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okay oh no task at the top man halfway didn't even go up for a second she just knew she had no task maybe she could see i have you're definitely the bad guy but i know half full hates getting so red cheeky buggers i could i could see the steve already died because i'm host oh oh oh yeah i see two as well yeah i'm hard clear in hard clearing him are you saying that cause you guys are wearing the same hat uh bass what are you wearing this head bass trade what happened can i have you guys convinced me the jerry brock hammer talk dude i'm sold if i was to make a divination i would believe it's hafu why wow because she has kills at the very beginning with lights off and you didn't go up to check you if you had the top two tasks you went straight down i always pre-rent down and then i pre-run back up if i have super cap you pre-run up in a few of your games i studied your vote so cash oh my god oh my god no i was just watching true big if true the last time we played with toast though he pretended to know how all of us did sabotages and he was the impossible yes that's true all right no i got heart cleared by children totally dude half was not even trying to push it on me she's on full defensive it's got to be her it's just gotta be right although i don't like tunneling too hard i don't like tunneling too hard but i know it feels pretty half a wish to me she's not gonna kill me face straight coming in doing a peeky peeky is that half a base trade [Music] oh my god that was so close half of you think changing up your play style is gonna throw me off oh it's this time i'm gonna get framed and you know what kills are slowing down right after i called you out huh [Music] okay we should we should check the bodies why it's dead gonna check labs right quick no body and laughs okay i did specimen i come out i check admin i see two people in lab i check vitals two people are dead i go to left and i get the report thank you okay are we going right behind you sydney i'm right behind you i didn't just say i didn't see anybody there just that no wait this is why i think it's a hufflepuff you went down right away i i'm impossible because i went down right away if the shoe fits harfoo if the shoes oh my gosh this guy's toast what does it take to get killed first here i want to go make some scrambled eggs if you don't want to scramble this kind of i have a salad from starbucks a little scrambled egg never hurts some egg whites try eating some egg whites i mean scrambled eggs i do have eggs i also have egg whites okay i've been standing in death valley for like i might as well do this task oh holy [ __ ] [ __ ] i was i was trolling i was gonna fake medscan to troll you oh i didn't actually think there was a party in the other part of the body right behind you huffle never trolls i was trolling well i have a dk's hat on so i'm just feeling playful that was the weird i think five up five why do you come in a med bay into top left gas uh so wait wait wait he's out of mud bay yeah no well it's a met oh well that's not good wait where is he walking up he's walking out of med bay and going to top left gas i didn't yeah absolutely killed this thing because it's it's not in med bay it's in the hallway here's what i did here's what i did i did the first gasoline half filled up the second gasoline went to med bay did my rocket then went out into the second gas i don't know if i believe you there's no way flabby i i know that you that this is a good kill because i do this kill a lot too you just snipe the body in the in the front of me you try to get out without being seen and you almost never get sussed for it that was the we i do think five ups a killer quick question what i'm just i'm just a gasoline boy i was with thumbtack he was in my vision the whole time okay or is everybody else if i was on cameras i believe i didn't see cameras on why would you run out of med bay to gas and also that's where the body is i do the body wasn't there anyone have anything i only did the rockets i don't think i don't think five of them actually did rockets i never saw him come out of there does there's a dude that's true i didn't know you either he was wrong oh so i actually do think that's a killer yeah yeah i saw toast on this uh what did you guys want i don't know [ __ ] i should have gone down i don't think he walked out of here i don't matter i don't think he especially steve steffen wait wilfo bell said she saw me but how unless she has an imposter vision she will only be able to see my feet right unless there's desync [Music] and there's decent senshies from britain i think this is a targeted door closed oh a master clothes that's a mess oh i gotta head towards lights if i die wait this guy's total saves the day you're welcome this time this is so bad i have no clues either yeah we're we're voting almost every time here i think no i realized that has to be done yeah okay well no i didn't care everyone who like was accusing you is dead except for me um that's true well i mean it was a clearly an amazing kill well no hoffa would have been the only other one who had gotten to kill those you would have seen the killer because you were like yeah you were just skewed of course i wasn't coming out of med bay there i was on top of gasoline no you said you were doing rockets coming out of me just lighting up no no that's not what i said what happened was why he was accusing me is he said how he started the conversation with how did you get to top left engine like you weren't doing that that was what he accused me of uh quick questions so you did so did you did you or did you not