Using AI Deep Fakes to Get Revenge on Scammers

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over the past few months scammers have been calling and telling people that they were hacked criminals had used their identity to purchase tens of thousands of dollars in illegal pornography it's gross but they're trying to scare you and manipulate you into sending your entire life savings to them via bitcoin or a wire transfer to get back at them i used an ai webcam i coded to trick them into thinking i was an 80 year old man who had fallen in love with one of the sexy singles in his area i needed their help getting married and the only way that they were going to get my money is if they followed through with it and when things don't go their way they lose their minds i can definitely make that happen i'll find a person oh my god here's how that happened did you steer your wi-fi password to anyone else like your wi-fi your internet do you share it i i went to a commit i took a class on computer safety and we they told us you never share your wi-fi password with anyone you don't need my wi-fi password i could tell if you need it yeah no no no sir i don't need your wife let me just tell you the answer for the wi-fi is uh it's just w-i-f-i no no no i don't need it but i don't have time i have to connect your computer with the microphone i'm trying to get married today you gonna get married today well i don't know i haven't asked her yet she's so beautiful oh boy she's in a whole other league some of the pictures he sends me makes me feel young again what is it that you wanted to do is my computer unblocked now i'm telling you sir only microsoft have authority to unblock your computer and only we can unblock your computer so so you have to listen to me very carefully first of all typing on the male ladies here she's dropping off some presents it looks like because i'm i told a bunch of my friends i was getting married today i don't know what do you see on this screen numbers and letters let me just tell you sir these are the hackers addresses so what we are going to do we are going to do final scanning on your computer okay can you tell the hackers to leave because i i i'm kind of in the middle of something today you know i want to ask i want to ask her to marry me but she you know she's she's in a little bit of trouble a little bit of trouble yeah hackers hi like they have your financial information i can pause day for tomorrow can i call you in the evening or i'm pretty busy tomorrow i'm gonna be on my running mood if i my honeymoon if i'm okay they're transferring me to a manager right now what i want you to do is i want you to open up your online banking and see if everything is in place with your bank account you think they might have done that because they have got an access to your computer and if they can get into your computer the only reason hackers hack someone is for money what's your name esmeralda mirella okay so i'm gonna tell her that yes is morella okay so i'm gonna tell her that yes i pray for you guys you guys have a lot of healthy kids a lot of healthy married life i hate kids kill yourself i don't i don't want those keep that out okay so i'm looking at my account what do i look for you can check the last transactions and you're just gonna you just gonna make sure like you don't have to tell me what's there was not there but you just gotta make sure that everything is in everything is in place it is what you think it should be and that is it okay now with your gold business checking sir now you you remember making a charge for twenty two thousand dollars this morning i don't think so you might have the wrong account because that is the twenty two thousand dollars from a bold business second account which is ending with zero six nine zero is about to be taken out do you know that what let me make it for you i mean i've been trying to prepare for a wedding but i don't think i spent 22 000. okay do you remember going to a porno website and sending money to china this morning say that again what kind of site a porno website like a porn site let's write rapport site www dot phone oh god no no no no no no i wasn't me i only got i'm about to get married so let's go stop our steps are you gonna ask your girlfriend today right yeah i don't know she's she's doing a photo shoot all right so let's do one thing can i i've already do you know how to take let me see if you know how to take pictures and send it to someone on an email i'm all dressed up already you're all dressed yeah are you all dressed up already okay for your wedding okay so let me help you do that okay just give me a second let me i hope you click a nice photo yeah i wanted to see the time that's that's the big part give me but it's my computer and my name is safe is my computer and my bank safe check move your chair backwards sir you're going to move your chair backwards move a little bit away from the camera so we can get your tie and we can show your tie to your girlfriend right to move back a little bit sit back sit back lean back a little bit okay about perfect stay there perfect perfect stay there there you go i got it oh excuse me i had to sneeze did you get a good one oh that's good look at your teeth are so symmetrical my eyeballs yeah you let me know which photo you want to send to your girlfriend you let me know how you want to send it to your girlfriend so this is where your photos are and you can extend it to your goal whenever you want to drive however you want it how do you normally talk to people you talk around the text messages you send their emails okay can you send me some gift cards to buy this cute dress [Music] oh my god look at this wow can you see this can i tell you something can you see her god is she blue and it's a wedding it looks like it looks like a wedding dress she is ready to marry you richard that's what it is my friend listen to me congratulations your girlfriend has already said yes she is looking beautiful and she you know i can hardly it's hard to see all the all of the things because my eyes aren't that good anymore but i can tell she's just you know what i'm one of the most beautiful things you know i lay my eyes on some pretty crazy about we do this before you ask your girlfriend right because because he see what she said for you he said if you are thinking what i'm thinking i'm gonna say yes you know what that means that means i think she's saying that she's gonna say she's probably gonna say yes to the dress right perfect my man that's what it is now you know before you actually ask her that are you gonna marry her yeah what i'm gonna do is we're gonna you're gonna be a man and you're not gonna just go there empty-handed and ask her what i'm gonna help you do is i'm gonna help you buy some best gift cards for her online and then you can send her these gift cards through email she messages me on the whatsapp did you say you know a pope no because the pope i found yes i do i looked up on the internet i i looked up popes that mary i know people who do this yes exactly i was looking for a pope lawyer combo i don't know what they call that a pope a poper a lawyer okay basically what you're doing is you're looking for somebody you can come and do the ritual because i want them to do the rituals exactly and i if we need a pre-nuptial agreement i need