Should you use PHP Laravel for Freelance?

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hey guys somebody put a question to me on my farm so i thought you guys would find it interesting so he writes i am an aspiring freelancer wouldn't it make sense to learn laravel after becoming competent with php mysql mysql crud and wordpress or are frameworks like laravel primarily only used for larger projects for larger clients and not simple web apps for restaurants or small businesses or non-profits this is a very good question so a short answer is larabelle is worth learning after you've done what i would characterize as the fundamentals fundamentals of course in the web stack or html5 css3 javascript then if you're doing freelance definitely jump into php php is the king of freelance then you want to learn the mysql database then you learn the mysqli library and then crud and then probably some wordpress if you want to do freelance so what is laravel and what is a framework just for people who may not know so a framework a code framework if you will is basically just a bunch of templated code a bunch of codes structured in a very particular way that is agreed upon as being the best way to structure your typical web app the whole point of frameworks is to speed up your development process by providing all this boilerplate code so that you don't have to write it again another advantage of the framework is that many many individuals have worked on this framework so you can expect that the framework code is going to be far less buggy than the code you would have to write from scratch the other big advantage of a framework is that if you build your web app with a framework especially a popular one like laravel if you ever needed to bring somebody else onto the team you could just say we're using laravel and you could find laravel experienced developers who will be able to jump into it and learn how your code base is structured much more quickly than if you did something custom totally custom from scratch so the larger question is should you learn laravel if you want to do freelance stuff because is laravel something only used for a larger project short answer is no you wouldn't want to use a web framework for every single thing out there but i would say for maybe high 90 percentile i don't know 95 98 of them you might want to use laravel now if you're doing something in wordpress you probably wouldn't use laravel although you can mate laravel and wordpress together depending on the circumstances but generally speaking uh laravel i would say would be used and leveraged in many many projects because you want to take advantage of all those advantages because laravel has all these built-in capabilities things like authentication layers built-in cron a whole bunch of other things so you don't have to build it the other advantage as i said you have a structured framework that's clean understood easy to get other people on one other big advantage of using a framework and learning a framework like laravel is that it's going to improve you as a developer because you're going to see how some of the most experienced developers in the community have decided to structure and write code the good thing about laravel is that the creator has borrowed from some of the best frameworks out there not just in php world but other frameworks as well so it's been modeled after that it's continued to be refined so by learning laravel you'll be learning how to code better and you probably improve your coding skills all together to close off php has several frameworks not just laravel symphony comes to mind codeigniter cake although i wouldn't be using codeigniter by far though the most popular is laravel and for good reason it's a really good framework we use it for studio web and all the languages that are doing the web have frameworks of some type so python has django and flask i believe there's others java has struts and although not too many people stretch these days but the most popular is spring and spring boot what else is there of course has a dot net framework and what else is there express for javascript and node et cetera et cetera et cetera frameworks are common they're useful but powerful so once again to close off if you're getting into freelance yes learn the basics php mysql mysql library crud may learn php pdo depending on your point of view if you're freelancing yes wordpress will probably come up so it's good to learn at least the basics of wordpress and how to create wordpress themes and uh from there you can decide to jump into a framework because it's just going to make you a better coder at the very least seems very likely to me it will probably you probably use it in some production code here and there it doesn't have to be big projects they just have to have some level complexity that's a judgment call of course that's a judgment call anyway i hope this video is useful if you want to learn more about software development i have my solo learn courses links below and i also have my mentoring program slash boot camp which will teach you how to code teach you how to get a job teach you how to start freelancing teach you start businesses teach you how to have a career and to find yourself in a fantastic position financially in a short period of time thanks for watching bye
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 27,826
Rating: 4.9675965 out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: 92UkADWwH7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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