URBAN Pond Micro Fishing! Catching 10 NEW PETS!!!

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oh yeah I got the old Goodluck Crocs on today I mean it's the only parent Crocs on but they are my good luck Crocs what's up in that first hope you guys are having an amazing freaking day excited for today's video because I'm doing something kind of throwback to you I'm getting out the little stuff the little tiny fairy wand deal micro fishing box with my little itty-bitty baits in there and that's right we are doing some micro fishing all you guys been asking where my pet smallmouth are there's still at Zach's house but we've been checked in on way too fricking long so we're gonna head over to Zach's house and check out how Milly and Kent the pet smallmouth are doing it's a lot of you guys might be wondering what the hell Micra fishing in this tiny rod and reel and tackle have to do with million kennel that is we need to feed them they need a big meal and so let's go catch some stuff micro fishing we're gonna catch a little hopefully a little itty-bitty fish enough to catch some on the little micro fish and Ron reel that's too big familiar can't eat which they do like big things that freakin little bluegill in the tank ate a seven-inch lizard last time blew my damn mind [Music] oh if we catch something too big for them to eat maybe we'll make that penicillin we will need name requests from you guys I'm effort she did a great job with Milly and Ken I do have some really really exciting news one more thing before we head out to catch some of our new pet fish I actually have a place you can go watch some never-before-seen content and some really long video projects never seen before on YouTube Instagram or my Facebook any of them and that is my brand new Millican fishing roku channel this is something that Brian my assistant has been working on the last several months is developing my roku channel so if you have a Roku compatible TV go follow me at Melek and fishing if you do not have a roku device it's super cheap actually I think it's only twenty dollars to buy the little box for it and that actually gives you access to a bunch of movies and channels and stuff there might be some of your all-time favorites like there's a Walker Texas Ranger roku channel who wants to go watch a million episodes of Walker Texas Ranger me right here in the eyes of a ranger the unsuspecting stranger anyway so I'll link it down below go check out what Roku is it's growing like crazy as a platform to watch a bunch of really awesome exclusive content including Melek and fishing stuff you never seen before so go out my channel and then please please please if you add in my channel which I'm sure you did by now it's been about a minutes and start talking about this go leave a rating okay now that all of you went out and got a Roku device you add in my channel and left or rating let's hit the like catch the pet fish oh look who it is Zach dude how are the fish doing they're hungry hungry they're good they're fantastic I like hungry that means you guys are gonna get some badass fiend today we haven't seen million kin for way too freakin long you said you got some other pets dude I saw the new tank looks amazing you guys got some cool stuff in today's video of course we got to come to Larry's Larry's got a new bass boat out there a brand new 1984 champion out there and then it's so busy from UM efforts that they had two other repaved in the parking lot because all the damage you guys did driving it out so thanks for your support Larry let's go check out what Larry's got in store for us though well this is different it's not five degrees outside anymore it's all open where the hell's Larry we're at our our favourite not-so-secret location now it's all open open garage this is Larry's minnow situation but he's got friggin you got everything you got minnows minnows minnows minnows and minnows used to have some bigger stuff in here super exciting videos so far oh yeah we got some crawl that's maybe yep there's a crawdad bigger minnows ooh goldfish the Somalis would eat some goldfish fantastic so we would probably have to get some of those guys right there we got in here most new this is the oh yeah shiner guys there's something going on in there oh it's chubs we got chosen Oh that's why there's a lid because chubs will jump out stupid bastard I put the small E's would destroy JEP stuff the star wants to be caught so we need some products chubs goldfish maybe go to catch couple things yeah we're gonna do a little bit of everything go get some crawlers Waller yeah let's get some crawlers Broad's 50 Cent's jokes Christ tanks okay jokes goldfish crisis on the tank - why like a couple chubs [Music] on chef three chubs a Lucretia goldfish are $2.00 what is this oh he's gonna be food is gonna get a very little bastards oh yeah we got a couple lights on while stealing one of those things oh he ain't even orange oh hello mr. craw dad yep we need a few craw that's for sure brothers are just fun to watch they're all creepy and scary-looking stop get off there bastard now I'm gonna get pinched that's a big snack-sized guy you have a super ultra savage minnow eater the teeth says he's got a new tooth you critter I'm excited to see what the hell yeah these big minutes probably oh yeah pow - who'd beautiful I have one of these in my freezer at home how's it taste haven't ready yet the SCADA cigarette Oh we did well when you get out of here though rains coming let's do it but everything honor system enjoy the tip Larry love you so if the rain holds off we're actually gonna go fish right now we're gonna microfiche little tiny baby kind of kiss feign indifference estimated we catch one we needed to pay any