Unused Items in Enter the Gungeon (Enter the Gungeon Cut Content)

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so this video has been promised for a while and I decided to just do it clean up the horrific leech odd backburner and finally get this done introducing all the cut items I could find for enter the gungeon this is going to be split into several parts items that have EMA nomicon entries that accompany them items that don't items they only exist as orphaned text strings etc I will also put a series of time stamps both on the screen right now and in the video descriptions you can skip around as you please because I realize that this video might get a bit long since the ones with descriptions are fewer a number and more interesting there we going first I see no need to prolong this description any further you already know what the video is all about so let's begin brittle bullets risk/reward greatly increases firepower all equipped ammunition will shatter upon receiving damage it takes an idiot to do cool things that's why it's cool apparently this item can appear in the paradoxes loadout as part of glitch causing the held gun to splinter everywhere upon the player taking damage and needing to be recollected from all around the room before it becomes usable once more unfortunately I wasn't able to get footage of this glitchy unfinished effect but if anyone does manage to capture it and I learn about it after the publication of this video I'll add it to the description so hopefully you can get a more visual explanation ceremonial sword the S word a ceremonial sword not for combat bladed weaponry would normally incite the wrath of the jammed but the ceremonial sword is blunted and cannot be used for combat it's unclear what the ceremonial sword would do but its description is stored under the title of cool sword meaning it's possible that the sword would affect the coolness stat cue bullets bullet can corner pocket substantially increases knock back on kills enemies hit by corpses take damage a prominent gunga near of a bygone era named blast Eddy famously used these bullets to outshoot his rival in one of Winchester's games apparently this would make every enemy killed at clint once smacked with cacey also it introduces us to the unusual law character of cost eddie seen nowhere else in the game and also gives mention of his strange and unseen rival these four items i've already gone over in my unused content of a farewell to arms video the emerald bracelet the fairy wings the hunter's journal and the hero's sword the reason why I went over them there is because they can be cheated into the game using mod the gungeon and actually used as of the farewell to arms update long story short the Emerald bracelet makes guns you throw come back the fairy wings let you fly leaving charming goop when you roll the hunter's journal increases the drop rate and the hero's sword is an active item that lets you shiv enemies for high damage but with dangerously low range emerald bracelet thrown guns return the emeralds in this bracelet are extremely jealous they will force any thrown gun to return just so no other hand can hold them fairy wings enchantment a pair of enchanted wings which grunt flight your caterpillar friend has met him or foes into a wondrous creature and that wondrous creature is a spine fly which burrows into the spinal columns of vertebrates the survivors of this parasite sprout wings hunters Journal lock or skill slightly increases drop rate filled with maps and the answers to half-forgotten riddles ever since the hunter was a child she had a knack for finding things and heroes sword enter the sword gem an elegant weapon though perhaps obsolete now in case you were wondering what that talk of caterpillars was in the description of the fairy wings that leads us right into the next unused item a companion called The Hungry Caterpillar it still sport a bull via the console but it doesn't really do anything here's its description Hungry Caterpillar feeds on Hearts there is a caterpillar following you it appears to be hungry for Hearts modders have been able to determine that the caterpillar would have originally eaten heart drops in one form or another and upon eating enough it would metamorphosis into the fairy wings whether or not the caterpillar had other effects beyond this metamorphosis is unknown following in the vein of cut companions we have the raccoon raccoon sliced scuba helps to navigate dangerous areas in another era this raccoon was a very successful thief however after dabbling in time travel he became obsessed and put an end to his thievin career in favour of the infinite treasure of the gungeon this little trash gremlin was originally meant to physically carry the player through dangerous trap rooms in the gungeon without any harm to them this effect was also discovered by modders and is so functional that the raccoon has already been modded back into the game by certain folks there is this reddit post explaining that the raccoon won't be added because he was called away on a sneaking mission but the real reason for his removal is unknown finally for unused companions with a mono makan entries or