Using OP To Cheat In Hide And Seek

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let's get started I made an incredible world for us today Mikey it's totally customized really yeah this is the coolest best most relaxing pool ever oh that good Mikey the best of the best well Mikey there's something you should know what you're inside of a toilet bowl huh what are you saying for real yeah for real I'm telling the truth go check no way what does that even mean you're telling the truth it's actually a toilet yep that's right Mikey wow that's crazy check it out this place is a toilet shaped Hotel Mikey isn't it amazing incredible mhm it's perfect yep such fine detail thank you so what are we doing here in this toilet today in this toilet-shaped hotel uh-huh we're going to play hide and seek and that's not all we're adding special rules to the game like what what come on oh follow me Mikey this way roulette machines mhm wo these look pretty nice right mhm yeah I was thinking we could play roulette hide and seek these are the rules the person hiding gets a roulette price before their turn oh that person gets a block of colored wool huh can I give it a try just to see JJ sure okay here huh oh pink pink in that case uhhuh do you see that line of colors here I sure do and here's Pink Try pushing the button on the color that matches the wool you got okay 3 2 1 there I pushed it oh now what do you feel any different Mikey try running to see wo wow I'm super fast wo awesome all right Mikey I'll turn it off for now incredible for today the person hiding will get to use their special random roulette powers to help them stay hidden that sounds like fun yeah so basically if you get a good item it'll be a piece of cake to escape the Seeker right yeah I'm going to win sorry JJ let's do it well there are a ton of different effects that you can get here H I bet the they're all pretty fun yep it's time to start playing roulette hide and seek I'll be the Seeker JJ sure that means I'll be doing the hiding yeah so here's how it works mhm first you play the roulette machine I see then you pull this lever H pull the lever and after that you have 15 seconds the little Hut is for the Seeker the door will open Oh but before the door opens you'll need huh to push the button get your powers and run away oh I get it it's the perfect system let's do this I'll go inside the seeker's hut mhm okay wow I'm so excited what a great view look The Horizon wow the seeker's Hut has an ocean view come on JJ go ahead stay in there Mikey okay all right let's see here goes nothing first the roulette machine mhm oh that's interesting this is light blue oh oh wo huh what is it my mic is off this one might be a winner I can jump really high now that's awesome okay hey Mikey what did you hide oh wait it's opening all right here I come now over here Mikey huh you're not even hiding how come look huh I got jumping Powers that's incredible woohoo yahooo no way you're going higher and higher I'll keep climbing a that's fine though I can follow you in the elevator I'll catch you soon JJ I'm coming for you as soon as I'm out of this elevator I'll get you H oh you're here yes I got coining woohoo where'd you go huh there up here I've got you now yes TJ What uh-huh if you're going to concede you should do it now are you ready uh I'm coming for you no Mikey not going to happen oops that was close time to get away where'd you go I'm right here Mikey oh there you are this time there's nowhere for you to escape here I come woohoo wa up wo all right I'm coming too wait up wait Mikey no oh I fell short are you kidding me good try Mikey well then I think that means I win since he died defeat I did it these high jumping Powers were fun uh-huh there all done all right then now it's my turn to hide JJ mhm I wonder what kind of power I'll get I'm excited that it's finally my turn I'm also excited to see what you get Mikey I wonder what power it'll be I'll wait inside here then I do the machines first right now I just have to get my prize huh um okay hold the lever and push the button right all right the lever has been pulled now to push the button mhm huh hang on huh what is it Mikey just wait a sec um h Huh just uh hold on what no wait not yet don't chase me time's up stay there huh uh are you okay Mikey did you push the button already I'm coming out nope wait I still haven't pushed it yet huh but you just said that you pushed it the door even opened you heard me wrong what I didn't push it huh stay there something's going on fine I'll wait 5 Seconds thanks 5 4 3 2 1 go I got this huh it's not what it looks like you see uh I'm not giving up yet um here's the thing JJ I just have to uh I'm just going to sneak past you here here what is happening well huh uh I'm just getting warmed up Mikey uh Mikey could it be that you got the power to slow down that's a tough one Mikey sorry I'm not giving up yet you definitely lost this round Mikey it's impossible a oh do you mind if I pause for a sec what please sure you can pause now I'm exhausted pH no oh I can't do it JJ I just can't beat you like this I give up I lose well good try Mikey huh I can end it oh tag next time oh win woo don't disable the power suddenly all right it's my turn to hide next okay I'll definitely win there's no way I can lose again mhm I'm the Seeker right yep I'm going to win sure thing I'm serious I'm not losing yep for real I get it go inside for real okay for real Mikey for real let's see oh interesting all right now pull the lever and this one H hang on did I wao my mic is off I think I may have turned invisible this is amazing I'll stay invisible and follow Mikey around here I [Music] come Mikey what I'm hiding I got this I'll definitely find