Upgrading and talking about computers

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Hahahaha You brought back some gaming memories !! I use to buy a game and have 100's of playtime hours very quickly. Like you I broke the habit.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Pay 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

I LOVE Andrew's channel. Check out the container castle he is building, its outright amazing.


He's building a fucking castle out of old shipping containers in upstate New York.

He runs a property management business and has all kinds of interesting videos about equipment repair, installing driveways and electric service, all kinds of stuff. I never thought I'd sit and watch an hour long video of a guy grading a gravel driveway, but he manages to make it all damned interesting.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MediocreFisherman 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right so I just want to make a quick video here installing some more memory in my computer all right it's been running pretty well but I think usually having more memory in a computer they usually like that so let's put that in there and see if it maybe runs a little bit faster for video editing so let's see what we have now to see that we'll go to my computer click properties alright installed memory 16 gigabytes we're putting another 16 gigabytes in it so let's get started so first let's turn this off all right I have it in this closet here to make it quieter I sell before working on it let's just unplug the actually we can just turn that off alright so the power supply is off I'm not gonna make a big deal out of this alright so here's the memory right here so we've used I got two of the four spots moot used so whatever working on a computer you want to keep your self grounded to the chassis chassis that way you know to prevent static electricity from building up alright so this only plugs in one way [Music] looks like it's this way all right it's in there let's turn it on and see if it works that's pretty cool it lights up all right I'm sure that's working fine I'll just put this cover back on we want to have these on because it's uh the air doesn't flow properly through the case without them and cool it down all right that one's very easily all right so let's say I go to my computer and see if it's working properties all right well here it is here installed memory 32 gigabytes well that's good I had 16 before so that's working well that was pretty easy so that's good hopefully this should run a little better so I'm still using GoPro studio to edit everything and that's been working pretty well and if anyone's curious how with a record like your screen this program here OBS alright so now I'm going to be installing this MDOT to drive so what this is this shows up is like a hard drive but it's faster than a regular solid state drive and considerably faster than a traditional spinning hard drive and it plugs in alright it plugs in in that spot right there I got it alright let's try it on all right so that new thing that should just show up as a hard drive so I don't see it here all right that's how you do it hi that's this one here okay so we just could do make new volume next next next and there we go all right new okay I don't want to call it a new volume hang on um properties all right let's call that m-dot to drive yeah all right there it is so the point with this that is supposed to be extremely fast so now when I'm editing videos I can work off of that Drive and then when I'm done with a video project I can just store it on one of these you know like a traditional hard drive even just USB ones all right great that went well all right one more thing I want to add here is the solid state hard drive so this is similar to the last thing I added but it's a little bit slower but still you know very fast and it's got twice the amount of storage on it all right so as far as hooking it up this thing here that's for power and this is for the data so that's called a SATA connector all right so that plugs in like that so my power supply it's most of the plugs on the thing are the old-style like this that's like what old drives used to use that 4 pin connector so I have a few more of the new ones it doesn't quite reach where I want to get you know I'm just gonna pull it off this cd-rom drive right there I'm never gonna use that and extension cords are available let's drive and go right here you know this connector just it plugs in but it just it pulls right out like nothing I'm just gonna use this one off the cd-rom drive all right that's fine I mean cd-rom drives by 2018 are pretty much completely obsolete all right let's turn it on no that's not I never seen that one before maybe it's just upset about that missin cd-rom drive all right it's on now go Windows are okay so here's our new disk right here all right let's create a new volume next formatting right here alright and there it is alright well that was easy so now this Drive I can use this between that drive and this em--to Drive I'll use them for editing and then for storage you know just use like a regular hard drive ok and to plug my cd-rom drive back in I have another SATA cable a good one and I'll order this alright that's all done ok so here are um editing this video so I'm still using GoPro studio I was thinking about making a video over the winter on how to use this software so the way I'm using that new drive now so the way it works is when you the files off the camera they come out as an mp4 format I've been recording everything in 4k which is 3/8 40 times 21 60 30 frames a second and then to edit this program converts everything to avi files which I think it's a lot easier for the computer to work with them now the file sizes of the avi files are huge but it's it's ok you don't need to keep them so you can erase them