New Mask Design with Vertical Pleats and NO Nose Wire Required!

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hey everybody it's tim totten with final embrace and the lake county mass creators i'm in my workshop in umatilla florida and i'm going to be showing you how we make this cool new mask design now our masketeer winnie brought this to us we were used to making pleated masks but in fact this mask goes north and south and why it's so cool is that when i put this on the pleats are going to let it form right over my nose and you'll see how it's formed i bring you a little closer you'll see how it forms that right over my nose so when i put my glasses on even though there's not a nose wire in there it doesn't fog up um i have to blow really hard for that to happen and what's really great too is that because it's away from my face my lips aren't actually touching the fabric and i feel like i have a little more room in there it is a little pressure here on the top of my nose which i like and it hooks under my chin um your results will vary obviously um but because it's got that elastic and i can put these little locks on it well then i can make it tighter or not tighter it's fantastic now i want to show you what you need to make this so let's bring it down to the table we're going to need a couple of pieces of six and a half by nine and a half inch fabric and i have two of those this is my this is my star trek fabric because i'm making a mask for myself only two of those cut out and i'm gonna get a couple pieces of elastic now i'm gonna cut these a little longer for me these are 10 inches because it's going to be for mine but you could cut them eight seven depending on how big the faces you're putting them on but even better we're gonna take some of these small uh cord lock type of things that i've purchased on a major online retailer uh named after a river and i'm going to hook those on later so in fact they'll go on like this on that mask that i created now what we're going to do with this is is actually so so easy we're going to put our fabrics together and we're just gonna sew along the two nine and a half inch sides and we're gonna leave the other sides open and i'll show you why that is in just a minute so let's go over to the sewing machine so i can show you i'm going to spin you around so you can see what we're doing at the sewing machine i like this a lot let's see oh there we are perfect all right so i'm going to take those two pieces now if i had one of them that was sort of slipperier or softer than the other i would put it on the top so that i could move it around and i'm just going to use a quarter inch seam allowance which for us is the is the width of the presser foot now normally i would uh backstitch at the top at the top and the bottom but we're going to trim these off at an angle later so it doesn't really make sense to stitch them and i'm going to come back to the other side make sure everything's lined up yeah and i can sew from either side here because these fabrics are the same weight just using that quarter inch seam allowance so i've got that at on the two long sides now we're gonna come over here to our ironing board and i've just set up a temporary iron but you should always have an iron right near your sewing machine so i'm gonna fold this thing in half long ways or as they call hot dog right i'm gonna fold it in half and i'm gonna use my iron because i think it helps i think if you wanna elevate your sewing you should always use an iron and then we're going to fold it again the short wires like this i'm going to also iron that and really that's just to get enough power through there all right our next step is going to be to cut off that angle and because we've ironed it this way we now have two folds here and we have all four of our corners right in this area i'm going to put this the folded corner at the very edge of two lines and that lets me measure over three inches and up an inch and a half now you might have a board that has actual half inch lines i'm just going to men look at it in my brain and i can kind of figure out where the half inch line is and i'm going to use a ruler and i'm going to put it at the three inch mark and at the one and a half inch mark as it crosses the fabric and then i'm just going to cut those corners off so all four of those corners come apart and now if we open up this fabric we've got that as our look now what we want to do is go back to the iron and i'm going to show you what i'm going to do with this just to make this easy my life easier here i'm going to go ahead and just press it flat because again i like lots of iron and i'm going to fold over about a quarter of an inch or maybe a half an inch somewhere on this on this fabric on the edges open because remember we left a little part open i'll do it again here just to show you i'm gonna fold this one of the fabrics back about a quarter to a half an inch and i'm gonna put my iron on that and just give it a nice little iron and i'll flip over and using those lines to show me where to do it i will do the same on the other way now you don't have to do this if you feel comfortable turning a quarter a half inch without having to to flip that fabric back but i'm going to do that you could certainly do it but i'm going to do it the correct way i made another video of this where i just kind of winged it while i was