All 37 Evangelion Timelines Explained - Anime Explained

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This video is insane, and I love it. It is a Multiverse of so many connections, paths, and one central Kaworu (although same character, but one from a parallel dimension, or clones).

It is not simple, it's complicated But captivating, and interesting to learn how vast EVA truly is, beyond the main series.

And I thought Legend of Zelda, was complicated to explain it's timeline.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/kadosho 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

This video is fricking fantastic.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/8melodies 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

A lot of this video is just clear shitposting and parody, but I genuinely think that a lot could be said about the repeating Third Impact cycle and the timeline-hoping Kaworu theories.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/ALittleBitOfMatthew 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was pretty great

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Metbert 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

I watched and wow. This is perfect.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/after909 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

For the first time I understood what was the first impact, the longinus spear, lilith adam and all that shit.


I think this is one of the best videos explaining the evangelion main timeline.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/maxtrix7 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Something about his humor just got me. I enjoyed every bit of that. And I thought I understood Eva before

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/WDuffy 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is there another way to access this video? I'd really love to know more about the Evangelion universe, but unfortunately, this video is not available for viewing here in my home country :(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ryzo_Icarus 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
Neon Genesis Evangelion… A TV show that fans across the world love to watch To feel sad and happy… at the same time… Broadcasted on TV Tokyo from October 1995, ending in March 1996 Finally after many years globally debuting on Netflix. Tells the story of Shinji and the Funky bunch as they pilot EVAS and fight monstrous beings called Angels and attempting to save humanity… kinda. Now. When most people think of the Evangelion timeline I believe they think of this. We get the original EVA anime series then the Third Impact happens and the world kind of repeats and we get to the “Rebuild” series; 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. Even Hideaki Ano himself has said in an announcement about the Rebuild series that “”Eva" is a story that repeats.” What if I were to tell you that this isn’t it… What if I told you there was more than this? What If I was to tell you… That I... What if I was to tell you that I am… Going FOURTH IMPACT in this bi*** Presenting to you the REAL TIMELINE OF NEON GENESIS… EVANGELION. Let’s do this. So as stated before the typical understanding of the timeline is this. At the end of the anime series and End of Evangelion the Third Impact occurs and then Shinji rejects it and stops the Human Instrumentality Project and then the world is just a big ol’ red sea. Then the universe resets back, creating a temporal loop or a groundhogs day or groundhogs timeline effect of sorts which leads to the new loop that is the Rebuild series. So that is the “normal” timeline… Now if we look at the REAL timeline. I think that the Rebuild isn’t the only “loop” I think Shinji Ikari actually created many universes with their own timelines after the Third Impact. So a lot of the spin-offs that aren’t considered canon by many, I’m here to say… Is canon. And for the people that don’t know what a Third Impact is… I’ll get to that in a bit.... Before we talk about timelines let's do a quick history lesson for context and to do that we need to go back, back billions of years ago. We have the First Ancestral Race, who were ancient god-like entities basically god aliens... and they created the Seed of Life, which are beings created to spread life across the galaxy. Now in the show we see 2 kinds of Seed of Life; Adam and Lilith. Adam, creates powerful beings that can decide its own physical form called Angels, and Lilith, creates fixed form creatures like humans. The FAR then sent these Seeds of Life across the galaxy in a transport carrier called Eggs or Moons and they also created and assigned Spears of Longinus to each Seed of Life, which you’ll find out why in a second. So now let’s talk about Earth, 4 billion years ago. Adam, landed on our planet but before Adam could create Angels, Lilith decides to come tumbling down and causing the First Impact… Now. This destroyed Lilith’s Spear of Longinus which meant that Adam was sealed by its own spear. Now this is because it is said that if 2 Seeds of Life happen to be in one planet at the same time, they would combine and create a being on the same level as the FAR. So the god aliens created the Spears of Longinus as a failsafe of sorts. Now Adam was sealed and Lilith spreads it’s LCL everywhere and billions of years later… Here we are. That’s how life began on planet Earth folks… Alright that’s a lot to take in but let’s skip ahead to the year 2000. When Dr Katsuragi and the gang decide to travel to the South Pole, where Adam is still in stasis and they decide to experiment with it, for science. Big mistake, it ends up creating the Second Impact, which ends up creating a giant explosion that nearly ended humanity... Woops. After the 2nd Impact, 15 years later... We now, FINALLY get to the original anime series, Neon Genesis Evangelion. There we go… Now Shinji and the Funky Bunch pilot EVAs and fight Angels and try to save humanity. All that, all