Yet Another Array of Unused Gungeon Bric-a-brac

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hello and in this video I'm going to be going through miscellaneous unused content of the gungeon I'll probably think of a more clever and original title for it before I upload it so whatever it actually ends up being called you'll know about it when you see it but um yes unlike a lot of my recent videos this one isn't scripted I'm just gonna go through with what I know so yeah I will say that this is probably going to be the last significant collection of miscellaneous unused content that I'm able to put together because again there's only so much of it that is possible to be found now that doesn't mean this is going to be the last unused content video however because I still have to talk about unused guns and unused items and I've decided that unused guns and unused items will be their own videos because of the sheer amount of them anyways this video has a few categories but I think I'm just going to start off with miscellaneous the black sword guard known as the wolf troop in the files can be seen lying on the ground outside of the black sword manner in the hunters past all you can really do with them is interact with them and the hunter will say that she incapacitated them or something along the lines of they might wake up I don't remember the exact line but she's incapacitated these guards outside of the manor now there are sprites in the files that seem to indicate that the black sword guard was supposed to be capable of moving around and fighting meaning it was likely supposed to be similar to the hegemony soldiers from the convicts past or the Imps from the Marines past and that it was supposed to be an enemy that would be summoned to aid in the fight or at least present in the past Bowlby chests or as um when I say it out play skip out loud the sprites call them chests Bowlby or Baldy chest if we put the words in the right order okay not my fault stop it stop anyways there are sprites in the files for different chests that have a remarkably different style to modern gunjan there are two different types of bold bold II chests as they're called I don't know why they felt the need to call them Bowlby chests I'm gonna move swiftly on from this because apparently I have the humor of a 12 year old something from the text dumps of the game we have this to do loading screen nugget loading screen law Nuggets loading screen text for testing thus implies that the game was originally intended to have law nuggets that would be displayed during the loading screens between each chamber but they were eventually just cut in favor of a nice simple bullet consoie ting himself into a chamber now these sprites are called the nerve space flail and the meatspace flail and they're stored alongside the sprites for a skeleton spiraling backwards these sprites would have been used in the time vortex after using the gun that can kill the past and it looks like originally the player was to have all of this skin peeled off them as they spiral downwards but this was cut in favor of them surviving I didn't include the skeleton here because it is actually used to an extent in that when you send some characters spiraling back through the portal they will appear as a skeleton instead now this is probably my favorite thing that I have to show you in this video on the 11th of May 2017 dave crooks of dodge roll tweeted out behold what is believed to be the oldest functional copy of gungeon pre pre alpha pre any oldest functional copy just a single screenshot of what appears to be there are several parts to the screen shop one alone super space turtle which has led several people to believe that super space turtle was originally intended to be a playable character a torch on the wall which isn't extremely remarkable but the walls themselves something I can note is that the walls themselves look a lot less like dungeon style of walls and you know makeup of rooms and a lot more like the nuclear throne style of doing levels now I don't know much of what to make of this it doesn't look like it's indoors at all it has a super space turtle on his own employing a playable character there are no guns in sight crying out loud we need to we need to band together as one and demand but that they hand over the pre alphas anyways moving on from that revelation we have this unused dialogue from taylor taylor's called the sherpa in the game's text dumped by the way the elevator sherpa to be more precise anyways unused text from taylor for something called the super boss rush upon selecting the boss rush he'd say very special challenge super boss rush and upon unlocking it he'd say hey i have a new elevator for you past killer you should check it out and the tech stumps there's also this dev note that says the super boss rush would have also required having beat the sewer the oubliette the resourceful rat the rival which is you know game speak for block nur the shopkeep maybe meaning the unused shopkeeper boss that i've talked about in the past the cathedral which is again game speak for the abbey and bullet hell as well as having beaten normal boss rush this implies that super boss rush wouldn't just have the normal bosses but the blob your lord the resourceful rat block nur the unused shopkeeper