Risking my LIFE to Wash DISHES

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hello Blitz you got to let me out of the box sometime well that was easy and now we get to do what we're here for which is washing dishes in a very creepy basement you know it's just part of what interns do but we do get a computer at least we just build that right next to our lovely bed here and I can't even use it so yay I guess it's time to set up our dishwasher and get to work so we just bring in a dish over to the sink like we do grab a sponge here and then violet ly shake it back and forth to wash the thing makes a fun squeaky noise at least and just like that it's all clean but it's still a little bit wet and as it dries the value goes up so what we can do to drive it faster is just violently shake it a little bit you know air dry it and just like that it's entirely dry so we're getting the maximum value for it so we just drop it into this pit here and look at that we have a token down at the bottom there it's already 9:30 goodness we need to get some work going here all this sounds well and good but as you can probably guess there's more to this game than just washing dishes especially since there's an entire Survival Guide here regarding the elevator which happens to be right here I think I'll wash some dishes first and as we get more dirty dishes in the sink the water gets very murky but at least they clean pretty fast you know maybe I should just take my wet dishes to a rock concert because this is drying it so fast and when it gets so dirty we can't even wash it because the sponge gets dirty too it's gross so at least we can flush the water and that cleans the sponge thankfully so once we are done cleaning everything we should get the maximum value of coins for the day offerings anyway wax on wax off and that's dry so now we're done with all the dishes that we got from the ominous Shute into the sky anyway and they did drop some food and water too so let's just top up on all those because I think it's time for us to go Adventure into the elevator we don't need to worry about all of this stuff just come on get the water out of there I I don't need the box thank you just get the water out okay and then nope box please work with me here and then we get the bread out of there and now we can take the box with us to go spelunking because the guide recommended that so we bring the box in here press the button and I got a bad feeling about this no what hi there oh gosh that is creepy I was not expecting that right away like I knew there was going to be spooky things in here but right away in front of the elevator oh gosh okay well let's make this a quick Journey then oh no there's more of them yeah washing dishes what is this thing what is this it looks like a part of some kind can I wash this and sell it let's get it in our box even though the Box likes to flip around like crazy oh come on set it down there we go and then we set the parts inside is there anything more on these shelves I am looking for dishes or things that I can use ooh what is this consume is this food it's food I'll just munch that up hopefully it doesn't give me stomach problems there's not a toilet in my room if you didn't notice or is this one of those games where you pee in the sink oh there's food boxes here wow and a valve here can I turn this no I can't turn it and there's so far nothing that I can really use except for this I'm hoping for a few more things okay more shelves and more of those guys oh hey an apple maybe I should just package the food with me just get it in the box there hopefully it stays there's supposed to be more dishes down here for me to collect wash and then get more money from but oh hey another machine part why are you like this okay box likes to be sideways for whatever reason okay now we collect this here into L box there we go oh and there's cameras everywhere Hi how are you can I have some dishes please that's kind of what I'm here that's kind of the name of the game dishwash in simulator even though there's not really any simulator bits about this oh gosh a branching path I think I'll just go straight oh that's a what is that is that a window oh what the convenience wow self checkout don't mind if I do uhoh does this mean I hope I'm not shoplifting hey I'm just going to take this dish here and then hopefully get it in this box this box that likes to jump around like crazy oh why are you so annoying if something bad happens to me down here because this box likes to do tricks okay it's working now get the dish in there somewhat neatly okay my weirded out meter is starting to hit maximum oh another Apple oh and what's this another oh it's another one of these pieces I don't even know what to do with these but I think I'm done spelunking here right now so I'm just going to take this box and go back to the elevator oh is this this is heavy I'm not losing it am I I don't think I am I just huh I do not like The Vibes of this place this is like the back rooms but you know worse okay there's a trusty Rusty valve again another camera and then uh were you always facing that way I sure hope so I don't need things to be changing on me and there's the elevator Guardsman thank you for watching the elevator buddy I hope I never see you again okay we made it through that that was spooky but I got another dish it's already 700 p.m. wow uh Le I got some good things out