that… So by now if you have no idea what the hell a Third Impact is… Lemme tell ya, it is an event that is known to usher the new stage of life, evolution and existence. What the hell does that mean you ask? Well for that we must talk about SEELE… The organization that is backing NERV and is in control of the UN and basically the whole world. These anime illuminati boys found an ancient text created by the FAR called the Dead Sea Scrolls, which based on an actual real life artifacts found by archeologists in 1947. But in the anime the Dead Sea Scrolls is a manual and a prophecy that explains what the Seeds of Life are, how to use the Spear of Longinus, and how to initiate Second and Third Impact. Now for the public NERV is an organization that’s here to prevent the Third Impact and save humanity from the Angels… But SEELE, the real masterminds behind NERV, their real plan is to start the Third Impact and initiate a mind bendingly confusing event known as the Human Instrumentality Project, which is a forced evolution of all life on Earth. Basically in layman's terms, everyone’s physical forms and conscience will dissolve away in the form of LCL or orange fanta as the kids call it and all beings will become unified and whole. Okay so back to the original anime; whole lotta Angel fighting happens, at the climax SEELE says f*** it and sends troops to kill everyone in NERV and just take the EVAs, whole lotta Mass Produced EVA fighting happens, Shinji then says f*** it and the Third Impact happens. Which leads to the Human Instrumentality Project. Shinji says f*** it again and then we get the final scene in episode 26 and then End of Evangelion. Great times… Great classic hits. Now enough exposition, let’s get down to the time talk. I’m going to split the Evangelion timeline into 3 main timelines. First off we have the Prime Loop timeline this is where the Rebuild will be placed so it’s going to be considered the “main” timeline. Then we have the No Impact Timeline, where no Third Impact occurred and finally we get the School Life timeline, where the school slice-of-life reality shown in episode 26 of the original anime branches off into other universes. Now there's 5 OTHER extra lil hidden timelines but I’ll get to them as I run down the list. So first let’s talk about the main Prime Loop timeline. So before I fully go in I’m going to add Rebirth & Death and End of Evangelion with the original anime series because I consider them pretty much one thing Rebirth & Death and End of Evangelion... AND another thing to note, I am going to spoil most of these titles… you were warned... So Shinji at the finale decide to love himself and reject Instrumentality. The first alternate timeline that gets created in this series is, Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1st Impression, that was released for the Sega Saturn released in 1996. This alternate reality’s story takes place sometime between episode 8 and 9 of the original series. After losing to the weird fanart looking Angel, Shinji has lost his memory and so you play the game interacting with all the usual cast and at the end you fight the no name Angel again and Shinji gets memory back! Hooray! That the First Impression… That’s it... The 2nd reality in this timeline is the Neon Genesis Evangelion RPG: The NERV White Paper, a paper RPG also out in 1996. Now I don’t have much information on this one other than it introduces a new EVA pilot child named, Marie Vis… Vinesse? Vincennes? And you have to fight 2 new angels named Iblis and Barakiji? Baraqijal... Anyways this one I got nothing except some photos I found on the EVA wiki... Going back to Evangelion: 1st Impression we get the sequel Neon Genesis Evangelion: 2nd Impression This was also released for the Sega Saturn in 1997. This time we get introduced to a new student named Mayumi Yamagishi, who kind of looks like Mari from Rebuild… Coincidence? But Mayumi’s personality is pretty much the girl version of Shinji... And in this story Shinji-kun and revolution fight a new 12th angel known as the Insubstantial Angel they destroy it as usual and all is right with the world. Simple enough... Now we get Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel a dating sim game released for PC and MAC in 1997. This one is another timeline where Shinji meet a new love interest, Mana Kirishima. Who we later find out in the game she is one of the pilots for TRIDENT, a robot created to compete with the EVAs, as many fans can tell it’s very similar plot wise to the chunky unit, Jet Alone. The TRIDENT, like Jet Alone goes berserk and the EVAs have to stop it. So we’ll get back to this game in a bit, but next up. Is Neon Genesis Evangelion, that’s it... that's the title. It’s a game for the N64 released in 1999. It pretty much follows the original story beat for beat. Play as Shinji going through the motion… Umm playing as EVA 1 and fighting angels… All that good stuff. Fun fact: if you play the hard difficulty you get a secret 13th mission where you play as EVA 1 with it’s orange angel wings fighting the Mass Produced EVAs with a Spear of Longinus, and then the credits roll… But after the credits we see the Third Impact still happens like the anime… BUT in this one Shinji doesn’t choke Asuka in the beach, so I guess that’s an improvement from the previous timeline. Another one in the Prime Loop Time is Neon Genesis Evangelion: Ayanami Raising Project… This is a dating sim game released in 2001 for PC. Where you get to play as a NERV officer who is assigned to take care of the First Child, Rei Ayanami. Now in this game you just schedule her week with various activities like going to school, combat training and just having good ol’ fun and so much more. Like the N64 version Ayanami Raising Project follows the original anime story except the key difference in this universe is that there’s this random NERV officer that shows up to Rei’s house and sets her weekly schedule… Yeah... At the end of the game there are multiple endings and one of the bad ends is