boss the old king and the lich finally in the miscellaneous section i harken back to one of the recurring characters apparently bunker while browsing reddit I came across this post from dodge roll Rubel talking a bit about bunker and what they actually are just to go a little deeper into bunker lore that was the third or fourth boss we ever made for the game it was a good test case for complex bullet patterns in a way that the Gatling goin beholder didn't really have at the time and led us to create our own bullet script code that is used heavily on every other enemy / boss in the game but the bunker itself was pretty static and uninteresting to fight hints it was cut so yeah bunker was largely used as a test to test bullet patterns and it was the third or fourth boss ever made for the game this actually brings me around to a question I've talked about unused snippets like the bunker or the bullet Bishop a lot over a multitude of videos but there's no proper video that has everything I know about them all in one place so here I asked would you guys be ok with me making specific videos about bunker where I just put everything that I know about him that I've spread out over all these videos into one concise place I absolutely adore the fact that these videos can be used as a reference for people wanting to know about cut content or law and I think something like having a devoted what is bunker video would be beneficial to that goal depending on the response to this question I'll see what I do in future moving on from miscellaneous the section is going to be full of cat NPCs these range from slightly significant roles to met I barely even remember if he is cut but I have checked and they are all cut so just just hold tight the first cut NPC is simply known as goon it's a weird yellow gremlin thing that has the aesthetic of the convicts past and is even stored with those sprites so presumably it's one of the convicts toady's that was cut one of the toady's is still left in the past however he's a green guy and he's referred to in the sprites as goon too so apparently they made this goon and they made the other goon and they decided that the original goon was not worth keeping in next up this beefy lad is simply called the gunsmith now because of the way he's cut off at the chest this implies that he'd sort of be standing behind a counter or something or a table and I have two theories one he's an original version of the blacksmith or two he's an original form of belleau or three he's a cut merchant entirely I said two theories in the night said three not recording that I'm living that and so you can realize how silly I am now this gunsmith lad isn't completely cut from the game you can still see his head on a shelf behind bellow in the shop look for it next time you're in there you can see his head I don't know quite what this means but okay now moving on to what I'm sure as an unused version of the blacksmith we have this woman called the princess blacksmith like I said it looks like she would have been an original version of the blacksmith before it was changed to the blacksmith we know and love today personally I prefer the new variant she looks more alien but that's just me this fellas just adorable isn't he he's known as the MT shopkeep in the sprites he's just a green ball with little arms in a face he's stored with the sprites of cadence and ox which make me think he was originally supposed to take the place of cadence as a shopkeeper in the breach now the thing is hegemony credits are known internally as meta currency and the collection of sprites and which cadence ox this MT guy and another cut NPC I'm going onto later ahran is called the meta shopkeep collection so it's entirely possible that MT shopkeep is just a misspelling of meta shopkeeper this MT shopkeep guy has a variety of expressions ranging from unimpressed - screaming - f solutely furious and looking like he's about to stab you now we're on to this armored purple man thing from the Marines past yeah this NPC or enemy of whatever it is was cut from the Marines past you can tell because it's still in the collection for the Marines past because the sprites are sorted into different collections the sky simply known as the tough guy and he has sprites for gritting his teeth getting angry but in the end just looking constipated finally in this section we have this woman known as the witch keeper now I don't know if there's any relation here to the three witches in-game but I am 100% certain that the witch keeper was an early version of cadence the witch keeper and cadence share a lot of sprites including this one of them sleeping in the same chair that chair coincidentally is known as the witch keeper chair so yeah I don't know how she would have behaved if she'd have hidden behaved any differently but for some reason the devs decided that they were going to cut the witch Keeper and replace her with cadence the second to last segment is on traps now you got to keep in mind that I don't know how these traps would have functioned so take it all with a grain of salt but the sprite is called the blade trap of axe now my best guess is that this massive battle axe would swing back and forth it was probably cut because it doesn't really fit with the theme of dungeon you know being an axe and all moving