once you're done on a video editing project and then still keep the raw files and then you can even save your video editing projects so if you ever wanted to re-edit it for some reason you can just reconvert everything and make sure you know don't rename stuff so it has the same file names and then open it back up and you can pick your work right back up again even after erase in all these converted files so here I am using that new Drive right here so the directory I'm using you know I just put solid-state conversion and here's that em to drive I've been using that but now what I'll do is when I finish filming I'll put everything on this solid-state drive that's got four gigs then convert it to this m2 drive finish it and then I can store it on like this is just a traditional hard drive here and they're a lot cheaper for just archiving stuff then I can just use a regular USB ones too and then just write on them what it is alright so I'm gonna finish up editing this let's go talk about all my old computers and this is how you record your screen by the way in your audio with this program OBS video alright so those upgrade parts I put in my other computer are working well the memory sped it up a little bit the biggest improvement was the solid state drives now whenever I'm editing a video project I will have the files I'm working with on the solid state drives and the video editing software runs a lot smoother and faster so that was definitely worth doing and then once I'm finished with a video editing project I can store the files on the much cheaper traditional hard drives alright so I'm out here today to talk about every computer I've ever had and since I don't ever throw stuff away I have computers back my first computer back from when I was about six years old so let's start on that end on my first one alright this here is the first computer I ever had experience running this is something my dad brought brand-new in 1991 I would have been about six years old at the time so as far as the stuff I did on this computer I probably mostly just used it for games this computer ran when Microsoft DOS and it had Windows 3.1 on it I probably mostly just used das because I knew what I had to type in to get my games to play so I still have a lot of the games at the time when you bought software it would it would come on these three-and-a-half inch floppies now also this computer had a five and a quarter inch floppy but at the time you know in the early 90s that was pretty much being phased out so you can see here's a piece of software you'd buy at the time and what you know it was very common for that software to have both types of disks so there was this so there it is on a three and a half and then here it is on a five and a quarter you can see the difference in the disk size but this was an improved disc over this one I think it held about twice the data these held one point three megabytes I think these were like half a megabyte or something and now in a wenton that drive like that and these were that's where the name flop we just came from because these disks you know been like paper a lot of these disks were like demo disks where they were free like the first the first quarter of a game or something would be free and then if you wanted to play the rest of the game you'd pay for the rest of it so this was like you know here's doom I'm like a demo disc and then if you wanted to finish the game you would buy it you know the box and it would have the rest of the game on it so the games here that I remember that we're really great you know Wolfenstein this was pretty much the first walk around and shoot monsters game it was pretty neat especially be in the first game then a little bit later doom came out and doom was like Wolfenstein but they really got everything right about this game just the speed of the gameplay the way it looked you know Doom was kind of credited for the first walk around shoot monsters game and it's really one of the but it's still an awesome game so they're you know they're it is written Hill doom 1 in 2 you know that was a cool game that was kind of neat this game here lemmings this was a very addicting game and and that thing there there right my dad was like addicted to this game for a while couldn't stop playing it you know it's a puzzle game but it will make you crazy cuz it's like never-ending and it just gets continuously gets harder and then there are some like educational games like that you know it's a game but they kind of made it like you know learning kind of walking around shooting monsters was a little bit more fun so let's talk some of the specs about this computer because that's kind of how we're going to compare all the computers here so this in 1991 was like $3,000 it was a 386 processor running at 25 megahertz it had I think a hundred megabyte hard drive it may have been 80 runand awesome Windows 3.1 alright so we're gonna be talking about like the units of measurement for speed and storage here and we're gonna refer back to this but as far as storage so this computer had a hundred megabyte hard drive so now when you go to buy a hard drive you'd be looking at terabytes like a big hard drive now you can get like an eight terabyte hard drive 1 million megabytes make a terabyte so for example this computer about maybe 90 of these disks would be how much storage this computer had in total and it really wasn't enough at the time that was what was available that was the best thing and for the time that was great because before this you know like a 286 or something had a lot less storage you know we look here as the catalog for example here's an old advertisement for a Dell so there's a Dell 486 and it had 4 megabytes of RAM so this must have been okay so this is 1992 this magazine is a little bit newer than this computer because for at this time you could buy a 50 megahertz 486 with 4 