Use a Dinner Plate as the Template for this NEW 3-Minute Mask!

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well hello shiny crafty people tim totten here and welcome back to the channel today i am going to show you how to make a three minute mask looks like a 3d mask right kind of fun it goes real easy on your face with uh something that you might have sitting around the house as a template so join me down here at the cutting table and i'll show you what you need to get started so i'm gonna make two different sizes of masks and for us to do that we need something to get that round shape and in fact as i've already hinted we're going to use plates now there's a couple different sizes here this is um let's see how like this is this one is about an eight inch plate here this one with a rooster on it and we've got um almost uh an eight and a half inch plate eight and three quarters and the one the bottom is even bigger it's a 10 inch plate so i'm going to use the 10 inch plate to create a three layered mask for maybe a larger person's face like for mine or maybe a man with a big beard and we'll use that and i've got three pieces of fabric and of course this is just some corel that's super old but it's gonna work great for that purpose and then i think i'll use the a little bit larger than eight inch plate over here on and this is actually just a real simple you know paper plate we'll use it on this other double fabric and and then we're gonna need a couple other features of things we're going to need some elastics now i've cut these at um i think these are nine inches long and i'll on each of them i'm going to add some little toggles and that'll help us to um to adjust the size of it so i've got a little bigger on the larger one and then i cut some seven inch long strips for the um for the smaller of the two let's go to the triple one that we're going to work on first and i've just ironed these three fabrics together and i'm layering them up on top now i just want to make sure that that i have two together that i want to be the outside fabric so in fact i'm going to make this in orange and purple here is the outside fabrics so i just layer the lining the inside fabric here down at the bottom or on either the bottom or on the top because that's going to get flipped inside out and you put your plate on here now you have two options you could trace this around with a marking pen but i don't really want to trace and hit this plate even though it's quite old i want to put a mark on it so this is a nice solid plate i'm just going to use my rotary cutter for that now if you're not comfortable you can go ahead and trace it around and then cut it with a pair of scissors not everybody has a rotary cutter or is comfortable cutting with a rotary cutter but if you are hey go for it it's the nice thing about cutting on a really good uh with a good plate is that it'll work now you don't want a plate that has a scalloped edge obviously you want to plate with a nice circle you know with a nice smooth edge so you don't have to worry about that and then as a a friend of mine uh used to say actually a lady on a funny tv show used to say viola she might really voila it is ready to go and there's those three layers so here's where i'll drop a couple pins in i want to use a few pins just to hold this together so it doesn't move anywhere and uh you know i'll just be careful where i put those in now you need to also you're gonna we're gonna fold this thing in thirds in just a minute and i'm gonna use my iron for that now you'll notice i'm not pinning on the outside because i'm going to stitch on the outside and rather leave these pins in it so i'm just going to sort of quadrant pin it okay so now what i need to do is sort of find where this folds into thirds so i'm going to kind of measure it with and actually my pins really helps with that didn't they make sure i get them out of the way i want to fold it into thirds i'm going to use a line here on my table to do that because i want to make sure it's even seeing this isn't quite thirds because we're not far enough over so if i go to where i put that inside and i can sort of feel in there to see where it is it's pretty close to thirds look at that now there's a couple ways to do this depending upon how comfortable you feel i'm going to come along i need to trim these points here and here and you can either mark that with your pen so you know those points are and then you can cut off or you can bring your rotary cutter in here i'm going to do one of them one way and one the other i'm going to bring that line and i'm just marking where those that fold comes and i'm going to trim that off see what i did there and then the other one i will actually mark it with my pen a little tick mark there and a little tick there so that when i open it see we've got a straight edge along this one and i'll get this straight edge along the other side and i'm trimming it off that's where we're going to put our elastic and we're also going to leave one side open so that we can close it as we go through now our next step is to find the two the two sides that we're going to make the outside which on this one is going to be the orange and the purple and i'm just going to peel back here and i can just sort of finger press that out of the way and i'm going to put my elastic in to those corners see what i'm doing here now remember i have two layers under here because i'm making this a three layer mask based upon recommendations from the cdc and since i can't make there's really not a way to put a filter into this mask i find it easier just to um go ahead and do the three layers this way so i'm gonna i'm not going past where i just chop that off see what i'm doing there i'm looking up in my camera make sure you can see what i'm doing okay we're good and i'm putting