at least what I assumed to be a companion the Fairweather friend Fairweather friend while the going is good a hanger-on to the healthy and prosperous we don't know what the fair with a friend looks like or how they acted the most we can assume is that they would abandon you once things started to go south in your Gunjan run friends like these a next up the monster ball a thinly veiled pokeball the monster ball is described thusly monster ball 100% catch rate captures enemies and charms them upon release ancient monster trainers tried to use these balls to domesticate inhabitants of the gungeon according to local legend and it Celts through one of these a taboo holster it didn't work however a did force the beast to blink which allowed Celts to escape more proof if any was needed that eccentric big game gunsmith Emmett calcs is insane also nice little anecdote to tell the player it doesn't work on bosses now entering the ring a ring the ring of giant strength to be more precise ring of giant strength throw harder increases thrown weapon damage this ring bestows incredible physical strength unfortunately there are a few benefits to physical strength from the gungeon it's really a shame that more of these thrown gun items didn't make it into the game because they may well have been able to make throwing guns a viable strategy maybe another ring referencing another character in Dungeon Law is the ring of lightning resistance ring of lightning resistance grounded prevents damage from electricity a ring originally worn by Alastair the Thunderbolt the gemstone set in the golden band is cracked down the middle while electrical hazards do appear in the gungeon in the form of electrified water but its appearance is so situational and rare that it's barely worth mentioning plus the robot is already immune to this form of electricity electricity immunity was added as one of the effects of the hazmat suit item which also protects against the electrical beams from the shock wave modifier in challenge mode possibly another form of electrical damage that the ring of lightning resistance would have protected against the final source of electrical damage I can think of as daisies which the hazmat suit doesn't protect against take that all as you will another cut item referencing Alastair the thunderbolt the Thunderbolt Thunderbolt shrinks and days --is shirts and days as enemies for a brief period of time said to contain the soul of a famous gun janilla we already know that Alastair died in the gungeon and it looks like this item literally contains his trapped soul some people who died in the gungeon are never seen again some come back and some become ghosts and that really really unlucky ones get turned into active items and shoved in a chest also the effect of shrinks and days --is is quite literal Matta Apache Thunder discovered an unusual effect in dungeons code that would literally cause enemies to reduce in size presumably intended to be used by this item katana sword of doom swordplay is forbidden and only the most powerful almost ignorant individuals can get away with using any melee weaponry angers the jammed like the hero's sword I used to think that the katana was a gun but now I'm not so sure both its sprite and description are stored and amongst other passives and actives a treatment no other gun gets so why would the katana be any different possibly something to do with the ninja but we can't be sure scroll of wonder wonder wonder wonder a transformative spell of incredible power the wizard Albin's small-bore theorized that the more power was put into a spell the less could be known about its outcome the spell is immensely powerful the sign of reference is the law character of Albin's small bore a strange wizard who would enchant items in weird ways just because he could the description of his item implies that it would be incredibly unpredictable which makes me think that it had a random effect the line about it being transformative could just mean the spell itself transforms but it could also mean that the spell is designed to transform something else another piece of paper comes in the form of the thirst for vengeance thirst for vengeance taking you with me slaying an enemy just before dying prevents death sometimes getting even as all you've got left this one is pretty self-explanatory you kill something it prevents your death moving on almost done with the items with a manoa kaan entries we have two unused table tags table tech hole flip oblivion this forbidden technique causes flipped tables to increase exponentially in mass collapsing almost immediately an apocryphal text of the tableau sutra of which we cannot flip we must pass over in silence and table tech life children of the flip this forgotten technique causes flipped tables to gain sentience however briefly an apocryphal text of the tabla sutra this ancient scroll invokes the table grommet in the four-letter name of table tables our coal is obvious you flip a table and it makes a black hole simple enough table tech life is more interesting while its effect is also spelled out very clearly I struggle to imagine bringing a bunch of tables to life and having them