(#196)How To Make The Best Fitted-No Fog On Glasses Face Mask - The Twins Day Face Mask Tutorial PDF

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hi everyone i'm going to show you another easy 3d face mat but in this face mat you're going to cut one piece of paper fabric this big i'm going very simple so i'm going to cut right into the fabric so the fabric i have here this side out nine and a half inches and the long way 13 inch in half so first you're going to fold the long way in half you press the side nicely make sure everything light up from now you're going to form the bottom here this one and this is the four remember this one going to pull up very important everyone if you missed the step and your phone the wrong way we don't want you to do that that's why i'm going slow so after you following up from the from the left side with the two fold here you're going to fold to the right in the middle just like that you're going to do tiny measurement the measurement is not that bad the full is the one that you need to pay attention to on the top here i like you to measure two inches and down here two inches also on the side you see two inch and two inches connect the slide everyone get this marker at the dollar tree this is really good to go with the dark color everyone i found out at the ark and craft aisles so now you're going to cut this out when you cut because the fold is we have to fold three times so you have to get the clip and clip it down before you cut it so now you're going to cut this line out and you have the face mask just like this isn't it so easy thing to do next step i'm going to do and i'm going to fold it in half like this i can get the center line only the center line here everybody so now you see the light that i just fold in the center right here i'm going to mark the little mark right there so you know that the center not the center so i do i'm going to get an each side here half an inch on each side so half an inch on each side from the center and from the center here i'm going to bring it in two inch and a quarter you can draw the line if you like that and then you can connect this very simple everyone super easy same thing to this side you're going to do exactly like that you're going to bring it in two inch and a quarter sorry and on the two side here half an inch from the center out left and right half an inch now connect this you see that you're going to do the same thing to the other side everyone at the after you mark the line everything i have something to show you here i got this filter it's from um pepper pepper filter and the company so i will show you how to use this the pack that i got it in here would come with six bed so i'm going to just take one and i'm going to use this for the filter everybody i'm going to cut the the seam right here the sew line that they sew here i'm going to cut that out and it looked like this inside everyone it looked like they have a few layer in here one two three three layer in here i'm going to cutting this eye so what i need to do i'm going to bring back the piece here that i have before i sewed it together i have it here i'm going to place it in here i'm going to trace it out the filter here so i'm going to place this way in here make sure it's nice and i'm going to get the pen pen or pencil doesn't matter so you don't want to chase this line tracing this lie everyone this also you don't you don't iron it's really high heat next to it you're going to use warm heat if you um iron the face mat everyone thank you i want to take one out good thing that if the color is there that can show me i can see the light right there you see the line that i marked this line right here if you can see you can make it darker so you can see where you can fold and sew or you can you can measure again everybody so you're going to after that if you can't see the lines just like i'm doing right now you can mark right in the middle and on the two side you can bring it out half an inch on the two side if you can see so two in a quarter and connect this line same thing to over here you're going to do exactly the same two ends and a quarter half an inch on each side connect there you have something like that with the filter in one side only okay everyone so now what you need to do you're going to fold it like this make sure the corner meet the corner right here don't worry about the extra of the filter you're going to sew it in just like the other one you sewn this line and you sew the other line same thing you go on to forward they hold it together like this right here too in in a quarter right there you're going to pinch your finger right there and make sure the two ends are even right here when it's nice and even you can get the pin pin this down and now you're going to sew this line in same thing to this one i forgot to um so you're going to sew that in and one side and this side you saw with num with no filter just the filter only stay in one side okay everyone what i need you to do i need you to sew this line to sew the line everyone forward like this so there's two light together two here same thing here you're going to fold it make sure the two line here is all even and then sew this to this line right here like a v right here so you're going to fold it like the center right here make sure the two make the tail so this light so go ahead everyone just go so this four line right here just hold it like a v and so from the pointy and the two line here do all four of them every one after i sew this four thing together two here and two here so i'm going to just cut the extra here cut about four and a half inch of the fabric right here four and a half in by one one in by four in half this i'm going to make the no pocket everyone and i'm going to fold the two in here a quarter of an inch after that you're going to fold it in half press in the center you can iron this down so it's easy for you when you sew it stay down for you yeah so now you're going to bring back this face back it's going to be like this how beautiful it's so pretty this elastic i have like this is online everyone if you don't want to use pantyhose you can also do this use this too so i'm going to use six and a half inch and i need two this elastic is very soft if you want to um no more information it's right in my description so now you're going to fold this side in just want to make sure everything light up nicely you want to make sure it's straight or not you're going to hold the sew line together like this and you know it's just perfect even so now what you need to do you're going to hold this to lie right here and then you fold it like this press just a little bit with your fingernail just on one side so just only one side here so i know that the middle right there so what i need to do the first thing i do i'm going to place this elastic in here place it in here everyone just place it right in about a quarter of an inch away from the end away from the corner right here clip it down the other one you clip it down like that that for the ear loop and you're going to do the same thing to this side right here you see a quarter of an inch i'm placing the elastic in there bring this back in the other end bring it up quarter up an inch place it in you're going to place the no bit pocket the other side of the filter like