Unveiling the Huracan at SEMA 2019 and Our First Real Drive

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I'm not too big to say I was wrong. The car came out really well and the turbos with the way they're mounted fit the insanity really well. Incredible job by Chris, Oscar and Kyle.

I was on the edge of my seat these last two episodes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thijs-vr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yep, it was pretty cool. Hilarious that they were in such a crunch they forgot about gas.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/manwichmakesameal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just watched this episode and I am beyond stoked to see how it turned out and how it sounded!!! Can’t wait for the build breakdown and to see some more driving footage!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Beardimus_Prime1985 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I will admit I was wrong that they wouldn't be able to do this. I still think it's not totally up to standard, but damn me it's impressive work.

Can't wait to see that they do with the build once it's back home and they can take their time with it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/enigmapenguin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm a bit suprised there aren't more people on Reddit tracking this build. When you consider the amount of work and crunch time going into something so ambitious AND all the work going into editing and providing content I'm just amazed.

This build is nuts and I can't wait for the next step of a dyno and tweaks to make it truly a driver.

That car is a work of art.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Doom_Sing_Soprano πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't know how he managed to pull it off in time, but it turned out amazing! Super inspiring.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chaseoes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
sup everybody welcome back to another episode of bees for build today's episode is the episode that almost never ended from the last episode continuing on meaning we haven't slept and today's episode we're gonna document the journey of taking this car to Las Vegas building it and assembling it somehow in a parking lot somewhere I'm guessing and then driving it into the SEMA show getting his setup for SEMA and showing you what the final result of our 2019 SEMA build is gonna look like stay tuned [Music] we fired her up and she fired right back looks like we got a weird oil leak we didn't really expect at first we thought it was our header wrap you know just taking a second but it's a ton of oil oh yeah that's a problem well we figured out our problem this is actually kind of what I suspected right away when I thought I was in oil league it's just a loose fitting working these really long nights you know and having multiple people jump in and out of different jobs accidents are about to happen and that's exactly what happened so that fitting was just like hand completely hand loose you could just you know Oh careful cars moving almost read my foot over anyway so yeah so we're gonna tighten it down it is like just you know a couple hours before we leave for SEMA now our cars all smoky flavored so I'm gonna burn some of that off with another startup all right we got those oil lines all fixed up so hopefully there will be no more leaking I did want to fire it up but we also noticed one more thing is our alternator wasn't charging the car as it was running and we want to save a battery that we have for Vegas so we're just gonna go ahead and push it on to the trailer alright it was no easy task we had to use airlift and wood and all sorts of great stuff but we got the burnt icon on the trailer now the original game plan was for me to take my green Huracan Chelsea and I were going to jump in the green one and Kyle's gonna drive the truck and the trailer and we're all gonna head off to Vegas together what plans have changed we managed to go so far past the deadline that it's 3 a.m. right now humid I haven't slept in three days and I have my SEMA battle of the builders Young Gunz judging obligations and judging starts tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. so being all know today technically at 7:00 p.m. so I would literally have to jump in the green Huracan it and drive non-stop not having slept for 3 days and that's like a legitimate no sleep three days and go all the way there so I thought you know what that's pretty dangerous doesn't seem very smart so I'm gonna catch a plane in about two hours and get to Vegas a little early go to sleep wake up him do that meanwhile Kyle is gonna drive this bad boy all the way to Vegas and meet us there so we will catch up with you guys in Las Vegas hopefully in a nice parking lot with a little bees for build spot for us to be is for the build Oh what's up everybody it is like 24 hours later almost to the dot from where we left you guys so we left you guys back in Portland Oregon with Kyle and myself loading the car up onto the trailer so fast forward a little bit Chelsea and I got on an airplane we flew here to Vegas because I had a meeting that I had to hit at 7:00 p.m. Kyle the hero that he is drove through the night through the day into the night again and made it here so it's 3:00 a.m. and we have until 3:00 p.m. tomorrow to get the car offloaded off of this trailer onto the beach for build proving grounds parking lot aka the Hooters overflow parking lot and get it into the SEMA Show so a lot of people act like scene was full of ton of cars that don't drive but that's actually not really the case there's very few non-running non-operable cars in SEMA one of the reasons being why is it so hard to get your vehicle in there it's not like you can just park in some parking lot and push it in there's thousands of thousands of cars in SEMA and having the one that's pushed powered ain't a good thing so we can't be one of them but let's keep in mind the last time we tried to start this car it tried to burn itself to the ground and that was just like 27 hours ago just add the fun and the timelines and all the other stress I have my next obligation for the seeming young guns judging at 8:30 a.m. its 3:30 a.m. right now which gives us 5 hours to get