presumably run around attacking enemies it sounds like beautiful beautiful chaos the only real issue is that we have to work visually for tables stone tables coffins metal tables and portable tables which would be a lot of work to implement and the final item with an ammo nomicon entry is a master round the ultimate master round master round final chamber this impossible artifact indicates mastery of the final chamber a holy shell simply looking upon it bestows a great peace upon your soul the gungeon is at rest this is an unused master round four bullet hell confirmed by the text dumps calling its entry mastery token health mastery token by the way is the internal term for master round this item on its own is an exciting prospect as it confirms to us that no single gun janilla or indeed figure in dungeon history has been able to acquire them all but it also has another implication that might be immediately obvious the boss of bullet hell is the Lynch the lich upon being killed instantly ends the game because it is the end of the game there is nothing after not only as there no use for a master round at that point in the game there is no possible opportunity for the player to even pick it up if a master round was implemented into bullet hell it would imply the existence of something else after bullet hell which is something that the devs have implied they wanted to add more unless in another video now that we've covered all the items with descriptions we move on to the items that we only have sprites on there are a lot more items in this category but I should get through each individual one quicker because there's a lot less to say on each one I would like to point out that some of these items have had their sprites reused mainly in the gungeon acquisitions Department for decoration I do believe that these sprites were meant to be items because otherwise why would they be stored with all the items sprites regardless I'll still list them let's get started jeans and alien jeans maybe jeans assistir bulk standard pair of denim jeans whereas alien jeans maybe has an extra leg also alien jeans maybe spells jeans as in the bits of DNA that control heredity not the denim pants so I guess that makes this a pun alien jeans band-aid due to the size of its sprites the band-aid may have originally been a pickup and probably had something to do with healing Frere has two different sprites and an odd spelling of the typical bear a that seems to be a reference to the Barrett gun I don't know how to pronounce Barrett as a ferret too far right I don't know how to pronounce the bull of gun because I looked it up and I couldn't find any belt feeder might have been an original form of the drum clip perhaps logo those items name and appearance is in reference to a video file format known as files are primarily used for FMV sequences and video games so that maybe has something to do with it blank personality an expressionless version of the disarming personality using the color palette of the blank the Emma nomicon entry of the Holy Grail is referred to internally as the blank personality description so it's likely that the blank personality was renamed and re skinned into the Holy Grail and may have had the same effect blueblood an IV bag containing blue presumably blood blue-blooded is a common term meaning royal so that's probably where the idea for this item came from though I have no idea why it's spelled BL o o box green and box red identical boxes are so from their colors they appear to contain shells bucket it's it's a bucket bucket helmet it's a bucket with a visor hole cut in it presumably to be worn on the head bullet barrel a dirty yellow barreled bobble shield this item is actually functional in game and behaves really weirdly it's an active with sprites of small purple candy similar but not identical to the magic sweet it gives a brief version of the potion of lead skin effect and charges every two rooms yeah brooms unlike all other active items that charge with damage done the bubble shield charges based on rooms cleared like a binding of issac item or something weird but there's not that much more to it car battery may have either had something to do with electric damage or active item charge if we're working on Isaac logic cartographers assistant a little gray in red dude Ed gizmo thing I what's it I don't actually know what it is is it alive it's described as an assistant is it a robot this item may have had something to do with whoa barn a famous cartographer in dungeon lore responsible for the dungeon blueprint among other things regardless it will probably have had something to do with the map censorship it's a black censor bar chamber hammer a hammer using the cylinder of a gun as its head chest a head messages now I don't think these messages are the appearance of the actual item itself and were probably meant to be the effect of some item likely indicating the general direction of a chest then again this is a lot of speculation so think what you will cleats just in spiked boots climbing glove a big green glove that's unclear what this item would actually do since climbing isn't really a mechanic and Gunjan the only real verticality