this this is the filter that in the other side you place this filter pro the norwich pocket inside out facing to you and then this piece is right on top of it okay now you have everything you go into seoul okay i'm going to show you how this um what you can sew from here where the this is the fold you don't need to sew anything in here you cut down one job right there so you're going to sew everything at the fold right here this is the full it's always at the full opposite side from the no bridge from here you're going to leave about an inch in half and then you're going to sew everything you're going to sew from here all the way close the ear side go all the way all the way all the way all the way and close everything everyone after i saw the line the faux line remember we have the faux line that we don't need to sew you sew everything and i leave an inch in half so i can inside out a face mask just put your hand in this hold go all the way to the other side hold it and pull it'll come out for you everyone so nice everybody look at this beautiful so i'm going to press the light everyone the filter stay in there so nicely so i will list the information not the information i will list the link in my description box everyone go in there and check it it really it's shipping so fast on amazon that's what i like when i buy something and it's really good i share with you my kids play with the stuffed animal and sometimes they make an animal sound a lot of people don't know i thought that i have a newborn baby that's scary now i look back the time that i'm pregnant with the twins i have goosebump everyone omg he's so huge so before i got pregnant i'm only 105 pounds 105 so i got pregnant and i gained 46 pounds with those two in my belly was so huge i tell you that i didn't see my feet for the last two months of my pregnancy when i stand up cannot see because you know my big belly is sticking out and um i i can't sleep at night all night daytime i walk a lot i went on a walk everywhere around the light that you leave it here you can just put your hand in here everyone and then you pull and let your finger out so i walk everywhere around my neighbor at that time because this is the the the where we leave now it's really new to us because we bought we bought this how when i first pregnant it's about a month or so so i just walk around the neighbor discover the area i walk everywhere and the dream was so big thing about me carry both of them in my belly and 105 pal i'm using the hidden bond tape to seal this line everyone if i'm talking to you i forgot what i use and then we will say wait wait wait what are you doing what do you put in there so both of them was born six pounds each can you believe that there it closed so beautiful so fold a face map back in here get all the light out get everything nice and even straight with the filter here you're going to fold a little bit on the top here just like 180 of an inch iron it [Music] fold it back in that is the norwich pocket everyone so after you iron the outer line here on the top here you see the the elastic that is the eye for you and when you fold it the face mat in half you have the middle line right here make sure you press just a little bit just to mark the line for you so go ahead and sew this line in everyone you're going to slide the needle under the first here the pocket and then slide up don't go so deep in the other side because we don't want them the light is so light to be shown in the front of the face mat so that just folds like this you're going to sew all the way to the other end you close the other end in this slide right here you're going to close it i'm sorry that planing is the same but this is not new to you you have been watching me a few times so in this the same stick that i use for the the esi so close this area everyone make a few loops and then get out i have the middle line right here i'm going to bring one down in the middle i'm going to get the iron i'm going to iron the outer line here only if you want to get the i am the sewing machine if you want to sew this line right here you can but because i use the filter in here that filter help me form this line i do not need to sew this slide but it's up to you you see how it is so you can sew this line if you like that optional so come to this one you're going to bring this to to the center same exact thing that you did to the other one right in the center right there get dying and iron the center down not the center the outer line here beautiful face map look at this i'm going to measure from the corner here in corner here in same measurement to all of them an inch and a quarter one inch and a quarter everyone right here you can mark the line right there the corner here in to one end in the quarter right here you have to make sure it's nice and even right here one inch and a quarter just mark right there and then from here same thing and in the quarter you're going to hold this and bring it to here like this get the clip clip it down same thing to this side you're going to bring it up this one right here we need to same thing you see how beautiful this face map and then you have your no bridge pocket on on this side that's the no thing the new piece so now you're going to sew this line in you sew this line in this line and this line just want to hold this down so this one not everyone finished easy way to make look at this isn't it so beautiful it's so roomy so pretty everyone and let me just get i don't have a foil here with me so i have to put the uh the nose wire in here there so now you can fold it right in there look at this everyone this face mouth is finished look at this this is the no wire the back here and look how pretty that is in the front too and i have two buttons here on the side you can make a bow and leave it here if you like to so beautiful and everyone i recommend everyone to make this what this is 100 no on glass at all everyone guarantee you look at how it fit look at this eye so pretty and looking inside and when you wear glasses it won't crop your class for the whole time you wearing it you don't need to take your glass down and clean it see when i talk it comes out nice and clear too because it doesn't touch my email at all please don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel and also share the video i have a lot of people share the video on facebook on the instagram and share it to their friends thank you so much and be for the people who watch the ad for 30 seconds before you you skip i really really appreciate it and i see the difference in my channel thank you so much everyone please stay safe and take care thank you
Channel: The Twins Day
Views: 1,308,420
Rating: 4.8315043 out of 5
Keywords: new mask design with vertical pleats and no nose wire require, how to sew the very best fitted fabric face mask with filter pocket and nose bridge, no fog glasses wearer face mask/3d face mask sewing tutorial, breathable mask in a new style-simple tutorial -DIY face mask at home, make a face mask suitable for using glasses, diy face mask with filter pocket create easy pattern from dish, the twins day face mask tutorials, no pattern diy face mask tutorial, DIY 3D elegant face mask
Id: 8GjVZHke2UA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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