NEW DESIGN: Comfortable Side-Pleat Mask Tutorial!

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wow it's raining again hello shiny crafty people tim totten here and welcome back to the channel um as you'll hear my central florida rain is going off on the roof of the building but it sounds really good and hopefully it doesn't allow me to sleep while we go today talking about one of my favorite new mask designs it's one that i actually wore on a plane for gosh i don't know six or seven hours recently it's this real simple design that's actually quite large you'll notice how big it fits on the face and it has a couple of nice features there's a pleats on the side here and it kind of rounds a little bit has a nose wire and i like it because it's super comfortable especially since i added the adjustable toggles on the ear pieces so why don't you join me down here at the cutting table and i'll show you what we need to do to make this really super fun mask so first i want to tell you that this mask pattern actually came from another youtuber and i will link in the description below exactly where to find that person's video in fact it'll be the very first video that will be um in very first thing in the description will be the link to their video it is just a simple no talking video very short with some music over it i'm going to give you the full tutorial here and what we're going to need is a pattern it's going to be 9x7 so we'll cut two pieces of fabric out you could cut a third one if you wanted three layers and this will be nine and a half inches by seven for the larger size and then i'll show you in the description i'll write some different sizes for smaller ones i'll use scissors and a rotary cutter i will need some toggles and some elastic which i'm going to use some kind of a nose wire and in fact i'm probably going to use one of these but you can also use a piece of wire i use this stuff from the dollar tree and then i'm going to use a plate just to get one of the rounded curves so what we're going to do is we're going to cut out a rectangle nine by seven and then when we we're gonna fold it in half and then in half again so you get the shape that's got the four layers right here right one two three four in there okay so then what we're gonna do is we're gonna mark up from the bottom fold where there's several layers coming together two and a half inches that's on the raw sides here there's a raw edges two and a half then on the other point where all four of those pieces come together and fold we're gonna go up three quarters of an inch and then from the top edge we're going to come over one inch we'll mark those two together line them together and then what we're going to do is that's the two and a half inch to the one inch and then i'm gonna use this i'm gonna use the plate and i will and i'm just using like a this is a seven inch like dessert plate but any sort of rounded edge we'll do and we're just going to connect the quarter inch the three quarter inch mark here with the one inch mark at the top this is just creating the the um shape at the nose here this area here and down below all right and then i'm just going to go ahead and cut that out now i am using a paper blade in this fabric it's not a special kind of blade it's just one of my old blades it's no longer all that new and i'm just getting rid of it using it for the paper and then i'll switch it out before we cut over uh to the fabric so what i've done is i've cut that out and you'll see that if i open all of this up it's going to create a pattern that looks like this now i could sell you a template to do this but frankly this is so easy to do there's not really a reason and instead of using this template on the fabric i actually want to fold the fabric and do the same thing again so let's go ahead and uh change up my blade and then we'll go to that part all right so i'm going to go ahead and cut my nine and a half by seven inch piece out of here and like i said you could do uh different dimensions if you were if you're going for a smaller a a smaller mask like i would suggest taking an inch off of each of those dimensions for someone with more like a medium-sized face but i'll put that down in the description below some different size options so i'm just i know this square that i'm using is nine and a half inches i've got a different blade here now and then i'll just cut off that at nine and a half inches and then i'm going to come back in and cut seven and a half inches and the way i'll do that is i will line up at one edge and cut it straight and then i will mark from that edge let me turn it this way so i can do it this way i'll mark from that edge i'll put this on seven inches on the on the the template right there because this needs to be nine and a half by seven all right and that's how i got my nine and a half by seven now i'm gonna cut each of these fabrics separately and that's important because i don't if i folded this right now you would get bulk inside and it would throw off your measurements so in fact each of them needs to be sort of cut on its own and i'm going to use my iron now i have actually used a different iron in the past and i'm going to tell you why i'm not using it i was using a press called the home ever iron to press things and unfortunately um so many people were interested in it that apparently they can't keep it in stock on amazon with the number and i believe it because the number of people who have asked me where what it is and where i got it so i'm not going to use it today because i don't want anyone to be upset that they can't get one of them so i'm doing that fold