MORE TNT Speedrunner VS Hunter in Minecraft

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let's get started today we're playing speedrunner versus Hunter yes I love this game if I can slay the Ender Dragon without dying even once I win but if Mikey takes me out he wins I'm going to stop you before you can slay the Ender Dragon JJ just watch me sure do you mind if I use a few different types of TNT this time huh different types of TNT sounds like fun go ahead sweet thanks on that note h let's begin speedrunner versus Hunter starts now here we go all right I'm going to catch you wait up got to go got to go go Mikey has a stick wao let's use some TNT right away I think I'll make a quick getaway over here oh he's catching up yeah ouch that's not good I guess I'll use this TNT pretty sure I'm going to win go go go okay you're up to to something but I've got you it's lit run here goes nothing huh what what what wao what huh huh what happened this is TNT that summons lightning all right now to do my best to stay away and focus on slaying the Ender Dragon I'll need to gather various materials to slay it though and now that I've ditched Mikey I'm starting to get hungry I don't have any wood which is necessary in Minecraft so I'll have to gather some I think I'll be able to use this TNT to instantly collect wood and food this TNT is extremely effective at times like these okay I'll place it here like this just like that H then wire this up then over here I'll set this here then I'll do some of this and place another one here yeah that looks good uh I'll put more TNT over here too this TNT is really something else I'll put some more over here set it up like this next I'll do this and put one over here too and I'll put some here as well H and here and over here well I guess I'll put some in the center too something like hm okay there the TNT is all in place this is where I started so I'll hook this lever up to it then when I pull the lever all the TNT I set up should explode now it's time to try it out the TNT will create a huge explosion and I'll get lots of wooden food all at once watch this oh is it working wow it definitely worked maybe I missed some spots I'll blow this part up too H [Music] okay oh yes H this TNT cuts down all the trees around at once also when you cut down trees apples can fall off and of course you get wood from them H this really is the best way for me to quickly gather both wood and food wo sweet I sure have collected a lot of apples I think I got more materials than I could ever carry check it out okay now I'll eat some of the apples I was kind of hungry after all I still have 16 apples left well I guess that might be enough there are a few other things I want to make too H I think I'll craft the things I need to make explosions for example well I could make pressure pressure plates having pressure plates is super convenient I can even make TNT traps with them this is pretty nice I have wood and food I'm off to a good start not bad huh who hang on there are arrows flying at me oh no I've been busted it's Mikey he saw me this is bad Mikey's coming I've already gotten armor and unlike last time you won't be able to catch me in any more traps uh-oh I'm going to get you all right shoot my he's caught up to me wait up wait up got to run wait I could use those pressure plates I made to set up a trap somewhere around here in a tight space like this I think he'll set it [Music] off I've made the ultimate trap using TNT and I think I'll make a couple more just like this one yeah step on one of those pressure plates and you'll be in big trouble I guess I'll do another one over here just in case all right Mikey will have to pass through here and maybe he'll set off one of those traps where's Mikey where is he I saw him going this way is he over here huh oh hey Mikey there there you are there you are what was that yes what happened what on Earth this TNT digs a hole deep into the ground oh that's dangerous it almost got me that means I success F stop Mikey by dropping him deep underground all right not bad okay I managed to ditch Mikey and since I just happen to have a hole that leads very deep underground I think I'll use this opportunity to go searching for diamonds to slay the Ender Dragon I need to go to the Nether and to do that I'll need a diamond pickaxe also there's water down there so I'll try to land in it that way I should be able to reach the bottom right away okay here we go this is incredible W that TNT blew out a super deep hole now it's time to find diamonds I've actually been saving a really special way to do that taada I'll use this TNT okay let's try it out right away huh I'll test this TNT out once over here just light it like this now to get back w H so as you can see this TNT will help me find ores it actually breaks down pretty much every other block that isn't an ore so check it out wo there are diamonds up there I already found diamonds there's lapis Laz and gold too but diamonds are what I want all right I'm going up to where the diamonds are oh here right here yep they're diamonds now what if I I tried one more blast this destroys types of stone so it won't destroy wood that's why I'll stand here while I set off another explosion take a look at that wo incredible a there are diamonds over there too so now oh there are more over there wao they're everywhere I'm going to gather all the diamonds I can get my hands on uh right want to gather them up huh I only just realized this but hold up I don't have a pickaxe what am I going to mine them with what now oh now that I think about it I could just blow the diamonds up with TNT huh I'll just detonate it here H then gather the diamonds I should step back if I blow up this TNT will that work well oh man it won't be easy to gather diamonds if there's lava beneath me I need some that are easier to get all right it looks like this will work just put the TNT here well I should be able to harvest the diamonds like this oh hold up the diamond fell H yes I found the diamonds all right I got one so far but I'll need a few more H let's gather some more perfect here so far so good yes got it all right H I need one more Diamond are there any more oh there's one I'll mine this right here wo got it yes all righty then I've gathered three diamonds now I can use these to craft a diamond pickaxe now first I'll make some sticks place the three diamonds horizontally and my diamond pickaxe is complete now back to the [Music] surface all right now I'll need obsidian if I want to enter the nether so I plan to make some now for starters to get obsidian you need to mix lava and water directly so for my first step I'll detonate this TNT H I'll set it down here this blue TNT is water TNT okay wo it exploded quickly so I made Water by setting off that water TNT then near that area maybe somewhere around here I'll set off the other TNT this one is lava TNT I better get far away it's pretty dangerous no nice and just like that I can make lava check it out when the lava touches water it makes obsidian let's set off lots of TNT just like [Music] this