What is Just in Time Learning?

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so i'm reading comments and youtube trying to answer more and i like this comment a guy made about just in time learning it's a nice way of expressing uh my methodology in terms of how to quickly become a professional developer so let me read i've been coding for years i believe in just in time learning for new coders learn the basics html css javascript php maybe get a job and use just in time learning to meet the needs of your current situation having a practical real world situation to apply your learning makes learning faster more fun 100 don't just pull a technology out of the hat ruby especially don't want to pull out the ruby no and devote uh let me let me expand this a little bit don't pull a technology out of a hat and devote hundreds of hours learning it you could end up running in the wrong direction between gigs sharpen your basic skills exactly this is the way you got to go so people will read online on this site or that blog or this video of that video this is the technology you got to learn this is technology you got to learn but i've done in videos over and over and over again it depends where you live depends on the type of coding you want to do another point you can't really choose a bad technology to learn because even if you were crazy enough to learn ruby you could jump over to a proper programming language at a later date i'm just joking ruby's fine ruby's fine so whether you learn let's say c sharp at first and then you find there's only jobs and java in your area not saying that would be the case but just as an example you can easily transition to the java job because the principles in java and c-sharp and javascript and python and php and ruby and pero and c and c plus plus they're all very very similar they share maybe 90 of the same language concepts and constructs if not more 95 so yeah just in time learning that is basically the way of software development professional developers especially in the first three to four years you're constantly learning you're sitting down and you're looking at a project and you're saying okay leveraging your basic skills your that you've developed from a decent training course things below links below you have enough of a conceptual understanding of the key techniques and principles in development that you start to implement them one of the mistakes people make when they're trying to learn is that they want to try to understand some of these concepts like what's a recursive method object orientation design patterns et cetera et cetera so i could go on now the thing is when you're trying to learn these things the quickest way to actually learn them conceptually to actually deeply understand them is actually write code that implements them so you want to learn about recursive functions you want to learn about object-oriented object orientation and um how to implement object-oriented code properly write the code write the code you don't want to get caught up in tutorial hell and you don't want to sit there trying to understand a concept the quickest way to understanding concepts is to write code the quickest way to becoming a pro developer is the right code another question that came up recently in a discussion was the memorization how important is memorization in coding well it's not very important at all it's about conceptual understanding being a great developer is not memorizing the syntax the code being a great developer is having great conceptual knowledge so for example i've written tons and tons of java code of any language i've written more java code in any language i've written a bunch of software commercial software in other languages of course but of any single language it's java for me just happened to be at the time in the 90s when i started writing code java was the hot new nimble language and everybody was going into java so there you go that being said that being said conceptual understanding comes from writing the code and uh memorization of code is not that important it will happen by the way as you start writing more and more code you're going to start things will start coming to you very quickly but when you stop writing the code for maybe six months you're gonna start forgetting there's this specific syntax but that's why uh that's why god invented code editors that complete your code for you now we have a new branch of code editors uh ai base code edit uh code completion tools and again these are just tools to help you out so yeah remember it's not a memorization game coding is not a memorization game it's a conceptual understanding game i hope this helps bye-bye if you want to become a pro developer in record time i invite you to check out my mentoring program this is the most comprehensive training program i've ever put together includes all the training you need in all the languages you need and it includes private group meetings where you can ask questions the schedule is flexible so the program works around you and still keeps you accountable and the great thing about the program is that you'll be learning from somebody who's been in the game since the 1990s you're not paying five thousand ten thousand fifteen thousand very easy to manage cost if after a few months you decide it's not for you you just have to contact me and we can stop the payments
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 4,096
Rating: 4.9879518 out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: 17heV2etYtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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