high school i mean money came crazy i even forgot all the seeds i had sold in the prayer i prayed because i didn't think god heard me i just thought you know it's a kid talking but god took it because he watched me give my money away every week happy happy not grumpy grumpy tithing don't work grumpy sewing does not work happy works it's true yeah he'll do that for you he'll do it for you if you'll do it and he'll do it for you if you'll start doing it throw both hands up in there and thank god for what you're here tonight just thank god for what you heard tonight thank the lord the instruction you receive so you can go home and do something significant about changing your private life forever just show god you're thankful i've learned when you show god you're thankful he'll give you more when you show god you appreciate what you hear what you receive he'll look down someday in the near future and load you with more blessings because you're appreciative he knows he can give you more and it'll be in the value of your life we thank you for it thank you for it now tonight i'm going to pray for people i didn't plan to preach this long but i guess all preachers preach longer than they clan it is saturday night and i promise to pray for everybody that wanted me to pray for him and i'll do that i'm going to ask pastor to come and direct how we're going to do this that the musicians could come that'd be great the praise team could come go ahead pastor how many of you are thankful for the word that is the seed that is falling you know matthew 13 23 says the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it amen and so there's an application to the word that we've heard and so even even with the word that came and the prayer that's going to come now the blessing it's really going back and saying god i'm going to be faithful with this seed to see it grow into a tree to produce more seed to sow into more people amen practically as you can see our team is moving these center rows back what we're going to ask is we're going to ask for several rows to come across the front okay let me give you some instruction and then we'll go ahead and start moving forward what we're going to do is we're going to come two carpet squares off of the teaching stage we'll have some folks help us line up shoulder to shoulder and then we're going to i'm going to ask for you to keep three squares between you and the person in front of you what that does is the length of a body amen so it just gives them space to receive because listen one of the things i've learned a long time ago is when god touches somebody you don't want to pull him out of the touch amen because so many things can happen under the anointing amen someone asked you go ahead and move out of your seats if you could come on and begin to make your way down come on the hungry ones get up here first and hallelujah and the double dippers make their way to the back amen come on yep right there that's it that's it and just go ahead and get shoulder to shoulder if you could shoulder to shoulder amen and the reason why we're doing that it gives roberts enough room just to kind of you know be able to get through evenly and then you'll you'll notice again that he's trying to curve over and just kind of you know try to get about six feet behind them and what we're gonna do is another row okay so go ahead and take maybe three big steps back okay hallelujah hallelujah all right good good good good good bread and i think if we all get shoulder to shoulder we could probably fit in two rows amen hallelujah but right over here we're going to still more just off that corner hallelujah okay fantastic fantastic you guys are amazing you guys are amazing thank you lord thank you lord a couple of keys in receiving impartation and blessing number one focus on what jesus has for you not what he has for the person to your left or your right i've seen people get distracted from receiving what god has for them because they're gauging what they get based on what somebody else got on the outside amen the other thing is when you're receiving prayer it's not the time to pray [Music] as roberts is praying for you it's like drinking from a cup and if i was to try to have a conversation while i drank i'd make a mess but nothing would get on the inside and bring refreshment jesus breathed on the disciples and said receive the holy spirit and so sometimes even some things that kind of just even help our spirit and our soul and our body to receive what's being released is when you're receiving that prayer just take a breath just take a breath just breathe them in in fact can we just breathe in just the spirit of faith that's here tonight father we thank you holy spirit we welcome you tonight god we thank you for the word that has been sown tonight god i thank you that the word has fallen on good ground god i thank you that tonight there will be a 30 60 and 100 fold harvest of your word through our faithfulness and through our desire to grow in your word and holy spirit we thank you for the blessing we thank you for the blessing that you have to release here tonight to each and every person lord you know the unique needs in their life you know the the journey you know the call you know the assignment you know the alignment and so lord we ask you holy spirit to come and to minister through your servant exactly what each and every person needs here tonight in jesus name [Music] i lay my hands upon you according to the authority that has been given to me and say be healed and be free in the name of jesus we break there is right there in the name of jesus in