Kahoot 2019-Full introduction on using the FREE VERSION #kahoot

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hi this is Russell Stan art from teacher training videos calm today we're going to look at car whoo this is a step by step video on car whoo I have another video on car whoo on YouTube which has been playing about a quarter of a million times and I thought I'd update it and one really important reason why I wanted to do that is because car who is still free but a lot of teachers now don't realize how you log in to get a free account so I'm going to show you that it's really really important I have to say car hoops a great tool very recently I did a presentation and I run a car hoop with more than 200 teachers in a room and it works absolutely perfectly so it is a great tool it does engage people it's a lot of fun and the other thing that I'll do is that I'll show you both the student view and the teacher view so we're gonna make a car hoop and then test it and then we'll come back again and then look at how we can make it even a bit more sophisticated so let's get straight into it it's car hoot and it's still a free tool don't forget that [Music] now what I'm also going to do in this training is show you both the teachers view and the students view so we'll create a car and then we'll play it so that you can see what it's like both from the teachers point of view and from the students point of view was exactly what I did the last time when you go onto Google to actually sign up and create you're looking for car hoot alright so sorry kay a h.o.t dot-com okay and then when you come on you're going to come on to this page here you're going to want to obviously sign up and create yourself an account so just click here click on obviously as a teacher now I tend not to link it to my Microsoft or to my Google account but rather I just sign up here so what you need to do is you don't need to put in the name of your school that's just optional but you will need to put in a workplace so I'm going to say higher education you no need to add a nickname for yourself so I'm gonna put Russell teacher so that will be my nickname okay and then you obviously need to add an email address and a password and that way then you can get your account set up so it's really easy to get started and remember your students don't need an account so put in your email address create a password don't forget your password as you won't be able to log in again and then you'll be ready with your first account one thing you do need to do make sure of course is click on I have read the Terms & Conditions that's really really important so once you've filled in all the information all you need to do is click here join Kahoot now once you've logged in you're gonna come through on to this page and a lot of teachers get fooled here and think therefore that there isn't a free version of Kahoot but there is a free version and all you need to do is just to scroll down and you'll notice here it says continue for free so you want to click on that button there this is really important you can use a basic package code it's not a particularly expensive technology and so a later date you might decide you want to upgrade and have a more sophisticated one but for the sake of this recording and the training I'm going to do with you we're just going to use the free tool so you're using the free of and all you need to do is click on when fact what we'll do is we'll create a car hoop straightaway so we're gonna click over here on create and we are now going to create a quiz that's the most important type of car who is the one that we're gonna use most of all so we'll click on that we're gonna give our car hoot a title so I'm just gonna call this test car hoot so I'm gonna just do a really quick one for you with three questions three questions and we're gonna give it a quick question test car hoot we can just put as the description okay and then this here we're just gonna leave that all completely open all right so my kahoots available for everyone and I'm gonna do it in English I'll come back and talk about all these things a little bit later we're gonna click on okay okay now don't take any notes that just click here we can just put here a hashtag to keep them happy all right that's what they need and then click on OK we know we can add an image maybe later and I'll do that and show you how to do that as well what I want to do is actually create a car hoot and test it so let's put in our first question so we're going to click here and what we're going to do is we're just going to do three really quick questions just to get a little idea of how Karhu works and then we're gonna test it so the first question I'm going to ask is is the what is the population of London what is the plot ululation of London okay that's my first question I'm going to allow twenty seconds for the people to answer I'm gonna award points if they aren't quicker as the first answer I'm going to put 20 million and that's too many as the second answer I'm going to put five million and that's not enough and for the third outside I'm going to put two million well that's definitely not enough and then the current answer is around about nine million okay so we're going to put that and so we need to say that that is the correct answer and we've now created our first question and all we need to do now is click on next and we can add another question by simply clicking here so it's really easy to add questions to notice how you've got nice control over things like how long the questions gonna be on the screen for etc now I'm going to add the second question that won't bore you by typing it in front of you so let me just fill it in and then we'll have a quick look at what I've done so I've got my three questions on the screen again remember to always say which is the