over just like i did on the paper i love a lot of steam you see how much steam is coming off of that oh it's so good that's one finished i'll set it aside and we'll do the other one the same way so i actually folded it the the lengthwise you know folded the longest side first i kind of want to do them the same not that it totally matters but i like to be a stickler for that sort of thing all right i have those two together so what i'm going to do next is to make those same measurements remember here i did this this is on the actual fold which would be right there the folds see the fold of the fabric there so we're going to mark up three quarters of an inch from the bottom i'm gonna mark over one inch from this corner i'm gonna mark up two and a half inches from this corner then i'm going to connect these two marks along the top edge and what i want to make sure is that what i'm cutting off is all of the layers that are separate from each other cut all of those now this is going to be harder to do on this particular one but i'll show you the secret of what i'm going to do i'm going to layer the two on top of each other and i will go ahead and cut that line straight through all the layers now it's going through eight layers of fabric so if you're not comfortable doing this you really need to uh you need to think about a different strategy don't do it this way but maybe get a chalk pencil or something i really just don't want to go grab a chalk pencil so i'm going through eight layers of fabric with a brand new blade so that's not a problem all eight of those layers are there so now i have all of these layers and then i'm going to cut with my use my plate and mark that other mark that i showed you and i'll connect those two together now you could use a pair of scissors with this if you were uncomfortable so what we've gotten from that is two of these exactly the same right there we go and that one and another one just like it and i'm going to hit these with the iron first before i show you how to do the rest of the parts you could leave that middle crease in if you wanted to but it needs to be the other direction in other words i need to fold it right sides together like this so it's better to take out that previous one and go here so that's one of those done i will iron the other one press it i should say not iron it i'm going to press it flat one of the things i really like about this particular design is that it doesn't have a big cut line right through the middle here where my mouth is pretty much going to be um but you could if you were worried about too much you could do a third layer in the middle it would make no difference otherwise to where this is going to work all right so my next step is to go here and stitch both of these along those marks but i'm gonna tell you on the one that i did originally i just went ahead and stitched straight through uh the entire thing because there's a little wide of my face anyway so i'm actually gonna stitch all the way along here using a quarter of an inch seam on both of these and then i'm gonna do something a little different than the video you're gonna watch i'm gonna put the pleats here in the side which you see here on this mask that i've worn way too much over the last month and i'll put the elastic in rather than doing a casing like the uh the other video does i like this version a little bit better so join me the sewing machine and we'll go ahead and stitch these parts on so here at this sewing machine i am going to use a quarter inch seam allowance which for me is basically the width of my presser foot here and i will start right at the top i'm gonna backstitch a little and then just follow right along the edge here all the way down that's one and then we'll do the second one just the same way so i will line that up oh it kind of came out of there did you see that now i think i'll just fix this at the top a little bit i like how it went [Music] all right so those are both completed stitched together with that opening in there and then we'll go back to the iron and i'll show you how to pleat the rest of it all right i have these i'm just going to give it a quick press although it's not really all that necessary i like just i just like to steam that seam in and then we're going to find our points here on the edge to put in our pleats now you'll see that here on this part and these pleats are it's a one inch section that gets pleated so you're going to go from the center and i just have to find the center of this and it's real easy to do i just take my ruler and place it on and that is just about five inches so i'm gonna put a mark at two and a half and this side i'm gonna put a mark at two and a half should be five inches because remember we cut two and a half before and so i need to go one inch on either side and then that point will stretch into the middle so i'll put my mark on there and mark one inch and one inch same thing on this one one inch and one inch now you'll want to transfer those to the other side as well so i can place this here just use the marks from the bottom one to transfer and you know honestly if you didn't want to if you didn't want to put the marks in you could use just pins to put them in i am going to pin this when i get the the pleats ready let me give you a closer view so now i've made marks one inch from either side and i'm basically going to fold at that mark and then bring it to the center see we've done fold at the mark and bring it to the center fold at that mark and bring it to the center which will give us a one inch pleat that some might call box pleat because it's on top when i flip this