Urban Get Home Bag (Part 1) by TheUrbanPrepper

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today i like to do a video featuring my urban get home bag i get home bags a little bit different than a bug out bag with a bug out bag it's designed to get you from your home to a safer location during an emergency situation a get home bag is the exact opposite it's meant to get you from an unsafe location outside your home back home to safety generally it's a little bit lighter than a bug out bag and it also depends on how far away you're usually away from your home for example if you work 30 miles away from your home your good home bag is going to be a lot more expensive than it is if you only work two miles from your home so my get home bag is 25 pounds i think that generally they should be less than 25 pounds and so we're gonna go through all the items of this get home bag specific for an urban situation this is my urban get home bag the actual backpack is a swiss gear sa1923 scan smart backpack there's nothing too special about this backpack other than it was on sale on amazon but the main reason that i got it was that it blends in with almost every other backpack that you'll see in the downtown seattle area basically almost all commuters are using one of these kind of swiss skier backpacks at least in my region so i think it's best for a get home bag to blend in with your surroundings and just look inconspicuous so it i also with git home bags i think it's best to build them in bulk because you may have several get home bags on compared to you may just have one bug out bag at your home with a get home bag you may have want to have one in each of your vehicles also underneath your work desk and maybe even sort of an alternative location so building them in bulk helps on save on cost as well as make a backpack that's easily replicated so you can have them in multiple locations there's a lot of information to cover in this video so as always i've created a pdf document that you could download in the description box below just click the link and it'll send you to the pdf where you can download it it has a list of every single item that's included in this urban get home bag even provides you with links where you could click the link and it'll take you to where i actually purchased the items at so what i'm going to do for this video is just start going through all the various compartments of this backpack one by one for some of the compartments just a single item in there for other ones there's actually a module in there they're all color coded based off of the results from the color of prepping video that i did earlier so for the ones that have an actual module in there we may break away and do a little table top of all the items for that particular module so let's get started now with this video featuring the urban get home bag there's not too much on the outside of this particular backpack again i wanted it to blend in with my local environment so i didn't want to have a bunch of items that are just hanging loose on it there's just a few that you may notice so on the side here i have a very inexpensive flashlight this flashlight is the lighting ever adjustable focus cree led flashlight it's around a 10 flashlight that you could get on amazon uh it's a you know very affordable has high output you just use triple a batteries and i already care edc high quality flashlight so i just wanted to have a backup to that just for a little redundancy so just the flashlight on the back there and then on the straps over here you'll notice that i have a little bit of pepper spray for self defense so this is made by this is the saber red pepper spray it's the police strength i just wanted to have it you know very easily accessible just right here in the shoulder straps and that's all the items that i have on the outside now you may notice that i have some color tags here these tags are not labeled but they are color coordinated based off of the results from the color prepping video that i did earlier so let's just start off going through those particular ones as you can guess by the color this probably means water so in both of the side pockets all i have are a couple bottles of water uh water is very important for survival situation you can't go three days without water so i wanted to make sure i had some physical water on me at all times that i didn't have to just immediately start having to gather water so on the outside have just two one liter bottles of water i have a few items in this top little compartment that you see here so let's just open it up really quick uh the first item this is an external charger for my cell phone uh with smartphones nowadays you want to make sure they have them charged at all times and with emergency backpacks you want to make sure you have them charged for at least 72 hours so this is a well made one this is made by poweradd this is the poweradd pilot 10 000 milliamp hours external battery it's around 23 24 on amazon so it's fairly inexpensive especially for the the amount of milliamp hours that you get so you get several charges worth on this so it's very easy to use it shows it has indicator leds for the charge it has left on it and everything so uh i have this in this compartment by the way anything that you see in here that's electronic and if it doesn't look like it's in a plastic bag don't worry it is in a plastic bag it's probably just the tenth take that i've been doing on this particular video so i have some of the plastic bags here the next item that