Using 2D DWG/DXF to create 3D Model

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hello everyone and welcome to another episode of fusion 360 live my name is Brad talus from Autodesk and today's topic I'm going to be talking about bringing in like DWG DXF files and even images in diffusion to help you create a 3d model now with all three of those methods there's pros and cons with each of them and I'm going to go through those in today's live stream so let's dive right in ok so I'm actually going to start in in AutoCAD here so you'll see I have AutoCAD off if actually I lied let me let me back up a step here I'm going to import in a file ok so I want to upload a DWG file in diffusion so I'm gonna come in here and select let's just do a search for DWG and you'll notice I have this DP 942 drawing it's about 1,300 kilobytes I want to upload this into Fusion so I'll say upload it takes a couple moments to bring it into my project but what you're gonna notice here is one of the cons with the DWG format okay and so once this is done uploading give it just another moment here I'll go ahead and open this guy up so you'll see once the status is done it'll say complete and I'll go ahead and open this file and you can see that it's thinking and tada nothing happened you'll notice I don't have any sketches or anything like that and it says that it's opened up this drawing so this is one of those issues and and the reason I'm doing this live stream in fact I actually helped like a customer this morning with this exact same situation they brought in a DWG file and nothing showed up now the reason for that and I'm not going to get too deep into it it's a little bit of history with AutoCAD they have what's called model space and paper space and we need to basically take all of the sketches the drawings etc and put it in one space which is going to be the the paper space so let me show you how to do that so with a DWG we're gonna have to use AutoCAD so you can kind of see here I'm in AutoCAD right now and I've already loaded up that DP 9:42 drawing so this is that exact same drawing and you can see that it came into AutoCAD with no problems this is what I was expecting to see in fusion so to push it out into one space like for example the paper space we're gonna have to run a command called export layout so I'm gonna just start typing in e^x and you can see the command right here and I'm gonna pause here for a moment so you can all see what the command is but it's called export layout and what this is gonna do is it's going to basically export the layout into a model space drawing you can see it right across the top right here so I can give it a new name so I'll call this you know live stream demo or something like that it's still gonna be a DWG but it's gonna save that out into the model space okay so now when I go into here and I say upload I'll select the file I'll do the DWG search again here's my live stream demo I'll go ahead and upload that guy shouldn't take as long it's a little bit smaller file and while that's doing that I'm going to talk a little bit so that so there's one con with this is you do have to have AutoCAD I've done some research and from what I've seen AutoCAD is the only tool out there that does this export layout I know there's DWG viewers and a lot kind of stuff and I couldn't find anything out there that does this layout okay so let me jump back in here now I have this live stream demo let's go ahead and open this and see what we get now this time you'll notice that we see the result that I was hoping for okay okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to cancel out really quick close both of these guides out I'm gonna just save an empty session so I have a whole new session I'm just gonna go ahead and say save and let's just call this you know demo or something so now I have a file called demo and the reason I did this is now I can insert this drawing into this file okay so I can come in here and say insert into current design and what that's gonna do is it's going to bring that in into this demo file okay so I have a top view a front view a sideview an isometric view it looks like I want to orient this so it makes a little bit of sense and you can see our origin right here if I go ahead and turn that on so I'm going to line up the center of this top view with my zero zero zero so you can see right now I'm in the move copy command it comes up automatically and I'm gonna go point to point it's this little icon right here and what that does is allows me to click on a point like so and then I'm gonna go over to this point here and watch what it does it moves that whole drawing right to zero zero zero and I'll say ok and now I have this in my my part here my session I should say now you'll notice that it has a link icon that means it's dynamically linked to that drawing and what I'm going to be doing today I don't need it to be linked so I'm gonna come in here and say break link and you'll see that that chain link goes away I'll go ahead and expand this open and we can see all of the stuff that came in so for example if I hit the little eyeball as you can see that we can turn off any of these views okay then you also see we have like for example the border the title block and then these are all your like dashed lines hatch lines etc so I don't want the title block or any of those dashed lines or center lines anything like that so I'm gonna just select them and say delete and it says it's referenced by other features do you sure you want to