do rocket i did rock it but i did that before i did the topless and you came out of bed bay yes i came out of med bay like 20 seconds ago when that happened so um did half of suss five up yes yes we can blame the loss on her i'm voting five up neverland and i understand why and it's just impressive for the other people well i don't know i'm not a killer there's a miscommunication i wish i could like i've already voted so we've lost worry voting oh five up five up sound i'm sorry oh it's okay did it to you also another game stefan [Music] hey so it's gotta be fundy or wolf about right fundy didn't speak at all oh wait i guess i i'm also so what's the right play here it's to not leave this area what the house have i done card so i water jug i've done water jug empty garbage oh could it be wolf uh could still be wolf real weird real weird okay he did a double back uh this body is on vitals oh when i checked through cameras okay this was like maybe 30 seconds ago toast was on vitals um fundy was down in o2 um i don't think i saw dumb dog i don't know how long this body is um and then i went down those who did my tasks left and then i went up to lab fundy why'd you uh double back there when we were going to office uh what do you mean oh i checked um the attack place you know that the where the rocks you shoot the rocks got it because you came out of that right no i i did i did come out of that yeah double checking oh you know that's a very cool thing so you think do you think it's wolfobell okay wolf what's the last thing you saw on cams because you're there right that's what i said the last thing i saw on cams no no i left cams i went down did my o2 toss left um back up the top and went over to laboratory and that's where i ended uh but all i saw in cams was toast on vitals and you fondy and o2 i don't know the last person obviously i saw their vitals was toast um in my opinion obviously but you know what i'm down to be full it's between fundy and waffle bell for the one crew member amongst you since uh why not toast do you feel good about toast i wouldn't report it on fire oh so if the body was on vitals right i saw toast yeah wait no toast wouldn't report on five so it has to be fundy no let me talk uh you're accusing a lot oh wait tense uh no i think it's wolf because you weren't very good at the body and i think i think you weren't it you wouldn't self guys toast is never [Music] [Music] oh god three in a row okay maybe this is the tiebreaker i got one last one when who the heck jumped on camera so early had to be done there's a body right there sorry hafu okay it wasn't me this time it wasn't me perfect huh okay um i did a weird thing this round i was going to preject lights because i thought in my head like all right every single round the past six rounds has started with lights being called and someone insta dying so i didn't want that to happen again but lights didn't get called so i uh people died and hafu is dead in the hallway leading to o2 oh i i was ahead of her then thank you ifa no problem no problem no well i mean are you guys hard clearing each other oh yeah oh god damn it yeah yeah okay steps if our heart cleared see if you put a target on our head it doesn't matter doesn't it drop ship let's just enjoy this moment while we have it oh wait dk drop ship because i'm ranting and raging you're in a tangent today dk yeah i'm a diva can't you do that while you're doing your tasks where was the body why are you ranting and raving when you should be planning out your motel for [ __ ] sake before we just like forget that people are dead where's the body electrical like the doors closed so the killer is killed that was me yeah i could all bounce at five up didn't make coffee scale not do you kill you we'll go with that uh five of them for me that i wasn't there i have no tasks in a lab so i went down below lab to do my node and my temperature i just finished uh download and vitals i'm walking towards comps dom can also [ __ ] your name hot cleared no that's uh you know i don't think i can uh maybe okay he's right i guess he's right you got a soul read [Music] okay i can't do those tasks because i just said i was there so if i do those tasks there and then uh we'd be in trouble telescopic telescoping okay i'm gonna get dk to clear me okay i'm going to get dk too hard clearly simon says simon says where's like you thought you were just a tad bit slick but you weren't slick enough dk oh not enough dk oh my god here we go witch hat from the water wheels i didn't even see you not today dk oh my god i'm gonna lose i'm gonna literally lose my mind i'm gonna i'm literally gonna rage if we throw again okay someone else give me info because i'm especially doing i didn't even see five of those all right here's my here's my part of the story i was doing download and i was 100 when i got called and i don't think it finished it okay okay here's the situation i did weapons with wolf a bell i'm like wow wolf building killed me that's a very very nice thing of her to do so then she goes into water wheels i'm looking for like you know i want to stay with her a little bit more i actually see her in water wheels when the lights are turning off so i'm like okay this is cool i go to do canisters i walk back i see dk walking up and there's a report option pull down i am on the pull down task right now and five was in the pull-down test and he must think that i'm going to report or i would have seen it he's trying to frame your reason i don't know because i don't know where steve died last round but dk said it was drop ship and hoff was do you think steve would stay on drop ship no okay yes here's