Using Remote Controlled PLANES To Destroy My Friendships in Forts

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well today's your lucky day Blitz why what have you done to me now you get to play with planes oh good that's fun not only that but you can control the planes too can I can I destroy your planes that's the funner part I think I'll prefer destroying your planes okay so real talk if we're allowed to play with planes are we going to use any other weapons or just planes I think defenses are in order okay good cuz I've already been building a few defenses oh of course you have so if we have planes that means we need the runway right is that considered a weapon for you it's necessary what are you talking about oh I mean I was thinking of just throwing them up in the air like a helicopter or something just go that's not a bad idea I just got myself a brick brain idea here a brg brain brck brain and we're going to need a lot of real estate to build these planes is it okay if I sell my flag I don't really want it right now what if I move it somewhere nope oh why is it not moving it so these planes oh my goodness all right so there's a bip plane that's a thousand then a Fighting Falcon o A9 side winders those are missiles if I remember right 5,000 9,000 and 6,000 power this is very expensive it is going to be I'm going to build airplane I'm going to wait till I have enough metal and then build a Runway oh the bip planes build super fast they do but the runway doesn't yep I wasn't going to tell you that I I already had bip planes made but it'll be fun well not that really matters if you can't use them what was that noise lots of upgrades I don't like it when you do lots of noises I need to this is expensive prob some storage oh that's idea storage I was about to work on that as you were saying that uh-huh uh-huh I gave you the answer didn't I you're copying my homework again and I'm making it very obvious why does the runway take forever to build my goodness yeah it not like there's like 500 systems going into it no it's just a chunk of concrete on the ground chunk of concrete supported by a big hunk of wood wow that now that you bring it up that sounds like a terrible idea you imagine wooden aircraft carriers in real life oh boy okay but now I can launch a plane so let's try it and then I hit this button to control it oh yep we're controlling it I controlling a bip plane fire fire oh no that was awesome wow we're not on fire we're good we're good coming in hot get some my own defenses wait that wasn't good I have a different idea oh do you oh okay let's just play The Guessing Game oh can you find can you see fight fight fight oh oh this is going to be good another one need do we get bombs I got grenades just going to Chuck a grenade okay that was flashy oh oh no oh you can't go upside down oh did you just fly off the map no I did my airplane did oh wow okay and then there's Flett oo oh my goodness wow I need to try that out up right away don't know if I like whatever I just wow that got shot down so fast okay let's bring this up a little bit I have big plans my friend this is good you're going to die so quickly I disagree ooh let's take this time to up the runway so more planes build thank you for that big brain idea now who's copying whose homework uh you are copying mine this is what I like to call the air traffic control tower what what I built an air I'm going to control your air traffic with my tower is that how that works I don't know but I hope that I can blow you up a couple times and I guess I also need some metal production not just the energy yeah I'm working on that too that's why all the upgrade sounds are going upgrade grade I don't know what the math is maybe some smart person in the comments can let us know is it better to build a new one or upgrade an old one that is a good question what's cheaper we should do the math so upgrading is 100 metal and 1500 energy okay and then building a new one is 150 metal and 1,000 energy yeah but does it do double that's the real question three and seven compared to two and five so it's it's not double it's 50% more oh okay but it's uh more expensive so it's better to build new than upgrade until you run out of room at least so person in the comment stop typing we figured it out okay so it's cheaper on metal but more expensive on energy so the real answer is just yes build it off just do it and I think I'm going to do it oh boy I'm going to do it too I don't even know what these are and I want them this is the most upgrades I think I've had going on at once okay I can be happy with that metal production I think and I think I can be happy with how this plane flies maybe okay that's way fter oh look you go what is gun you turn it into a submarine I am so fast wa oh there goes the [Applause] tower that was amazing that was terrible let's do it again and then okay I was trying to expand the view but I had the plane selected hey turn look oh Big Boy plane goodbye that didn't work good yeah I don't know if I like that get up over the defense ooh and then A10 this a 10 this oh gosh oh noik on fire you're on fire look at that shot that we're all on fire that was yeah that was actually pretty well placed okay I need defense I control it oh oh that was I think I hit nice I got one shot off I saw that okay let's build some more things cuz I'm out okay now that the runway's upgraded I'm building two planes at once and will this kick in overdrive it actually doesn't with the planes oh you