delete I'm gonna say yes so I'm going to go ahead and delete you can see that we kind of cleaned that up in fact what I'm gonna do is all I really want is that top view right there which I can see is that guy so I'm gonna select these other three and do the same thing I'm gonna say delete and now I have just my top view in my session okay so I'm gonna do the exact same thing again multiple times I now have my top view I want to bring in my front view and my side view so I'm gonna do the exact same thing I'm gonna say insert into current design and you'll see it'll bring it back in but this time I want to deal with the front view so I'm gonna go ahead and rotate that 90 degrees which you can kind of see right there and here's a cool little trick I want to move this to be right on top of this other part so again I'm going to say point to point and I'm going to maybe pick like this lower right point or a lower left point doesn't really matter something that I can reference so I'm going to go ahead and click on that point right there and then notice what happens when I hover over this edge you can see that there is a start point a midpoint and an end point so you can kind of see the start mid and N well I want this to basically slice right through the middle so I'm going to just click on that little triangle right there and it's gonna move it from one point to that middle of that line I'll say okay you can kind of see what we're doing here we're kind of building up this image of this part now again pretty much the exact same thing I'm going to break the link I'll expand this open I'll get rid of all the stuff that I don't need so I'm going to select it and hit delete and then I'll find out which so this very first one is my front view so I can get rid of these other three views I'm just selecting them I can either hit the Delete key on my keyboard or I can come in here and say delete right from the menu okay so now I have my top my front let's go one more time I'll say insert into current design this time I'm going to rotate it 90 degrees up and it's kind of hard to see it's kind of buried in there 90 degrees to the right like so okay and then I'm going to do the exact same thing I'll say point to point and maybe I'll grab the middle of this line something's going to click on that little triangle you see right there and then I'll click on that middle point right there and it's gonna bring that drawing and put it right where it needs to be so you can kind of see looking at it from the side looking at it from the front and looking at it from the top okay so it's where it needs to be and I'll clean this up now you don't have to clean it up but I highly recommend that you do because it just simplifies things it speeds things up so let's go ahead and delete those guys and then I'll find out which view so it looks like it's this last view is the one I want to keep so I'll just go ahead and delete those views I'm left with this representation so you can kind of see what it looks like okay so a couple couple things I want to review here so this was a DWG file format so I might have gotten this from a customer I might have downloaded it you know online or something like that if you're getting this from a customer and you try and open it up in diffusion and you don't see anything I highly recommend that you ask them to do that export layout in AutoCAD if they have AutoCAD before they send it to you second if you have AutoCAD you can just do that export layout what we're doing now is we're gonna take these three views and use them to build our 3d model so I'm just going to go ahead and click on this profile and you'll notice it recognizes everything is profiles and we're going to talk about that a little bit more when we get into DXF but I'm gonna right click and say extrude so I'm not having to recreate or redraw any of the profiles which i think is awesome okay well I know this is symmetric so I'm going to come here and say symmetric I'm gonna say whole length and if we look at our drawing here I need it to come to this edge right here and if I drag I can't hover over it or anything like that I can't snap to it I can't click on it I'm trying to click on it you'll notice that it's not snapping to that edge so here is one of my favorite tips in the distance there's this little down arrow and you've heard me talk about the ring anchor command this is for 3d we also have this measure command and this is for 2d so I'm going to say measure and check this out I can hover over different elements and it's going to capture that length so watch what happens when I click on that edge it is now the exact right size you can kind of see we measured the length of that edge and it made the extrusion that length so a really powerful tip there so I'm gonna say okay now you'll notice it turned my sketch off so all I have to do is expand open my sketches here let me expand these open and you'll see we have visible and hidden lines so it's going to turn on my visible again there we go okay let's take a look at maybe these little feet right here so I'm gonna do the exact same thing I'm gonna say extrude symmetric start to drag and I like to drag to kind of see what's going on and we'll do the whole length and let's do both of them at the same time oops wrong button sorry there we go so I need to know exactly you know how far to go right so I'm gonna come in here and say measure I'll click on that edge and it's gonna snap or make the distance correct for the length of that edge I'll say okay and we now