this; the Third Impact happens and the world starts anew, Rei is working at a fast food restaurant and you’re ju st a regular there. You just go and buy burgers from her… That’s it… That’s one of the endings... So we talked a lot about the Prime Loop timeline. Let’s now talk about the School timeline. First off, what is it? In Episode 26 of the original anime, during the Third Impact Shinji is shown an alternate reality where he’s just living a nice happy school life. His mom, Yui is alive and Gendo is just a loveable silly dad who isn’t worst father of the century. You also get the classic anime tropes like Asuka being his childhood friend, Rei is the new quirky transfer student and Misato is the hot homeroom teacher. Now in the anime this reality ends and Shinji is back to the “real” world. But I’m convinced that this starts the school timeline where we get many more alternate realities where Shinji just wanted to have a good ol’ slice of life fun. Okay first in this timeline we have 2 entries; Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel 2 Okay so the manga was released in 2003 and the game with the same name was released in 2005 for PC and PS2. Now the story is pretty similar to the Episode 26 happy-go-lucky school rom-com with some differences like, Gendo and Yui are actually creating EVAs to fight Angels and save humanity like the original anime also Kaworu is in this and more up front about his love than before. Even between the manga and the game there are some key differences for example in the game, Kaworu is just a normal high school student while in the manga it is hinted that he is an Angel and can transcend space and time… Incredible... There’s also several bad ends for the game like Shinji getting caught peeping at the girl’s locker and subsequently being expelled and excommunicated. And there’s 2 weird endings, not bad…just… weird... First weird ending is Shinji straight up dies, and then later they reboot him… As ROBO SHINJI, the protector of New York City... Yes instead of getting in the robot they decide to make him into a robot… The other weird ending is Shinji and Gendo make up their differences and the father and son duo go off into the Japanese mountains to become lumberjacks… Yeah… I guess the world is screwed but at least Gendo and Shinji can have some quality son and dad time. Okay so… Back to Prime Loop time and connected to the Evangelion N64 universe we have; Neon Genesis Evangelion… 2… Just to make sure… This isn’t a direct sequel it’s actually a branching off on the timeline… So we branch out here and we get… EVA 2! So, this is an RPG game developed by Alfa Systems released in 2003 for PS2 and in 2006 they re-released a PSP version called Neon Genesis Evangelion 2: Another Cases okay so this has some base improvements, different scenarios and new endings and a buncha other stuff. So for this video I’ll focus on the PSP version of the game as it is the “improved” edition In the game you go through different missions and in each mission you control a different character. First you play as Shinji, then Rei, then Asuka, as you progress through the game and interact successfully with different characters, you can unlock more missions and play different characters. Basically you can play as EVERYONE in the Evangelion main and side casts, even including Ibuki, Hyuga, Aoba, Toji, Kensuke, even the class rep Hikari AND you can play as the legendary, Pen-Pen... 11/10 great game yeah babay! Now out of all of the EVA games this one is one of the most significant because of 2 reasons; One, Hideaki Ano was said to have been involved with the development of the game helping to make the AI systems. Two, an employee at the Alfa System, interviewed Ano supposedly for a whole 10 hours about the Evangelion series and from that extensive interview they created the “Classified Information”. Which are unlockable data you acquire through playing the game, it gives a lot of information about many things in the EVA universe, like the First Ancestral Race, the truth about the EVAS, SEELE’s real plans and the fact that Yui was a daughter of an influential SEELE member, and so much more. This game is also significant cause some of the scenarios you can get into is truly bizarre like having Kaworu do a whole makeup transformation for Shinji, Kaji dressed up as a lady to help Shinji get girls… and Fuyutsuki going full creep-o mode and dressing Shinji up as Yui in a maid and taking photos of him… My man gets it rough… Goddamn... So next spin-off is another property with a manga and a game but this one is extra wacky cause it’s in 2 separate timelines… First we have Neon Genesis Evangelion: Shinji Ikari Raising Project, this is another life simulation game, released in 2004 and this is in the Prime Loop timeline. Then we have Neon Genesis Evangelion: Shinji Ikari Raising Project… again for the manga edition released in 2005, is in the School Timeline… The premise between them is similar but there's a few key differences. For example in the game follows the original anime story closely with a few deviations. Whereas the manga follows the episode 26 alternate school reality but with some major deviations as well… For example in this manga EVERYONE’S moms are alive, Shinji’s mom is a.ok, Asuka’s mom is good and even Akagi’s mom is still alive! WOW. [Owen Wilson Voice] Also Gendo is also just wacky as hell, just look at this panel… Incredible… And as you just saw there are Angels but they’re actually viruses, sent by SEELE to hack into MAGI… Also Rei is a distant relative from Yui’s side… AND there’s 18 volumes of this manga... Yeah. Now if you were thinking this universe was weird as s*** wait, this goes deeper because both Shinji Ikari Raising Project is actually linked with Girlfriend of Steel 1. Remember when I said I’ll get back to this? Yeah. We’re back baby. How can this be you ask? Well as I said before Girlfriend of Steel introduced us to a new student, named Mana Kirishima and turns out… she appears in both Shinji Ikari Raising Projects!. So