over you're going to get a better view of what this looks like now you could use clips this is not going to be anywhere near my mouth so i'm not worried about putting holes in it but that's the the pleat that it creates and i'm gonna do the same thing just on the other side so i'm going to fold at that mark that i made and then fold that mark to the middle mark right here and put a pin in it then i'll do the same thing with the other one i fold in pinch at that pleat and then fold it into the center now one of the options that you can do with this is would be to iron this right now but i don't want to iron the pleat all the way into the middle because we want it to open up so the better plan is to go to the sewing machine and just stitch those pleats down which i will do before i put all this together and that's only because i really don't want to have them fall out while i'm actually um sewing the the elastic and everything else in so let's do these as well now one option for you is to fold this over at that line and press it if you really wanted to give it a lot of you really uh anal retentive about this maybe maybe you're really focused on doing things exactly perfect like i said it's not as big of a deal to me but everyone should do their own thing and then you can fold that center back to the middle you know then you could press that if you really felt like that now we're really moving along same thing with this one fold it to the center and then i'll show you one other technique because hey we're about giving a billion techniques here one more technique i still think i should pin this just to make sure it doesn't go anywhere so since i'm gonna put in the sewing machine i'll kind of give it a pin across all of that how's that sound so i pinned across that i'm gonna start sewing here and go down now this one let's just watch this i'm going to take three pins okay i'll put one right where that the one inch mark is from the center another one inch mark from the center and the third one i'll put right there in the middle in the center then all i have to do is fold those pins to each other once those pins have reached each other just like that i can take out the back pin well i just took out both of them but it's all right i'll take one out and put it back in take out that pin yay put the center pin back in because i'm gonna need it and then fold that pin back and move it out all right we have that pinned ready to go the other one meet me over at the sewing machine and i'll show you what's next so here's where i'm going to go ahead and just stitch those pleats in real quick and honestly i'm going to go at my quarter of an inch i am going to go right up to the pin and then take it out i don't want to run it over just put that pleat in now that pleat is in place same thing on the other three you know when i got on it get on an airplane they have to go for five or six hours uh i'm not looking to balance the efficacy of a of a uh of a mask with also the comfort of the mask so comfort is just as important in that regard and really on a plane my goal is to make it so that i don't have to take that mask off because it's uncomfortable and so that i'm not just like spitting and coughing out of the people so i'm less concerned really for myself about when i wear a mask about having super high filtration and everything else i'm really just looking to not cough on people or spit on them while i'm on the plane and so for that regard this mask really works well for me i did it with two layers you could certainly do it with more if you felt like you needed to and uh and there we go there's those first those pleats put in now let's put this thing together all right so we're back here at the table and what we're gonna do is open these up and i'm going to add in my elastic now you certainly could go to that original video that was done by the lady who um you know who i've told you is so good but and she uses a casing but i'm i'm just like not a big fan of that i prefer to do them this way and i'm going to show you now i'm going to cut these nine and a half inches long because i'm going to add a toggle so i don't really care that they're super long it's actually easy to cut these at the same time as you're cutting your regular fabric because then you just get the right size immediately so i'm going to take one and put it on the edge pinning it right here right to the edge going in about a quarter of an inch from that point because that's of course where we're going to turn the stitching and so i don't really want it right in the exact corner you could of course go right into the corner but this is how i prefer to do it then i'm going to make sure that this particular type of elastic stays flat so that it doesn't get a turn in it i would really hate that if i went to put it on my ears and it twisted in the middle so i'll pin that on and of course what this means is um and i want to make sure that's out of the way inside if you wanted you could put a pin in there i'm just going to make sure it holds in and i'll do the same thing on this side as well go about a quarter of an inch or more from the corner but still running it right along the edge here but i'm going a quarter in from the top and then i'm going to turn this all the way make sure it's flat now we are going to sew this entire thing together and leave an opening to turn it inside out so the next part is to place it's exactly the same top or bottom place right sides together so you see the wrong sides of the fabric are sticking out and you're going to line up each of those points see that where those two stitches come together and i'll