at my house and now i thought i'd do the real way and then the last thing i do is going to flip this entire thing back here this is going to make my life a little easier and i'm gonna because i can always iron this back out now i'm gonna iron it backwards this is gonna get out of the way so i can put in our elastic make sure all your folds stay in there and again um you know this is a lot maybe a little bit of overkill a little too much but i want to show you the absolute correct way and then you can shortcut it later so now i have this piece that sort of looks like these funky shapes almost like we're doing origami we're going to go back over to the sewing machine and add our elastic so let's go back to the sewing machine let's try to actually look at things on the sewing machine this time now i need to sort of flip open that little piece that i had sewn and i'm going to take my elastic and i'm going to stitch it right at that folded corner so i'm going to come in here and just go real quick just a little stitch right at that folded corner in fact let me give you a different angle of this so you get a better idea what i'm doing oh we'll get you right down in there i stitched it right at that sort of that fold where that fabric goes back i'm going to make sure that the elastic is flat bring it back over to the other side and i'm just going to tack it i'm really just tacking it because i'm going to stitch over top of that all right so that's been done we now have our elastic here i'm going to tuck it inside i'm going to open up the other fabric without getting rid of these pleats because i'm going to need those those uh that sort of pleat up that that i have ironed in and i'm gonna come back over that elastic just to make sure it's really held in there so all right that's one side done i'm gonna come and do the other side again remember open that fold out right at the point where the fold goes i'm just going to tack the elastic and if you felt you feel comfortable just throwing the elastic in there and sewing it all at once you could easily do that and uh the shortcut video that i made that shows me doing this at home after a long run well yeah that that has the more um the less structured version so i'm going to shove the elastic down inside there right it's going inside i'm going to flip that fabric back open leaving the the fold though that's been ironed in again using our quarter seam allowance when i do that i can imagine if you were assembly line sewing this it might be oh twist you around might be a lot easier to do this assembly line with a bunch of them so now i have this entire piece and i'm gonna and and it's got holes on either side right let me put my fingers in i'm just gonna turn this inside out flip the entire thing inside out you can use that elastic sort of pull it out if you want and what the great part is is this area where we had done that fold those are still staying there so it's going to let me turn those in real easily now one of the things that i definitely need to do is get my wood turner here and i'm going to put it inside and just straighten out all these uh edges right where the two fabrics come together those seams especially working on this point this is like a you know a 100 i don't know 20 degree angle or something we want to make sure that we really get into that point and push it out with our pointer now here's the thing do not use scissors to do this don't use a pen every single person who's ever done that has shoved the pen or the scissors right through the fabric not a good look so i'm going to go ahead and get all those points out there right i can run my my wooden turner or we used to be called a bone turner because they were made out of bone they make them in plastic and wood now this one's a bamboo one so okay i got all that around now it's time to go to the iron and press this bad boy now here's the thing to remember we want to make sure that these corners where we already had a fold get turned under and it's great because that fold's already there so we just have to follow the line that was already there and turn those under perfect look how nice that looks so we can pin that if we want or i'm just going to sort of press with my finger for the moment and then the other side same thing make sure we turn those in you want to get your elastic out of the way because some elastic braided elastic specifically is very it's just filled with polyester and plastic and it can melt very easily and then you've degraded your plastic and it's your elastic and it's not going to be as useful this is more of a soft elastic almost like a jersey material which i really like um because it's very soft on your head um so i'm not as worried about this but i'm still gonna take a little bit of care and i i love a lot of steam all right look at that so that's the mask we just need to put some pleats in it and you can do pleats really however you want you could just do two or three pleats across the front if you really felt it necessary what we're going to do though is i'll show you here is we're going to put in pleats at sort of like every uh inch so we're going to go in the middle i'm going to put this at 40 and 8 where those corners come in so i know now that um 40 and 6 sorry 40 and 46 on my mat on mine which puts 43 at the middle and i'm just going to quick put a pin at the middle at the top and the bottom when