UPDF Review | Most EFFICIENT PDF Editor On the Market!

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in this video we're going to be taking a look at an efficient PDF editor that will meet all of your needs so you can read edit annotate OCR and organize PDFs across all mobile devices and desktops so that means Mac OS Windows Android and even iOS so this is going to be completely compatible with all of those devices so without further Ado let's go ahead and take a look at this application before going any further I think we should address the elephant in the room and of course that is going to be updfs competitors and if you guys have been searching for a PDF editor you guys have probably found Adobe Acrobat and that's kind of one of the most famous ones out there but here's a few reasons why updf is going to be a better choice than Adobe Acrobat first and foremost updf pricing compared to Adobe Acrobat is only a percentage of its price not to mention they actually have a Perpetual plan which Adobe Acrobat does not have and this gives you a lifetime access to the software across all platforms so we get Windows Mac OS Android and iOS and speaking of the usability one of the leading PDF editors Adobe Acrobat is only available on Windows devices with its standard plan not only leaving out Mac users but iOS users as well so in this modern day and age where a lot of people don't want to Lug around a laptop and they may not have access to a computer you guys can virtually use updf anywhere on your mobile device alright guys so we are finally in the updf application right here and once you have your PDF ready of course if you have it on your desktop you drag it straight into here and if you just want to go ahead and open your PDF through a file just go ahead and click right here and go to the respective file and open it through there but we already have an example set up for you so let's go and show you how this works so once you're on your PDF our first mode is our reader mode we can either zoom out zoom in we can go to the first page we can go to your previous page our next page just like that or our last page and of course we have the option to present this so we have our slideshow you can either play from the start or play from your current slide so that's actually really cool if you needed to present this next is our comment section so we're going to go back to the top of the page right here and take a look at the comments so the first thing we have right here is our sticky note if you guys are having a collaborative effort and you guys are working on this with somebody else we can actually go ahead and click right here and if you need someone to edit something say change this picture for example and go ahead and click off if somebody sees this little alert right here they can double tap it and it's going to show you the day the date the time and show you what needs to be done so that's really really cool we also have our highlight mode so you can choose your respective color we're going to choose yellow and of course Very self-explanatory highlight whatever you're highlighting so we have strikethrough as well same thing choose the color that you want scroll down to some that we can strike through and you guys can change the color once you've done it already too so that's pretty cool next thing we have right here is underline kind of works the same way you choose your color you go and underline whatever you have right here we have our squiggly in case something is spelled wrong whatever text box of course we also have our pencil you can change the opacity thickness and color we have our eraser right here as well we have our shapes you can change your opacity border thickness border color and fill color waiver stickers these are native stickers inside of this application so it's pretty cool they actually have some cool ones in here that are for holidays and different stuff like Christmas so really cool that they have these stickers in-house there are not a lot of places that you can actually have stickers like this natively so that's actually really cool way over stamps so if something needs to be approved say this little PDF needs to be approved go ahead and click right here or revise or reviewed all you have to do is click on which one that you want place it wherever you want on the PDF and it leaves the date leaves the time and of course says revised or approved or whatever you want to leave right there so that's actually really cool also if you guys have a signature and you guys saved a signature in here you can choose your respective signatures and maybe you're signing an invoice you guys can just go ahead and place your signature on the PDF next thing we have right here is edit PDF and this is self-explanatory this is basically the meat of this whole application of course we can edit the text and it gives you little individual text boxes to edit so if you want to go ahead and edit you double click say you want to change something just go ahead and change it boom we have our images as well so if you guys want to put an image somewhere you can actually hold this to the size that you want right here so say we want it to be the same size as this we go ahead and hold it to this size it's going to go and ask us for a photo so we're going to take a photo from our computer go and click on that photo and there is the photo so that's actually really really cool and also we have the ability to leave links so if you guys are sending this PDF to somebody and if you want to put a link right here so someone can go ahead and you know get a link to the web page you guys can go and do that as well so that's really really cool um you guys can also organize pages so if you guys want to take one of these pages and put it right here or flip this over here you guys have the ability to do that we can also crop a page if we would like to do so which I'm not going to do I don't want to mess that up and of course we have some other page tools right here so that is how it looks it also asks you when you leave which is pretty cool to either save or not save so it gives you a little reminder so really pretty decent user interface on here I really like how it's working so far it's pretty smooth updf also has many features that leading PDF editors are missing like stickers that can help create an illustration and express different emotions needed to communicate which is pretty cool definitely reminded me of clip art you can also add text by dragging it from any platform you find on the internet and simply pasting it directly to your PDF so that's honestly going to save some people a lot of time not to mention one of the most important utilities of a PDF editor the conversion options so there are a few prominent file formats not provided by Adobe which updf actually holds and they are the following so the first one is converting PDF files into a CSV converting PDF files into a BMP and converting PDF files into a gif and I feel like one of the most important and premium features updf has that Adobe Acrobat lacks is of course the PDFs as slideshow now the Modern Age of Technology one does not always need to print a PDF but maybe present one to a board of leading managers at your company for example and this is executed by simply using the built-in slideshow feature to present your PDF in a simple and effortless way that leaves many distractions out updf also features its own native OCR tool that lets you convert your scan and documents to editable and searchable PDF documents just like Adobe Acrobat but of course updf does not cost an arm and a leg so we go back to pricing at the end of the day the pricing of it of course is going to be its biggest thing um it is very very affordable and if you guys want to get this at even a cheaper price I will leave a 50 off discount code you guys can only use this in April so if you guys want to take advantage of this I'll leave it in the description down below and the top comment as well but hopefully you guys enjoyed this video this has been so far from Tech right peace out Tech gang
Channel: TechRight
Views: 3,175
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Keywords: TechRight, techgang, pdf, pdf editor for windows, pdf editor free, pdf editor
Id: hlyn7ndeLpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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