this can only mean one thing… That after the Third Impact in GF of Steel 1, granted in the game we don’t see the Third Impact but since it so closely follows the original anime story except with Mana's introduction. I’m just gonna say that the Third Impact does takes place just like the anime. So the Shinji in Girlfriend of Steel must’ve wanted to meet Mana again so bad so he creates 2 new worlds with Mana in them. So the Shinji Raising Project… the game, is a direct alternate reality sequel to GF of Steel, while the manga is like eh…. Weird timeline loop connection debacle. Where Mana is the only thing that connects these 2 worlds… Also I’m gonna... make that disjointed to show that… you know… Timeline shit… So how you ask is this all connected? I’ll uh... I’ll get to that later... So next in the Prime Loop timeline we have Secret of Evangelion, so from what I can tell it’s a mix of visual novel and a puzzle game for the PS2 back released in 2006. This one you play as Kyouya Kenzaki, a colleague of Kaji and a member of the Intelligence Department in NERV, he arrives to Tokyo-3 to investigate the mysterious shrouding the NERV Tokyo HQ. This game there’s a few fun endings, ranging from getting killed during the SEELE invasion, getting killed by ya partner, getting killed by Gendo… To getting inside the EVA model 04 and throwing the Spear of Longinus at Lilith… So yeah there’s a lotta ending choices… So now we get to the 1st hidden timeline… This one I'd like to call... The Shmoney timeline… aka… Just the money timeline. So this one is a universe where Shinji wanted to make the big bucks. And what better to start this timeline off with the Evangelion pachinko games. Now there have been several Evangelion pachinko machines, it’s actually one of THE most profitables ventures. Makin the franchise easily 700 BILLION yen, that’s 6 BILLION US dollars… Shinji is dummy rich... Now the pachinko game I’m gonna focus on is the His-shou Pachinko Series Vol. 1: CR Shinseiki Evangelion, I’m NOT gonna write that, that’s a lotta words. The pachinko game released for the PS2 in 2005. This game is hilarious because you are playing a game… of a game, it’s also hilarious because you can move the virtual pachinko machine around, for that extra virtual pachinko experience. I can’t tell you ANYTHING about the plot of these pachinko EVA games, cause I have NO idea how in gods name you play pachinko and the parlors in Japan are mind numbing-ly loud, oh also gambling is bad and alla that… 6 billions dollars though goddamn… So all those variants sounds all crazy right? But wait… This next one in the is actually, I consider one of THE strangest entries. Hailing from the Prime Loop timeline… We have the Detective Evangelion this one is for the PS2 released in 2007. This is one of THE strangest universes in the entire Evangelion timelines… and that’s saying a lot… So the premise is simple, there’s a murder mystery going around and Shinji is the detective on the case! But the gameplay is absolutely nuts. It’s mix of visual novel, puzzle solving, a third person beat em up. And the missions… My god… the missions. You got fist fighting a schoolgirl with tentacle arms… Okay... Then you got trying to catch Pen-Pen in a classroom... alright... And then moments later you find the dead body of Gendo and then you have to inspect your own father's corpse for clues… That’s not a conflict of interest at all… and then RIGHT after that you fight Kaworu, both naked in a pool of LCL… I don’t speak Japanese so I have NO idea what’s going on at that point. And that’s not all though! After all that you find out Misato's dad is actually still alive! and after that he fuses with an S2 engine turning him into an giant Angel which Shinji and the gang defeats. Then finally Kaworu does what Kaworu does and decide to start the Third Impact, except this time you get an EVA model you’ve never seen before, called EVA model beta. Then Shinji and the gang beat htat EVA up and then Third Impact is over… Yeah… That’s... that's detective… that's Detective Evangelion... So now finally we get to the Rebuild series, and I believe the Rebuild series is actually in the same timeline branch as the EVA N64 and EVA 2 timeline. This is because these two follow the original story the closest. Everything else kinda deviates from it but these two they pretty much follow the original beat for beat. So I kinda consider this lil line is like a double canon... of sorts… Everything is canon but this one is… more canon... So we have the Rebuild popping out from there… 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. Alright so by now we should all know the story of the Rebuild series and for those that don't, let's do a quick recap. 1.0, Shinji is back and does the same ol’ same ol’ as the anime series. Except in HD 1080 4k p... 2.0 shit gets a lil different this time, we’re introduced to Mari... Asuka then uh gets corrupted by the 9th Angel Bardiel, which was the 13th angel in the original and was piloted by Toji AND the battle between Zeruel, Zeruial, Zerururu, zerurur i don't know how to that... goes real bad… Like REAL bad. Like early Third Impact bad... 3.0 is pretty much it’s own story, after the near 3rd Impact in the previous film 14 years have passed. You have Misato and her ragtag team of do gooders make a new group called Wille to fight the no-good NERV aboard a flying EVA ship like they’re the Avengers or something. Shinji meets Kaworu and they play a mean piano duet and then Kaworu dies… Also the fourth impact happens but it’s cut short. Now real quick if you're wondering how this Rebuild universe is actually is considered a sequel and a "loop" from the previous anime series, lemme break it down for ya. First we can look at the sea color. Original anime... blue, Third Impact happens and then it's red In Rebuild? Still Red. Moon in the original? Sparkly clean Moon in Rebuild? Got a nice lil splace of blood red on it and Kaworu? Just Kaworu that’s all I need to say. Do I need to say anymore? So let's move on to