of it let's get this dishwashed up very quickly like we do he's going to be like hey where did this extra plate come from and it's like oh you know places picked it up at the convenience store definitely did not go through self checkout all right come on get this all dry it up there we go and we make a little extra money which I'm not sure what to do with yet and we can also really wonder what we do with these pieces can I wash them oh okay I guess it's night time oh hey hey look at this I got a ball am I a good boy is this why I get the ball it's a ball and then I can just Yeet oh I almost threw my ball away okay it's time to go to sleep and then oh I guess it's time to wake up okay thank you for that hey a present wow it's not even my birthday and then of course there's more dishes to wash a lot of Cups wow kind of like my apartment anyway let's open up a gift oh hey it's a telephone I can finally reach out to the outside world oh it's ringing hello oh pay attention time is short under threat I'm being watched yeah I kind of noticed the cameras there's an Escape Route oh hello this guy's here to help trust is necessary expect my call okay can I call somebody else Papa Murphy's maybe hello I would like more than just bread and water please well first order of business let's get these dishes all cleared up and instead of waving the dishes around since there's so many of them I'll just set them off to the side and then get the cups washed up oh gosh the cups are sliding around like crazy why do cups have to be the hardest things to clean like ever you try to clean the inside but oh your hand can't fit in there also how did there get to be all this grimness on the outside how messy of an eater are you or I guess of a drinker I know coffee doesn't go that crazy but we're getting them all cleaned up easy enough I will say from a gamer's perspective it is interesting to see just how many games lately have taken on this like PlayStation one style of Graphics it's really made it come come back and it's very cool to see and all of these dishes seem to be cleaning up just fine and I can scan the value of all of them at once with my special eyes but then we just Yeet them into the pit thankfully they don't break when I just throw them like I do they actually kind of Bounce a little bit it's like those shatterproof things that people drop and then they bounce twice and then shatter anyway and that's all the dish is done and it's only noon o00 so let's check out these metal pieces here can I wash these take the sponge to them nope it doesn't seem like I can wash them so let's see do they have value collect and deposit to gain research tokens oh so that's what they do well then deposit that oh and it's it's one of the other tokens down there I thought that was going to be like clues or something so it's a good thing I collected a few of them just throw them in there and then it's making weirder sounds for Value but away that goes and I should probably eat this apple that I found it does really good for Hunger oh and water very good I can extract seeds hold on can I plant in this if I extract a seeds so destroy the Apple oh it does okay well at least I can make more apples then assuming I can get garden plots at some point but I just got to stick with the bread that I eat and that also drains my water so I sip that up like I do and that's all the way full but I lost it thankfully there's the other bread and water over here but now the part that makes me nervous it's time to go spelunking I definitely don't want to see mannequin man at the entrance again okay this is arguably worse hey who's here oh dishes already wow maybe I don't have to spend so long in here after all oh except the Box is doing box things again you're supposed to be a box not a jumpy thing just sit there okay and then collect this oh boy I was just getting used to the other place hello oh gosh that's a long Corridor that way and that way we got some drawers here can I open them oh I can hey and there's dishes inside oh wow there's dishes in both drawers I'm collecting a few bits of things here and somehow those dishes are in the box like they are all right then uh oh that's opening up quite a bit I don't like all these branching paths here is there something good in here what is that is that a milk carton it's a carton and it fills water cool it's also got a face on it is this like Wilson a look at that he's a fun guy I don't want to consume you you're going to be the one thing that keeps me sane in these dark times ooh another dish okay my box is getting pretty full I'm just going to collect this and go on back this was a good haul for being down here not very long that doesn't mean I like being down here though just going to go right back to the elevator open up please thank you okay now it's time to get the dishes out here hopefully I can get all these cleaned up before 8:00 and set up my new found friend here somewhere that I can stay cozy safe and comfortable look at that face who could ever hate you I'm going to set you up right here at the sink so you can watch me work oh no don't fall into the sink he just wanted to swim oh it says things on the back hey there my name is carton I'm made from fresh ingredients ah thank you little carton friend o and it's grade A too very nice please don't expire I don't want you to go away you're the first friendly face of seen in here all right enough