megabytes of RAM 230 megabyte hard drive more than double what this had is the price right there for 3 grand you know that's and that's pretty much what a good computer cost even today you know three grand will get you a nice computer um you know but here's some more some more ads for example there's a ad for a hard drive um you know now they're advertising a hundred megabyte hard drive right there so another thing that really shows how computer storage has improved tremendously you know here's one point three megabytes 700 megabytes today the storage that I'm using in my cameras right there this little tiny card the size of my fingernail is a hundred twenty eight gigabytes that's 128 gigabytes is a hundred and twenty eight thousand megabytes over a hundred thousand times more storage in this disk right here and more than 180 times the storage of this disk right here and this little card here that's not even the biggest one available currently in 2018 the biggest one of these you can get is a 512 gigabyte which I mean that's just it's enormous but then you know the recording in 4k you know 128 gigabytes sound huge but 4k that's only like four hours of footage so the other thing about this computer is we were always kind of upgrading it it started out with a 386 25 megahertz processor and then I remember a 486 came out and we bought a 486 chip and put it in there and I did notice a big difference with that the 46 like for example Doom in some situations the 386 would really bogged down and slow down the 486 was a lot faster so there's an example of what the processor looked like and it even even when buying that new processor they even I remember the old sticker that said z/os 386 is still under that 486 sticker so then once a bunch of years went by you know we were running this computer for a while then cd-rom drives came out ok so then one cd-rom drives came out that was a really a big deal at the time because a CD could hold a lot of data a CD could hold about 700 megabytes about seven times what this computer could holds I remember getting like encyclopedia programs where I had like so much information on one of these disks it was amazing okay so then we kept that computer around probably longer than we should have and it got old and then in 1997 we bought this this at the time was about another $3,000 computer so it was pretty uh you know it was another pretty high-end computer and comparing this to the z/os this was a big improvement over this so this had Windows 98 on it which was I mean even Windows 95 was a huge improvement over Windows 3.1 that this had and but this we got it right when Windows 98 came out it was like 1997 and as far as the specs on this to compare them so they're both about the same amount of money but as far as speed wise the z/os was 25 megahertz and you know then later upgraded to 50 megahertz this Dell was four hundred fifty megahertz had 128 megabytes of RAM or I think that only had four megabytes this had a hundred megabyte hard drive the Dell had nineteen gigabytes so if you look at our data powers of 10 you see there is one gigabyte is a thousand megabytes you know this computer had a hundred and ninety times more storage than this one the other thing that this one came with this came up a DVD ROM and that was cool because DVD can hold even more storage than a CD enough to fit you know a whole movie on it or just as far as data I could hold a lot more data so this computer here and then a few more then maybe your two went by and then CD writers were available so we bought this CD writer and that was really cool because then you could write to anything to a blank CD files you could copy disks it was really cool because again these CDs for the time this was a lot of storage especially being able to write to it so you know this is an example of a writable disc and then they had these that you know RW that was a rewritable so this one you could use more than once so then about 2 more years went by and I got this for Christmas one year and I have some here's some old photos of me opening up for Christmas you know the specs on that were kind of similar to that this was the kind of a cheap computer there's only 800 bucks as far as specs goes you know this was 433 megahertz compared to the 450 of that Dell this only had a six gigabyte hard drive and 64 gram which was half of what that had but Windows 98 64 gigs it was okay and this was really cool because then I had a computer in my bedroom which was just you know it wasn't like a shared family computer it was my computer the other thing that's cool but some people may be looking at this thinking this as a Mac this is not a Mac this is a Windows machine this is made by e machines and at the time Macintosh came out of a computer that just looked that looked just like this and it advertised it heavily with it's it's all-in-one design plus it's you know they came in a bunch of different fancy colors like this and then this company went and copied them and and they they got in a fight over that there's articles and stuff online but it's like they sold these for a little while but then like they weren't allowed to sell them anymore and had to pay Apple some money for completely ripping off their design so these are sort of a collector's item and they're kind of rare but you know I used one as my personal computer for years so as far as this computer things I would do on it at the time I was probably in junior high school so I was using it for school work a lot we had dial-up internet what this was my first computer with internet actually that one was to the dial-up internet was pretty much too slow it was so slow it wasn't really usable I mean it worked but it was it sucked the other cool thing with this then once we had two computers in the house so this computer here has had a built-in network card and that was really cool because you know it uses