Neon Genesis Evangelion: Battle Orchestra, Damn I'm terrible at drawing circles to fit text... Okay so this one is a straight up fighting game, released in 2007 nothing much to it except this is actually linked with the Detective Evangelion game. BAM! Right there it's connected! YES and you ask, "How?" see if you play the Kaworu story mode in Battle Orchestra... the end boss fight with EVA 01 is VERY similar to the end boss fight in Detective Evangelion. Both Battle Orchestra and Detective Evangelion has Kaworu in the new Evangelion Model Beta. Funnily enough in Battle Orchestra you can play as Evangelion Model Alpha which isn’t even in the Detective Evangelion game… In this game you can play as the EVAs, Jet Alone, Angels including Lilith, each character has their own special move and Lilith’s special move is… you guessed it! The Third Impact… You can actually initiate Third Impact as your special move it only takes half of the opponents HP though… Yeah… So it's confirmed that Battle Orchestra has a Third Impact which means that there, there is a complete spin-off universe that gets born from this... yeah... Simple as that... I'ts canon folks. and next in line is in the School Timeline with the... Neon Genesis Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse, this is a manga released, again in 2007. This one is actually very significant to the EVA timeline but I’ll get to that in a minute or or five… This plotline is one of the more different takes to the EVA world. We have same ol’ Children fighting Angels. But in this universe the Angels take over the bodies of random humans, after they are defeated they drop their cores which the Children must obtain and collect. AND in this universe EVAs are not mechas but are weapons manifested from one’s mind. Kaworu has a sword, Rei has a Spear of Longinus, Askua has a whip like weapon and Shinji has… a gun. Shinji now has a GUN… So with these weapons these Children once again fight the Angels to save humanity... same ol’ kinda story but… with a lotta twists. Which I will get to later but let’s get to the next School timeline universe called Petit EVA: Evangelion@School, so this was a OVA released in 2007 and manga was released a few months after. I know I said Detective Evangelion was weird… But this one… This one is also pretty f***in weird. We have the kids all going to school as usual in their weird chibi form. And, HOLD UP… zoom in… enhance… Jesus christ that, EVA unit 01… In this world EVA 01 is a school delinquent, better known as a bancho… or Evancho… um... yeah. Basically there is no real plot to this story. BUT timeline wise it is bizarre because in the OVA there’s 3 Rei’s that exist at the same time; 1 Rei from the original Anime timeline, 2nd Rei is from the episode 26 school timeline and the 3rd is just small Rei. Now what does this all mean? I have no idea... Anyway, we get to the only alternate universe in the NO Impact timeline… This one is called Neon Genesis Evangelion -ANIMA-, a light novel series published in 2008, this series is created and supervised by the mecha designer for the Evangelion series, Ikuto Yamashita. The story is this, NERV successfully fights off the SEELE invasion and the Third Impact doesn’t happen, 3 years have passed after that and that’s where the story starts. Now I wasn’t able to read the light novel cause I can’t read… Japanese… Obviously... But from what I can see Ikuto Yamashita just really goes in, dummy plug hard with these mecha designs. They look sick... Uh... but that's about all I know... So let's get back to the Prime Loop timeline branching off both from the Detective Evangelion AND Battle Orchestra we have have Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Shinji Agency (I don't know why I said Agency and not Diary...) Now... how is this all connected? Well first of all obviously Detective EVA... Detective Agency... Pretty much the same... It's Shinji detective story... BUT in this story the Third Impact doesn't happen where as THIS as I said before Lilith, you can initiate a Third Impact so... My theory... This creates this universe but it's also, because of the detective side is linked with the Detective EVA universe... You follow me?! You better follow me... or else I'm gonna leave you behind... Now The Shinji Ikari Detective Diary! (I say it correctly here...) Is a manga published in 2010! And the story is... In this universe Kaji and Misato have a detective agency and our main boy Shinji, has to work part time at the agency to pay off his debts, after accidentally breaking an expensive vase. Kiss kiss fall in debt... Anyways Shinji teams up with his partner Kaworu and with their EVAs, which in this world are humanoid genie-like-beings that fight for you… Pretty much a JOJO Stand… umm... yeah... ANYWAY this one I also wasn’t able to get a hold of to... to read so… uhh... TO THE NEXT ONE. This one’s a weird one in the timeline… I keep saying they're weird, they're all weird... They're all weird at this point... BUT this one is a lil strange too... Neon Genesis Evangelion: JO, J. O... game for the PS2 and PSP released in 2009. The story is a lil strange because it follows the Rebuild 1.0 beat for beat and then after that it continues the story using the story of the original anime. So the way I see it... It has it's own little timeline... EVA... JO... But it's also weirdly linked to the Rebuild one... So I'm gonna do that weird little etching thing... Cause they're not directly connected but they are. But other than that there isn’t much to say about the game… Other than Evangelion Joe is funny to say out loud. ANOTHER one in the Prime Loop timeline, this one is called Tony Takezaki no Evangelion, another manga published in 2010. This one is more in line with the main story except this one is silly. Just straight up silly. There isn’t much connecting plotline it’s just a lotta funny lil sketches. But in this universe Fuyutsuki actually starts the Instrumentality. Oh yeah! So we can see the Fuyutsuki, Yui’s romcom one day... I guess... So