i have here is just a little bit more illumination i wanted to have a headlamp this is a fairly inexpensive one this is made by rayovac it's the railvac diy hl3 aaab headlamp so it has a fairly good output for the cost it's you know fairly reliable highly rated so this is the rail vac so let's continue on i store most of my personal miscellaneous items in this bottom compartment that you see here there's a few other items in here so let's open it up so as you see i have it labeled with pink for personal miscellaneous and there's a lot of goodies in here obviously you have a you know inexpensive whistle that's on a little lanyard here that you could take off i have as far as a communications item uh this is the balafang uv 5r ham radio so it's a very inexpensive around around 33 uh yet it's highly rated i have this for almost all of my emergency backpacks so it's just very cost effective for and has a lot of functionality with it so the battlefang uh ham radio moving on next a lot of these are free items actually i have two pens and one sharpie and all of them were donated either through work or going to a bank or anything like that so i just got a couple pens so a few pens in there have some gum i find that when your gum helps you relax it helps keep your morale up and when you're eating some bland foods it helps with keep your taste but the taste buds alive so let's continue on i have a little this is some nitrile gloves just in case an immediate emergency i want to have a nearby and it's just stored in a old prescription pill bottle so some nitrile gloves just shoved in there i have a few of them in there let's see i have a chemical light stick so six inch version buy it made by be ready for a little bit of reading i have of course the sas survival guide the pocket version so this is has so much information in it it's a you know it's really great so you should have this in all of your backpacks i think so ses survival guide to go along with the pen i have a ride in rain notebook just to take some notes see down in the bottom here i have this as far as a form of entertainment and just information uh this is a great little kid i was recommended this on youtube this is the pro knot uh it just provides you with all this information on how to do specific knots and you can see there it's waterproof the whole nine yards and you know when you're if i was wanting to buy time or just learn some information this is a great little tool to have so as far as my into my entertainment goes it's just the sa survival guide and the pro knots little guide so let's see it's going bottom here i have some cash so i have three dollars and quarters and i have 20 cash so i think there's a five in there and the rest are just one so i want to have low denominations again it's in pink for personal so some cash the cash could all also be used for vending machines for pay phones if you happen to find one things like that and for barter if you want to see anything else down there uh to go along with the pens and everything this is a it's a piece of a street chalk so if you wanted to write any kind of message to anyone you could write that into the cement that you're that you're at or just on the street corner especially if you wanted to signal to someone or let you let anyone know of a route that you were taking uh you could use that this for that it's not permanent or anything it'll wash away but it could provide beneficial information to anyone that happens to see it see and then last but not least i have a little bit of a morale item in here this is some gentleman jack it's in a glass bottle so it'll it'll last a long time and uh what i wanted to have this was for was for morale also for bartering uh basically in stressful situations oftentimes uh you know having a little bit a little swig of booze will help out in those kind of situations even though it goes against everything that the sas survival guide would probably say that you should do in an emergency situation but if you watch movies like predator and titanic they're always taking a swig of whiskey so i want to have a little bit in there just for morale maybe even for a sleep aid and those are all the items that i have in this little personal and miscellaneous compartment of the urban get home bag let's start going through all the items in the mid compartment that you see here uh there's various modules included in here as well as some individual items so we'll just go one by one we might break away for some tabletop reviews as well so starting off here on the top i have an emergency radio this is made by eaton this is the eaton micro link fr 160 emergency radio it has weather band stations as well it's a crank radio so you never have to worry about the batteries running out on it or anything like that also has solar charging capabilities although in washington i'm not really relying on that too much and has a little backup flashlight so the eaton emergency radio moving on to the next item uh i wanted to have some items specific to my region and especially in an urban environment i not only do i live in the pacific northwest where there's lots of volcanoes i'm kind of worried a little bit about that but also when you're in the city you know you have to worry about debris from buildings or from any other things like that i wanted to make sure that my eyes and lungs were protected also in a fire situation if you're in a building you want to make sure that your lungs are eyes protected as well so i have i have a let's see this is a little mask over here