based mechanic I can think God would be pets that you've falled down meta coin a giant golden coin featuring a picture of a revolver nents skull on one side and a gun cylinder on the other this coin has sprites for spinning and that coupled with its name meta coin means that this coin may have been a pickup as opposed to an item namely an original form of the hegemony credit a lot of things in the breacher referred to as meta for example cadence and ox are meta shopkeepers it would make sense to spend something known internally as the meta coin at a place known internally as the meta shop contract a written contract marked with a red wax seal my immediate thought is that have deals with demons devils or some other trickster entity but it could just as easily be an employment contract crown there are two different types of crown here a golden one and a gray metal probably led one inset with a red gem cup of coffee a simple cup of coffee subtitled with x 100 in reference to a future armor episode in which 100 cups of coffee induces hyperspeed the 100th cup of coffee is actually still referenced in dungeon in the description of shotgun coffee so it's likely that the idea for the cup of coffee was just recycled to the much more refined shotgun coffee deja vu ring-a-ring significantly smaller than all others in the game topped with a black cat this seems to be a reference to the matrix in which a black cats repeated actions are used as an example of deja vu demon souls probably a reference to the game of the same name it's likely that Demon Souls was a precursor item to the gun soul item that we have in the game today deposit key considering the meaning of deposit this is likely the key to something where something else was placed for safekeeping perhaps money dog head a rather grisly severed head of a grayish black dog with pronounced teeth and red eyes while perhaps barbaric it had probably be worse to try and hold the live version dog tags perhaps subjected with the marine considering he's really the only military fellow in the game donut it's just a donut double helix perhaps an early version of the helix bullets item Dragonheart a red recolor of the heart of ice item that despite its name looks nothing like the dragon's actual heart seem during his second phase egg salad has two different designs maybe could have been a health upgrade if we're going off the videogame food equals health logic elite badge I'm not sure if this is some sort of reference to another game but maybe it was an early design for the Galactic Medal of Valor fat man a big ol nuclear bomb possibly an early version of the big boy perks folks is probably my favorite description less code item I mean just look at it it's an angry little Terror beyblade with a cute face how could you not love it flexing arm could have had something to do with strength flop disk just a girl all floppy disk flubber bullet referencing the flying rubber from the 1961 film the absent-minded professor or more likely it's 1997 remake flubber bullets would likely have something to do with bouncing since that's kind of what flubber is known for in fact the description of bouncy bullets is referred to internally as flubber bullets meaning that flubber bullets was likely just renamed and re skinned into bouncy bullets for Parker an item referencing the fictional chief financial officer of devolver digital and protagonist of dodge roles first official game for Parker it also bears resemblance to the gunslingers poncho just with Fork Parker's face on it foz die I don't know who Falls is but this item appears to be a fox or a dog or something holding a knife in its mouth for a three-in-one special meat the gold bracelet and with this bracelet and sapphire bracelet the gold bracelet has a slightly different design to the two gemstone focused ones that are both visually similar to the ruby and emerald bracelets if we're following the theme of the existing bracelets of these items would likely have each had a different effect on thrown guns gr a membership a membership card for what I can only assume as the gungeon Rifle Association parodying the American NRA or National Rifle Association group photo a Polaroid snap of what I assumed to be the four main guns in ears gun stop credit and obvious parody of the soul-sucking eldred's entity that parades itself around pretending to be a company known as Game Stop I'm assuming JIT is a misspelling of chip on d'Arles part hair-trigger probably something to do with fire right halo not much else to say on this one hand-mirror probably reflected bullets or something handkerchief again I don't know what I can really extrapolate from this from here on out if I don't have anything to say about an item I'll just say its name and move on how about that horns clearly a symbol of the demon Illuminati gangsta communist computer God price pack either something to do with coolness or the frost effect I don't know that's not me saying that the sprite is literally called I dunno and looks like a pair of goggles but frankly try to know items again a weird title to go with a really weird sprite this was probably a debug or placeholder with a name like items there's