not bad it made more obsidian now I can collect the obsidian with my diamond pickaxe I'll gather it up I'll need quite a lot of obsidian let's get to work okay very nice all right all right that should be more than enough I'll use this to build a nether portal I'll start it like this and here that's right and across here all right my nether portal is complete next next up I think I'll try lighting the nether portal in an unconventional way I'll try using this fire TNT I'll set the fire TNT down and light it ignition as the name says it'll make fire it's dangerous so I'll Stand way back here huh oops that's really weird it didn't light but why not huh the nether portal isn't activating I guess I can't light it using fire TNT I'll light it the usual way activate wo all right now that the nether portal is finished I'm going into the nether to prepare to slay the Ender Dragon okay into The Nether I [Music] go oh I found it that's a a nether fortress there are mobs like blazes and Enderman here I have to fight a bunch of them to get their items like blaze rods and ender pearls and I need to collect a lot of them which is going to be a hassle but that's why I plan to use the ultimate TNT H this TNT is called the biome buster TNT it can destroy everything over a very large area it's the ultimate and most dangerous TNT I'll be using it here okay H I'll just make a few steps like this huh all right next I'll place this in the center of the Fortress H yeah this looks like a good spot right here this is pretty dangerous so I'd like to set it off from far away this is seriously dangerous stuff think I'll set a delay on it H this goes like that now to connect it far away so I can detonate it from here H I'll set it off from really far away H okay nice all right like this next I'll make a button like so maybe I should get even farther away it's dangerous so I should back up really are how about here there I've set it up here all right everything is ready once I push this button the biome buster TNT will huh Mikey is that Mikey there you are JJ I found you no so you made it to the Fortress after all I knew you'd be here fighting blazes but I won't let you get any closer I have a shield then I'm all geared up bring it on I'll win woohoo but I need to beat the mobs in the Fortress before I slay the Ender Dragon hey Mikey I'd move to a safer spot if I were you you're wasting your breath JJ I'm guarding this nether fortress I'm not leaving this spot if I'm here you can't slay the Ender Dragon and that means I win woohoo well I warned you 3 2 1 Click I'm running to a safer spot get away from there why are you running away you're in danger the TNT activated what I really think you should get away from there I won't I'm not going anywhere what wa what happened could it be huh wao Mikey disappeared along with the Fortress it's all down there every mob in the Fortress should have been destroyed just now so their items should be down there too let's go get it I want to get down there so this water water TNT should come in handy by setting off this water TNT it creates water just like that and if I jump into the water I won't take any fall damage let's go W nice I'll just go with the blow okay all right I made it down woah hang on there's more stuff lying around than I could have imagined I couldn't see it all from above but look WOW gold nuggets and hey it's an ender pearl I need to collect lots of these are there any blaze rods lying around there's some on the ground there there's so many of them wow all right I don't have enough ender pearls so I should collect some of those there's some ender pearls H all right wow this is great I took out every mob in the Fortress all at the same time and it turned out amazing I have quite a lot now so I think this might be enough all right then I'm going back to the [Music] Overworld and I'm back which means I probably should get ready let's see now if I take blaze powder and combine them with ender pearls like so check it out they create Eyes of Ender if I toss these where did it go oh that way H the Eye of Ender shows me the way to the Ender Dragon I'm heading off if I keep going that way I'll be able to find my way to the Ender Dragon let's [Music] go oh wo check it out it keeps getting sucked down that means the the portal to the Ender Dragon should be somewhere below here so now I'm going to quickly dig a hole into the ground I think I should try this mining TNT I'll place the mining TNT here and make a run for it once it's lit all right here I go ignite run away run away W the mining TNT continuously exploded all the way down huh what's it look like down there huh where is it let's try tossing another one and there should be a stronghold down there somewhere whatever I'll make my way down I should find it once I'm down [Music] there all right and where is it oh there it is the stronghold is down where those Stone Bri bricks are I'll parkour my way down I'll die if I fall all the way down so I'll make my way carefully very carefully just like this nice not bad there it is okay [Music] all right nice almost there a little further and I'll be able to reach the ender dragon all right I got to get to where the stone bricks are here we go this is the spot oh wow I've arrived at the stronghold wao I got some bread I guess I'll eat it all right this is the stronghold huh now to search for the portal where is it h where where is it oh hang on that's the portal this is the portal that leads to the Ender Dragon if I fill in these slots with the Eyes of Ender like so the way to the Ender Dragon will open all right I did it well on that note I'm off to fight the Ender Dragon here I go yes I've reached the layer of the Ender Dragon the first thing I'm doing here is blowing up this water TNT if I do that W oh wait uh-oh I can't breathe no come on go come on yes I made it out that was close pH you all right there's the Ender Dragon I have the ultimate TNT that can slay the Ender Dragon in one hit check it out this TNT has the Firepower of 500 TNTs so now I'm going to go set it up I'll place it in the center around here that way I just ow I just need to detonate it this might be harder than I thought okay with that done I've connected it to a Detonator all right I'll set it off oh now blast it and run away I need to run away as fast as I can otherwise I'll get caught in the blast it has the power of 500 blocks of TNT which should all go off in just a few huh it's not blowing up huh wao it's happening wow look at it wa that's amazing huh the Ender Dragon where did it go wa what's happening hold on this could be bad oh it's gone I can't believe it one hit the power of 500 blocks of TNT is not to be reckoned with wow that's it I can't believe it I did it wait up I won't let you slay the Ender Dragon huh huh oh it's Mikey huh what I already beat the Ender Dragon what if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 5,631,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: yZnOLwbAYVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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