Tom Foolery with that time to get back to dishwashing because that's the whole reason I'm kept in this basement after everything that's going on here I might start to like blitz's basement better at least the bowls are super easy to clean oh come on there's a ding maybe I'll get an intern of the month plaque and we are very well ahead of schedule it's only 6:00 now there we go all of these can go in there sadly there wasn't any scrap down there not that I really wanted to find out oh man I can't even imagine being down there past 8:00 but already we have 15 of those tokens very good so now we have time to just sit and think about my life and talk to carton hey buddy see anything scary while you were down there you were in a pretty dark place and maybe I'll get a call from whoever is on the other into this phone in the morning can I just go to sleep early I probably could but I feel like I'm going to be in a much better way if I just follow instructions oh did I just get another ball I think I got another ball wakey wakey where's the ball at uh ball oh hey phone hello manage to dial through to you safely neat main concern now should be cracking into your home computer ooh assuming you dared to touch it you say that like you don't know me of course I'm going to touch it they slapped a lock on it it's a challenge here's a shortcut in the depths or elevator realm oh gosh there's a floppy disc oh it's like finding a NE in HC but it's there okay find it pop it into your computer and work its magic oh hey he's giving me a manual computers for idiots cool w box that almost fell in my head but here we have it computers for idiots but to use it we need to find a floppy disc how am I supposed to find things if I'm busy washing dishes all day I might have spent a bit too much time talking to that guy on the phone I wasn't even talking to him he was just talking to me talking about being sidetracked and being in the dark does he have to wash dishes too or am I the only one stuck with this job it's probably only me I'm the one that gets stuck with everything and of course there's more cups I already dislike cleaning cups more than anything they don't even have a lot of real estate to clean it it just takes longer Al it is interesting though having three dirty dishes and flushing the sink didn't dirty the water again very interesting also I am not really sure I want to play the game of don't wash the dishes and then find out what happened because there is a direct correlation there I feel like but we have 20 tokens now okay now we have to go spelunking so let's just munch up on some bread sip some water okay and now we're good I'm not going to bring the box with me this time I'm just going to be looking for that floppy whichit hopefully oh gosh now I'm in a medieval dungeon of things and there's fire everywhere can I use that I would feel better if I could actually use the fire I feel like this is one of those things where I have to listen for the danger oh gosh and the rooms open up I feel like this is is worse than the corridors and there's bones in the ground well these things just really want to make my life miserable don't they don't step in the bones I heard that is a bad idea from somewhere okay check the shelves probably for the floppies am I going to find a casa montato down here maybe this is just a bad idea who finds a floppy in a dungeon you know on that note it's amazing that one of the things that persisted from the 9s is floppy discs or at least the idea of them maybe they'll make a come back like vinyl when that be something ooh okay there's a box here no vinyl there am I starting to get lost I might be starting to get lost here I just want to make sure that I can return to that room with the bones this is exactly it there's these weird okay the two shelves and then I go right that's the idea hello I don't like the noises I'm hearing anymore is that a snaky thing oh that's that is a thing that is a thing run away oh my goodness I don't like that at all go this way and then this way is this the room of Bones oh no that's a weird shelf thing okay this is the room of Bones and I go this way yeah I go this way is that thing still following me you know what don't even wait don't even wait don't even wait there's not even any like dishes or anything I can get but I'm at the elevator okay you jerk whatever you are I'm just going to you know what call it a day there that was creepy hey uh sorry phone guy I couldn't find your floppy well well uh now I know what is up with that so I think that's good for this video of dishwashing simulator yeah this whole thing is still about washing dishes but there's a whole lot of more interesting things going on so if you guys want to see me continue playing this game then be sure to let me know I will do my best but for now thank you very much for watching and sub to in turn and thanks to the channel members including bread Corby Farm Mr kle 1 Dakota donam Moto Devon X Lucas Matthew hateful haral Peggy Sue Drupal along TJ suy sarcastic angel lily Bites The Miner within the Gary Sans Isaac Miguel and zero Fox
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 58,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz, indie game, dishwashing simulator, dishes, simulator games, horror simulator
Id: cmdSFgLWmlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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