have the start of our shape okay now next we have this circular shape and it actually exists up here but you'll notice that my sketch is way down here so here is a cool tip I'll click on this guy I'll say extrude and you'll notice if I start to extrude up it's starting way down here okay well right here in my extrude menu we have this start and you can see that it's starting on the profile plane well I can come in here and say I want to start from an offset plane like a certain distance or I can even say from object and that's what I'm gonna use I'm gonna say from object what's the object and I'm gonna click on this top face right here and watch what it does it's using this profile but it's starting the sketch on the top of my part and again I don't know how far I need to go so I'll come in here and say measure I'll click on that edge and sure enough it extrudes the correct length and it's gonna join it together now the only drawback with this is if we look down the part you'll notice that you know this used to be a solid face and still is but we want the hole to go all the way through so all I have to do is select that face and say delete and it's gonna delete that face so we're looking through and still a solid model we're still good there okay that delete is kind of like a direct modeling feature where it basically removed that face that we selected and there we go okay let me expand open make sure I got all my sketches let's turn this guy back on because I noticed there's some holes down here so again not having to recreate any of the geometry and that's what I really like about this because anytime I recreate stuff I could potentially induce error into my design so let's just go ahead and say let's extrude all through the part I'll say okay we now have those holes through there everything is looking pretty good the only thing I notice now is there's a curve right here so that means that these edges these small little edges right here are fileted so I'm going to click on that edge all right mouse-click and say fill it but once again I don't know how large they're supposed to be so I'm gonna come in here and say measure I can click on that as it kind of rotates you can kind of see a little bit better I can click on this sketch right here and it's gonna measure what that radius is and it's gonna make that the same for that fill it and I'll go ahead and select these other edges all at the same time one two three four we'll say okay and I'll go ahead and turn off these sketches really quick and just like that I was able to bring in a DWG file and use it to create a new body you know took a little bit of time to kind of clean things up but I didn't have to redraw anything I was able to use the existing DWG file format okay so personal preference if you can get the file as a DWG I would recommend that over a DXF and you're going to see why here in just a moment however the the con with that is that it has to be an exported layout so if you want to take any notes from today just write down export layout that's how you get it to show up correctly in fusion so now let's take a look at DXF files okay now the thing with DXF files is it's an approximate a próximas ation and let me bring up a drawing here really quick so I'm going to go ahead and under the insert menu you can see that we can insert a DXF okay you don't see DWG over here that's why I had to upload my DWG drawing into the project but with DXF files I can bring them right in using this insert so I'm going to say insert DXF I'm just going to click let's just do like the top plane and then it says select DXF file so I'm gonna go ahead and bring in this pipe clamp DXF file now my icons might look different than yours because I have different tools that open up DXF files etc so notice it's taking some time I hit I hit OK and it's sitting there thinking and thinking and this is one of the cons with DXF files is they are pretty what I call heavy and you'll see here what I mean by that in just a moment you'll also notice I get a warning the selected DXF does not contain unit information so I and you'll notice there's no dimensions on this the excel file so how do I know that one inch is one inch and a lot kind of stuff I do have the ability to change what units if you know if I knew this was created in millimeters I can set it to millimeters and it would come in one-to-one if I knew it was created in inches I could set it to inch and it would come in one-to-one so that's one of the nice things about this okay I'm gonna go ahead and just say okay I'm not gonna cover the rest of this kind of stuff but you'll notice it has one layer in this case I'm just gonna go ahead and say okay now again I've hit OK you'll notice that it's going and doing this little green progress bar down at the bottom it's analyzing my sketch and making sure that everything is correct and you notice it's even doing a compute and an update graphic so to me DXF files are a little bit slower okay and this is what I was talking about watch what happens I'm gonna go ahead and edit this sketch watch what happens when I select just this top view okay again it's thinking but notice all of these little dots that appear and what it's basically doing is it's showing a dot on every endpoint of a line so you can see there's one there and one there for the center mark there's one there and one there for the little center of the center mark but notice the circle and all of these other circles it's basically broken down into individual little segments so if I click