the pins off of this so that i can easily take them out if i put them on the inside then i wouldn't be able to remove them and then i'll just tuck that underneath look at that how good is that now on this one i'm going to leave a space open for us to sew it back together so i could take one off you know or i could leave the space between the two um between the two um what's the right word between the edges of the elastic i think i want to sew the elastic down in here so i'm going to do that first i'm going to go right to that fold mark and i see where the fold mark is in there so i'm going to perfect add that in there and we just know that we need to go past this elastic we're gonna go we're gonna start stitching just inside the elastic and come back and stop stitching on the uh after we've attached that elastic and i'm pinning through all of the layers again remember i have a a third layer back underneath there so i tuck that inside oh now we have a full sandwich and i'm going to go back over to the sewing machine and in just a second first though i want to i want to go ahead and take those folds that i put in that i showed you that i put in and i want to really get them in there with some steam because i want to see those a little later i think so i'm going to just add a little steam just to just to really press them in place so i will do that at the sewing machine real quick so i'm going to go over to the see the iron i keep saying sewing machine but i need higher just using a liberal amount of steam because i love steam so that just kind of cemented that sort of burrito type shape so let's go over to the sewing machine now and i can show you what we're going to do with this all right we're down here at the sewing machine and i'm going to open this up and i'm going to stitch from this piece of elastic all the way around and come back to the other and i'm just using a quarter inch seam allowance pull out my pull out my uh my pins as i go around because i want to stitch through any of them now i'm not as worried about these ones holding it together in the middle because i'm not running over those now on this side we're just going to sew straight up that thing because we're not worried but we only need one other side to be able to turn it inside out again taking my pins out now i might backstitch a little bit over those pieces of elastic just remember as we come to this last piece of elastic here we need to still leave that space open so i'm i'm just going to cross over the elastic and back stitch to hold it in place and now we have left this open so i can turn this entire thing inside out i'm just going to take the last of these pins out because i don't need them any longer the pieces all held together and so now i've stitched all the way around and i've got an opening there to turn this inside out now if this were a much smaller a much bigger seam allowance you'd want to really clip all these corners but the fact is i'm going to be able to turn this inside out without having too much of a problem with these curves turning so again i just want to reach in between the two fabrics that i want to be my outside fabrics i don't want and i want to turn that that light blue fabric i have here is just a lining for me so it's just the inside so i want to make sure that stays inside one so i'm just going to turn the whole thing inside out here in fact i can kind of use the elastic to help turn it inside out this is where it'd be helpful to have a chopstick or a pair of a knitting needle or something with a very blunt end to be able to reach in but i'm just going to use my fingers i can just keep my fingers in there and push along this edge and flatten it out now one of the things i can feel that you can't is that there's much more bulk on the purple side because remember i have a second layer of fabric in there so let's cover the iron let's go over to my ironing area and pulling thread along and go ahead and flatten this out with the iron so here we have our piece that's been pulled together and you'll see that it's starting to turn inside out in a good way again i'll just i can just roll these fabrics in between my fingers like this just to get it flattened out if i choose to right now i only want to press the edges i don't want to take out those folds that i had already created remember those folds that were in there and in fact i may reinforce them as i'm here so i'm just doing the edges again leaving those other parts where they are and just check and make sure everything's sort of pointed out all right then the last thing we're going to do is just fold these edges in here a quarter of an inch i'm going to fold that edge in there this is the edge remember that we turned it inside out fold that in and give it a quick just with the point of the of the iron we're just going to press it a little bit and then i'll go ahead and put these folds back in because we're going to use those now what this is going to do is this is going to make the purple the outside of of our mask if we use it in the traditional 3d mask design the purple is going to become the outside and the orange will be inside you could flip it the other direction and do it the other way if you were wanting a the opposite outcome but because this mask is reversible and can be turned inside out it really doesn't matter now here's a much smaller version i made see how much smaller this is this is more like this on a seven inch plate and more for like a child you see when we open that up that red fabric is on the inside but you can also turn this entire mask inside out and wear it this way which would then make the other fabric go inside the benefit is this kind of mask really stays away from your face and i'll show you at the end how that works all right we're going to go now that we have done this particular sandwich