a lawyer to do that too now let's make this happen you know i i found the love of my life and i don't want to let her go can i meet this pope can i meet this pope christian pope poplar how do you have his number or her number absolutely i can i can give you his phone number once you are done speaking to your bank and once you're done fixing your computer you can call this number and talk to the pope right please write down the number okay so on the back of your debit card you will find the phone number provide me that phone number because i'm gonna connect you to the bank [Music] [Music] gonna take me a couple hours yeah of course sweetheart anything for you okay now this is what it is now in order to make sure that no money leaves your bank account you need to listen to this very carefully i am gonna can you because in banking basically please yes richard but you need to understand this this information is really important for you what i'm talking about is a duplicate card or a replica course let me explain you what that is in banking now let's say you are on amazon you know what amazon is right where people go online and they do some shopping now let's say you are on amazon and you decide to purchase yourself a book for a hundred dollars and after 30 minutes you said you know what it's a pretty nice book i'm gonna buy one more for my girlfriend so you went back to amazon you bought the same book for same price using the same debit card okay you're saying i'm gonna buy something for i have a i kind of have an idea actually because um exactly let's say you buy let's say you live in your home because you know today's supposed to be a perfect day and i already i'm engaged to the love of my life i wonder if i could get an engagement that's good to know they're all wedding and i never did engagement so i wonder what you can do is in that case listen to me okay please listen to me and then you can buy from there that will be considered as a duplicate source not an engagement ring oh my god she looks beautiful sir that isn't sorry i'm a little distracted with something else right now uh sorry what were you what were you saying sir go on to sephora sephora sephora sir type in sephora that's where you can make a duplicate charge if you want to buy something for your wife you can fight on sephora if you don't do that you this one is about to leave your bank account do you understand it sounds like i need to make a 22 000 purchase or laser that is not true you need to go on to sephora website and then you need to buy gift cards go on to s e e as an echo bs peter hs harry who is yeah sephora gift cards just go on to sephora oh hold on i'm getting a call that's on my other phone okay what are you doing on your computer right now are you on amazon or are you on sephora where are you sweetheart yeah i actually found a pope lawyer yeah you found what story we can give you just got to give me a few minutes i'm taking care of something and then i i'll call you and i'll call you with the pope lawyer oh man i gotta hurry okay oh i found something i found the perfect gift from sephora and there's only two left in stock it's uh it's a hundred dollars so if i buy two of them it'll be hundred bucks sorry you're not listening you gotta buy sephora gift card hey hey hey listen should i give you the order number you think sir you have to purchase the for a gift card nothing else has been deducted yeah you did you buy something yeah i bought something for uh from sephora it's like a gift what did you buy a gift there a sephora you don't have you don't have to buy anything you don't have to buy anything you just have to buy i gotta call the pope so thank you for all your help you have a move number these guys are so how do you know pope nathan this guy doesn't even know what the heck's going on i mean he does know because he's a scammer just call pope nathan bro he'll take care of everything you can tell this is a great example of you there's like five guys sitting around huddled around a laptop looking at my computer you know hope hoping that they'll be able to scam me passing the phone around barely keep anything straight uh burgers and fries no more like gift cards and lies [Music] yes hello yeah hello yes hello how can i help you is this pope nathan all right this is oh i've been trying to reach you uh you're a hard man to get a hold of ah i'm so sorry about it i i just seen your missiles i was told by one of the heavenly servers that work here there yeah i missed your call so yes what can i do for you my fellow yeah well hey i gotta lay i gotta tell you up front i don't know what terms i'm on with uh no no i i can't do that only jesus can do that okay well this is what it is correctly i mean you're in direct contact with the man upstairs right so you you must have been talking to jesus and he said that i wanted to get married is that right right i do that i've been doing that all my life now because the only reason people call us is either for a confession or most of the times we're getting to know them now [Music] she's a model wow and she said yes but i'm i'm looking for a couple things i'm looking for a lawyer and a pope that way i can get married and i can do some marriage counseling never done pre-marital counseling okay i mean i can ever call you can do that son whenever you want to do it hey um whenever you're planning to get something god are you right now are you like on cloud you are like are you i mean at first i thought it was funny but this is messed up man this drugs are bad dude this is crazy it is not it is [Music] it is not the god is in the air it is in the bad jesus like people people like drugs that's the bad thing jesus you know what i mean my son what's the name of your mother i can see her in the bed of other man the mother man is trying to with your mother each other and your wife that's kind of awkward because my mother is in heaven that's really weird quickly tell me quickly stick yourself up your richard if you want to save her miranda this is cringe bro this is big bro this is not a good look on youtube jesus your mom is the jesus your mom did you get the sephora gift i sent you or no did i get the support i guess no oh we just needed your we just needed a bank of america i could be wrong but i don't think he's an actual member of the clergy nor is he qualified to give me any advice on anything but it was fun messing with them wasting their time and getting some information about their scam i hope you enjoyed it had a chance to laugh maybe learn a few things if you did consider subscribing or sharing this video with your friends as always know that you are valuable and you matter i'll see you in the next video bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 826,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, improv, voice actor, tech support, scambaiter, ai deep fake, deep fake voice, deep fake video, deep fake ai, deep fake, artificial intelligence, deepfake, machine learning, scammer gets scammed, scamming a scammer, scam call center, angry scammer, ai, revenge on call center, scammer revenge, scammer, scams, long form improv, social engineering, deepfake app, vfx deepfake, vfx, deepfake ai, face swap, kitboga camera
Id: 32ehQp7MOAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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