right there you'll see that it does not select the whole circle it only selects a segment so DXF files I think are much more difficult to manage to deal with in fact a lot of times I'll turn these into constructions young three and redraw recreate a real circle that goes you know all the way across for example it's all one object instead of a whole bunch of individual tiny little lines okay so that is one of the cons with DXF files is that it's basically just a whole bunch of line segments one of the other cons with the excel files is sometimes they don't come in very cleanly and I'm gonna show you what I mean by that this great-looking drawing actually did not come in perfect and we're gonna have to fix that now there's a lot of DXF files out on the web that are really cool which I'm gonna show you here for in a minute for example if you have like a plasma cutter or laser cutter or whatever there's really cool things you can download but they're typically DXF file format if you have a choice I would recommend SVG scalable vector graphics I think is what it stands for those are nice smooth splines that's not broken up into little individual pieces so if you can I would recommend SVG but there will be a lot of cases where you're kind of stuck with just a DXF now here's what I was talking about notice how everything's kind of filled in everything looks good these are valid profiles but you'll notice that it's white right here but that looks like a valid profile why is it not shaded in okay so we're gonna talk about that now because this is such a heavy file I'm going to clean it up I'm only gonna work with this section view so I'm gonna go ahead and select some of these other views and just delete them out of my sketch because I don't want it to have to recalculate every single edge every single time so I'm gonna go ahead and do that so you can kind of see again it's thinking it'll go ahead and delete those out of there and then I'll delete these other views that I don't need so I'm going to select those that view and this other view up here and I apologize they're painting my house right now so you might hear some banging and some noise coming through the microphone hopefully not too bad okay looking over the chat looks like Angelo's been pretty busy answering questions I appreciate that hopefully you're all finding this topic useful like I said I found it ironic that actually helped a customer this morning with this exact issue so it probably happens more often than we know about okay so I want to fix this area here I'm gonna go ahead and minimize that guy and I'm curious why is it not shaded well here's a cool tip okay I'm going to go into my tools actually I'm like I'm back up I'll show you what we're gonna do here in a second under the inspect menu you'll notice I have something here called check sketch okay I'm gonna show you how this works and then I'm gonna show you how you can get this because it's not part of the fusion product out of the box so I'm gonna say check sketch and watch what it does it puts all these little balls all around the part now what is that well it's showing end points well let's zoom up for example on this one right here and as I get closer and closer you'll actually notice that there's two of them and they're not connected so this is the exact reason why it's not a closed sketch if i zoom out let me take a look at this one down here I'm gonna zoom up a little bit now this one does look close but what is probably showing sure enough that this line kind of overlaps this other line so instead of endpoints endpoint they're kind of overlapping now that's okay in infusion and other CAD systems that would fail let's take a look at this one over here and in this example you'll notice that there's actually a gap so again it's not a closed profile so that plug in which is called check sketch is really handy and I'm gonna show you how to get it now there's again some pros and cons with this what I typically do is I kind of look at the area that there was the issue and then I do a screen capture so I don't have to keep running the check sketch over and over again because you can see as soon as I clicked out it all those markers went away ok so instead of having to come in here and you know check sketch over again I'll just do a screen capture and I know that there's issues here here here and here for example ok so I highly recommend doing this screen capture just so you have something to reference ok so how do you get this well under your tools tab there's a menu called add-ins I'm gonna go ahead and go to fusion 360 app store and what that does and it just brought it up on the wrong screen here let me bring it over here okay it brings up our App Store and you can see a bunch of different apps in here such as a helical gear generator a Bills of material thing a slicer if you want to slice a 3d model into like thin pieces of wood or cardboard etc and you'll notice most popular autodesk apps sketch checker or you could do a search for i'm just going to do a search for sketch and it's gonna show all of the different apps that have to do with sketching so for example you know DXF splined a polyline that looks pretty interesting save as SVG airfoil generator so there's a lot of stuff text on arc I know a lot of you have been asking about that so kind of a cool plugin right there that somebody wrote so all you have to do is click on you know sketch checker and it tells you whether your Mac OS or win so 64 so I'm gonna go to Windows and then I just hit download