city just half the room also we thought some of the stuff would be like food to the fish and some of the fish just randomly end up big friends and don't eat each other so the lakes you can get something dude you're more prepared than I ever have been in my life got a cooler tackle snacks snacks mmm corn and bread yes you bet over yonder is the pond dreams are made up for those that are curious what the hell we're doing we're kind of all over the place we went and got a bunch of bait we're gonna go try to catch some new pets for our fish tank for not my fish tank for Zach's fish tanks he's got a million of them you guys have been to his house probably you know what we're talking about he has even more now but you got like what how many tanks now I think I'm pushing 25 25 freakin tanks he's getting we're catching built it's perfect so he's got a homemade badass brainy tank that we need to go catch some fit we're thinking maybe bluegill crappie I don't know probably a giant 8 pound bass musky baby goose I bet the smallmouth would eat one of those they're not a legal fish for holy minnows everywhere we could have got our minnows here look at those things know what those are shouldn't be bass they shouldn't have spawned yet I'm gonna put one of these on these are just little ice fishing jigs don't you do it rain same thing we use ice fishing one how big is this one 32nd ounce jig I'm gonna put a little bobber I'm probably gonna use the slip bar I'm gonna use the spring bars bring it on there on the line maybe you said you got corn I had ooh they love it regular corns decent but the honey-roasted usually much better ah well I'll start with up chunk of crawler on the back of my little ice fishing jig so this is a fixed bobber unlike the slip sinkers slip bobber so you guys usually see me doing but I don't even know where this came from I think I got it like a pan fish mystery tackle box at some point where she can put that like two feet above this dude little crawl action these things are in monsters Larry's got big worms Larry does not mess around when it comes to the size of his Nightcrawler we might accidentally catch a giant biases oh god I'm already bit good sigh and wasn't paying any attention typical why is it raining why does it have to rain eat my little baby worm he got it boom goddamn it's all gonna pet to you I mean that's gonna be pet / food we're just gonna have to see guys we're gonna see if they want to eat it this little tiny blue yo this little stunted blue yo this Lake is loaded with son of Lugo that's why we came here actually we're going to see if they want to eat this or just be friends with him it's gonna be an experiment you can grow an algae colony too if you need to we couldn't we just stole want to Larry scoops oh no we're good look at that we're never finding that you sure you want the algae in there yeah that's disgusting so I put them in there's isn't a food missus Zach doesn't put her drinks in there that's good this is used for smallmouth one time and then never for food again okay we'll never see him again let's catch a thousand more goddamn yep we're up to two we got two friends Zach I hope you have a small hook cuz these things have tiny mouths no case you guys are wondering with the the setup looks like once again little red teardrop I think red is key I would not be getting any bites without red that's made up that's totally made up bobber will take a worm using a 6-foot ultralight rod yeah I'm gonna catch a million more those real quick hold on look at this guy you're still here swimming with it mate oh that's a giant one no wonder how many we keeping 100 great so back before we caught the smallmouth we did a video and we asked everyone what they wanted to right right and there was one answer that kept showing up that we can't catch here in Nebraska yeah oh I have a baker's dozen of them okay we got lots of good surprises when we go over to Zach's house you guys gotta check that out I'm just gonna keep catching these giant giant blue gills this is actually fun though if you guys have a little kid that you're from Lees encourage always getting kids out and losing night crawlers like me but this is a great way to get kids in the fish and this is how max loves to fish with me and how I learn to fish too but super easy little tiny chunk of worm little tiny jig and just go out to your local lake right now this is the time to freaking get it done their fish are active the water's warmed up you guys know I like the ice fish and stuff too some what kind of not really I don't want to think about ice fishing for about thirty seven more months yeah this is the way to get out there easy one rod go to Walmart buy yourself a little ten dollar rod and reel catch some dogs yep yep number four pet number four your rig is almost tied on Zach was out here trying to catch a giant musculature I'm gonna catch 300 fish on one Nightcrawler I'm still I used one 80th of it just one after another as quick as you can get it out there we got males we got females there's hardly any fish in this Lake hardly any oh that's a better one there we go that's a dude that's a pet there that's not food that's a pet all right this guy is definitely a larger he's like a seven-inch and so he's gonna need a name you guys better be dropping names in the comments now immediately a new challenge I'm trying to see if I can catch three fish in one minute starting now one two five there's first one eleven twelve thirteen Oh 18 19 20 one two three four twenty five a six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine thirty oh here we go 31 thank you okay three four five three six thirty seven I'm gonna need that car back thirty-eight no 39 now we're probably like 40 5 6 7 