this is made by uh let's see this is the p100 respirator mask uh kind of looks like something you might see on breaking bad but it's a high quality respirator mask and i wanted to have a you know very good lung protection and to go along with that i want to also protect my eyes and i like these particular safety goggles because if i need to i could have them go over my glasses these are made by uvex they're the uvex s3970df stealth utg safety goggles so these go hand in hand and then also with this a particular baggie i also have some ear protection too just in case anything's loud so i'm kind of protecting all my facial senses so my eyes nose mouth and ears so those are all those items in that particular bag continuing on let's go down to the first aid you probably see that right away uh it's i wanted to make sure i had a first aid kit that's bright red this one's made by adventure medical kits this is the adventure of medical kids first aid 2.0 i really like adventure medical kits for you know pre-made first aid kits if i'm not going to make it myself for example i'm doing a lot of these bangs in bulk i like just going with something that i know that's going to be very well made so this one has all the items that i want for most emergencies it has medications bandages and things like that i also added a little tourniquet in here this is uh the tk4 tourniquet it's a very nice tourniquet i don't want to open it up for this particular video because it's kind of a one-time use type thing uh but it's a well-made tourniquet just to help with aid with a you know blood stopping agent so i have that just in this first aid kit also you want to make sure that if you they have 72 hours worth of prescription medications too so the adventure medical kits first aid 2.0 next let's start going through the items for cooking now in a get home bag cooking isn't as important to me as it is in a bug out bag all the items that i have in this particular backpack don't require any cooking but i still want to have capabilities for boiling water so this is a very uh it's a very nice cook set here it's made by stanley it's uh the stanley adventure camp cook set it has a nice little handle here for boiling water also if you wanted to cook although i don't really have that requirement for my particular bug out bag it also comes with some nice little cups here if you want to make some tea so i just threw in a couple of tea bags i like this particular brand made by good earth it's a sweet spicy and it has just two little plastic cups that are included with it so again very inexpensive this is less than 25 so the stanley adventure camp cook set and then also with the cooking compartment i have a little module here and i didn't want to go too fancy with a stove since it's not as important for this particular bag so i have this is a s bit ultra light folding pocket stove has little spit tablets that you see here i also have some tablets in the actual stove itself so just provides me with some method of cooking of boiling water i have just one spoon it's the rei camp spoon one dollar again very inexpensive and then i just have a military grade uh can opener so those are all the items for the cooking compartment the next module in this particular section of the backpack is my tools module it's labeled black so let's take this on the table top and we'll start going through all the items included in this little tool bag here all the items included in this little custom leather craft tool bag let's start here on the left so i have some eight inch straight scissors these are made by fiskers uh these are the recycled kind they're very inexpensive yet high quality if you're familiar with fiskars you know that they make good scissors i want to have these for medical purposes for cutting clothing also basically cutting anything i find that scissors are you know very handy for that so uh next i this is specific for an urban environment this is a joan stevens four-way water key i have this in all my urban kits for you're probably familiar with this when you go outside of a building they don't have a normal you know water hose or anything where you turn a knob they have that removed because they don't want people you know stealing the water so basically in an emergency situation this would be used for obtaining water from buildings it has a four different sizes on there i just include this with all my urban kits so i highly recommend these these water keys next i have some a few little zip ties here i find that i'm always using zip ties for repair purposes or for various reasons i also have a little plastic container with some nails and just for you know possibly for shelter for repair i just want to have some nails with me the next item here is a leatherman multi-tool this is the leatherman wingman i already carry a multi-tool with me as part of my edc but i wanted to have one just in case for a backup this is a very inexpensive one it cost around 25 or so but if you're familiar with leatherman you know they make high quality gear has all the normal stuff you'd expect from leatherman a screwdriver a can opener knife pliers the whole nine yards so the leatherman wingman and then last i have some 550 paracord this is 50 feet of 550 paracord and it's wrapped around a cool little device this has made this is the paracord spool tool made by five col survival supply it keeps it nice and neat as you're wrapping it around even has a little container here that you can put a mini big lighter here for you know sealing the edge if you're so