this type of wire here this is a coil category 5 cable and this is an rj45 connector and it's used for computer networking so at the time we made a crossover cable which is one of these cables just wired so you could plug each computer right into each other without needing a router or or hub or anything or switch and then we had a network bill in the house and that was so cool because with the network you could share files you could share a printer you could play these a lot of these games where network games so that was really cool you know that computer it didn't come with a network card we had to add it but it was you know they just it was expandable wasn't a big deal some of the downfalls with having an all-in-one machine like this you couldn't really like this computer here it was very upgradable you could take it apart add stuff to it and change stuff around this one here you really couldn't do that like these weren't really user serviceable so you couldn't add stuff it didn't have one of those laptop expansion slots on it so you can plug that in the other thing both these computers these were the first computers with USB you know that old that first computer didn't have it so when you went to plug in accessories and stuff it would either be a serial or a parallel cable and they were hard to get working you know people don't realize how great USB is because you can get power from it and when you plug stuff in with USB it generally just works which is not your nuts with it stands for universal key key thing so like Windows 98 at first didn't really support it I think they kind of added it in a service pack one or two so it did work but it was like they kind of croak like Windows 95 didn't really support USB and that was a big improvement to computers so the other thing this only had that six gigabyte hard drive that wasn't really big enough I bought this external 20 gigabyte Drive and pretty much worked off of this the whole time that between having 20 gigs and 6 gigs that was enough storage this was also my first time getting a laser mouse instead of having like a so you can see on an older z/os computer it used like a ball type mouse the laser master was a huge improvement over the ball mounts it just worked a lot better though other things we did you know we added this webcam to this Dell computer that was kind of cool but still even this webcam you know this was so early on it didn't use like a special card and stuff it wasn't like if you had bought this a few years later this would have been USB so as far as games you know these computers could run anything the ce o--'s could run and I remember one thing that really stood out how fast this computer was compared to that z/os was installing doom so if anyone remembered installing doom you know it didn't fit on just one floppy disk it would be like five of them and and then once you've finished running all these sticks loaded all these disks under the computer it had to like extract them or something and then museos it would click like one dot at a time and it took like 30 minutes and I remember on this Dell it happened so fast it was like less than a second like we missed it it was just so cool to see how much faster this computer was than the ce o--'s are so as far as stuff I did on these computers you know it was school I did a lot of school work with my man I had an internet so I could do internet research but as far as games some of the great games here that really stood out probably my favorite one here this Carmageddon - they you know this was a driving game where it was just like a free-for-all demolition derby the entire game and they got but the physics of the game they got it like completely right and this game was like it really could make you a good driver as far as sliding cars and stuff around I spent so many hours playing this game other games here the Caesar three that was a lot of fun this tank game was kind of fun you know Carmageddon won and Carmageddon three were okay but but two is the game to play Warcraft 2 that was a great game a lot of fun playing this online with other people and what's the two computers networked together we could play yes my friends or something came over we could play these games you know just right in the house without the internet so that was fun to have and plugged into each other so then a bunch of years went by with these computers and probably the best thing that happened during the life of these computers was when cabe Internet came out so with dial-up internet it was so slow it sucked like you couldn't really use dial-up internet and I remember hearing about cable internet pretty early on from one of my friends and like he's telling me how fast it was and it just sounded unbelievable and then he was like saying oh it's on all the time too like with dial-up internet you had the dial-up to it and connect and then you couldn't use the phone what while it was happening and it would disconnect all the time and with cable it's just it's just always on the Internet's just always there and I was so excited when that was happening and I remember when the cable guys were out on the streets and installing the new they had to install new hardware and physically install new wires I remember going out there riding my bike talking to him you know when's this gonna be finished so I can't wait till this is done and then we were like some of the first people to have time warner high-speed online and that really changed things cuz then the internet speed was so fast you know hundreds of times faster than the dial-up it's fast enough to the point where you could do whatever you want to do online you could download stuff in seconds share videos play games online then at that time once that happened and we got you know I learned more about computer networking because you couldn't just have the computers plugged into each other