okay go straight all right uh everyone else is lights are out either we make a decision or we kill both funny believe me for once please you guys throw every game well dk said that you pull me out after ask if i'm a killer i just don't know him there you can't kill five up and then we can kill you we're gonna kill dk or we could kill five of them leave me first once please i think you'll get in five hours i don't know pick one of them it doesn't [ __ ] matter no no this uh so you got the [Music] what are you talking about all right i didn't even mess with it right i didn't even mess with it i want to say my side of the story one more time to explain why i make roommates okay i see dk walking up from the o2 wheels and i report the body now if i'm an imposter there with the lights off and dk is claiming he's on a task i don't report and frame dk when the lights are off i just leave and he has to find the body and then i'm under no suspicion because i was good for the first round tk the problem is i get on lights you're standing there and all them are turned off no i clicked one as soon as you got there i got there as soon as you that's i'm going in the cage don't be such a diva what did you why did you vote uh dk vote uh i always trust five up thank you it's five up at the end of this like like five seconds uh left five up got a little bit distressed in his voice and i i thought that was january at all oh would i press the button yeah i passed by him in specimen he couldn't have done the little little problem is because i know sips of peru because he's med based oh do you want to do the third person out then no because sips voted dk too oh i already went to dkd already voted me so that would mean it's five up in fundy as impossible why i literally i dressed why would i press the button if i was in pasture toast i'm pretty sure it is i for ins actually it's not iphone i still think it's just i know it's dk i don't know the other one is listen if i was imposter i would go to the lights and try to go for a double kill who do you wanna do i vote dk okay uh i'm gonna go dk because the way i was looking at the lights he was standing there not doing them and i turned them all on i just trust my vote i just trust you post would be the second one if it doesn't end here [ __ ] my eyes what it looked like you were beelining it to the vent toast well a toast would have to be the second imposter based off votes uh for which one uh a sip site on button oh i i fixed light so i was gonna wait 500 you came from button or like you caught up the killer five of them also got out dk yeah so here's my thing i had a hard clear from dk and i know that super sucks because he's the other imposter but um i did that thing where you open the door on the top right while standing at the vent which is impossible to do and i wanted to get dk to vouch for me and then when he was imposter i know that wouldn't mean anything to you guys um it could still be fundy uh if i if your scan and five of you got a dk then it has to be fun d i think it was two kills by dk by himself and fundy was a loan in specimen that one time in the first round uh couldn't have been i don't think these rounds no no no no no no no no no no not the further around the second round oh three of them only reason why i'm going to i just cleared fundy because he was standing still in the dark doing download when i was doing simon says toast the issue was i feel like you're only personal could be if it's not fun i was never there in specimen you're 100 specimen i've never went there okay he's lying now well toast you also said you went specimen yeah uh [ __ ] um he was 100 no funny you were 100 dead that's why i cleared you no i want to skip no i went to admin and i just vibed an admin for a little bit i feel like yeah i'm leading toast too i'm putting ghosts oh my god i thought about it oh my god [ __ ] it's not me i should kill them okay what's the proper thing to do here would be bad what the [ __ ] okay it's it's easily it's easily toast then i would never kill five of them think you would kill me or five up no i would kill you or toast if i was it wait i would i would i would leave five up alone and win without killing five up that's how i would play i would never go five up oh funny where you at right now i went to specimen this time i did all three of them and just came back that's cap i mean i know it's funny um but i thought i could not tell you where you are i did the one two times i thought i could i didn't tell you what i did that round and then i did the uh download fundy would you like to vote toes for me yeah all right now that i tricked you both because i genuinely think it's toast i thought i know you want to vote me but can you use the last 45 seconds to just answer ask any question yeah no toast why did you vote five up on six with me to be honest i know i'm crew but i [ __ ] up and i thought dk wouldn't say his drop shipping he killed steve or victor cause i thought i don't think dk would just like stand there next to your body pretend to do trash like that you also yeah wouldn't you believe five or i guess yeah you're never mine like it was a 50 50 and because i needed to do simon says fundy was not a specimen you went left sided no two in the very beginning of the game thank you thank you i know you're over there toast nice try i was [ __ ] i've messed up my story good job sorry hello [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 1,745,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, detective toast
Id: 796oz-prXeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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