Adopted by TITAN TV MAN in Roblox

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today melon and I are getting a family our goal is to get adopted by the Titan TV head and join his family will we be welcomed with open arms or will we get rejected and forced to live as a skimmy toilet forever please press the like button now to help us get 3 000 likes and get adopted let's get coded yo Sonny we could get adopted by this cool uh I don't what do you call this guy I don't know he looks weird bro is that a projector or is it a machine gun in his head I have no idea melon I don't want to get adopted by that guy he's weird yeah I don't like that let's get the heck out of here Sonny follow me I know where the Titan TV lives wait how do you know where he lives oh look how many TV heads he has I told you now just down to Sally we'll get adopted by the Titan TV man hey will you be our new Dad yes I'm always looking for new children to join the TV head family yes we'd love to join please please what do we have to do you in order to join the army of TV heads you must first find the TV morph within this map you have two minutes to track one down starting now sorry we don't have a lot of time we gotta find a TV head okay I'm keeping my eyes peeled bro it could be one of the toilets it could be one of the little cameras like up here at toilet Corp I've got one oh bro this is gonna be hard time's already ticking yo I found a golden washing machine got melon just just come over here I might have found a TV morph already what do you mean you found a TV morph already you be the judge uh wait a second I think that counts or is this way too cursed I don't know we still have another 90 seconds on the timer let's use it up and look for more morphs yo Sonny let's check this place out there's so many morphs I know in the club I got the DJ little garbage can morph what is this stuff I don't know but it's hecka cool yo I got the piano dude I will play you something sweet I will play you like a fiddle Sunny no like a piano bro it's a piano oh like a piano that's also a fiddle but Josh whatever we only have 30 seconds left look harder yo Sonny I think I found something what is it bro dude I think this counts no way is that you with the skippity TV yeah that's me Sonny check me out no way no way I gotta grab that I only have 10 seconds yes it worked Sonny let's go meet the Titan TV yes follow me melon you're going the wrong way you idiot now I knew that I knew that we made it and we even found a TV head morph can we please be in the family now not just yet that was the first Quest now yourself as a TV there's only one place we can do that doodle transform melon it's time to draw he said we have less than five minutes to return to his Homeworld as a newly drawn TV head let's do this thing okay to become the ultimate TV head I need to first start with my big Square TV head that looks pretty good and I'm gonna give it a little border yeah something like this will be good and then on the inside I want it to be yellow because I'm Sunny that's uh that's a little too big though let's make this more reasonable this is gonna be awesome and then I need my face my face will be like this my face will be one of these guys yeah I look happy and my mouth is a w cause all I do is win win no matter what and now I need to put my suit on that's my arm that's my suit that's my other arm and shoulder perfect oh I'm ready for work yeah I'm ready to take out those skibetes oh yeah I'm ready wait I just need some hands let me give myself some crazy gloves yeah I don't know how that's gonna look because I can't really see it but I bet you it'll look cool and you know what I want to give myself a little antenna yeah a custom TV that's me all right guys it's time to drown myself as a TV head so if I were to do this uh I still gotta have a little melon in me you know what I mean so we're gonna draw the nice suit yeah that's nice and beautiful right there bada bing oh I messed up let me let me let me reset guys just forget that ever happened got myself a nice suit some nice broad shoulders a little tie yeah pretty good then we gotta draw that TV head there we go it's looking beautiful let me just fill this thing in like a proper TV looks it's all black but check this out it Still's got a little watermelon in it bada boom dudes it's a water Malone that's my little head right there and then boom boom bing I'm so cute and of course every TV man has two tiny little feets I think I look beautiful and all that's left to do is say melon I'm ready same here Sunny whoa you made a melon TV head yeah bro check it out my head is a TV but it's also a melon that is beautiful and you got a really cool jacket you look like a boss heck yeah dude you look pretty cool too I like your charm I like your smile but suddy we're running out of time we gotta go visit the Titan TV yeah bro you're right let's head back to his world yo son we made it and we're even these golden TV men yes it's kind of like my drawing this is perfect well done you have successfully transformed into a real TV head but that's not all it takes to join my family uh melon I knew it wouldn't be easy bro but this is way harder than I thought to join the TV family Sonny we gotta do what we gotta do follow me I'm right behind you brother sonny get out of the bathroom we got an RV to beat one second one second [Music] just take out a skibby oh yeah we can call it that all right Johnny we have no time for this tomfoolery follow me we've gotta defeat this skibie Obby and then we can join the TV Titan family yes yes we must do this in record time Sonny yeah buddy I'm right behind you climb this ladder to escape the realm of the skibby toilets are you kidding me I fell all the way back