some sort of green eye in a big green box item bullets key bullet bullets old designs for the key both as an actual key and as a cartoonish gold doodad kill a magic machine friendship possibly a companion it doesn't have sprites for walking around or anything though so we can't be sure knife could be a reference to mother's a knife from the binding of issac alternatively it could also have been the original appearance of knives summoned by the knife shield layer 1 and layer 6 weird D faulty items with the appearance of a green tube and a gray bar reading 90 kilograms files for layers 2 3 4 & 7 yep no.5 exist but are just empty image files overall like an unconsidered a bar gonna leaf lens two different forms one blue one red which bullets maybe an original design for Lich's eye bullets but that's just a theory a game theory liquid metal body an obvious reference to the Terminator franchise it took me a while to realize what it's sprite portrayed before I realized it literally just spells out placeholder lump of space metal these lumps can be seen floating around in the pilots past magnet magnet helmet an obvious reference to magneto from x-men master exploder comes in two different forms that have an abstract green v-shape and a classic red plunger box detonator may have been the original form of the eye bomb companion air another spice the item here in the floor of a nord tarnished rat master round which was presumably intended to be given as a reward for defeating the resourceful rat without taking a single hair I don't know maybe it is in the game it's not like anyone would ever get it anyways huh matchsticks there are sprites for lit matchsticks spiraling through the air so presumably it had something to do with throwing matches mortar a simple mortar and pestle though mortar is probably also a sly reference to the artillery variety Mazda Sphere a straight-up poker ball with a misspelled name probably an early version of the monster ball moving box now these moving boxes appear in challenge mode as part of the zone control modifier but I don't know if that was their original intent seeing as this sprites are stored among items despite them having nothing to do with any item also wipe all the moving boxes I mean you had their boxes and move but it's kind of a given muff may be short for muffle I hope it's short for muffler mugga suds nerves of steel the a Manama con entry for the riddle of lead is referred to internally as nerves of steel meaning that nerves of steel may have just been renamed and re skinned into the riddle of lead next quarter could be a reference to financial quarters old man bullet engineers these days no respect fish booze comes in three different flavors green purple and red perhaps it had something to do with creep pile of souls while it bears resemblance to the soul lump left behind upon dying of gun soul these are different sprites pill red yellow while it is virtually identical to another sprite I'll get to later called diazepam it explicably has a different name pocket watch poncho well it shares some similarities with the gunslingers poncho namely color scheme it's definitely not the same one pouches a collection of pockets and pouches presumably for holding things power up there are actually five different unused powerup items three of which spell power with a space and two of which don't there's a flat blue powerup a green power with an L and a purple powerup with either a D or a P there's also these large red PE power-ups with wings and crowns one simply known as power up and the other one known as power up plus purple ring it bears resemblance to the gemstone inset into the staff that makes the staff of fire power so they might be related radar rat bud an unused companion seen in teaser images for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons update and known internally as rat bud his effect is unknown rat to die virus a spiraling rat tail contained inside a glass vial it's possible that this item was intended to kill off the resourceful rat and prevent him from stealing but this benefit was instead given to the resourceful indeed transformation red button red pill another obvious matrix reference red shoes and red shoes bigger both sonic references both likely increased movement speed and both likely replaced by ballistic boots religion and religion I'm not sure if religion is meant to be a joke pun nor just a typo regardless religion is represented by the Christian cross and religion is represented by the head of Isaac from The Binding of Isaac reversed polarity sonic screwdriver a doctor who reference clearly but why specifically reversed polarity it seems so specific ring of boomerang mastery may be bullets comeback ring of invisibility it has two different designs one large one small both rings are very clean and smooth simple elegant gold rock bullets rusty coin may have originally been a pick up considering that money in the gungeon was originally Getty coins but what would a rusty coin pick up even be worth saws mask a medical mask referencing the ones worn in real life to protect against severe acute respiratory syndrome or SARS scary mask shoulder holster a shoulder-mounted