shot out my nuke again no no no no no no no stay alive stay alive stay you can't touch me I am the gingerbread blit I got like 17 doing donuts in the air coming in for a strafing run checking out that defense everything's good we're in a spy plane we're fine H can still reach up there with the guns oh oh yes hey how about this one W uh-huh I didn't like that actually did no damage I oh a little I got problems here oh do you I think I'm going to fix my problems I don't want to give you the opportunity to fix those problems dropping a bomb and waa you just Style point there woo okay and then I can where am I there I am let's slow this down don't crash into myself I wouldn't put it past you and it wouldn't put it past you either man your guns are struggling how do they have so much ammo though ow well at least I have another plane had another plane well at least I have another plane and drop it right into nothing yes oh come on you can't tell that I'm here we have a steip technology all right nice I feel like it's better to just fire one of those once and then forget about the plane yeah just kind of abandon it and then get one of these going and launch oh no I'm here again come on no and then oh oh yes yes oh my goodness air traffic control tower down okay is your oh your reactor's in there I am Subterranean reactor oh I had a Subterranean surface reactor Subterranean in the water wow there is so much fire happening that is awesome how did that happen I don't like that okay I didn't need that part anyway we didn't that's a new meaning to buzz the tower yeah actually this plane should be able to buzz the tower Tom Cruz style and then just turn around and what all right then yes I'll take it uh-huh so what do I what do I do now okay I feel like some of my defenses disappeared I should put those back same but more than more than defenses more than a few man that really just flattened out your boat didn't it just took the top off got a haircut a I can't upgrade the runway a third time be nice to have a Runway I took out your Runway too yeah oh that explains why you're not doing anything oh I'm doing stuff just not anything noticeable I don't know it sounds like you're going iron side there I am oh oh there he goes up GR again I got to do something fella all right let's see how this works we're just going to take a take a little oh that's really small but wa yes vertical launch takeoff making some VLS over here not losing this I want to see if I can shoot you down oh yeah that was close that was awesome woo and around this way missiles oh I forgot your boat isn't that tall that was cool that was actually shot down a did you yeah if I saw your boat I'd probably know where to aim but I didn't good thing I'm a sneaky man and good thing the plane didn't control when I wanted it to I know that sucks doesn't it sh down again oh I got a hit who oh the defenses there weren't doing the thing no no no no oh whoa whoa whoa you good nope not good oh there you are oh oh come on how is the Flack not hitting are you I think you're out running the Flack that's cuz oh oh not quite that was exactly when the time would have gone I got oh I zoomed in at the wrong time oh yeah right you got the zooms happening you got the Zoomies Zoomies like Magnus hey I'm alive so stinking scary to hear I know where am I there I am missiles waa I just missil myself crack Noob okay at least I have repair stations where am I oh repair stations I think I just flew off the map hey you know that thing with the uh air traffic control tower yeah yeah let's try a I was going to try it again let's try it again get up get up get up and down okay that looks good that was deadly I don't like all those defenses you have though yeah we learned our lesson are the Thunderbolts any good I don't know I wish I knew oh but you're going to try it I got to try something fella oh wow okay that was a decent hole just being a buzz saw I missed your reactor by just a uh one square didn't I oh you just rebuilt with steel yeah what if I shot down yourb I shot down your boat with a bomb I missed uh oh no you tell me we whoa wa oh I should have crashed in you actually and you crashed into me I did intentionally cuz you're rude I'm not rude I just I wasted my bomb and I was like eh I don't really need that right now get up get up get up and drop it nice shot oh right in the hole Nice Shot woo I don't know how many Top Gun references I can make why don't you go play a goose though we call it gray duck where I'm from Duck Duck Go duck duck duck gray duck every everywhere else is wrong it is greay duck you cannot change my mind but man your defense is Mak it hard to survive here I'm just I'm working on it like that's all I've got cuz my my thingy myob is down right now get up get up get up and then blaze it okay that wasn't so bad and then oh get up and blind shot ooh that's looking good this is fun I need to hide from you for a little B that wasn't fun we don't we don't we don't talk about that oh I do realize I used all my planes oh you used all your planes I did very indiscriminately I feel like that's a win for me is it though yeah cuz you didn't really even do any damage on that last run so I'm good good shot good shot good shot oh oh okay that actually was a good shot and now if I can survive for 20 seconds it's the first place I've had first plane I've had in a long time and I'm just using up all of your resources by making your guns fire too oh yes my poor resources okay this I want to do that okay actually