Working with the OpenSubDiv modifier in 3ds Max

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hey everybody in this video we're gonna take a look at how the open subdiv modifier works when it comes to modeling now from all the previous videos we made about modeling we basically saw that the all the time we were using the turbosmooth modifier to get the smooth shapes that we need for our model so here in my scene I have again a very simple plane has been extruded and beveled once so we get this step like structure now if we put on a turbosmooth modifier what we get is this nice-looking round edges and the flow is well it's making it make it it's making it look as if it has a smooth transition now we saw that if we want to have a sharper transition we would have to go in and chamfer the edges and add in more extra details by adding more extra edges so now what is open subdiv well open subdiv is a modifier that works similarly like turbosmooth but instead of adding extra geometry and it's going to try and taper the edges together so let's see how that works I'm gonna delete this turbosmooth and from the modifier list I'm gonna choose the open subdiv modifier now right off the bat you're gonna notice that there really isn't too much different in honestly everything looks the same so what gives why would we use open subdiv well the first thing is the iterations I can increase it just like you would do turbosmooth and you would get more geometry that geometry can be seen if we turn off the ISO light so as you can see more geometry it simply Quadra Phi's all of the polygons that it gives us more polygons to work with all right so now if we take a look at the options that we have here the first thing is the vertex boundary in the open subjects control now this simply controls how the vertexes are going to be calculated by default this is put on edges and corners if you put it just on edges notice what's going to happen on all of our corners they're gonna get tapered end so if you don't want to get get this result simply leave this on corners the other thing is the UV boundary now like I said the open subdiv doesn't add in extra geometry it simply takes the already existing geometry which is a major plus for it as it's not giving up extra geometry so the UVs will not be disturbed so if you have proper UVs on your model and you're using open subdiv you shouldn't be getting too much UV stretching now here's the other thing so how would we go about and adding sharper edges without actually adding geometry well that is where another modifier comes into play that really works well with open subdiv and that is the crease set boom modifier now once once you select this crease set make sure you pull it down beneath the open subdiv in the hierarchy here so the open subdiv is actually working on top of the crease set so what does the crease set do well it's a very easy to work with modifier as it really has only two things that you can select you have vertices and you have edges so let's let's go ahead and see how this would work first thing that we want to do is define where we would like to have those sharper edges let's just say this transition here I want to have a sharper edge so I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do is select the entire line hold on control select the bottom one select this one and this one now I can either choose to have the middle one if I want to have a straight line but I'm gonna leave it for now so now now the next step is you want to make a set or a control handle the way to do it is simply come over here and let's name this top control and as soon as you press enter you're gonna notice that here now we got a new field that says stop control and we have this slider on top of it so let's see what this does I'm going to turn on my open subdiv and I'm gonna turn on show end result so I can see what's happening exactly turn off my edge and now take a look at what happens when we slide this number for the next to the top control is we are sliding it in all the geometry is tapering and it's giving us that nice roundness so as you can see we're not adding any extra geometry let's turn on the display we are not adding any extra geometry and we're getting this look so like I said all of the edges where we needed to have the sharper transition are getting tapered together and are creating that sharp look so this works really well for complicated scenarios as well so this was a very easy sharp turn but what happens if we have something like well some kind of Oh both of these some kind of a cylinder here so in the middle here we have well let's go ahead and simply make one I'm gonna come here create one cylinder drag it out find something like this I want to move this beneath and in this case I'm simply going to use this as a cutting helper in the modifier I'm gonna choose cut with the slab I'm simply going to use the vertices from that one just so it can help me cut my model like this like this alright as soon as that is done we have what we need we can now delete that bottom cylinder and what you're left is with this form now I'm gonna just clean up a bit so target weld this to that side go like this there we go and the middle delete select the border hold down shift and extrude upwards or downwards whatever need whatever you need so I'm gonna scale it on the z until it's totally flat I could have just made it planar but same same thing happens now I'm going to cap this on the top here is an here's a little nifty trick you should remember when you're a capping or something like this you can always either go like the manual way of going cap and then you go and connect everything or you can suck like right lemme sure so cap and then you would go and cut from there to there and that they have to get those edges or instead you can shift over to edge deselect two edges on the opposite side and bridge them together that is going to create the same exact result all right so we got this form happening over here now again we would have to add another creased set a new one because sometimes when you're working on already existing preset and you add more geometry it can well sometimes it can make some issues and create some unwanted results so again simply select those guys again create and top priests create set that is going to create our set let's manually now select these guys and let's select the ones on the bottom as well bottom crease now I want to select the bottom of my my cylinder the bottom sunder and let's go one more on the top so top cylinder as well alright now what will you have to do turn on or put on open subdiv modifier put in some extra iterations so we have some geometry to work with and now once we get back to our preset we can deal with the sharpness of our edges so like we did previously let's simply go ahead and crease the top we can see we got that same exact look now we can crease the bottom and you can see that we get this nice-looking edge flow no issues here and the edge comes to the bottom of our cylinder and kind of stops so no problems here as well it's even transitioning well into this gooey cylinder and now once we add in the support edge for our bottom cylinder or the crease for a bottom cylinder you can notice that oh that cylinders holding that form pretty well and once we put the support for the top cylinder it really turns into a nice looking geometry so let's turn on D or turn on the isoline display and we'll see that we haven't add added any extra geometry for example even if we put it on a very very low setting of one it's not adding any extra geometry so it doesn't look the transitions are really visible but you can notice right away you have some effect happening so the more you have the stronger that result is now we can do the same thing here add in more forms or more shapes but Indian it all boils down to selecting which edges would you like to have creased and then simply controlling them from the crease set selection and more or less that's about what you would have to know about the open subject modifier in conjunction with the crease set modifier and that would be it for this video I hope you guys have fun you managed to learn something new that is the case don't forget to subscribe hit that like button and take care I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Denis Keman
Views: 44,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds max, 3d modeling, tutorial, dkcgi
Id: zUzGacqY35o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2016
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