he suggests you just go over an inch for each one of these so i'm going to sort of do that i'm going to do an inch for each one uh i think she uses marks just with a pen which i think is fun too like on a lighter fabric or you could use like a um you could use a a chalk pencil or something if you had one um i'm not doing that i'm obviously gonna do this this funky way and then i'm gonna add the same at the bottom now you don't have to use all these pins i mean i'm obviously using a lot of pins um it's not necessary but you know it's um you could even just do this by hand at the machine and i think if you did enough of these you would get really good at figuring out just where to flip and twist to pull it um or you could do it like i just didn't shove a finger a pin right in your finger all right so we're gonna go to the machine here and i am going to for these purposes sort of fold these back fold that to the middle fold this one to the middle and now i have those and i might take a bigger pinch i might like go over more like an inch and a quarter or an inch and a half so i'm gonna take a bigger pinch and i'm just sort of folding that using it to fold on top of the others look at that right to put those pleats in and i'm going to use about a quarter inch seam allowance when i do that because that's what when he says to do so i'll push this one in first just bring the two pins together and then this one i bring the pin a little further back so it's not overlapping the others oh it's gonna look so good and then i just use that quarter inch seam allowance like we've used on everything else now i have the ability to leave my needle up and down on my machine so i'm gonna do that and then pull this pin to meet the other so there's like three pins all together i'm gonna go really slow over those by the way because i don't want to to break my machine and then bring this bring this together up and underneath and again it's the nice part about doing this this way is you can kind of use the pin to pull it up [Music] all right now we have those pleats in the top i'm going to go down each side and on the side here is where i'm getting that fabric that's been folded in because there's no stitching in that yet now there is all right we go to the end here turn and we're going to do the same thing we're going to bring this this pin to the middle the next pin comes remember we had to move it over a little bit i decided i liked an inch and a half rather than an inch bring that over until that pin gets really close oh look at that and then same thing on this side we're going to leave our needle in the down position if i want i can even lift out the lift out lift up my presser foot with my needle in the down position move those over so all those pins are now in the same place stitch over partially stop bring this pin up do the same thing bring it in to where i'm happy with it i know some people that will use a um a seam ripper to do this sort of to grab the fabric and pull it not to rip the fabric but just to pull it up and remember we're going to have to make sure we go down and then finish up we've gone so i've got all of that together those pins came together in the middle all three of those these others came in close i can take all of those out right and this is actually pretty much finished now the biggest difference is you got to figure out how you're going to put on these little doohickey things the way we do that is we find the center of our elastic hanging off the side and i like to pinch it together and i have taken a um i have taken a oh there it is it's hiding i opened up a paperclip like this and just created a little loop at the end can you kind of see that there created that loop now i purposely crossed over the little flange thing here so that i can easily just grab my material see and bam pop through so now i have a point and i'm going to take that point and i'm going to push it through this little piece and when i get down to the bottom i've got to squeeze the other point so that they'll go through so both of them go through now pull it down oh i'm trying not to i'm trying to look graceful as i do that and then that pulls it through yay nice how's that and then i just do the same on the other side find the center squeeze it use my little funk right like that and put through at the top and pull down take it off and there is my star trek mask so let me show you how this works when it looks like when it's on me make sure we did it right oh look i've got the whole crew right here on my face now of course you could do that you could add you could add the um just the straps that we've been doing instead of elastic if you wanted and put the beads on it like we've been doing for a lot of the kids ones you can make this smaller or bigger we will have some kid sizing so that you can make it a different size but for now that's winnie's a awesome mask with the sort of um creatable nose bridge with no piece of metal and it's pretty fantastic i don't know what she's calling this one or what the original creators have called it but um i call it awesome again i'm tim totten with final embrace and with the lake county mass creators have fun making these masks bye
Channel: Timothy Totten
Views: 1,146,024
Rating: 4.8818655 out of 5
Id: PzCyEuyLmjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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