right see that sandwich we've done there we're gonna go back to our sewing machine and see how that goes together there's really only one bit of stitching left to do and that is to enclose this space so that we get that 3d opening and you'll see on the other sample i had made the little child one you'll see how that works it goes it literally follows that shape so what we're going to do is we're going to go with the machine and stitch a quarter of an inch away from this flap here we'll stop at the bottom here and flip them inside out and then continue down the other side all right i always like to start with the one on the left flapped over and that just makes it easier for me to to put it right in the machine i have to flip or twist it around so i'm going to put this under the machine now you could choose a coordinating thread i'm going to use a black thread in this machine because it will really show off for you the difference but you might want to coordinate you might want to use a purple so that it coordinates oh i forgot and i also do need to stitch this side down this stitch right down this edge so i'm going to do that first i'll start here and stitch down the edge and then i'm going to come and be a quarter of an inch away and just stitch back oh well i did this a different way let me do it this way for this one so i show you the difference i'll flip that open and then we're literally going to follow that quarter of an inch i'm putting the edge of the presser foot along this so ignore what i said about putting it on the left in fact it'll be more sense to go on the right and then i literally just put this flap on the edge of the presser foot okay let me get you a little closer so you can see what i mean by that so i'm just going to adjust the camera real quick so you can actually really see that a lot better i think it'll make a lot more sense if you can get up close there and see it so i'm keeping this flip of fabric to the right side of the presser foot just to the outside of the presser foot here not underneath it because i only want to stitch down this layer of fabric and the one below and so i just go slowly again with a coordinating fabric this with our thread this would look a lot better but i really want you to be able to see it you can really see that stitch coming so what we're doing is creating the 3d effect because we are sewing down this flap to the top piece now i'm going to go all the way to the other end where it goes over over the elastic turn it and come back down the other edge stop work goes over and come back and create my quarter inch now here's the deal before i sew any more i need to flip these i need to reverse which one goes where so i'm going to tuck that other one back underneath and now i have my line that i can measure on does it look good and i'm just following it right along just keep going along that and it's going to connect the shape and i'm going to sew all the way down until i meet that point where i started all right now that we've put this together we can take a closer look at it see what we've put together here is we have we have now done this stitching all the way around and it's created the 3d effect of our mask so that it holds it gives us that shape that's going to go on your face right it's kind of fun i i'm really excited by this one because it is so fast once you get pieces cut out now let's make this for the larger face one let's go ahead and make the one for the smaller face all right so for this shape i'm going to trace with i'm going to put the lighter color fabric on top i have the two fabrics layered and i'm just going to trace around this styrofoam plate and then i'll cut it out with a pair of scissors so i'm going to trace around that shape with my sharpie and then take my high tech china out of the way and of course they make bigger or smaller paper plates so you really want to measure and i'm going to go ahead and put a couple pins in this just so that it doesn't come apart while i'm cutting it and then actually i'll probably remember like i did the last one i'll need to move the pins around you know i've enjoyed some of these 3d masks simply because a lot of them are really you know fast to make this is probably the fastest of the 3d masks that i've tried before and it actually the nice part is you don't have to you know you don't have to send off for a template from my company for this because you just go to your dining you just go to your uh your hutch or to your uh your kitchen cabinets and find yourself a nice round plate and you know the good part is is you know you're not married to a specific size because you can buy different ones or you can make a circle of your own size if you choose to there are several ways to do that one of them would be to fold this fabric into quarters and then to sort of measure out an angle and i'll show you what that would look like in just a second and then you can just fold it into quarters and then um do an angled shape so let me show you like let's say you decided this eight inch was this uh oh what how big is this again this one's almost nine inches right if you thought nine inches is too big but then you thought that this eight inches was too small and you wanted somewhere in the middle you could get a piece of fabric here i'll show you a quick example you could take a piece of fabric like this and fold this into quarters see i'm going to do this fold here fold into another quarter and you could then come in now remember you're just doing now that we've folded it up we're only looking for a diameter uh sorry the radius not the diameter so the diameter would be across the full width we want the radius is just from the middle to the edge so if you wanted an eight and a half shape you would need four and a quarter so what i would do is i would come in here and