on we have the blades trap bayonet not being a bayonet it fits a bit more with dungeon law but the thing that you've got to realize about guns and Laura's something being unholy doesn't depend on whether or not it is sharp it depends on whether or not you use it for meal a combat there's a cup item called the ceremonial sword that wasn't supposed to be cursed because it is blunted and cannot be used for combat meaning blunted weapons in the gungeon are fine meaning it's not the symbol of a knife that is unholy it is the use of meal a meaning even bayonets surprisingly enough would be unholy in the gungeon I really overanalyzed a bayonet anyways up next the sprite looks a lot more fleshed out than the last two it's called the bean turret now maybe this turret would have been in mine carts because you know the only other turrets I'm very aware of are in mine carts but my best guess what a bean turret would do is that it shoots a beam maybe it'll be like brimstone from Isaac where it's a flash beam or it would possibly be something like the demon head or it's a continuous beam that it waved around the room in a swathe possibly in a circle making you have to dodge a roll over it either way it seems like it would be a pretty annoying trap finally in this section we have the spinning spike I have two theories for how the spinning spike would have worked one it stayed in one place and if you walked into it you took damage or two it moved slash bounced around the room and you'd have to avoid it again I could be completely wrong but those are my best theories as to how this trap would function finally in this video I'm going to go through a collection of the most interesting cut dialogue that I could find this isn't all the cut dialogue from the game but it's definitely the highlights the most interesting selection I'd like to give a huge thanks to just would use a myriad four or five three for helping me with this cut dialogue section he's the creator of the unused content page on the wiki I'm not as familiar with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons as I'd like so he helped me filter through the text dumps and identify what was actually cut and what was actually implemented and AG indeed so everyone give him a round of applause anyways first up we have this line from Bello called fake fake remove this after III will Matt adventurer sample my worse another selection of lines called fake fake fake remove after III I'm not running a charity not enough shells sorry keep dreamin not gonna happen I've got a cat to feed these lines seem like they'd be played whenever you tried to buy something but didn't have the money for it instead if you actually try to buy something like that in the game he only has one line being worth in your wallet needs to reload then we've got this text for it looks like narration from the bullets past with a gun ins defeat ballistic mayhem returned to the gungeon and the evil king canons influence began to fade the kin returned once more to their flipped tables the gun jurors danced their arcane dances and all was well but what became of this nameless hero kin that is another story this is personally my favorite it's a cut line of dialogue from Gunther you know the talking living gun he's referred to as the mask gun in the tech stumps by the way I saw you looking at those other guns they got nothing on this those other guns may look like they have some kick but I don't have the razzle dazzle like I do you may think you want a steady relationship with a normal gun but I know you you like the wild ones next up is probably the most famous example of cut dialogue from the game a line from the pilot supposed to play after the boss of his past was beaten before him and Zed get away for now let's get all this highly addictive and illegal spice to our child buyers in the text dumps that liars stored with these dev notes so settle is this line but it's too dumb to do maybe write something better to end on here and the final thing I want to show you are these lines from Taylor from what appears to have been a press demo there are only two of them but they are Sherpa press demo walk away one and Sherpa press demo player damaged steady aim player nickname later he's you shouldn't even be able to get a gun in here that's another version of the gungeon that I want to see I want to see the pre-health I want to see the oldest version and now I want to see whatever this press demo was torille has so many things hidden away that I would cut off my toe to play anyways anyways that's all I have for you in this video it's like I said it'll be the last major cut content collection so I hope you enjoy I'm working on cut guns and cut items I'm also working on several more lore videos so it's not like I'm gonna be leaving you in the lurch see ya
Channel: Nevernamed
Views: 59,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enter the Gungeon, Cut Content, Unused Content, Cut NPCs, Cut Dialogue, Cut Enemies, Blacksword Guard, Wolftroop, Mtea Shopkeep, Green Hill, Meta Shopkeep, Witchkeeper, Gunsmith, Princess Blacksmith, Gunther, Tailor, Press Demo, Oldest Version, Super Space Turtle, Unused Dialogue, Unused Traps, Cut Traps
Id: AjIQob9GvLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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