correct one so I'm gonna say firming him okay and I'm gonna click on next I'm just gonna do one more question so going to add a third question I can click from here and add the third question so I've added a third question onto the screen the correct answer is Tower of London and we're not going to do any of this we're going to come back and look at this later again I'm going to give 20 seconds for that question make sure you put a question mark in I'm gonna click on next and now we're ready we're finished we've done we're just gonna do caught three questions I definitely wouldn't suggest you do three questions I think about a minimum of around 10 tends to work the best sometimes I'm surprised when I see teachers doing classes and they've only got four or five questions and then the game ends and you're thinking well what's the point in them in really setting the game up if you're gonna finish it that quickly so I tend to have about 12 questions I definitely think I'm 11 around 10 would be okay click on save and there's a lovely feature in kaho you can actually test the game by clicking on preview and what happens is it splits the screen into what does the teacher see what do the students see so let's do that by previewing the game and one tip I can give you straight away is always choose classic weight - the game loads okay so what you're seeing here is what you're going to see and this is what your students are going to see remember your students log into Kahoot IT car hooptie t it they will come onto this screen and they'll be waiting for you to give them the pin so always choose classic now why well if you choose t mode then you've got to write every student's naming in the team so get your group of students to create a group name for themselves give tell them quickly think of a name for your team and then they can use that and that way it's also anonymous so I'm going to click on classic okay I don't change any of the game options I wait now for the game to start there it goes and all I need to do now is add that pin in here so remember this is exactly what the students would be doing now I've turned off the systems sound so you can't hear that in the music sound I actually quite like it when I'm doing the game to have that on but let's just look what the student needs to do so the student's gonna put in their code so five seven four five two five I click on enter alright remember the student on the telephone or on their computer on their black tablet they simply write Kahoot IT and they put enter that number and then they give a nickname so I'm gonna write Tom and then click on go now obviously the teacher needs to wait we've only got one person in this group so far often if you're doing a really big group for example the group I did the other day in Macedonia with two hundred teachers I mean it took about two minutes for everyone to log in you know they were talking amongst themselves in groups they were put into groups of three or four but once you think that everyone's in the room you just click on start now what you're gonna see on the left is what the teacher season on the right you're gonna see what the student sees the game starts question comes onto the screen what is the population of London went up to a thousand points at twenty million two million five million on nine million the students then decide on the right answer they click on in this case Tom's group they've been told that the answers correct the teacher can quickly go through the other answers which is what I tend to do click on the next button and it will show you the score now obviously in our game is only one person so at the moment it's just Tom but if we see if they want more people than it was show the top five normally click on the next button and then the next question comes on the screen notice it immediately updates for the student second question is what is the second biggest city in London that not England I've got to put a question mark sorry and I've comforted the answer here is Birmingham so let's get the answer wrong so we click on there just so you see then what it happens and I'm going to say it says incorrect I can see that that student in again we've only got one student but they've got the answer actually wrong the correct answer is Birmingham notice it shows what the correct answer is I tend to quickly walk talk through the other answers or give a little bit more information about the question I often do that click on next again immediately we see who's winning the game so Tommy's then with the third question comes on the screen which of these places is the oldest and the correct answer here would be Tower of London so I'm just gonna click on that one there all right so here and we get 880 point 818 points have been fairly quick now the game's over there's only three questions and if we click on Nexus now I'm gonna show who the winner was so the winner was Tom and it tells Tom on his telephone that he won hi I know you're in the middle of the video so this is just a super quick plug I hope you enjoying the video and if you want more content then please come to teacher training videos com all of the videos are free at the top of the screen there's lots of kind of different technologies that I cover like Ed model and Snagit and Kahoot and YouTube etc and below you'll find some kind of theme based things around things like the flipped classroom eportfolios etc if you want to keep up with my work there's two things you can do one you can sign up to the newsletter that way you'll be updated on all the latest videos all the webinars I ran and the online courses I run etc and the other place to look or follow my content is to subscribe to my youtube channel in that way you'll get all the backdated material over the years that i've added up onto the youtube channel and thank you very much sorry about