put my mark at four and a quarter you could do this with a any type of a measuring device so i do have four and a quarter and put a tick mark and then i would go to i would just move around four and a quarter again keeping your four and a quarter point there marking the point as you went along and it would help if you did a lot of these many more than i'm doing and you could just sort of radiate around to get your radius so i'm literally putting the four and a quarter point there and putting a point at every one of those marks is i just change the the size of this as i go around all right let me put one last one here on the side four and a quarter and then you would just match all those up see how you could do that so even if you don't have any plates in your house so when you do this one though make sure that your folds here line up and then you would just cut that out and this is the great part about doing that version is that um you can cut you don't have to cut around a huge circle so that when you've got that done and then you open it up you've now created a circle so it's a little bit smaller than this nine inch one that i did can you see because it's only eight and a half anyway i'll lay that aside so we're going to do this remember we have to fold into thirds so i'm gonna do that along a line here i'm sort of guessing how far a third is but you can kind of see after a while your brain starts to see measurements pretty well so i get pretty good at this um wow look at that look how nicely that went together and you could of course wait until you uh you could figure out another way to chop the edges off i don't know i like chopping off this way again like i showed you before i'm going to come in and just flatten these edges out now you could just do a mark and not even flatten these edges but i find it's easier to turn them when you've got a nice flat edge cut off there and again we're going to come in this time i'm not going to iron it down i'm going to put the elastic in and then iron it down if that makes sense because i'll know where it is based on the elastic the elastic will be the part so now i have my two pieces elastic like i did before i might move these pins around a little bit again just to make it easier to open this thing up and i'm going to open the side and just where that blunt piece turns where it turns from a rounded edge to a straight edge is where i'm going to pin my elastic in now on this smaller size i chose seven inch elastic but either way i'm going to add some little toggles these toggles onto it they're going to mean that it can be adjustable i kind of any more don't think you i don't want to give anybody a mask that doesn't have a way to adjust it because so many people's faces are different and i hate to give somebody a mask that's too small for their face i just don't first of all it kind of wastes a mask because what you do after they've tried it on it doesn't fit secondly i hate the idea of making somebody feel bad and apparently you know especially for women in our country we tend to sort of make them feel bad if they have a big face you know and it's kind of like just you just have a big face not a big deal but we tend to do that you know so i don't want to make any person feel bad that they're that i made them a mask that wasn't going to fit their face so i intentionally leave these long and then put the little toggles on it which are cheap too i mean they're really inexpensive and i do that because then somebody can be like oh i have to adjust and make it smaller oh well good for you don't you feel better all right so as i said before i'm going to stitch i'm going to start here at this piece of elastic and stitch all the way around and come back to the other piece of elastic and i'm going to use a quarter inch seam allowance i'm going to back stitch over each piece of elastic and then stop leaving that space open to turn it inside out and after i finish that i'll be right back i'm um [Applause] i gotta tell you if you practice a long time you'll get really good at sewing curves quickly and a lot of that is about not fighting the fabric too many people get to when they're sewing and they want to fight the sewing machine and the fabric and i have to tell you you're going to lose if you fight too much you're gonna lose that process and uh and then that kind of is um mentally just draining to have to have lost against a sewing machine a project you think should look good so my suggestion is don't fight your sewing machine don't fight the fabric recognize that it has a way it wants to work together and see if you can coax it adjust it make it fit and it's like sewing around curves actually once you learn how to guide the fabric to do what to what it naturally wants to do and how to take advantage of that well then you can start letting it go through the machine really fast i was just literally sewing these curves and did that that quickly on the machine and that's because i've been doing this for a long time in fact i'm 45 and i learned to sew when i was about 15 so that's 30 years of experience now and for quite a while i was sewing every single day and that was the main my main job in my business was being mostly the almost the complete person in charge of production in fact for the first um six or seven years of my company it was pretty much me my dad came along to to become part of the company and we got very lucky um it didn't seem like lucky at the time but he lost his job working for a municipality in their i.t department and i said um while you've been doing that sort of stuff but wouldn't it be fun to sew which is a crazy thing but luckily my grandmother who is his his mother had taught him to sew when he was younger and he'd always seen that as a as just an out uh pouring uh an out uh what's the right word an extension of