down yeah that's what you get for being sick stop coughing everywhere you're gonna make me I'm sick too yo chill Sonny follow me bro this is just uh hot ketchup but it's also a little spicy so don't touch it it kind of looks like spicy pepperoni it looks yummy yeah you should eat it nope nope nope I know better than that it's gonna kill me what's happening no it's a skimmy military guy oh my God he's got rockets on him run we gotta go fast Sonny going as quickly as I can maybe I'll block you and mess you up what happens when he hits the cars does he explode them I don't want to find out he phases through them Sunny we gotta go down quick he's gonna kill us oh I just made it sunny dude no wonder the TV Titan sent us here there's so many evil skibbies this is intense bro I don't know how he made it out of this well he is the TV Titan uh he probably just messed them all up follow me uh I can't yet I would have died run run I made it yo these look like some rusty pipes yeah I wouldn't touch those unless you got your tetanus dude look it's my dad my dad's on the wall what do you mean oh cause you think you're Chad and muscular dude actually yeah that's a selfie not my dad what why did that kill me no you're trash honey I'll be the only one being adopted by the TV man no I'll get adopted don't worry I can do this I can do this I could do this take me home Doge yes um what is this place melon this is weird uh just don't fall in the hole you will die a terrible death from that electronic skibby I thought it was G-Man at first but it's not it's even creepier Sonny just dodged the blades and you'll be A-Okay that's what that's what they say I've heard yeah I've heard that too because if you step on a blade you get vaporized and turn into tiny little melon chunks uh the skimpity Bop is getting real fast whoa Sonny look out there skippitys in this maze run run why are there so many and they keep singing more rapidly you're right this is getting creepy no no we're in a corner we're in a corner this Noob almost got me killed he got obliterated that Noob yo Sonny I found the exit no way I'm trying I'm here with you I I'm here with you follow me going down ah how do we how do we Dodge the big Skippy military dude why is he so fast he gets stuck on the polls yes yes I just barely made it I thought I was dead for sure what about this guy you just run past him yo they're not nice Sonny we gotta keep running these guys are nuts over the table Yeah Georgia oh I'm so glad we dodged them bro these are like the Forbidden skibety toilets like they don't even live in these would you poop in one of those toilets if you really had to I don't think so ew why am I still standing on it it's so gross wait why is flamingo here what the heck don't question it this better be worth it we better join the Titan TV family Sonny it's the final boss of the toilets if we take him out we'll for sure be adopted by the TV fam you're right just gotta vaporize him in his hideous smile he's so weird he's trying to skip and he Bop me wait wait go away he's gaining on me wait yeah how am I supposed to Juke this guy he's so quick he's actually so fast and he's trying to vaporize me with his eyeballs yo I'm getting him confused right now he doesn't know what to think oh I just barely dodged his eye vision hit the toilet where it hurts he always got so much health sunny I know I almost haven't one third of the way dead he's got a lot of HP I almost have him uh I have about a quarter yeah he's almost halfway from me now but it's really really slow die hey if this doesn't get us into the Titan TV family nothing will cause we're literally destroying a Titan skibby yeah you're right bro I think when you shoot him in his mouth it does a little bit more damage you think so I have no idea I'm breaking his teeth with you though come on go down skippity I got him in half same he's cornering me he's cornering me that was close I wish I could shoot this gun faster yeah that would be really nice it's okay we're skippity bopping him I hope you've got good insurance cause you're gonna need a new dental plan you're gonna need to replace all your teeth and that's gonna cost a lot of money and then financially corrupt you it's gonna put him into Financial ruin and then he won't be able to hire more toilet people and then the TV family will prevail yes for the TV good oh no oh no he's trying to skimpy bomb me with his laser bean G-Man stay away I don't even think this is G-Man I think he's just a creepy dude yeah you might be right look how his eyeballs stick out of his head that is weird bro he's like a quarter of Health left hey solo I've got him almost dead melon it'd be a real shame if something were to happen to you now yeah that really would please don't pay to win and do something stupid like Nuke the server or kill everybody no that's not even an option here you scumbag I did it you've defeated the notorious toilet head I can do it too I can do it to me solo come on please one more shot yes I killed him we defeated the skibby toilet boss well done my young ones I will now welcome you to my TV head family prepare yourselves three two one whoa melon we're part of the TV Titan family this is insane I didn't think I'd become one of them we're super powerful now and your gigantic melon what the heck this is so awesome I'm so happy I'm part of the family we could jump so high now check me out sunny and if you guys want to be part of the TV Titan family just drop a like And subscribe and click the next video on screen
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 903,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O1a5YgoLOuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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