let's get back to the shmoney timeline. We have one of the funniest and strangest collaborations the SMART, JRA x EVANGELION crossover. JRA... x Evangelion... and I feel like in this universe, Shinji just really got into Horse racing and decided to create a whole universe about that... There’s 3 PVs which includes a Horse EVA Unit 01… Also horse SEELE… Also real life Japanese jockey, Yutaka Take is in this talking to the kids… And then he is in a press conference with Gendo… Real quick! Fun fact about Yutaka is he has won 7 championships with a horse named… Dep Impact… Coincidence? You decide... Anyways the original campaign was made as an initiative to get the youth to gamble in the horse races… So they used a relatable and popular series like Evangelion to do it… Incredible. Next in the shmoney line is a universe where Shinji got tired of the gruffy, grumpy Gendo and decided to create the Schick x Evangelion So this uhh... Universe is pretty simple, Kaji upon returning to Germany presents Gendo… Not Adam but a Schick Razor… And in another promo video Gendo shaves his neckbeard and he transcends to the sky exclaiming… “SHAVE IMPACT” and afterwards gleefully flying through the sky. You heard it right… Not Third Impact… But a Shave Impact. So right here we have the 2nd hidden timeline… THE... SHAVE IMPACT TIMELINE. So in this we have at least 3 alternate universes… First is The Creer Beaute x Evangelion collaboration, which are a line of perfumes, but in the scent of Shinji… and Kaworu? Hmm. The promotional pic already shows us what we need to know though… Shinji basically created a universe where he's a Chad. And then there’s also the SuperGroupies Lingerie x EVA line with Rei, Asuka, Mari, Shinji AND Kaworu inspired bra and panties… And finally the Peach John Lingerie x EVA collab, it includes lingerie and pajamas inspired by the colors and designs of Evangelion. This collab gives the fans what they truly want… Pen-Pen pajamas. Now coming back to the School Timeline, we have Neon Genesis Evangelion: Legend of Piko Piko Middle School okay so it's a manga released in 2014. And is another strange comedic universe... and the story is this… NERV is a school this time and it’s teaching a special group of children to pilot the EVA… But they're still tryina finish the EVA so before they finish it, they must train… by playing VIDEO GAMES. That right! The fate of the world rest on the shoulders of... Gamers™ This one I’ve only read one volume so I can’t comment much other story wise... But something is hilarious about watching Gendo being a doting, loving father to Rei but treats Shinji like s*** and talk smack to him like an actual middle schooler… Okay so we have the Shmoney Timeline, but we evolve to the ANOTHER secret timeline YES the 3rd hidden timeline, and this one is called the Crossover timeline, this one is a little different from the merchandise based Money Timeline because these are gonna be crossovers with other existing shows and properties. And first in this new timeline is the Transformers x Evangelion where Optimus Prime and the autobots meet up with NERV and they team up to fight Starscream that has fused with an Angel. That’s about it, oh there's also a figure of Optimus Prime in EVA model 01 color scheme. Evangelion… humans in disguise… Now back to the shmoney timeline we have a crossover almost as strange as the Horse Evangelion crossover titled... Kagome x EVANGELION And Im not talkin about... Kagome from... Inuyasha So for those who haven’t sipped the sweet juice of Kagome, Kagome is a Japanese manufacturer and distributor for food products. I don’t have much info on this crossover as the official youtube videos for it are long gone… But from looking at the photos, the twitters and the whatnot... it’s a tomato with an AT field… In another video we see the 3 EVAs, in the form of Kagome juice boxes stopping what seems to be the... Sasaquiel... Sahaquiel? or LCL? Are they sipping it? I don't know if they're stopping it or drinking it from this photo... Juice boxes drinking juice… hmm. Unfortunatley most of the official PV as I said have been deleted so I only have images to come to my conclusion as to what the f*** is happening. But in the same universe we can safely assume that the Third Food Impact or Tomato Impact happens which leads us to the 4th new secret Timeline, titled the Third Food Impact... Now before we go and talk about the strange Third Food Impact timeline we must go back to the crossover timeline with the Super Robot Wars series, more specifically Super Robot Wars: F, F Final, Alpha, Scramble Commander, MX, Alpha 3, and V. What is the Super Robot Wars series you ask? Well it’s a it’s a series of tactical RPG games first released in 1991 and the franchise is most famous because it features many and I mean many different Mecha properties and sticks em all into massive crazy stories. So if I talk about all of the Super Robot Wars I just listed then we’ll be here for another 20 minutes or so... so I’ll focus on one, titled 3rd Super Robot Wars Alpha: To the End of the Galaxy released for the PS2 in 2005. In this game alone there have 6 different Gundam series, 3 different Mazingers, 2 Getter Robos, 3 Macrosses, Evangelion and much more. I decided to focus on this game particularly because during the main plot line… The Third Impact happens… Yes God Rei pops out of Central Dogma and initiates Third Impact and the Human Instrumentality Project… How does it end? Does Shinji find happiness and self love? Despite the hurt and pain?? Nah… The whole gang get together and beat the s*** out of EVA-01 and they save the day through that... Yeah… I guess that’s one way to stop the world ending event and save the world... Okay so to another crossover we have the... Shin Godzilla verses Evangelion. That's right and this is a multi-leveled marketing crossover universe including a merch collaboration, several artworks, a Universal Studios attraction, an orchestra performance and a fair few figurines. What’s interesting about this crossover is