and now I'm not gonna do it it just downloads it and adds it into fusion and so next time you restart fusion you'll have to restart fusion to see it but you'll see this checks catch so really really handy okay so how do we fix this well I know one of the issues was right here okay and I want to keep this line vertical so I'm going to let me go back into my sketch menu I'm gonna say coincident and I want to keep this line so I have a little same called click to keep so it will rhyme so I'm going to click to keep that point and then I'll select this other one and you'll see how it moved that line ever so slightly to join that together okay this one it was overlapping that was fine let me just zoom out a little bit we knew that there was a gap over here so I'll do the exact same thing I'll click one point click another point and it's gonna extend that over and notice what happened instantly shaded showing me that I've now closed that profile okay so that little inspect check sketch is a great way to figure out why there's these little tiny gaps and again like I said with DXF file formats there seems to always be little tiny gaps just for like the resolution because it's taking a nice smooth curve and breaking it down into these chunky lines your other line in fact I'm gonna show you here in a second doesn't touch it anymore in fact here's a prime example why is this region not shaded in and if we zoom up over here we can see that this nice curve is actually just a bunch of individual line right so I might come in here and say I want that line and that point to be coincident and sure enough it now reaches all the way or let me undo I could come in here and use the command extend and you'll notice I just kind of hover over this line a little bit and it's going to extend to that edge okay okay let's take this to the next level I'm gonna bring in a new design I'll come in here and say I'm sorry insert DXF I'll do it on the top face again select my DXF this is one that I downloaded off of a web page somewhere and you'll see when it comes in it's a really cool graphic it's like a moose or something like that again it's gonna take some time because this is pretty heavy lots of edges and curves and a lot kind of stuff I'll go ahead again apologize for the banging hopefully it's not gonna be too bad here so I'm just gonna kind of move it sort of to the center there and say okay okay again it's thinking now you'll notice in this example if i zoom up here some of the patches are shaded in with you know that tan color but the rest of the moose and this patch here are not so there's something wrong with this particular profile okay now I showed using the check sketch but on something this complex I would probably not use it because it would put those little tiny balls on all of the little tiny edges for example it might get kind of crazy so here's another tip that use I'm gonna say edit sketch and let's start small let's just take a look at this patch right here I'm just gonna draw a line that kind of cuts through half of it like so and say okay now I was hoping to see one half of this shade so there must be more than one issue wrong with this patch so let me go ahead and draw another line maybe over here I'm kind of breaking it down into chunks and there we go check it out this shaded so I know that there's nothing wrong between these two lines in fact I could drag this line let's drag it to the left a little bit and that filled in so this did not so there must be something wrong with this little region right here and as i zoom up I kind of think I see sure enough I see a little tiny gap I mean a little tiny microscopic gap right there and this time instead of doing constraints or whatever because it's so tiny I might just fill that in with a line I'm just gonna put a line at one corner I guess so you can kind of see how it snaps to it and then I'll do the line to the other point I'm getting a little bit of delay here there we go and you can kind of see how it's snapping automatically and sure enough it's shaded in with that show profile option and so I know that this section is now good okay so I'll go ahead and delete that outline now there's something over here let me break maybe this into thirds or something someone's gonna do something like that that shaded in so I know that there's something wrong in this region and as i zoom up sure enough you can kind of see it and the more you do this the more you'll kind of recognize where the potential issues are so I'll just do another just a quick line segment because it's so short I don't need to do a spline or anything like that so let's just do something like so good it looks like it's shaded in so I'll zoom back out and I fixed that area and all I have to do now is just remove those lines so it's kind of a quick way to figure out where's the problems and obviously there's something wrong with the big Moose so I'm just gonna slice them in half let's just do something like this and see what happens sure enough that totally shade so we're good to go there maybe I'll do something kind of across like this and see what happens but again notice how slow it is in fact it's probably auto-saving now let me go back sorry it's thinking bring fuse mic up there we go so you can see that it's shaded that whole area in fact they took so much memory it kicked me out into my webpage so I know that most of the Moose is good it's just something in the head so let me go ahead and maybe draw something across here maybe let's just see what happens okay