all of his other maker skills my dad's a welder among other things and he was like sure i'll learn how to sew these funeral products and it just grew from there and now dad is a part owner in the company and we've been going for almost 20 years and he's been working in the company for i think over 10 now so that's really great all right so i've sort of flattened out this piece with my fingers but i will go over the iron and just give it a quick press and fold this these edges in that are going to be um stitched in and then we'll go to the sewing machine and finish this one as well you know the other thing i'm going to do while i'm over here is go ahead and fold that edge in like i said but then i'll also put in my thirds my shape that i need to fold this into thirds so that it can be properly sewn and i'm just using those pieces of elastic to be my guides because i used them when i was over at the when i was putting them in that's what i where i put them right those edges so that's gonna be great all right that piece is pulled together let's go to the machine as i said before i'm going to start along this edge stitch down and then turn the corner so i want to put this actually is that how i want to do it yeah i want to put that out i'm gonna go and follow it with a quarter inch away from it to entrap this piece then i'll flip them like this and go back up the other side i like the shape this puts on the actual uh piece as well so um it's kind of fun here i'm really just edge stitching because i really don't have a quarter of an inch to go away from it and then i work into my quarter of an inch there [Music] now if i was making the much smaller version of this here you'll notice the one i did of the of this one i i didn't go a quarter inch away because it was so small and i wouldn't have had a quarter of an inch to go off here but it really is better if you can give it closer quarter of an inch or maybe an um maybe three sixteenths of an inch is that the right word three eighths no three eighths of an inch away and that would really depend upon what feet you have with your machine so i'm going to go back up to that point and then come back down an edge stitch from there now this this flap should not be sewn down at all because we're gonna sew that next but this flap has now been enclosed right so now i edge stitch all the way down the bottom it just really connects our our elastic in there a little better again come off gets my quarter of an inch now this is where i need to flip the two because i need to follow this one now we're stitching around and i'm all the way down to that point where i started [Music] look at that now we've got our 3d shape built into a smaller mask for somebody with a smaller face so there we go i've made these two masks to show off and actually i have the third little one um it's interesting i want to show you how this mask fits um so i've sort of opened it up here this space up here and put this on my nose and my chin pull the pieces back there and it fits very much like the original 3d mask that they were creating i'm just looking at myself in the image there and uh what's fun about this one is that it is reversible so you can get a slightly different mask if you turn it inside out now it's going to get a different shape you'll see that all those pieces kind of get shoved up in there it's going to get this different shape to it it's going to look a lot more like a a bird's mouth or a duck face or something on there creates some shape and really depending upon the way your face is done and it's cool because you get some of the color that goes through now i have the three layer mask on right now so it's a little harder for you to hear me and it is a little more work for me to breathe in and out but this is definitely what the cdc is currently recommending for masks now you'll see on the smaller one which is quite a bit smaller than the one i'm wearing i'm gonna put it on for you just to show you an idea how much smaller this is i have a very large face for masks so in fact this one fits really well my mother tried this one on fit her perfectly um and she's got a smaller face she normally wears the the smaller ones we make you'll see this is more like one of the other traditional 3d masks and i'm even having trouble getting it on my face now she tried a different one that i had made and i'll wash this one before i give it to anyone else and then of course i'm not even going to try on the small one because it's so tiny so for this mask um in either configuration i'm gonna tell you it's um i'm gonna give it about a six out of ten it's quite comfortable actually to wear and and it's really easy to sew obviously i don't think it's the perfect mask and in fact i don't know that i would wear this as often as i would some of my others um i would for me i would need to add a nose wire in either stick on one of those bendable ones or actually insert the nose wire before i finished sewing it all together so i'm going to give this a 6 out of 10 on my scale of ease comfort and and what i feel like is you know just the look of it still not my favorite mask but it's so much fun because you can make it out of something uh you have at home a paper plate a regular plate and size it how you want and it sews together so quickly that's been the circular mass please join me next time on the channel where we follow another mask idea and then i share those cool craft ideas with you until next time please like subscribe and join here with us looking forward to the next one stay crafty bye for now
Channel: Timothy Totten
Views: 392,410
Rating: 4.837811 out of 5
Keywords: final embrace, timothy totten, tim totten, mask, 3d mask, mask template, masks
Id: z4LqC3c-wMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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