8 9 50 51 52 Oh 55 56 57 yes yeah I will I'll fix all that even though you can hear me counting so yeah I had to count they're probably like oh you cut it out and restart it when you cut it no I really caught three fish in one minute it was not easy especially because my little nugget of worm came off for a second alright that's last one Zach just got a freaking giant gave it to op hey it's a little bit bigger that one's definitely pet not food I mean I feel like a small month could take that out small Martha probably in pretty good size they're very when we caught him they were 1 inch and now they're already 17 inches Millie's mean Lily is maybe bites like when I'm cleaning the tank instead she bites my fingers Beauty salt super savage yeah well we'll see it embarrass myself good job you did catch them all right I'll call it a large success we got bait we got pets we need names and it's time to see if our super crazy ultra mean savage fish will destroy all the fishes we caught or maybe I'll dump the cooler over in the middle of the street is raining though we can't like 20 fish in like 15 minutes three of them were in one minute mind you and now we're going back to the fish house the fish factory Zacks mancave where he has every fish and tank no man actually does have some new fish that I think will eat just about anything I'm Jack to see me yes show me the new setups my man where's she at her Kia this is Ken there he is mr. small cha he can see the camera dipping in the water on the bottom of it it is interested there yes I still think we might be the only ones on YouTube what's that small mouth warm water right this pool stays 68 degrees because I don't have a heater and that's plenty with a tank yeah great that's where million is right no he's over there he's over there still in the big ol giant tank not the swimming pool tank Lily is out of her damn mind - dude she was so close to get me okay I'm not doing that again I think she might eat some of our whatever we put in there it's alive she didn't like what was it she wouldn't eat the lizard - nothing the catfish did he but if you enjoyed the feeder mice you love them what was the new toothy fish you guys you said you again dude I gotta see it oh there he is Oh badass what kind of guard is that Florida gar I just look he's sleeping aha I see him back there here he goes he's out of his mind now is that a black bull head I think it's a brown bullhead brown bullhead biz this guy is a dirt fish that is a dirt fish right there his name's mush so he actually has become a channel favorite for a couple weeks dude that is a dirt fish ever seen one he is a side profile he's a red Oscar he's four years old and he's the same age as the ones I have in the big tank out there huh huh and he is like five inches in there like 14 there just looks ridiculous that's fantastic what's that one that's called a zebra a knife fish and they will get to about a foot 13 inches they're fished in like that that's what I have the that's why you Heights from one yep that's why I keep that tube in there but they're cool they have the like fins on the bottom and they kind of like the word oscillator yeah okay like do the wave new puffer that's called the dragon Hufford is badass what is that it's a black wall ago they get to like eight feet in the wild when they have ridiculous teeth sick they're big eaters and yeah I want him in an auction yeah he's cool he's pretty rare dude what's feed some stuff I'm excited what is that a little piece of tilapia just child Alafia filet and I had a cutting board and a knife and just like permanent down here but so the dragon puffer can't see and he has one hell of a bite really yeah he's a beak so the piece looks huge and then he'll just like inhaler just a second you'll get your turn you just wait no finger eating for you that would have gripped my damn finger I she would have gotten there uh yeah you can totally tell he's got some damn Toya nope these dudes have grown substantially you guys can't tell how much bigger he is but he's like three inches tall now 18 inches long maybe 17 18 oh we got here this is what I was talking about when we were in the rain this is the fish that people told us that we should go out and catch haha we can't get here and I have a school of babies what are they peacock beds Oh sick dude everybody wanted the peacock bats mm-hmm there are a lot of people that said go get him I was never gonna guess that especially when I saw they did not look like peacock yeah they're they change obviously a lot and they cook very big but they're 13 of them in there it's so cool Biggers doesn't and this tank is like 30 years old and that piece of the core came with it so I was like keep them in there dude other than that is if you can see right here by that plant yeah it's called the fire you so as he gets go get big he'll get like 30 inches as well but they have that yellow on their face and then they'll go to orange and then they get red on their tail dude this is badass I love seriously said you built this one right yep - this is the new built one yep so that's where the peacocks will go when they're bigger yeah eventually I'll move them up over into there and then they're gonna get these this specific kind that they can get to like 30 inches hmm so that's cool though you just built a two by fours and lined it yep pond liner some wood some screws a lot of water on my carpet perfect but there's one fish in here right now and he'll get along with the stuff that we're adding he's down here no cool can't see him yeah you remember that hybrid that we got from the place with you that's that's him so that he's gonna have send a little mean sunfish friends oh yeah you gotta eat let's get to feed