this car ready and sorted enough to a point that Kyle can drive it into SEMA for us when it's ready so it's time to get started this is the last really stressful push once it gets in to SEMA we can just make it look good and everything will be awesome this is this is the serious time when it counts right now so Kyle's gonna go ahead and pull the truck forward we're gonna air up the suspension we're gonna grab our blocks and everything we're gonna get the car off of here then we're gonna work on engine based stuff like that we're gonna do another test fire all that good stuff trying to fix our alternator wiring I'll tell you as we go let's get started [Music] job 1 done we got the car off the trailer we've got 4 hours of time left so the biggest priority right now for me to figure out is the alternator how to make the alternator work also we're gonna be trying to charge the battery in case we can't get the alternator to work so the truck has an AC outlet we have a battery charger with us we're gonna back the truck up here move the Huracan to get really close to it run the battery charger across it to keep the truck powered on and that will charge the battery for the Huracan in case we can't get the alternator work we're gonna hope to try and limp it in to SEMA without and then we're gonna be jacking up the car I'm gonna get underneath it we're gonna start doing tests to see if we can get that alternator power right what we're gonna be doing is we're just gonna take about a battery positive wire and we're gonna be connecting it to the two different pins underneath to the alternator to just see how it responds how it reacts if it kicks on and starts functioning under any configuration at all if we nail the configuration we'll wire it up permanently like that and we'll be great so this alternator issue is like the big one technical issue everything else that's on the to-do list to go into SEMA is very simple like just bolting stuff on the wide body kit on those side skirts all that stuff [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] battery voltage 13.3 last-minute fix oh my god the Sun is out let's go yes you guys that is unbelievably huge so it took I was under there for an hour and a half super cramped spaces trying to work in there and trying to figure out what needed to happen to make that work I was trying different configurations and whatnot multiple tries didn't work I finally got it configured the correct way the thing that we started to realize is the battery was dying on this car we were getting very low I was trying to charge it with the Raptor and that wasn't working at all and so if we had no battery we had no way to drive this thing even to the convention center to get into SEMA so we were like seriously gonna have to ask people to help us push it anyways it was it was becoming a nightmarish situation but it is all salvaged now because we got that thing on there so now time check it is 6:03 I have two and a half hours till I have to be out of here so we're going to go ahead and I'm going to finalize the fix that I did make that as permanent as possible then we got to start installing side skirts rear diffuser plating and wide body kit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my god you guys we did it we built we built the render this is this is so insane this is so insane we got the wide body kit on it is not bolted down yet that's something that we're gonna do inside the Garrett booth once we get in there this car looks absolutely gorgeous from every single angle you can see why I really wanted to get those vents in there because it helps kind of kind of you know the turbos are still high but it helps kind of level stuff out you guys it's so cool it's so cool every single way the front is white and the back is black we have a car that changes colors as it does actually change colors shift Chuck I don't know I don't even know what I'm saying anymore I haven't slept in four days I was and I'm so proud right now it's just it's unbelievable I don't even know how to handle myself but I do know how I have to handle myself we have to drive this thing into SEMA its first drive is gonna be out this thing we're gonna hooker right there we're gonna drive to the convention center and we got to drive this thing into SEMA this is so unreal I'm so proud of the guys my team and everything this is just this is unbelievable five months five months we took this car from being burnt in half first LS swapped Huracan first stick-shift Huracan in the world fastest stick-shift Huracan in the world all right well I could sit here and drool over this thing all day long thank God I get to keep it so I can drift forever we got to get the hood on and we got to get going it's like we got a little residual oil it's fitting for the Berta con we've got a little residual oil from our oil leak that's on that exhaust wrap I'm gonna try and just let it burn off for a little bit because we can't really drive in a seam out like this people are gonna get pissed we're out of time we're just going to go for it keep an eye on it as it as it goes driving will only help get rid of it our cool temperatures are doing really good they're going down somehow which is awesome I think our fans are working really well I'm not sure this is fantastic I don't know if I showed you guys the details of this high-tech dashboard but it is awesome we got all the information we want red lights and everything I mean it's just so good we're driving it we're driving the middle and let's pop back on it Vegas barely have Briggs this is like driving level like Corvette like you just you have to really push the brakes we have no brake booster right now I don't know why we installed it all correctly but that's okay it's a small problem this is insanity Maira smoke is almost completely burned off which is great and so the next mode we see will really mean that we're on fire cool attempts are holding well oil pressure is good let's do this two more miles I'll make it to SEMA we're good slept in four days oh no we're out of gas oh my god what if we're out of gas [Applause] that was a pretty steady run out of gas and heard a couple blips this is our gas station anywhere do you want to try starting up or we can get ready to push I mean with how much traffic is here we can probably pretty safely push yeah oh my god we