cousin to the hip holster smart bullets dat Barrino bullets smoked well may have actually been a visual effect associated with some item or another that's the issue with God rules asset organization they leave a lot of stuff around which is good for me but they also leave stuff in weird places so I can't trust that everything in an item sprite folder is an item so when something inherently suspicious like this pops up I got to clarify that I'm just doing my best over here soul of a Lost Space Marine may have had something to do with the marine soul of an automaton may have had something to do with the robot space pox micro a bacterium of the space pox spread by the pox cannon Spock reactor eneloop as far as I can tell eneloop as a brand of long life battery owned by Panasonic this item is weirdly named speed potion an elixir in the vein of the potion of lead skin or the potion of gun friendship if I had to guess it wasn't active for a temporary speed up stud finder suit of armor this seems to use the sprites of the gun Knight chest plate but with extra bits of armored sleeve summoning book a ratty book with animations for being flung open there are also VFX animations for magical green orbs appearance spiraling away labeled as the summoning books VFX I'm assuming synthesis animated the summoning book would have been an active item that summon something amazing inside only on this channel T Stauffer the t likely stands for time evidenced by the fact that the Amma no mokou nature of the aged bell is stored internally as T stopper implying that the T stopper was renamed and re skinned into the aged Bell table Tec mirror a table Tec that probably made flipped tables reflective table tech time a table tech that probably slowed down time when a table was flipped an effect that was likely just given to table Tech's site instead table Tec table flip a table tech that had something to do with sequential and possibly recursive table flips Turin ER a reference to a medical item of the same name in Yakuza terrible ammo bag terrible leather jacket maybe had something to do with the terrible ammo bag the password setting aside that the password is apparently gone the appearance of this item is used for the achievement the password that you get by accessing the hidden market via a demon face in this context the password may have had something to do with access to the hidden market thumbs up two different forms one slightly tilted Tiger eye other than the probable eye of the tiger reference the item broccolis Amano makan entry is referred to internally as eye of the tiger so the tiger eye may have been renamed and we read you know what you get the point by now you get the point time code tattooed training droid trash may be an early form of junk treasure man a ratty map full of holes tweezers this item dates back to the games pre-alpha and was turned into the mo synthesizer in the current version of the game as evidenced by you guessed at the internal name of the ammo sense ammo nomicon entry that calls it the tweezers 20-sided die it's a d20 so obviously it's either going to be a D&D reference a random effect or both the uranium u 92 references of uranium is placed on the periodic table although it does sound like a boyband x-ray there are two very different forms of the x-ray and x-ray printout of a human upper body I was setting off fireworks it's the middle of the day some people anyways yeah there are two different forms of the x-ray and x-ray printout of a human upper body and a simple green X and finally said shirt or if you're American a Z shirt we called a zebra barbarians the Z shirt is yet another item that got recycled and exposed as a recycled thanks to its internal AM anomic on entry name in this case it was turned into the coolness giving ballot what a call Zed shirt Oh actually there are two more things to add to this list the fat laser and secret handshake are items that exist as image files but a completely empty like the lair files from earlier I don't know why they like this but take it as you will okay I didn't actually realize how many of those there were until I wrote out that entire part of the script and I'm starting to long for the days before written language again I've got a bit more to go over but rest assured it won't take nearly as long as all that as you may have noticed a lot of times over the course of reading I made reference to the fact that some items in the game have their description strings in the a Manama Const order under titles that are different to their current names whenever I found an item sprite that matched one of those names I made note of it since the old item was likely meant to fill that slot but got changed I'm simply going to read the weird name and show an image of the item with an actual name on screen vampire armor gaseous nimble fingers a nice smile secret of the ooze condenser cathedral crest slow barrel packs gun hammer of dawn alright before we continue I'm gonna I'm gonna take a small break here let's look at something nice and cathodic yeah yeah moving on from completely weird items there are also a bunch of old versions of items that still exist I'll run through them quickly