the name in the name in the name in the name [Music] of jesus father [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] today [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus head be quiet in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name [Music] be blessed be blessed in jesus name be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed in jesus [Music] if we can name the grip that's over here just a little on the back wall if you could right over here on this back over here [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] and restore his life restore his life to him restore the health of your mind [Music] hi guys are we all good be blessed in jesus name be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed [Music] [Music] what's your name speak to him use him change him and give him new friends and new altitudes to libya be blessed in jesus name be blessed be blessed there it is [Music] [Music] correctly [Music] [Music] okay [Music] last be blessed be blessed be blessed in jesus name be blessed [Music] that the blessings [Music] hallelujah in jesus name that the blessing of the [Music] the lord of the lord [Music] you're a preacher's kid and you don't have to wait till you're thirty to do something else and you're the environment to do it father grant him a greater understanding of that what you want to do what he's called god and we bless him [Music] hallelujah [Music] want to make sure [Music] you guys get the spirit of timber be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed [Music] hallelujah today [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] lift your hand up toward heaven and thank god for the touch you got tonight thank you thank you now let me just teach you something real quick there's different ways god helps people to minister to them you see well you didn't touch me very long it don't take a long touch when the anointing flows out of somebody and it hits you take it and let it work inside of you and and and don't worry about falling or not falling that's not the point that's a side issue that doesn't really mean you've received or not so if you didn't fall tonight it doesn't mean you didn't receive don't let the enemy get you in your car your way home thinking well i didn't fall i must not have got a greater anointing you know it all comes and it works in people different ways if you fall fine if you don't find it's no big deal it's only a big deal to small baby christians and preachers trying to impress not bless and i bless you tonight and i bless this church let the hand of the almighty rest upon this house in this city to do what he has done in other centuries to raise up great churches that confront and change a city's culture let this leadership team have that understanding revelationally and not emotionally of the governing capacity that is in this house and its future i pray that the wrong people stay out of every department and the right people come into it i pray that god sends the right gifts to help you build and do that what you're called to do here i pray that for you in jesus name everybody said amen give god a good shout if you would can we just let roberts know how much we appreciate them [Applause] so amazing what a great night hey two things one tonight we spring forward in more ways than one how many of you feel like we're faithing forward i fee i feel like tonight was a spring forward that we're not just turning clocks forward but i believe that there's a momentum that is getting ready to happen not just in this ministry but i feel like in the manifestation of those gifts that god has given and also of course roberts is going to be with us tomorrow morning we're going to have a powerful time here service starts at 10 a.m of course we invite you to come early uh have a great seat bring uh invite friends and family amen it's gonna be an awesome time we love you so much be sure to visit the book table there's a few books left out there hey can we just thank the lord for all that he did tonight so many different facets of his goodness on display amen just also those of you who did pray earlier to either rededicate your life or give your life to the lord if you could please come find pastor ashley right here that would be amazing we want to be able to come alongside and support you guys with everything that god has made available to us amen we love you have a great night we're so glad you were able to join us online for this service at king's way we pray you were blessed encouraged and empowered through this broadcast if you're watching on youtube make sure you subscribe to our channel so that you can stay up to date with our latest content or if you're watching on facebook you can like comment on what impacted you and even share with your friends no matter which platform you're using we would love to hear from you you can email us at testimony we are so excited to hear what god is doing in you we really are and we're grateful for all the things that are happening in and through the family of kingswood we want you to know we love you we're praying for you and we bless you to walk in the fullness of who you're called to be we'll see you next time you
Channel: King's Way Church
Views: 1,736
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: birmingham, alabama, king’s way, church, worship, preaching, Jason Hooper, irondale, holy spirit, jesus, king’s way music, king’s way college
Id: V-XWk1VGwpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 28sec (11428 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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