ran out of gas Oh No is it written oh yeah it's green nah no chain I'm gonna see if we can be read I thought we had more than that how do we run out of gas I I don't think we're out of gas although that really seemed like an out of gas come on start now whoosh alright guys so now I'm really really late I'm going to try and tell the story as best I can basically we ran out of gas I can definitely just tell by the way it died and then we kicked it back on again hey just like it got a little bit of juice but then it just died out so we're out of gas it didn't want to restart when we were on the road over there because all the water pumps were running is pulling too much voltage we couldn't get enough for the starter to kick over in the future we're gonna need to make some sort of a design so we can kill switch those things if we don't want them to be automatic apparently there's a gas station like right around the corner I'm gonna sprint to the gas station buy gas we'll fill up the gas tanks and then we'll get back on the road added a couple gallons of gas and it fired right up I think it was either a pressure thing because we actually only have the vent closed off or we ran out of gas not really sure but with a couple gallons like I said it's back on so I'm out of breath I've been running I'm so now we're ready to hit the road turbos still spinning you guys the cars here we've made it to SEMA we got the car to SEMA this is an unbelievable feeling I have to run off and do a young guns Kyle and tovarisch are gonna work together on getting this thing into the Garrett booth so we can continue working on it after young guns judging tonight we did it our first truck was in the middle of Las Vegas it's so awesome it drives so insane all right into the booth damn that looks good so Kyle and tovarisch actually helped out getting the car the rest of the way into the booth yesterday then I did all my young guns judging stuff got that out of the way it's about nine o'clock right now and Chelsea and I are here to kind of put the final touches on the car so we had during shipping one of our vents popped out so we got to glue that thing back in there's still some protective wrap on a little bit of the of the vinyl so we got to make sure that is taken off as well the white body kit is not fastened down so that's something that we want to look into make sure that we can get it all nice and tightened down to the car and we got a new steering wheel so we're gonna get to work I'll update you guys in a second [Music] all right so Justin I've just been working on cleaning up some basic things I've been cleaning off the threads that had resin on them from our wide body kit so we can hopefully tighten it down although we'd like to pull the whole quarter off to do this I'm gonna try and just sneak around and get what I can get for the show howdy re is doing well is out Sparco one is in and we have the quick release that's going to space it off my adapter came in the mail we picked it up at the hotel this morning so that's the adapter just test fit in there right now so we're gonna go adapter quick release wheel and it should be in great placement [Music] steering wheel is a huge success it looks really really good in here I can still access my paddle shifters just fine which is really important for me because these are gonna be our blinkers when we get home and I just glued in our nice little trim piece for our shifter boot and then so it's got a little electrical tape on holding the glued piece down as soon as we come in in the morning we'll rip that off nobody will know anything there's a little bit too much gluing going on in the center console than I would have liked but yeah what are you gonna do [Music] alright guys well it is midnight on Monday meaning SEMA officially opens tomorrow morning and we have to get out of here now let the car is finally complete we got the body kit cleaned up chased all those threads out and then actually used nuts and bolts to attach it there and then back we clean the whole car fixed our hood vent got our steering wheel in there I got a shifter boot cleaned up everything everything is looking great our exhaust colored up really nicely from our Drive today so it looks really good the back is killing it we put these little guys on here I don't even know what they're called but we we had a talk of the shop on the last day and we decided that we wanted to go with I'm not off the Super Trofeo kit kinda helps fill out that back end a little bit it looks phenomenal it's exactly what I wanted to build it exactly matches the render I am I am really really stoked to unveil this thing tomorrow one last piece Lamborghini emblem I don't know if there's a hole there's no nothing on this car gets on there without building that holds too small I'm gonna just roll out that hole and then I could install my emblem and make this build be done alright guys I got the ammo on it looks amazing now this thing is under wraps this is gonna be hidden until our unveil which is tomorrow the opening day I've seen at 2:00 p.m. I'll catch you guys up there [Applause] we'll talk about this one apostle of the devil yeah let's hope another body flying off with it in other words so you have no character very part of the building so this so thank you thank you very much so we've got some really really cool exhaust work they sounded me they've got the drive for the first time on the super Las Vegas which Terry Gross would depart out of twice on the way here no we got Bobby last minute order to pull everything on the star except when the roof is on fire department or penalty kind of a way 2,700 yeah we've got first stick-shift LS swap work on in the world we're very proud of it enjoy guys anybody wants pictures I have something like that will be Thanks [Music]
Channel: B is for Build
Views: 1,253,659
Rating: 4.8767333 out of 5
Keywords: acura, aston martin, audi, bentley, bmw, Buick, cadillac, chevrolet, dodge, ferrari, fiat, ford, gm, gmc, honda, hyundai, infinity, jaguar, jeep, kia, lamborghini, land rover, lexus, maserati, mazda, mclaren, mercedes, mini, mitsubishi, nissan, porsche, ram, rolls royce, subaru, tesla, toyota, volkswagen, volvo, sema 2019, engine swap, huracan, ls swap, manual, stick shift
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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