that Hideaki Anno is the director of both Shin Godzilla movie and the Evangelion series, he even features many aspects of Evangelion into Shin Godzilla, like using a remixed version of the famous Decisive Battle track from the Evangelion anime. Also check out this sick figurine designed by the concept artist of Metal Gear and Zone of the Enders Yoji Shinkawa called 'Nerv Made Anti-G Weapon.' What’s fascinating about the Anti-G Weapon is that, in this universe NERV has their own Anti-Godzilla Division and this mecha was created using data from the Kiryu series aka. Mecha Godzilla created by the JSDF in the past. Some fascinating things... Now I couldn't get too much into the rest cause I'll be here... again talkin about this for several hours and minutes... So let's get back to the strange Third Food Impact Timeline, we have only one universe that stems from it. And this one is mouthful... It's called... The Coco Ichibanya x Quasi-Zenith Satellite System x Neon Genesis Evangelion. Now for most people living in this world those words sound like jack diddly f***in squat so let me explain. Coco Ichibanya is a japanese curry franchise, Quasi-Zenith Satellite System is a project by the Japanese government to develop 4 satellites to get better GPS within Japan. Let me now try and write the entire thing... It's the... Coco... Ichi... banya... x Qua... qua... qua... Quasa..? I can't spell Quasi... Ze... Zenith... Satellite... System... x Evan... gelion. I can't believe I can't spell Quasi... Okay so this is a rare timeline universe because it’s actually is connected with our current timeline. So let me just draw this line. That's... that's getting into our timeline that's what that means. So this collaboration is just in the form of an app which allows anybody to see CoCo Ichibanyas around Japan and you can eat curry there So what does this have to do with Evangelion? Look at Shinji and the crew! They love Coco-Ichibanya! Let’s jump back to the Crossover timeline, we have a game for the PS4 released in 2017 titled, City Shrouded in Shadows Now out of all the universes this one is one of the most fascinating. Because in this game you don’t play as Shinji or anyone in the Evangelion universe, you play a random person living in a fictional Japanese city called Ichi City, and all of a sudden famous kaijus, mechas and heroes appear out of nowhere and start duking it out These famous properties include; Godzilla, Ultraman, Gamera, Patlabor and Neon Genesis Evangelion. From the gameplay video you can see the main character running away from EVA unit 1 fighting Sachiel and later Sham... Sham... Shamshel... Samshell? Samyshell... This one I feel is an... not an alternate universe but more of a screw up in the space time continuum where Shinji and the Angels got lost and popped out in Ichi City. That’s why the line that I will connect with this is gonna be... jagged... Cause that's... time continuum... bad time continuum... stuff. So this is the last entry in the Crossover Timeline… Released in 2018 it’s the Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion x Neon Genesis Evangelion crossover So now for those that have no idea what the hell I just said… Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion... I think that's correct... is an anime series about transforming train mechas. Yes, you heard me right, henshin train mechas. Anyways in episode 31 of Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion I still don't know if I said it right... the main character, Hayato has to battle a monster different from his usual battles… This time he must fight an... Angel, not just any Angel… An Angel that looks like 4 different Angels stuck together. The fight is tough and when all hope is lost… from a distance… You hear… *EVA theme song* The EVA train rollin in. Based off a real train that exists in Japan, the EVA 500 is a remodeling of the Model 500 Shinkansen high speed train, made to look like Unit 1. Unfortunatly the actual train is discontinued now and you can visit the museum to check it out. But you can't ride it anymore... RIP... The EVA 500 transforms and together with Hayato they fight and destroy the Angel, bringing peace to this strange train robot universe… I forgot to mention you get to see a glimpse of the EVA 500 train in episode 17 also shot of SEELE monoliths but with the Shikalion logos as if this crossover isn’t strange enough… Okay now I can reveal the final hidden timeline… The 5th final hidden timeline... is called... Horny on Main Timeline. YES. Horny on main timeline... This one is pretty much a joke but I want people to know that this franchise, this Evangelion franchise... got so wild they made 4 Strip Mahjong games… that's so f***ed up... So by now you must be thinking, this man has lost the plot… How can he prove all these connects into one universe??? How can he prove this?! Well first evidence we have is... Neon Genesis Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse… Remember I said I’ll get back to this later? Yeah… we’re back babay. Now in Campus Apocalypse Shinji finds out the Angel cores they get after fighting the Angels are being used to fuel the World Tree, also known as Yggdrasil. Kaworu explains the Yggdrasil holds many realities together, he straight up goes there’s multiple possibilities in life and from each possibility a new world is born and branches out from the World Tree. Basically this chart I made… is a Tree… A Time World Tree… Also to double down on the connected worlds theory, in the manga we see a flashback of Shinji’s past where he sees his dad, Gendo die in a tragic accident only to see ANOTHER Gendo from the Prime Timeline universe appear and decide to become this world’s Gendo and save Yui in that universe. I said Gendo a lot just then... that's alotta Gendos. So basically... We have something like... The "Prime" Gendo traveling... skipping through that... and reaching... Campus Apocalypse. Now folks let’s talk about Kaworu… Kaworu Nagisa is another great evidence for the greater connected