burning the edge has a little razor blade here so you could cut this without needing any kind of additional cutting devices and it keeps it nice and neat when it's in your bag versus when you get it in the package it just falls apart so this is some 550 paracord wrapped around the paracord spool tool and those are all the items that i include in my tools module down here in the bottom of this particular section of the backpack i have my fire module it's labeled orange so let's start going through all the items included in the fire kit i have three methods of making fire for the fire module so the first one is using a standard bic lighter next i have some coglins waterproof matches this is made by the friendly suite this is the friendly swede magnesium firestarter i also have some tinder i just have some flat cotton balls that you see here and this just happened to be what was in the bathroom and then last i have some wet a one wet fire fire starting tinder and those are all the items included in the fire module this top little pocket is usually meant for mp3 players or for radios or anything like that but i include some batteries in here so let me open them up i have eight aaa batteries uh all the items that are included in this kit home bag you can require aaa batteries so that's all i really have these ones are made by n loop these are a nice rechargeable battery uh i have eight of them in here and so it would charge my headlamp as well as my flashlights so eight and loop batteries i have a few more tools in this particular section let's start grabbing them out so this one's pretty fun this one's made by dead on tools this is the dead-on annihilator wrecking bar 14-inch version this is pretty hardcore i wanted to have the specific for an urban environment i work in a you know in a building there's multiple floors in the building i just have a feeling that i might want to have some hardcore prying capabilities with a tool so this has a lot of features on it it has a various prying methods here even looks like a little hammer that you see here also you could pry with that also you grab some boards with that break anything it also has cutting capabilities here especially if you sharpen it so i want to have this with me for specific for an urban environment even though it has a little bit of extra weight to the backpack as a whole this is a high quality uh prying capability so the dead on tools annihilator wrecking bar 14 inch continuing on in the bottom of this particular section i have a fixed blade knife this is made by cold steel this is the cold steel survival knife this is an inexpensive yet a high quality fixed blade knife even has a little magnesium fire starter that you see here so a nice fixed blade knife over here you could use it for you know cutting things for various reasons just good to have a fixed blade for survival situations it even has a hollow handle here so if you want to you could store some cotton balls some matches anything like that i don't have anything in here right now at the moment but i'm sure that i'll trick it out rambo style so this is the cold steel survival knife fixed blade and then the last little tool that you might see here in the bottom uh this is just a little shovel this is made by coglins it's the koglins backpackers trowel so this is could be used for sanitation but i have this included to use with uh you know digging up geo not geocaches but survival caches so i just want to have some kind of shovel capabilities it's lightweight very inexpensive and this is for particular is for digging up any kind of survival caches that you may have on the route from your work to home so just a little shovel i have a few hygiene items in the little netted area of this particular backpack so let me just open it up really quick it's labeled hygiene as you see here so i have some sawyer sunscreen this is spf 50 so just on the the rare case that it might be sunny in washington i want to make sure that i'm you know properly protected also if i happen there happens to be bugs out it's always nice to have some bug spray so this is repel 100 insect repellent it protects for up to 10 hours this is good stuff so and then last but not least to go along with sanitation i just have a little portable toilet paper so some toilet paper for sanitation and those are all the items that i include in this little netted hygiene compartment those are all the items that i include in this mid compartment of the backpack so now let's open up the rear compartment and go through all the items over there this video is starting to get a little bit long so let's take a quick little pause before continuing on with part two in which we'll go through all the modules that are included in the rear compartment of the urban get home bag i hope that you guys are enjoying watching this video so far be sure that you download the pdf document that's included in the description box below that has a list of all the items that we've covered in this video as well as the part two video so please feel free to leave any kind of comments below in the comment section and again i hope that you guys are enjoying watching this video featuring the urban get home bag see ya
Channel: TheUrbanPrepper
Views: 313,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheUrbanPrepper, Get Home Bag, Urban, GHB, Emergency, Preparedness, Prepping, Survival, PDF, SwissGear, 72 hours, Bug Out Bag
Id: 1O4OKE6tnX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 20 2014
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