so that all shaded so it's gotta be somewhere in here okay so and just to save some time I'm gonna zoom up and sure enough I see it right there so I could keep breaking it down into smaller pieces for example now that I know it's between there and there I might you know create a line that goes across something like this and we should hopefully see the mouth area shade in so let's see what happens here but again here's you can kind of see why I don't like to work with DXF files all that often is just how long it takes it's trying to calculate all of these edges and all those points those individual lines etc so it can take some time okay so the last thing I need to do is just basically create a line that goes from there to there and sure enough that shaded and I know now that moose is a valid profile I'll go ahead and delete these lines that I don't need again notice just moving my mouse it's trying to catch two radiuses and points and all this kind of stuff you can kind of see how heavy I use the term heavy this model is because of all the individual little segments but I should now be able to turn this into you know maybe like a plasma-cut plaque or something like that let's just go you know point oh five in this case or something and I was able to bring in a DXF file like I said I got this off of a webpage somewhere so there's lots of files out there but you might have to work with them to fix them okay okay this last segment I'm going to talk about is a little bit different than using DWG and DXF files it's actually using when you don't have either when you don't have a DDA DWG or DXF and you want to create a part and Jamie kind of showed a little bit about this in the last livestream that we the heated where he was using freeform and he brought in a sketch and I'm gonna do the exact same thing to kind of show you how you can create stuff very quickly and very easily using just pencil sketches or napkin sketches so I'm going to come in here and instead of inserting a DXF I'm gonna insert a canvas so I'm gonna say canvas I'm just going to click on this front face and it's asking for an image well I have an image it's a mouthwash bottle that I downloaded off of the web I'm just gonna kind of bring this a little bit bigger and I notice the text is backwards I'm gonna say horizontal flip so I have to give credit to Juan Carlos bar Kent I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly he's the one that sketched this I just downloaded it off of the web but I want to make sure I give him credit for this what this allows me to do is I'm basically bringing in a napkin sketch and I could change the opacity of this I'm gonna maybe around 50 I'll make sure display through is turned on I'm just gonna go ahead and say okay now the drawback with this is I have no idea what size this is and there's no dimensions on here or anything like that but check this out I'm gonna go into canvas right click and say calibrate okay well this is going to allow me to do is I can click for example the top of the bottle and the bottom of the bottle as close as I can get and it says that it's one and a half inches well I know that the finished product it's going to be seven inches tall so I'm gonna hit enter and you'll see that my image is scaled up larger okay so now from the top of the bottle to the bottom a bottle is seven inches the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to kind of put it in the right spot so I'm gonna come in here and say edit canvas I'm just gonna drag this over and you can kind of see my my zero zero point is right here in the middle so I might just kind of line up the top of the bottle and the kind of the center of the bottle with that zero zero maybe just move it over ever so slightly so you can kind of tweak with that a little bit I'll zoom up maybe move it up a little bit and again this is mostly for a próximas ation like these lines aren't perfectly straight or anything like that but I now have the front of the bottle right at zero zero okay and then I'm going to do the exact same thing again I'll just come in here and say insert canvas let's do it on the side view and I'll use this image now what I typically do just to simplify things is I tend to only have one view instead of all of them like this I'll tend to have just one view and I'll bring in a side view I'll bring in a top view I'll bring in a right view but this is all the same image I'm just going to go ahead and say okay and I'm going to do this the calibrate again okay so I'll come in here and click on the top and the bottom and I'll say seven and it scales it up and then I'll go ahead and move the side view to my comma zero zero right there so I'm just gonna kind of move that over I might zoom up just a little bit and so I can kind of tweak with it now again this is mostly a próximas ation so it's not exactly I would say that's probably one of the cons with this method is you know I basically clicking on a pencil line and the pencil line saying hey that's seven inches long it could be seven point zero zero three and this other one could be seven point one or something like that right so it's as close as it can get but you can kind of see we're doing pretty much the same thing that we did with our very first model when I brought in those DWG files we're basically kind of gonna use this to design our part so let's do that one more time insert canvas on this top view I'll select that same image scale it up just a little bit so I'm kind of see what's going on maybe a little bit larger here