line that up line those up and put a pin in it again you could use um you could use clips if you wanted they make some really nice clips i've decided not to because frankly it's all along the edge and i'm not worried about a hole but if you are concerned about a hole please by all means do that get clips and use those instead i'm just going all the way around this making sure the elastic is out of the way as i pin this all the way around and i'll go here to the middle again to that middle point make sure that those get done the same direction to that area where it comes together i do something called nesting these where one seam goes one way and one goes the other that's really up to you to do but it locks them together it's kind of nice something i learned from my quilting days a lot of eleanor burns and and others teaching me how to sew then i'm going to come to this top piece here and finish pinning all this together now i want to leave an opening along here so i'm actually going to leave the opening up i'll put a pins in place to show me where i want to leave the opening one there leave the opening down here enough where i can turn that corner so i'll leave that opening and then i'll stitch all around along the outside of the rest i'll put pins in here so i know where this is this is held together that's just a straight line sometimes it gets out of the way all right our next step is to stitch around the entire thing leaving just that opening so it can turn inside out guess what we're going to the sub machine all right so i'm going to start right here where this first pin is i'm using a quarter inch seam allowance again i'm going to back up here just to tack it in place and make sure it doesn't go anywhere and then i will start stitching make sure that elastic gets held in there you got to be careful so i'm holding my finger here on the elastic i'm just going all the way around now i should have taken that other pin now i didn't don't be mad at me i'm not always good at taking my pins out when they have to be taken out make sure the center piece goes and then stop here at this other pin like i talked about so i have room to turn it inside out all right that entire piece has been put together and now we're going to go to the sewing machine or to the ironing board turn this inside out and get ready to put in our nose piece all right so here's the piece pulled together you'll see the spot where we haven't stitched so i'm just going to turn this whole thing inside out while we're here and actually you can get get a hold of the um elastic pieces if you need to and that'll really help to turn this thing inside out it also helps would be like a um a chopstick or a point turner something designed specifically i mean if it's a chopstick it's not designed for this but it can be used for this if you use a point turner those are specifically designed for this but really there's not many points to turn so i'm just going to sort of get in there and pull this out and run my finger along those seams and then we'll go to the sewing mach to the iron not the sewing machine to the iron and sort of press this flat as best as we can but you'll see we're starting to get that shape for our face so come right down here and i'll show you how to press this and how to put in a nose wire all right there that is and what i'm going to do is just get a little press flatten these parts out and press a little and all along these edges where the where those pleats were in now if you have the kind of elastic that melts really easily then obviously don't put your iron directly on top of it i folded that part in there that was the turn because i will need to press that as well and then and then stitch it down we are going to stitch the entire thing around edge stitch it but first i want to put in my nose wire i love having a nose wire in these because um it just makes it so easy to form properly to your face so i'm gonna put that wire in this area and there's two ways to do that i could lay the wire in i could put this in from that hole up in here and then try to stitch around it i could stitch a line and then put the nose wire in there um which is another option i don't mind actually putting the nose wire in holding it in place and then stitching around it but i actually want to use one of these nose wires that actually i got with um the big bulk elastic that i bought you can also buy these these can can stick in with a piece of tape if you want to i'm not even going to take the tape off i'm just going to slide it up in there and after i stitch a line so i'm going to come through here this this nose wire you know is how wide is that i'll use some pins to sort of mark off where i need to start and end so i kind of need to start and end in this area and then in this area there we go so i'm actually going to stitch down here and down the bottom and leave one side open so i can reach the nose wire up through here and put it on so i went and did that only two on this side it's gonna be easier i went and did that now you might use a different thread i wanted a thread that you would be able to see easily so i i would have done a white thread otherwise because i really like the white with this because i chose the white elastic but i don't think you'd have seen it as easily so i have left as you'll notice i started stitching on one side and then i went and left it open on the other side and that's because i'm going to take this in through that hole and go up there going in from this side you might be able to see it pushing right there and push that along that space so now it's held in there and you'll see the nose