that and let's get back to the video now when you click on the get results button and we've got various options here what I'm going to do is just simply click on new game and it brings us back to this screen here and if we click here we've got our car hoop then the one that we've done now obviously there was a mistake in that car hoot so what I can do now is quickly click here and to click on edit and that would allow me to edit any of the questions so I've just gone in and corrected that question all I did is just go to any of the questions click on them and then of course I added in the question mark if I want to change the questions for example let's say that it was too slow the game was too slow or too quick you could always change them for the games etc click on next you save it options you could always add more questions as well now once the what I think I want to do just to really make this clear so what we did there was preview ok and when we do preview what we got to see there was what the student sees and what the teacher sees but in kind of one window what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna log in now as a student and so we can actually play the game as if it's real and I want to remind you of course that you need to project the questions onto the screen so this you've got to be projecting your computer screen onto the screen so that students can see the questions and then answer on their phones alright so let's actually play a game for real and I can do that because I can log in on another browser as a student and that way we can see both versions so I've just gone onto Google and I search for car hoop diet II and this is the link that it's given me and that's that's exactly where I want to be I'm waiting for the pin number now this is what the teacher is going to project onto the screen because they're going to play the game and they're gonna click on classic remember to wait till it loads you don't need to change any of the game options I tend to ignore those just click on classic click on in fact you don't even have to what you don't even if you click on start it will start and obviously this number here we need to copy that and obviously the student would see that number projected on the screen they would then put that number in click on enter and then put their name what I've already used this one before something use that I can click on OK and they go hopefully now they'll be logged in and they'll see themselves on the screen they'll see that they're logged in and then the teachers gonna click on the start button and the game's gonna start the first question is gonna come up on the screen so this is what's gonna be projected on the screen what is the population of London this is what there's gonna be projected on the screen this is what Tom and these group going to see they click on which one they get this immediate feedback this is what the teachers gonna see on the screen once everyone's answered the question all the times run out then you're gonna click on next you can see the scoreboard click on next the next question will come up again you obviously can be projected onto the screen Tom's gonna see this gonna click on the answer you got that one right as well and this is again what the teachers going to see click on next and obviously the students are seeing everything as well because it's been projected onto the screen click on next like final question comes up this is what tom sees clicks on the button they didn't get that one right unfortunately game is over because there's only three questions click on next gives the information about who's the winner and Tom will see that on his screen that he got in first place and then just a couple of things so you're aware of them I'm going to click on get results and one thing that Tom's gonna get now is this little questionnaire where he says did you learn something so gonna say yes and do you recommend it and say yes and to continue to les how you feel and I feel really happy okay so awesome and actually the teacher can look at that feedback because the teacher can it's got a couple of things here they can see the feedback by clicking here and so they can see how everyone rated the game but they can also save the results so they can click here and they can kind of download the results or save them to their drive so I'm going to download the results by just clicking here and it gives you a little bit more information or it doesn't give you as much information as it used to unfortunately it used to give you more information we're just going to click it open and if I remember rightly if you look at the bottom here you've got this kind of overview then you can click on the final score C if you click here this is quite useful gives you all the players and gives their final score so in this case only got one and then we got this question summary and the question something can be quite useful if you click on the first one so how many people got the answer right okay so again you get all this information and that can be really useful to you because you can kind of tell you or what do I need to go back over again which answer did the students get wrong which answers did the students get right so it's really in useful information in terms of how many correct answers were etc now obviously this is not very good at the moment because we've only got one person doing the activity so let me quickly show you what it would look like if we were looking in detail and say where you've had 20 or 30 people playing a game so I've just logged into my real account now and if we click on my cards you can see that I've actually got quite a number of cards and what I can do as well ways come up to my reports and what I'll do is I'll download a recent report this one here there were 36 players so we're gonna download that so I'm