universe. Because most, if not all of the versions of Kaworu hint that he 1. Has the soul of Adam, 2. Knows about the greater universe and no matter where timeline or universe he is and 3. He still got the hots for Shinji-kun. In Shinji Ikari Raising Project manga, he is transferred from the school and immediately goes all shonen-ai on Shinji. In the GF of Steel 2 manga he was an Angel capable of traveling Time and Space, we can see this in volume 4 where we see a flashback to Gendo and Yui in their highschool days and… there he is… That's Kaworu... Okay I’ve been here for like 20 whole minutes but I have to talk about Neon Genesis Evangelion… the manga, written and drawn by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, who was the character designer for the Evangelion anime. Now I haven’t talked about this at all because I wanted to bring this up as the final entry to the timeline. So bit of context the manga was originally made around 10 months ahead of the anime but the pre-production for the anime was long under way before that. The manga also took significantly longer time to finish, beginning in December 1994 and finishing in November 2014 but if my theories are correct the manga is the first in the EVA timeline tree. Now how you ask? Thanks for asking... uh... random audience member. Well we gotta go back to my sweet silver haired boy, Kaworu. In the anime the audience and Shinji meets Kaworu in the 3rd last episode of the series but in the manga we meet him significantly earlier at volume 9 which is the 5th last volume. In this Kaworu is much more alien like, unable to understand human emotions and when he and Shinji first meet they aren’t immediately friendly to each other. But slowly after many interactions Kaworu grows fond of Shinji and after squishing him, Shinji realized he was fond of Kaworu too… Now the manga has a much happier ending because the Third Impact and the human instrumentality happens but the world is reset to a much friendlier and happier place. Shinji is just a normal boy who goes to Tokyo to start his new high school life, meeting this new univere’s Kensuke and Asuka along the way. But it is also heavily implied from the games and other mangas that the Angel Tabris aka. Kaworu. transcends time and space so Kaworu probably sent his memories and his knowledge to the next Kaworu in the anime timeline. So from that we have right here... The Evangelion manga and this connects with the school timeline because it ends in a much friendlier way. But Kaworu from this world goes right here. To the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime timeline. So to break this down let's look at the Kaworu... sequence... We have the original Evangelion manga, Kaworu meets and falls in love with Shinji there... He dies... Then he sends his alternate essence or memories or whatever to the anime universe, where by already meeting Shinji is already infatuated with him. Then we get to the Rebuild where at this time he just straight up says "I've been waiting for you..." "I will meet again" he says at the end before he dies... So there's a lot of hints to that... AND we get like GF of Steel where he is already in love... Shinji Ikari Raising Project he is already infactuated, Evangelion 2 he's also into Shinji... And even in EVA: Legend of Piko Piko Middle School. Kaworu hints that he has read doujinshis of Kaworu x Shinji Yeah. So basically when you really look at it... It could really be that Evangelion is a whole series based on Kaworu tryina get with Shinji... but failing... every single... time... And that is the entire timeline… as far as I know… I’m pretty sure there’s some game, a weird merch, some manga out there... ACTUALLY I'll be frank with you... While I was preparing to film this today I found out that the... Petite EVA: EVA @School actually has a DS game... So yeah... Lemme just... f*** it... I'll just add this here... DS game. Yeah so... So you can shut up about that... But I'm confident... That this... this... is it... So with ALL that said... this is a wrap folks, and look at all this knowledge… that I've given you... for FREE. So now when you’re watching the anime again on Netflix or you’re at the theatre in the years 2020 and watching Rebuild 3.0 + 1.0 you can rest assured that you’ll be one of the most galaxy brained person in that entire theater because you actually have the information… You know all the pieces of the puzzle… You now know... the TRUE history... AND timeline of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Oh but before I sign out I’ll leave you with another great quote from Anno… "Evangelion is like a puzzle, you know. Any person can see it and give his/her own answer. In other words, we're offering viewers to think by themselves, so that each person can imagine his/her own world. We will never offer the answers, even in the theatrical version. As for many Evangelion viewers, they may expect us to provide the 'all-about Eva' manuals, but there is no such thing. Don't expect to get answers by someone. Don't expect to be catered to all the time. We all have to find our own answers." Wow… powerful stuff... too bad I gave the all-about EVA manual just right NOW. HAHA! Take that Anno... IN. YOUR. FACE. *LOTS OF CONGRATULATIONS* HA HA!!!!
Channel: Crunchyroll
Views: 2,621,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crunchyroll, crunchy roll, anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, Eva, NGE, End of Evangelion, Netflix, Evangelion explained, Evangelion rebuild, Eva rebuild, Hideaki Anno, shinji, rei, Asuka, get in the robot, end of Eva, anime explained, anime explainer, does Evangelion timeline loop, what is Evangelion about, Eva explained, all 37 Evangelion timelines explained, timeline, evangelion explained, evangelion theme, kaworu, 3.0+1.0, Thrice Upon a Time, new movie, leak, camrip
Id: ueUeMFbGq9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 51sec (3231 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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