wires is now bending right the last step is to go around i'll i'll stitch right up the side of that you'll see i'm going to stitch right at the side of this and then stitch all the way top stitch all the way around the entire thing so let's go to the show machine i'll show you that last part and then we are done with this cool mask as i said i'm going to finish stitching up the side here and then go all the way around i'm going to edge stitch this which means i'm going to use not even a full quarter of an inch more like an eighth of an inch to edge stitch this entire thing and then i get down here to where i put in that where i put that hole in to stitch it back together i just have to make sure i and catch catching all the extra fabric there [Music] and then i'm gonna take this right back to where that nose piece started and there you go i've stitched all the way around the entire thing and it's got the nose wire in so here we go there's the finished mask and i'm going to add the toggles to it now now the toggles that i use i'll try to put a link in the description below um i like these toggles because um here's what the toggles kind of they look like on their own and then they sent me this open pin to be able to put them on so what i do is i take the piece and i just sort of hold it to where it's even and then i can squeeze the end of the piece together there and put that into the end of the toggle and squeeze it down until it comes down onto the elastic take that one out same thing here oh i've dropped it there on the end make sure it's sort of evenly set and then i'm going to put that toggle right through see there and hold it and bring it down onto the elastic all right now i'll just check where my nose wire is right here in the middle put that on my nose and pull out the sides so it's time for me to review this mask i'm going to tell you for um i always give reviews for out of 10 i look at ease of making it the comfort of wearing it and how efficient it is so for this mask first of all i like that it's reversible so i'll reverse it for ease of making it there's a little bit of skill involved with sewing around those curves so let's say it's about a seven and a half out of ten i got something on it there it's not good oh i have to clean that off let me go to the other side so you won't see it so bad i'm gonna say it's about a seven and a half out of ten for ease of comp ease of making it the easy to make is seven and a half out of ten like you don't need major sewing skills but you have to put some pleats in and do draw some lines that are half circles that kind of thing um so that's ease of making it 7 out of 10. for the comfort i got to tell you i wore one of these sort of um stretched all the way out you know on a plane to pennsylvania and i had to wear it in the airport for two hours almost two hours before the flight i wore it for a two-hour flight and i went for 30 to 40 minutes getting off and getting my baggage so that was what four and a half almost five hours i wore it and it was super comfortable i like it because it goes down around underneath my chin it goes up here no problem it does suck in at the sides here because of the pleats i feel really comfortable in this mask and i thought i could wear this for a long time it doesn't really touch my mouth too much so i'm gonna say out of comfort this is an eight out of ten i'm a fan of how comfortable it is uh you know what i'm gonna actually give it a nine out of ten for comfort because i remember how long i wore this for compared to the other masks it's only one of the masks i like really more for this in terms of comfort somebody even nine out of ten and then out of the efficiency or the efficacy towards you know helping all the things i understand that this is not a perfectly sealed mask it's got some space on the sides if i pull on it it's a big sort of mask it's not super tight under my chin but that's why it's comfortable so the design of it is really meant to keep me from spitting or coughing on other people and for what it does it does that beautifully so for that efficacy i give it at least a 9 out of 10 but i have to take off a little bit of points because it's not super stuck to my face like other masks would maybe if i tightened up the the straps it would be a lot tighter but then it wouldn't be very comfortable and in that case i'd probably wear an n95 mask or something else if i wanted to be super efficient so we're going to say an 8 out of 10 for efficiency on this one for the efficacy all right well that's this super fun mask you can find the link to the original video in the description below um and big kudos to that uh that maker and i'm glad that uh she they showed it off to me so i could show it to you this is the really simple uh mass design the side pleated i don't know what i'm going to call this one i'll figure out after i end the video and i'll just write it here and probably in the title of the video well until next time i've been tim totten and you have been watching shiny crafty people hey please until next time folks stay crafty bye for now oh makes me want to get on another plane
Channel: Timothy Totten
Views: 58,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final embrace, timothy totten, tim totten, mask, mask design, new mask, new mask design, pleated mask, 3d mask, diy mask, fabric mask, easy mask, n95, kn95, elastic mask, easier mask, 3 layer mask, 3d, folded mask, easy sewing, diy sewing, new sewing, janome, simple pattern, new pattern, sewing pattern
Id: -YOxwJnipFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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