now a fancy a badge a clone in a fat cursed bullets with gray metal and red eyes three different forms of diazepam one being a really small red and yellow pill one being a really large red and green pill and one being a pill bottle a much more rotund fat bullets forged bullet an early version of the bullet that can kill the past as evidenced by the fact that all the bullet component sprites are referred to as forged bullet components a crappier looking version of fortunes favor a small med kit labeled as health pack heavy bullets looking like some smooshed laird or a boot or something a blast helmet with no place for a brain magic bullets leaking purple smoke stuff a metal skin potion which is clearly an earlier form of the potion of lead skin even has the same sprite name metronome being an actual metronome nanomachines looking like a much smaller robot dude and gray two different early forms of the number two headband one labelled as the number one headband presumably because that was its original name a ration looking like a biscuit or a bowl of food a smoke bomb more resembling the regular bomb this book called the strategy guide by it sprites however the military training item is also called strategy guide by a sprites so we can assume that the strategy guide is simply a very early form of military training we have two darker versions of the sunglasses item one of which is labeled sunglasses inexplicable clothing parentheses deal with it clothing current the C's and finally a bulkier crappier version of the Supply Drop item labeled as the walkie Durfee next up I'm gonna blast through all the items in the game with sprites that aren't named appropriately for what they are this will make sense in a moment I'm gonna do what I did with the wrongly named text rings just read the names show the item well there are a few typos in here there on dodgeballs part not mine all of this is secret scriptum amber blam youlet better bullet busted dragon boots chamber of evil crown of the coin king diazepam emerald bland ulis family crest flame shod future time mover happiness maybe hero's cape ice cub loyalty badge out powers combined over worldly I peep Boy Club you'll on quest for vengeance Raiden ship ring of corporeal form ring of snake ruby blam youlet sapphire blam youlet scorpion hook sunglasses Spider climed boots stone blam youlet strategy guide table tech Pierce and amethyst blam you let okay I have one final collection to show you today it seems as though certain active items were meant to have synergy forms that altered their appearance like a lot of guns do but these synergy forms were never implemented either these synergies just don't exist in the final game or they do exist but they don't change the items appearance I could only find 5-1 the boomerang with the appearance of a Batarang presumably for the gunner ranked synergy with the utility belt - a jar of wasps appearances of a jar of bees presumably for the B+ synergy with the honeycomb 3 an upgraded golden form of the trusty lock picks presumably for the unused reinforced to lock pecs synergy with the master of unlocking this energy would have buff to the lockpick success chance to 80% hence the gilded beautiful lockpick appearance for a blue form of the napalm strike labeled as napalm water while this one isn't as obvious I'd guess it was for use in the napalm B's synergy with the mega dousing since you know fire water and 5 a fancy beefier version of the Supply Drop with a nice grip this one also seems to be used for an unknown synergy known as Supply Drop Update in reference to the major guns an update of the same name this synergy was between the Supply Drop and the Galactic Medal of Valor and had an unknown effect okay it's all done I'm really sorry if this video dragged on for a while I've just noticed myself missing things and making a lot of mistakes in videos gone past and I didn't want this video to be there I wanted to be completely comprehensive even if it meant it took a while which is why I went as far as to route out weird item names and text strings I told myself I wasn't gonna let anything slip through the cracks at least cut content wise I've probably missed a reference somewhere and I'm gonna get a bunch of comments about that also maybe mr. passive item or something it's really difficult to be comprehensive when it comes to guns and files you should actually see them anyways after that little wine down well I hope you found at least two things in this video mildly interesting I've got to go um I've got it asleep honestly I've got to sleep I'm so tired see ya [Music] belts feeder might have been an original and an innovative minute and I know a simple cup of coffee subs a simple cup of coffe I sent back up at I forgot my dad for the road black sea sell cheese she sells seashells on the seashore she sells seashells on the seashore see sure she tried she shot a fish I will speak the words correctly vocal exercises make you sound ridiculous since the old item was likely meant to fill that slot but got changed our
Channel: Nevernamed
Views: 104,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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