in these guys that we're gonna feed them some stuff we got the bait shut up and then we're going to introduce them to the friend hopefully they won't eat all the day I meet friends will see you I mean we want them to eat a couple of little ones probably cuz we have too many but keep it in that I'm keeping my hopes pretty low on them just not try to get my damn finger over there mr. Garr first who we missed it hurt his teeth click together god I am you know it's super speed mr. Smalley I have a guy which drop any of them chomp goldfish let's give him a show he looks like he wants a big job to start chub guy okay good luck mr. show Kay ja him paints and grass single piece of that fake plant give it back it's a big 5-inch chub and he took that last one down yeah let's see if a dog is fantastic you would think so old fish I got handful of minnows in that bluegill really mister oh yeah there he is he's waiting back there dead dead dead were you a bluegill he actually waits like he knows you know very good got it he beat him to it we're gonna give a big old goldfish nah you think I like it oh yeah good night goldfish nice knowing you fish dad you didn't hate that we got gold scales this time he had to get it ahead first that's so cool they take it out headfirst like button Tucker Millie all right so you must lost your fingers actually yes sir that's quick it's his eyeballs sticking out still you ain't let go of him though I'm being a man doing it being a man I mean I'm I'm getting I'm getting pinched he wasn't very happy about that there he is he's ready hello keys please like eating the camera the stuff over here bra dad Minos minutes underwater camera gonna be pissed off Oh God how fast can you be them probably playing dead smart shoot whoa got him off the top okay he's like oh that's a so high ball the middle escaped he spit it up in the minutes way off is up there now my shad popsicles shad popsicles I bought these thinking I could cut them up and feed them to those smallmouth nothing what's break them all yeah guys come on start it up a little bit but these are great for like the small kind of growing ones it's a good food to make sure that they're not eating live his life is not healthy for any goose it's coming guys mmm worms oh they know they're out of their minds that guy's got a thought he just ate a thousand of them that's so cool Sturgill per guy everybody loves to go up here you said it's the biggest one on YouTube oh yeah there look at him he's huge he's ready to go he's giant he reminds me like a bullfrog you later yeah seriously just swims backwards into his cave they offer the people time to release the babies into their new home we're those guys this smells like ass in there yeah we won't be getting into this new home he pets one is a pig yeah giant seven entry sick yeah I'm gonna clean a lot of this three three where'd this guy come from I caught one of those minnows when I scooped oh did you oh shoot what's that thing that dude was tiny that was a little tiny bluegill was really where he came from most men in some of the grass when you scraped it up you illegally netted that fish sauce dang it with a cooler you're going to prison and I do have a lid for it too we caught him with the cooler so tiny cooler fish that's crazy we end up with 11 an including one that Zack accidentally caught with the cooler we scooping up water to put them there there's 11 fish and is home a little pot like that we don't you know we don't condone going out and taking probably 11 bluegill to put in a little tiny tank or something like that but obviously he's got the the space form and we'll use a couple of those guys as feeders for the bigger smallmouth catfish stuff like that as well there now we need you guys opinion of what we should do with those and that tanks gonna be person figure fish a little bit later on but just for now we're putting the blue gills in there plenty of water how many gallons is that this is a hundred and seventy Dan was all the way filled right but it has a lid so I'll put that on like after you take off because no escaping yeah jump right to come down to a bunch of that carpet blue gills oh hey guys I'm 2,000 miles away from where you saw me last you know Mahana brzeska so yeah naturally have some exciting content coming for you in the next couple days but as always amazing time over at Zach's house at SC fish keeping at the fish house go give zakah fall if you guys want to follow this these fish that we went out and got on a more day-to-day basis please give him a follow he posts a lot in a lot of videos about feeding these fish if you watch this video I'm assuming you like them and you know we ended up not really sure what to do with the 10 bluegill we caught other than putting them in that badass tank but some of the map will become feeder so let us know what you want us to do with those and also drop some name requests down below but thank you so much for watching this one it matters if you want to see more videos like this one in the near future [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Milliken Fishing
Views: 587,452
Rating: 4.6480961 out of 5
Keywords: Micro Fishing, New pet fish, Catching pet fish, pond fishing, bank fishing, Epic, Crazy, Insane, Bass Fishing, fishing, vlog, vlogger, travel, milliken fishing, googan squad, bass, how to catch bass, smallmouth bass, pb bass, giant fish on film, giant bass, bass fishing tips, spring bass fishing, tackle tips and techniques, beginner fishing tips, bank fishing tips, smallmouth fishing tips, Jon B, Flair, LunkersTv, LakeForkGuy, Peric, Catchemall, Kendall Gray
Id: wOdh6nOD-y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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