gonna click here and download reports just the way we did a moment ago with the one we only had three people you have to wait a few seconds for that to download there is we're gonna click on that and open it up and see the sort of information that we get again notice that we've got all these tabs here now in this case I've got plenty of tabs because actually there are a lot of questions and if I just click here on a summary I get all the names of the players notice that all my players gave themselves a nickname so I've got no real names here at all and I can see how many people got the answer wrong how many people got the answer right so it'll be really useful and this in this case I can just flick through and quickly look at who got the answer wrong now the good thing about this if I see lots of red that means it's something really that I need to think about maybe revising again if I see lots of green then I don't have to worry because I know that they were obviously getting that answer right so I for example might be worried about question eight I might be particularly worried about question 13 which was a trick question asking them about my website so you get the idea and of course I can't even go through specific questions and see some statistics about how many people got it wrong how many people got it right so for example this question eleven people got the answer correctly at twelve people got it the chose the wrong answer for the first what option etc now this information is pretty detailed you have to spend quite a lot of time on it but it can be useful particularly that kind of questions summary because it immediately will tell you okay I need to do more revision on here I need to do more revision on now now that really is enough to get you working with cahoots but I'm just going to kind of show you a few more things so we're going to click obviously when you want to create a new one you click here when you see your old car hoots you click here there are a couple of really nice things to keep in mind if you click on this button for example you can share your car whoo so if you've made a car hoot that's really good and you want other people to be able to access it well one way is that you can click on this button and you can either send them a share link to the quiz and I believe that you copy that or here you can add in someone's email now if you remember I'd already create an account earlier so what I'm going to do is I'm going to write in the username at which if you remember was Russell teacher all right because we're now in my real account so we're gonna write Russell teacher and okay and then we're gonna click on share and that should hopefully share that quiz with Russell teacher now if you want to see which ones have been shared with me for example I can click here and see my ones that I've had shared with me okay which is there's a number of them that have been shared with me okay but let's login back in as Russell teacher and see whether Russell teacher has received that quiz that I've just sent to him so I've just looked back in as Russell teacher that's my other account and if I now go to my car hoots where we can see the car hoot that I made the one with the three questions but if I click on shared with me I notice now that I also have the car hoot that's been shared with me so we can share car hoots which is great and obviously this one here is already got 13 questions in it so this is obviously saved this person a lot of time and they can even edit it and add more questions and and etc etc now right at the end of this video I will provide you with a link to some more advanced stuff on car ho I think we've really covered all the basics but if you wait to the end of this video there's a link that you can click or you can click below in the description and watch a more advanced set of videos about working with caju hi I really hope that video was useful please like it please comment on it and ask me any questions if you've got any questions and of course please share it with other teachers if you come to teacher training videos com you'll find lots more free material at the top here I've got this kind of section with different technologies that I cover like Snagit Camtasia Caju ad model Moodle etc if you come down below you'll see that there's also some kind of more theme based stuff around things like the flip classroom e-portfolios feedback etc now if you want to keep up with my work I suggest two things one to keep up with all the latest stuff sign up to my newsletter and that way you'll know about all the webinars I'm running any short courses I'm running and all the new videos that I've added up and then the other thing you can do is to sign up to my youtube channel which is getting quite popular now and that way you'd get access to all the back dated videos and please if you like it is the videos please comment on them please leave me questions and I will always do my best to to get back to you and thank you very much and finally if you'd like to continue your studies I've provided you with three links to three sets of videos that I think you might find interesting and thank you very much
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 140,654
Rating: 4.9309525 out of 5
Keywords: Kahoot 2019, Kahoot 2019 free version, Create a Kahoot 2019, Edit a Kahoot 2019, Test a Kahoot 2019, Play a Kahoot 2019, Teacher and Student view in Kahoot, Kahoot 2019 101 training, Kahoot 2019 tutorial training, Teacher Tech Tools, Educational Technology, game based learning, classroom games, kahoot 101, online learning, kahoot game, kahoot quiz, game based learning in education, game based learning in the classroom, kahoot quizzes, learning games, quizzing app
Id: ex8Hnl94IQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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