looking at the top view I'll calibrate that and a good tip is the farther you can calibrate like I wouldn't want to go from here to here and say that's a quarter of an inch the farther you can calibrate the more accurate it's gonna be so I'm gonna do a top to bottom let's just say seven and then I will move that kind of to the center let me zoom up a little bit actually got pretty close I'll just leave right there and I'll say okay okay so now I have a front view I have it's kind of hard to see but a side view and I have a top view now that's like I mentioned earlier I usually get rid of all of these other view when I'm bringing these in you know using like a graphics program or something like that but in this case we're just gonna leave it the way it is but now I can come in and say for example let's create a form and let's just start with a box and let's just use these sketches as reference so I'm going to go like so go to the width and then I'll go to the height that I want like so get pretty close like that okay and then I might look at the front view and drag this guy down on them I'm not teaching how to do T splines like Jamie did I'm just kind of showing the method of bringing in images to help you with your design so I'm gonna do like for example seven segments like so and now you can see we kind of have the overall shape of what this is going to look like and then this is where it really kind of comes in I think it's pretty fun I'm gonna add some symmetry let me do loops we try like that face and that face there we go why is it saying it can do it well it already has symmetry I apologize uh-huh I wanted symmetry but I already had it so that's kind of cool okay so what I'm going to do is just for fun so you can kind of see how fast and how easy this is I'm just going to select a couple edges let me do that guy and I'm going to crease those edges like so in using these sketches I can now come in here and say for example I want to crease that edge and maybe I want to move this edge down so I'm just gonna drag it down till it kind of lines up with my pencil sketch like so and I might grab this edge loop and scale it and so you can kind of see how I can change the scale of this I'm kind of getting that tapered shape like so maybe I'll grab this edge in fact I'm gonna go ahead and just crease all of these I think I'm gonna just do a bunch of these I'll say crease just to save some time say okay and I can bring this one down so I just started with you know seven segments and then I can come in and move these down to where they need to be and then maybe scale them and so I'm using this napkin sketch or this pencil sketch to kind of help me with my design so you can kind of see I'll get like it so I'll say okay let me do let me work on the top of this model real quick and I can turn my canvases off at any time just to you know simplify things so let me just crease these edges grab all those real quick oops and crease them and I'll say okay okay so now I can turn my canvas back on I'll look at the front view and I'm going pretty quick I apologize for that but I just kind of want to show you the the idea here and then I can just move this this guy up like so and then finally I have this edge here will move up again kind of trying to line up with those pencil lines and then lastly I bring this guy up a little bit and scale it down and we should see now we're kind of following the shape of this you know mouthwash bottle so pretty quickly I got that view there now I'm going to turn to the side or to the right side and I can see that I need to select these edges here and let's scale them in a 2d fashion so you can kind of say can make it narrower to kind of match this shape over here okay and then we are good and done so I'll say finished form and pretty quickly I was able to create this you know this Listerine bottle or whatever it is it still has some curvature to it going around but I was able to use my existing canvases or mine sketch if you want to call this a sketch it's a napkin sketch or pencil sketch to create the overall shape of this bottle and you could even come in here and say I'm not gonna do the top part but I could show this guy an out and literally in just a matter of moments you know we have created a product you know a hollow on the inside I could take this into rendering add some plastic appearance to it and we're good to go okay so with that hopefully you learned a couple tips and tricks with bringing in other people's data 2d data such as DWG DXF or even just regular sketches that somebody might have you know created an idea and as a hey can you make this for me you could actually you know scan that in and kind of use that as a reference especially on organic freeform shapes so with that I want to thank Angelo for helping answer the chat if you have any ideas for future live streams that you'd like to see make sure you throw them into the comments not the chat per se but the comments in the YouTube video after your posts make sure you subscribe and if you like this give us a thumbs up and hope to see you on a future livestream thank you you
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 28,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution, computer aided design, free software, 3d modeling tutorial, in-context design, Brad Tallis, Brad, Tallis, DWG, DXF
Id: K014kntlkvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 35sec (3215 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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