you this time I'm super confident about it oh H let's see H what is it h h i can feel your or in this direction oh that way huh maybe here that's what you think h m hang on oh I know huh here what is it h this way by the pool oh you're definitely here this way sorry pal I know exactly where you are well hurry up and find me then oh you're out here that's okay I'll check everything thoroughly where are you looking next right now M I'm climbing up you're on your way up yeah it looks like you're going down H you're around here huh H where are you H you must be around here around where uh-oh H I'm pretty sure I feel your your aura in here what JJ um can I have a hint just one tiny hint please thanks a hint you're not in this cafeteria I'm sure of it well I might be in here huh huh really that means you must be super close to me H this way you're right here I'm definitely in a cafeteria under the toilet right now oh nice then uhhuh mhm but I thought you were over here oh that's a nice view H The View yeah are you above me or maybe further down oh oh JJ is it possible hm that you're lying to me uh no h where could you be right now M I might be at the entrance to the hotel I'm at the entrance too very nice these poppies are so beautiful when they're in bloom aren't they but I'm right beside the poppies really you're definitely not here JJ I don't feel your aura yes I am just give up then you're lying to me I'm telling the truth but you're not here I'm being totally honest maybe you're in the water Mikey just give up already fine I'll give up but JJ if you're not at the entrance then you lose I get to take the win okay well Mikey don't move from that spot got it I won't move this should be good okay here huh Mikey turn around how long have you been there the whole time huh liar mhm I've been looking all over here this entire time Mikey huh I'll tell you how I won so easily okay yeah tell me I got the superpower to turn invisible so I stayed invisible and followed you this entire time I didn't leave your side for 1 second oh that's embarrassing but still invisibility you got such an awesome power from that JJ luck is on your side no wonder all right then let's go back to the roulette machine Let's Go whoever wins this next round is the winner of the entire game okay please well please sure I mean invisibility was a a bit overpowered I suppose it was unfair you never would have found me yeah that round doesn't count huh let's do win or take all thank you JJ H this time I won't complain about the power I get oh definitely really pinky promise okay thank you for this opportunity you're welcome now then H Shall We Begin I'll be the Seeker this time okay I won't lose sure good luck I got this all right first things first time to do the roulette machine mhm then I pull the lever that's right here I go H and push the button yep run away JJ huh what do I do huh huh sorry JJ but I'm certain that I'll win this time I can feel myself filling up with incredible power my body is radiant I feel like I'm glowing JJ oh I'm so Mikey you're I got the best power of all oh wow that's interesting I think you probably have the luminesence effect luminesence that's amazing huh I'm so happy what does it do uh well luminescence is luminesence Mikey luminesence is luminesence yeah by the way are you hiding of course I don't think you'll ever find me um even if you did I would just destroy you with my overwhelming amount of power sorry okay Mike off luminescence shows the Seeker exactly where you're hiding it's a pretty bad power to get from the roulette machine see that that's Mikey for some reason Mikey seems to think that he got an amazing power up oh explain to him what happened after the round is over now let's go find him JJ are you still looking just give up oh I'm great at hiding by the way Mikey you're inside the building right no I'm not I'm outside yeah you're inside oh no I'm not oh uh Mikey would you happen to be making your way up the building what floor is that h Huh huh you're right around the middle floor no I'm not for real sure you aren't I'm going downstairs also I'm not using the elevator right now I promise oh I see you're taking the elevator up aren't you uh no okay I may have more or less figured out where Mikey is right now Mikey you're around the very top floor of the building isn't that right oh I am not uh-huh you're like completely off JJ I'm still on the first floor oh the first floor well here we are I've arrived on the top floor you're here too right Mikey no I'm on the first floor first floor really huh all the way down ha found you Mikey but still JJ I wanted you to find me huh I'll use my overwhelming power on you and destroy you uh it's not working what are you doing what what kind of power is this how am I glowing then I'm I know I got some kind of power did you think because you're glowing you gained some kind of power did I not Mikey yeah your glow ability gives away your location to the Seeker at all times huh yeah that's what it does oh so I didn't have any power and you knew where I was the whole time yep I could see you the entire time and I knew when you were lying to me too what a that's so embarrassing so no powers nope it only helps the Seeker that's a terrible power I concede I lost today still even if I didn't know there were so many bad Powers you didn't get a single good one let's try this again yes please H come on all right then wo one more time let's do it can I go first sure 3 2 1 if you enjoyed today's Adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 1,436,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: YCcl4G976dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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