what you had to do is you had your modem and you get a router so the router would plug into the modem and then you get a hub or a switch and then the computers would all you could plug the bunch of computers into the hub or switch and then and then go into the router and then into the modem and then all the computers could share the Internet at the same time so that was just a huge improvement so the other thing that kind of happened during the life of these computers is that's I probably kept them a little later and I should have you know we're before I got new ones but that's when I was late in high school and then I started taking some high school trade classes on computer repair and computer networking so that was cool because that's how I really learned a lot of stuff because we were just in classrooms all the time with like an endless supply of computers just doing stuff to them constantly and with teachers that's what to do and it was just a lot of fun to change parts around the knees especially when you're getting instructed to sew stuff I did to him you know both of these came with Windows 98 I loaded Windows XP on them SP this was a little too slow to run XP specially with 64 megabytes of RAM this one could handle it really with XP you really wanted like 256 Ram and you really wanted like at least I 600 megahertz I mean this 450 ran it but and then we're then I still kind of messing with that zo sty had Windows 3.1 I've ever put in Windows 95 on it which was a big improvement over 3.1 but it was that computer couldn't really handle 95 and we're also trying to do internet stuff with the z/os it couldn't really handle that either it kind of could and we even might be I'd even had internet like in the mid early 90s but it was very different than today's Internet it was like a command based thing really it was something kind of for nerds you know the average person probably wasn't even aware of it or caring about it and it wasn't something my dad had around for a while but it was it did exist okay so there's a couple more years went by and then you know the point where that emachines was kind of getting too slow to do some of the stuff I wanted to do and I got this one this was my room computer for a while this here this was another very cheap computer of ever being at Walmart with my dad and this was there I got it for Christmas one year but comparing the specs so this is a $700 computer and it's or speed wise this was 2000 megahertz compared to 450 from the Dell or 433 from the eMachine and the 50 megahertz from the CIO's so that was a big speed increase had a bigger hard drive you know 150 gigabyte hard drive so that was a lot more space 768 Ram I think I added that though I don't think it came up all that you know came up Windows XP which Windows XP was a pretty big improvement over 98 XP was great at first and that's it you know when I was in college for computer repair that stuff that was the newest operating system so that's what we were using xpeke kind of had its flaws though I mean one of the jokes was like if you install the computer with XP and you didn't have at least service pack 2 on it like if you would just plug it into the internet and not even do anything like it would load itself up with viruses like instantly it was kind of funny so like you know XP worked but it wasn't great so then so this would have been in 2002 gee I guess I had that way too long because then in 2011 I got this and you know all that all the numbers on this were a lot better actually I think I was using a bunch of computers that I had you know gotten out of the trash that had fixed that were maybe a little bit better than this but this again this was like one of the new ones I bought so for speed wise you know so this was twenty seven hundred megahertz but it was like dual-core so I think that's like two processors and more RAM this came up Windows 7 Windows 7 was a big improvement over XP and I was using this up until very recently in a lot of my videos on my channel the older ones were edited on this and if you're looking to get into video editing you know something like this is a computer you can get at a trash for free and you can edit 1080p videos on it fine this was doing fine editing 1080 stuff the problem is when I started strictly filming in 4k this could not handle that it just I tried it would sort of do it but it was always crashing just it wasn't it wasn't fast enough to handle 4k and that was with me too even i upgraded the process earnest first I had some cheap processor I put an i-5 in it then I put a better video car and I filled the RAM up all the way you know one game I was playing recently on this was World of Tanks that was a really fun game you know playing online with friends and then you need to have your headsets to talk to each other I try not to play game I'm not playing any games now the problem is the games are so nice it's too easy to get like addicted to them and spend way too much time playing video games which are fun but you're not accomplishing anything so even if I was to pick it up again I'd want to limit how much time I spent doing it World of Tanks was a lot of fun you know what stopped us was weird people who were playing it you know free game the the tanks me and all my friends around it was called T 18 and everyone was complaining OTE teens are too powerful I'm like no dude they're not my side and back armor was was nothing but the front armor was invincible to a lot of other tanks you can really get people mad like if you are good at the game and we're in a platoon we'll fight a few of my friends would we play as a platoon where we could talk to each other over our headsets and we go out you know in our group of three people and and do pretty well in these battles and really sometimes like in the chat you could really get people wound up too which was funny and they were do it