got a second bomb off uhoh uhoh amazing just about ran in my own my own boat you know maybe I should join in on this air fighting that's happening no oh you shot o yeah that's good you keep hitting that same spot but I know that stuff there look at that there's a battery oh balls wa that was close what close to what close to Wi I just buzzed my boat oh I haven't had that problem ever oh sure look at me I'm Blitz I'm flying around I'm making people waste resources I'm not flying around you Dingus I know I'm mocking you again and you're not Blitz either you extra Dingus y y y y y y y y y yum whoa I didn't even see that fella hey fella oh my plane blew up right before it hit yours oh no that was a bad one I can buzz you now ha I heard that oh balls get up get up no oh I was hoping to distract your defenses okay ow uh-oh well that's annoying you're annoying your face is annoy got him that's a dumb dumb joke I built a second Runway hoping it would build more planes but it doesn't nope you only get two that's dumb there he goes again get up there and get down there shoot the bomb shoot the bomb they actually shot the bomb thank you chasing you down no I sh get it get it yeah that was a good Splash let's get it again no how many stupid airpl do you have that was annoying you're annoying I know but this is hard we try how many times can we make that joke that did nothing certifiably nothing it's very disappointing shoot man you're just using all the resources right now yeah got to Triple that defense budget America I like this whole like Space Program climbing thing yeah I like this whole set blits on fire thing oh you got it oh hey that works right when I let let go of control the plane control oh oh my gosh happened okay uh I guess my storage was more damaged than I thought what I just watched a big Chain Reaction happen it was great wow I'm was just amazed my boat didn't like collapse on itself okay now you're being rude I'm not I'm trying to hit your reactors and it's very difficult oh no glad it's difficult what are you doing now figure AIDS in space oh you got one that was awesome oh dear I need to repair that hello there really w why why um annoyance levels they are skyrocketing you know what else is skyrocketing another plane the vertical takeoff method imagine being this pilot doing straight vertical circles in the air I can't even imagine what the gfor would be doing like it sucks that you you get like one shot ready yeah have fire it ooh good one oh come on did I blow up your thingy again you're about to I want to I'm I'm trying to shoot earlier but I keep hitting the same thing over and over oh great you're hitting that one too that was a low hit is I told you like I'm trying to hit the same spot but I'm having a hard time oh my goodness your boat is straight steel Now isn't it it is I don't know if we're going to be able to beat each other cuz is two is it really yeah well we're just going to have to try it no o I almost got your plane with that bombb I was hoping that would connect I can't get through the defense now oh just right in the bad timing I was about to ridicule you for like setting yourself up to be wrong I can't punch your defense and then he does it's really hard to time the bomb with the defenses it is ooh I like that though and you know what just take out I was hoping to take out a guy repair that oh oh no no no no no no yay oh I got to repair stop it I was hoping for the promise of a chain reaction okay well you found my my power storage yeah and do it again luy shot last right above that guy's head well now you've got my middle and my back one all you have to do is just attack the front and you're good to go oh I for honestly I forgot I got that middle one well you took on the whole aircraft control tower oh that was my entirety of my uh Power production too I can't build planes oh not going to lie that Tower felt like a lifetime ago it did I mean it's been 50 minutes come on get it whoa low flying that's what I'm aiming for here ah this is beautiful it's like Fourth of July just screaming American Freedom pardon me while I get some popcorn oh oh he's going to get it did you see that shot a Dodge duck dived and weaved if I can dodge a nuke I can dodge a ball my goodness well um I have problems now is it lack of planes problem lack power problem so I can't build planes you took all my upgrade Center yeah oh I did just how much did I destroy you with that uh I mean you took out pretty much the entire back of my base so wow another lucky shot for the lucky intern flying low oh too low get it oh yeah it launched the bomb Oh no that's the reactor there's a whole lot of nothing burning right there yeah low flying planes for the win okay I didn't have any defense in the front I didn't think of that shoot that was a challenge ship go down my goodness that that is a whole lot that's sinking down there wow well good game inter turn good game that was fun y sub to in turn and thanks to the channel members including bread Corby Farm Mr kle one Dakota donam Moto Devon X Lucas Matthew hateful Harold Peggy Sue Drupal along TJ suy sarcastic angel lily bites the minor Within the Gary Sans Isaac Miguel and zero Fox
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 45,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz, forts christmas, forts update, forts game, forts updates, forts intern, forts coop, forts multiplayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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