Use This Once a Week and Your Hair Will Never Stop Growing | Grow Your Hair To Waist Length

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hey guys welcome to my youtube channel my name is eugenia kelsey in today's video i will be showing you guys a simple hair treatment that you can apply to your hair once a week and it's super helpful in promoting hair growth and nourishes and protects your hair as well as help thicken it so let's just get right ahead into the video the first ingredient is banana bananas contain silica and they help to synthesize collagen which makes your hair stronger and thicker it's also rich in potassium and fatty acids and they help soften and protect your hair as all as well as protect your hair's natural elasticity so i'm just going to go ahead and break it up and put it into my blender i went ahead and added about 40 grams of my aloe vera juice the plant works just as well aloe vera has great moisturizing effects and it helps to promote hair growth by balancing your ph it has vitamins that help to protect and nourish your hair cells and it also adds shine and luster to your hair while easily penetrating your hair and scalp i went ahead and added my aloe vera juice to the bananas that i had in my blender and i'm going to go ahead and blend it i didn't add water because i wanted more of a smoothie consistency and add in any extra water would just make it too watery for the treatment that i'm going for bananas do have seeds that would get stuck in your hair if you go ahead and apply it just like that so i'm going to use a clean stocking cap you can use a clean cloth or clean sock and i'm going to go ahead and strain the seeds out of my mixture and as you can see they're really tiny but they could get easily stuck in your hair [Music] next i went ahead and added two tablespoons of avocado oil avocado oil and grape seed oil are two of my favorite types of oils mainly because they're able to actually penetrate your hair shaft avocado oil is rich in folic acid and what folic acid does is help to thicken your hair next i'll be adding two tablespoons of honey honey is a natural humectant and emollient what hemetus does is that it pulls water from the atmosphere even in like low humidities so that really helps to keep your hair moisturized it's also an emollient in the in the fact that it helps to smoothen your hair follicles add in shine to even dull hair so i just went ahead and mixed everything all together and we're going to begin the process of applying it to our hair i'm going to have a spray bottle as well as use this treatment i had it sit in the refrigerator for about two days mainly because i was busy and it turned um a little bit brown but it's still useful so if you have this left over you could put it in the refrigerator for about a week and still be able to use it as you guys already know my lucky number when it comes to hair is four i divide my hair into four sections and i divide each section into four twists and i'm going to go ahead and apply each treatment by twist by twist i first spray that section of my hair with water and then i massage it a little bit to make sure that it's a bit tangle free before i go in there and applying the treatment you don't want to use too much water because then you're going to have a drippy um type of situation going on so just enough to make sure that your hair is damp and then apply the treatment work it in make sure you work it in make sure every strand is getting some love you know and then just go ahead and twist it put it away and that's basically what i'm going to do so just keep watching this part and i'll see you in the other section of this [Music] video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um so i wanted to show this part because i noticed that it's a bit hard to see the treatment in the other like in the back of my hair so this side view maybe is better but when you apply it make sure your roots are also getting some love not just your hair strands so you're occasionally going to see me using the like the face of my palm or like the tips or my finger tips and then just massage in my scalp and make sure to make sure your whole head is covered your whole head and your whole hair [Music] if you have been watching my channel for a while you know that the middle part of my hair is my most problem areas because i used to straighten that part the most when i would get sealant so that part was like really damaged and i had to cut it so it's shorter than all the rest of my hair so it's always a bit awkward and that part always always gets the most love once i'm done with the whole treatment i just go ahead and um add like a plastic cap you could use a heat cap or whatever and i let it sit in my hair for about 30 minutes to one hour before i go in and wash it out so as you can see here my hair has been washed out this is what it's looking like and i'm going to go ahead and use my crosses moisturizing leave-in conditioner to moisturize my hair i just wanted to show you guys um like a clip of how it looks like but i'll go into like more detail about my moisturizing routine in my next video like i already filmed it so i want to explain more and go into more detail but i just wanted to show you guys like a snapshot of what it looks like um this leave-in conditioner moisturizes my hair for three days um i did do like an experiment where i went a week without re-moisturizing because my customers said they could go a week after one application so i just wanted to put in the test and so you guys will find out in the next video on how it went that's all you guys thank you guys so much for watching if you liked my content please consider subscribing you never have to but it would mean the world to me if you do and yeah consider also giving this video a thumbs up it really helps my channel and it can also help boost it to someone who needs natural hair advice and yeah i'll see you guys my next video as always i'm going to go ahead and link my products here you can get it on my website we have our moisturizing leave-in conditioner that i mentioned in this video i also have my moringa plus fenugreek deep conditioning butter i have my brain gosh ayu vedic oil i have the hair growth serum which is made from hibiscus and i also have my aloe vera oil thank you guys thank you guys so much for watching and see you in my next video bye
Channel: Eugenia Kelcy
Views: 2,030,859
Rating: 4.9491539 out of 5
Id: BcHnI3hK7no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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