they were complaining about those ta teens too much style and they violently they made the TA teens weaker and I kind of ruined the game but I mean though you you could keep playing and find other tanks and people that LTTE is too powerful Mike will get a t18 not that hard of a tank to get they shouldn't have taken it away they should have just made the t18 really hard to get or something I shouldn't be talking about too much video game stuff but yeah and so that led me up to the computer I had now you know when I was editing in 4k it's something that's liquid cool running solid-state hard drives running Windows 10 you know again probably something I spend maybe around three grand on that's usually what it takes to get a good computer you know this I don't remember how much this was but I don't think this was over like $1500 I could do more videos I guess if I suggest a video and ask people if they want to see it everyone's gonna say yes like the one I was kind of thinking about making was a video on how I edit these videos because I've spent hundreds of hours doing that and I've gotten it down pretty well to know how to manage it to the point where you know because I go home do like a job and stuff all day I come home from work you know I'm tired but then I got to edit for hours to get these things out so I really got it down to a system to where I know how to do it where it's not going to be frustrating and you know it's a comfortable work environment so you know I could make a pretty decent video on that I guess other videos I could crowbar out or like fixing some of these I mean this one still works I tried turning this this on oh hey let's try to turn this on see what happens nice resume all right I tried this the other day I'm getting further than I was getting that mom the father isn't looking so good here and I'm like 99% sure I had Windows XP on this thing so I don't know why it's booting into 98 actually it looks like that's turning on that's cool let me um the other thing I should mention about this one of the most other important features that this had this came with a video capture card built in at the time you know the the best way to pretty much record stuff when this computer was out was still on VHS tapes with that it was very easy to capture the video from a VHS tape and turn it into a digital file which was then you could share and edit it this computer really was the beginning for being able to edit digital videos for me well it almost sort of works so yeah for this being a cheap computer you know it was cool that I had some of those nice features built in like the you know video capture alright well it kind of works so that's neat it's better than not doing anything you know I know this one still works and those two work where there's nothing interesting about those I'm sure if I mentioned if people are gonna want me to do it it'd be probably a pretty fun challenge to try to get that z/os working again because I remember breaking that adding trying out a hard drive to it when probably 1998 when I had this one and like some sparks shot out of it when I turned it on and then it stopped working and I bet at this point I could fix it I know parts aren't super available but it'd be even cooler to take it apart and try to find the parts that failed and solder on you know new parts and the board you know as far as like the TV and stuff that I watched you know I watched some of the other guys that are putting out similar videos to me the other stuff I'm watching like the 8-bit guy on YouTube where he gets these really old computers and takes them all apart and you know does a great job filming and fixing them you know it's just so cool because you know because you know I've ever been a little kid and you see like a circuit board and stuff like this and you kind of think well you know how does that work in it and then just like well the answer is magic it works off of magic but you know but it's not really magic you know there are people who know what's going on here and in watching some of those videos it kind of makes it look fun to trip well fun to try to figure out how to take to diagnose issues on these and actually solder on new chips and fix circuit boards and build circuit boards and modify circuit boards so that might be something I'd maybe try to jump into I think on that Zeo should be somewhat doable I'm sure if I suggested everyone's going to say I'll do it fix it all right over the winter time if I can't find anything to do I get that's something that I could do all right well that kind of is my computer video I could easily keep talking about these computers for hours but I know a lot of people on my channel aren't here for computer stuff but the reason all these videos exist in the first place is because of these computers and it's just been so cool over my lifetime seeing the improvement the guys who had built these computers have made on them you know that from 20 years to now but it's like you know these later computers are like thousands of times better or faster than these early computers since christmas is coming up I got you know I still got more shirts but I just pick up these ladies shirts so these are a v-neck they're lot softer small through large and I got children's large now and and I still have some of these left so I'll put the link for the eBay listing in the description this will make a great Christmas present and for everyone who was asking about this I this just came in the mail today too so that's that's pretty cool
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 188,634
Rating: 4.9271774 out of 5
Keywords: Hard drive, m.2 drive, computer upgrade, zeos computer, first computer, coumpter history, vintage computer, windows 98, MS dos, windows 3.1
Id: U4294XlenEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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